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English Pembantu Penerangan s19

    Tipping is not a norm in our country because at most places, we would have already forked out a significant
amount of money under ‘service charge’, and it can be extremely nerve wrecking when you
have little choice but to hand over good money for bad service. Like many of our fellow countrymen, we have our
share of complaints about the often- appalling service in Malaysia. We are not sure if it is due to the culture of our
society, to the accelerating crime rate or just a general fear of coming across as vulnerable, but many of us seem
reluctant to act on our instincts.
    From a very young age, we have been taught to think before we speak and act. We are encouraged to rationalize
and make practical decisions that benefit us in the short and long run. Therefore, we are
crafting the perfect shield that prevents us from making hasty decisions that we may regret in future. So, when we
see a beggar on the street, we learn to ignore the sight of him holding out his bowl for money. After all, he may be
part of a syndicate out to swindle money from the general public.
     We couldn’t help but wonder when we had learnt to ignore our conscience and allowed caution, suspicion and
selfishness to cloud kindness and compassion. At the very core of it, most Malaysians have good intentions.
After all, we are known for our friendliness and warmth. We just have to learn not to be too selective on whom we
bestow that upon. Many a time we have the urge to say something or help someone, but we hesitate and the
moment passes us by. When we reflect, we are left with the feeling of slight regret, a feeling that we learn to
quickly brush aside. If you feel like doing something nice, kind and generous, don’t think too much or analyse it for
too long because before you know it, the moment will be gone and the chance is lost.

Soalan 1 hingga 5 berpandukan teks.

1) Why isn’t tipping a norm in Malaysia

A) Because tipping is similar to bribing
B) Because Malaysians are not sure of an amount to give as a tip
C) Because it is frustrating to give money over a poor service
D) Because an amount of money is given through service charge

2) The phrase ' to hand over good money for bad service ' means that
A ) to pay for a bad service
B ) to pay for a good service
C ) to reward service with money
D ) to reward regardless of the quality of the service

3) Many of us seem reluctant to act on our instincts is probably because we are

A) afraid
B ) excited
C ) nervous
D ) confused

4) What would be the best title for the passage?

A ) Let’s not make tipping a practice
B ) Society Norms versus Instincts
C ) Customer is always right
D ) Human complications

5) According to the passage, the following statements are true about Malaysians except
A ) most of them have good intentions
B ) they are known for their friendliness and warmth
C ) they like to make hasty decisions
D ) they seem reluctant to act on their instincts

Choose the answer that best explains the notices/signs below.

soalan 6 hingga 10


A ) Messages have to be brief.
B ) The notice board is for keeping messages.
C ) Messages must be concise and polite.
D ) Messages should be short and brief.


A ) Only people who stay at the hotel are allowed to park.
B ) The hotel does not provide free parking.
C ) The parking space is for the hotel.
D ) The valet has to register your car.

8 ) "Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.” 

A ) Only unsuitable candidates will be rejected.
B ) Only rejected candidates will be informed.
C ) Only selected candidates will be informed.
D ) Only candidates who are prepared to start work will be informed.

9 ) “Caution: Please consult doctor before embarking on exercising programme” 

A ) One must go for medical tests to be strong for the contest.
B ) One must be certified fit to participate in the exercise programme.
C ) One must follow the doctor’s advice after the exercise programme.
D ) One must follow the doctor’s advice during the exercise programme.

10 ) “Fast for at least 12 hours prior to the blood test“ 

A ) One must not take any food 12 hours before the blood test.
B ) One must fast 6 hours before and 6 hours after the blood test.
C ) One must reduce weight 12 hours before taking the blood test.
D ) One must not take any food within 12 hours after the blood test

11 ) The _________ climate in tropics enables crops like rubber and oil palm to grow. 
A ) cool
B ) cold
C ) warm
D ) hot

12 ) That was __________ flood in many years. 

A ) worse
B ) worse than
C ) the worse
D ) the worst

13 ) They received the reply ____________ than expected. 

A ) soon
B ) sooner
C ) the sooner
D ) soonest

14 ) Although he played _________, he still lost the game. 

A ) good
B ) better
C ) the best
D ) well

15 ) The traffic police _________ a surprise operation on road users last night.
A ) launched
B ) made
C ) created
D ) gave

Choose the answer which best keeps the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in the sentence.
soalan 16 hingga 20

16 ) A toddler is too *little* to take care of himself.

A ) young
B ) old
C ) soon
D ) much

17 ) Emma cried out with *happiness* at the beautiful present her sister gave her.
A) horror
B) dismay
C) delight
D) anger

18 ) The prisoner managed to get *away* yesterday and the police are still looking for him.
A) esteem
B) escape
C) enroll
D) hid

19 ) Many Malay movies nowadays are depicting different aspects of the society but *tendency* is still towards
producing love story.
A ) story
B ) trend
C ) design
D ) motive

20 ) Rina came home at 11.00 p.m yesterday and is extremely *tired*.

A ) bored
B ) delighted
C ) desperate
D ) exhausted

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