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GOVT. OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR \ OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER (DISTRICT MAGISTRATE) lore, (Vi New DC Office Complex Mini Secretariat, Kishtwar —_fasst*4", ‘Phone/Fax: 01995-261466/259555, Emalicrdckti@gmollcom, dkishtworjk@niin ® eS Subject: - Imposition of ban U/S 144 of Cr. PC onillegal use/sale/purchase of Portable Chains 3 : oe Saw (Mechanical Cutters) in District Kishtwar. Pepys Ty ORDER Whereas, it has been brought info the notice of this office, by the Divisional Forest Kishtwar vide ‘no. 987-88 DI:- 107.2020, thal alargenumber of damages are being done by forest smugglers as well as SFC contractors in the Forests of District Kishtwar by using the Portable Chain Saw (Mechanical Cutters); and Whereas, it has also been reported that after examining such type of portable chain saw (Mechanicol Cutters) and as per its specifications, itis clear that Mechanical wood cutters comes under primary wood based and secondary wood based industry as per SRO-103 of 2012 and use of the same's clear violation of Indian Forest Act, 1927; and Whereas, it has also been reported that Portable Chain Saw are easily available in the markets of District Kishtwar ond the forest/ timber smugglers are clandestinely damaging forests continuously by using the same; and. Whereas, it has also come to the nolice that such type of Portable Chain Saw (Mechanical Cutters) poses grave threat and challenge for forest protection as the timber smugglers/forest offenders are cutting the green trees in the forests of District Kishtwar and make illegal sale/purchase of the said smuggled timber/wood during the night hours; and Whereas, ithas also been reported that the villagers/local inhabitants particularly adjacent to the effected vulnerable forests have dumped the illegal and unauthorized smuggled timber in their residential houses oritsillegaluse/sale, whichis aheinous crime andnon-bailable offence; ond Whereas, | am convinced that the situation currently prevailing in the forests of District Kishtwar with respect to massive damages of green trees by the timber smugglers requires ‘urgent measures. Therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in me U/S 144 of Cr.PC, | Rajinder Singh Tara, KAS, District Magistrate, Kishtwar do hereby impose complete ban on the following activities:- 1, No person shall use/possess portable Chain Saw (Mechanical Cutters) within the 2. fertitortal limits of District Kishtwar, All the persons already possessing a Portable Chain Saw {Mechanical Cutters) shall immediately deposit them in their respective Police stations with concemed SHO's and all DFO's/ Range Officers aswellas SHOs//c Polce Poss shall ensure that the owners of the Portable Chain Saw (Mechanical Cutters) are dispossessed of the same, within a period of 07 days from issuance of this order; No stockiest/traders shall sell above such portable Chain Saw (Mechanical Cutters) to any individual/organization without proper permission of undersigned. “ Manual hand Saw owners shall register themselves with the concerned DFO's within @ period of 15 days from issuance of this order, failing which strict action shall be Initated against the defautters Scanned with CamScanner This order shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force for a perlod of 02 months from the date ofits issue. ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER SHALL INITIATE PENAL ACTION AS WARRANTED UNDER RELEVANT ‘SECTIONS OF LAW. Conservator of faet Doda/Senlor Superintendent of Police, Kishtwar ,concered DFOs ond SHOS/c pobe postsshall get the order implemented In letter andspirit. Issued under my seal & signature today on 13!" OF july 2020. Nor OM|k]a0]18 104 | Bt, 14-03-2020 {Rajinder fingh Tara) KAS, District Magistrate, Depulyicommissioner, “existed? Copy to the:- |. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu for kind information. . Dy. Inspector General ofPolice, H@ Batoteforinformation andnecessary action. . Conservator ofForests, Chenab Circle, Dodatorinformation andnecessary action. |. Senior Superintendent of Police Kishtwar forinformation and necessary action. . Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kishtwar for information andnecessary action. }. Sub Divisional Magistrate Chatroo/ Marwah/ Paddar for information and n/a Divisional Forest Officer, Kishtwar/ Marwah/ Doda for information andnecessary action. . All Tehsildar’s / All SHO’s/All I/C Police post of District Kishtwar, sd extend their full cooperation to the foes auhailes during the crackdown being launched against the deforestation/Timbersmugglers by the Forest Depertment. 9. Office record. Scanned with CamScanner

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