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Pantoja, Kimberly C.

Assignment No. 1: Lesson 1 and 2 Assessment

Readings in Philippine History
September 1, 2020
1. What are the advantages of using Primary Sources and disadvantages in using Secondary
Primary sources are authoritative. It is reliable due to the fact that its authenticity is
widely recognized. It is not subjected to any opinions and are simply records or descriptions
of the events that took place. This leaves room for the readers to form their own thoughts
and opinions on the matter. Secondary sources offer an analysis which can be prone to
biased statements. The information given will have less credits, as details may be twisted
due to the previous author’s perspectives, which is why secondary sources are said to be

2. Do you think our history is worth revisiting? Reasons.

History mainly highlights the horrors caused by the human race. It is no secret that the
past was filled with dread and cruelty. Wars that caused millions of deaths and mistakes
that brought forth disgusting consequences. Despite all of this, looking back from where we
came from can aid us in better knowing ourselves, and help us distinguish the right actions
to take in the future. History will forever repeat itself unless we learn from it.

3. Give the context (what is it about) and a short analysis/reaction (3-5 paragraphs) of the
Speech of President Corazon Aquino as a primary source.
Former President, Corazon C. Aquino, stood before a podium with the respected
attendees of the Joint Session of the United States of Congress. On September 18, 1986 at
Washington, D.C., she delivered her speech of the battle of the Philippines for democracy.
Three years ago, during her time, she left America in grief to bury her husband, Ninoy
Aquino, with the thoughts of letting him rest along with his dream of Philippine freedom.
But with the twist of faith, Corazon Aquino herself returned as the President of free people.
The burying of Ninoy brought forth the Filipinos together. His brave and selfless act of
giving honor, let our nation in shame recover its own. From the whole nation honoring his
death to the citizens throwing away their passivity to turn against the dictator who held
them. The Filipino people was filled with determination to create change.
Corazon Aquino ran in the 1984 election called forth by the dictator himself despite
knowing it would be rigged. As to be expected, she lost. But as luck would’ve had it, a year
later, in an excess of arrogance, the dictator called for a snap election which signaled its
downfall. With over a million signatures, the citizens drafted Corazon Aquino to challenge
the dictator once more, and she did exactly so. She obliged to her people’s request and
once again stepped forward. During the election, armed goons invaded the polling sites
with the intention to take away the ballots but, just the same, the people tied themselves to
the ballot boxes showing their commitment to the ways of democracy, to the point where
they gambled their life on it. And at the end of the day, before the opposition could
manipulate the results once again, she announced the people’s victory. When a subservient
parliament announced her opponent’s victory, the people went out the streets and
proclaimed her president. When a handful of military leaders declared themselves against
the dictatorship, the people rallied to their protection. It was on that faith and the
obligation it entails, that Corazon Aquino assumed presidency. Corazon promised to the
people and to God to maintain peace as she came to power with it. With little help, the
country finally won its democracy.
The dictator had lost but the damage and debt of his rein remained. A debt that totaled
to $26 billion of which not a single Filipino benefitted from. Despite this, Corazon Aquino
honored it. At the time, the people who had known so much poverty and massive
unemployment for the past 14 years and yet offered their lives for the abstraction of
democracy were finally filled with aspirations. It was country that was in shame can once
and for all, redeem itself. Corazon Aquino ended her speech saying, “Three years ago, I said
thank you, America, for the haven from oppression, and the home you gave Ninoy, myself,
and our children, and for the three happiest years of our lives together. Today, I say, join us,
America, as we build a new home for democracy, another haven for the oppressed, so it
may stand as a shining testament of our two nation’s commitment to freedom.”
The people in and out of the country saw how the Filipino people fought for change
despite being a limited revolution. Everyone saw and recognized their efforts, and hers as
well. It was an event that went down in history. Her speech was interrupted 10 times as the
audience can’t help but cheer. She stepped down the podium, head held high, and a smile
that couldn’t be wider.
Former President, Corazon C. Aquino, created hope amidst one of the most despairing
times of Filipino history. She became the light at the end of a long and dark tunnel. The
people held on to her, hoping she could bring forth change. And she did. Her story of how
she became president is a reminder that nothing will ever truly wither the faith of our
nation. Even if we are broken, we can still pick up the pieces and try again. I would like to
give kudos to each and everyone one of the Filipino people who contributed to the present
society we have now. And I speak for everybody when I say, thank you for all the sacrifices
you have made in order to obtain the comfort we have today.
The Filipino people showed resilience again and again against the corrupt and wrong,
and no one will ever forget that. Long live the Philippines, long live the Filipino people!

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