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UbD-based Lesson Plan

Title of Unit: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation Grade Level: 9

Topic: Non-Mendelian Inheritance – Multiple Allelism and Codominance Time Frame: 1 day

Subject Area: Science Designed by: Karen L. Apostol

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goal:
4. Explain the different pattern of Non-Mendelian inheritance.
4.1. Infer the certain traits do not always follow the Mendelian principles of heredity.

Students will understand that…
Essential Questions: ?
1. Multiple allelism is a condition where more than two 1. Why are there inherited traits which are expressed in more
alleles control a single trait, resulting to a greater variety of than two forms (phenotypes)?
phenotypes for the trait; 2. What explains the coinciding expression or appearance of
2. Codominance may result from multiple allelism, where two phenotypes for a single trait in an individual?
neither of two alleles is dominant over the other; this, in 3. How are multiple allelism and codominance exhibited in
turn, results to the expression (or appearance) of the two the inheritance of blood types in humans?
phenotypes influenced by the two alleles; and,
3. Inheritance of the ABO blood types in humans exhibit
both multiple allelism and codominance.
Students will know… Students will be able to... S
1. Definition of multiple allelism and codominance; 1. Construct and analyze Punnett squares showing the
2. Relationship between multiple allelism and codominance inheritance of the ABO blood types.
in the inheritance of a trait which does not follow the
Mendelian pattern (i.e., inheritance of ABO blood types);
3. Possible combinations of three alleles (i.e., IA, IB and
i) resulting to different blood group genotypes and

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task: Other Evidence:

1. Observations
2. Question and answer
3. Case analysis (by group)
Goal – To prove before a court as to whether Juan Manuel is a 4. Research
long-lost son of Don Manny, a prominent billionaire
who recently died.
Role – Lawyer of Rosalinda and Mercedes
Don Manny’s two acknowledged children
Audience – Court Judge

Situation or context of scenario – Court hearing

Product for evaluation – Case narrative defending your conclusion

as a lawyer, supported by Punnett squares.

Standards for evaluation – Rubric will be provided.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan


Think-Pair-Share: Students will read a news article about the death of woman due to wrong blood transfusion. By pair, the
students will share their answers to two questions related to the article read.

 Through direct instruction, students w i l l be introduced to the concepts of “multiple allelism” and “codominance”.
 The teacher will lead the students to the idea that the inheritance of the ABO blood types in humans is an example of
multiple allelism and obeys the codominance pattern of inheritance.
 Students will be taught how to solve problems on multiple allelism and codominance involving the inheritance of blood
types using Punnett squares.
 Group Activity: “Blood Lineage” - Students will be divided into three groups. Each group will be asked to solve a case
about blood type identification of famous celebrities.


Students will complete a concept map to link the knowledge and ideas learned from the lesson.

Values Integration:

Students will be asked to suggest the implication(s) of the following line:

“We are one family…the same blood runs through our veins…”

Assignment / Homework

In a short bond paper, research about Multiple Genes. It could be handwritten or computerized. If computerized, use Times New
Roman, 12, single spacing format.
Closure Statement:

Multiple allelism and codominance are closely linked patterns of inheritance which do not obey Mendelian laws; these patterns are
observed in the inheritance of the ABO blood types in humans.

Materials: Charts, worksheets

Print & Web Resources:

Purves, W.K., et al.2001. Life: The Science of Biology (6th Edition). W.H. Freeman and Company: Massachusetts,
(10) (9) (8)
STAGE-1 All the parts of stage 1 At least two (2) parts of All the parts of stage 1 do
Desired Result show coherence and in a stage 1 do not show not show coherence.
-Established Goals logical order. All the parts coherence with other
-Understandings are related to the topic. parts.
-Essential questions
-Students will know…
-Students will be able to…

STAGE-2 The performance task is The performance task is The performance task
Assessment Evidence aligned with the aligned to the established and other assessment
-Performance Task established goals and goals but not the other methods are not aligned
-Other Evidence other assessment assessment methods to the established goals.
methods complement the complement the
performance task. performance task.
STAGE-3 The learning activity is The learning activity is The learning activity is
Learning Plan related to the desired related to the desired not related to the desired
-Learning activities result and is appropriate result but not appropriate result but not appropriate
to the level of the to the level of the to the level of the
learners. learners. learners.
TOTAL (30)

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