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University of Technology

Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Engineering Mathematics
Hasanin Ghanem Khudair
Supervisor by
Ass. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdulredha.
Engineering Mathematics

Solving Differential Equations

We can use the Laplace transform operator to solve (first‐ and second‐order)

differential equations with constant coefficients. The differential equations must be

IVP's with the initial condition (s) specified at x = 0.

The method is simple to describe. Given an IVP, apply the Laplace transform

operator to both sides of the differential equation. This will transform the

differential equation into an algebraic equation whose unknown, F(p), is the Laplace

transform of the desired solution. Once you solve this algebraic equation for F( p),

take the inverse Laplace transform of both sides; the result is the solution to the
original IVP

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