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's Rosicrucian Monographs

These teachings are part of the Rosicrucian Monographs.These

are not the only subjects covered by the Rosicrucian system. The
list contained here, which should be perceived as unofficial, is
adapted from the Rosicrucian Home Study Lessons section of the
Web version of the Mastery of Life published by the English Grand
Lodge for the Americas also including information from my private
library of Master Monographs.

A.M.O.R.C.'s Grade Structure

The AMORC grades, or as they called, Degrees, are arranged into

four sections or groups:

• Postulant section - That is the introductory section and

includes the Mandamus explaining the system of study and
basic concepts.
• Neophyte section - That is the basic section and includes
three degrees.
• Temple section – That is the intermediate section and includes
eight degrees. After the year 2000, there was a reformation of
the degrees, and their titles changed as well as the name of
this section.
• Illuminati section – That is the advanced section and includes
four degrees. After the year 2000, their titles changed. For
instance, the Illuminati section was split in three sections:
o The Illuminati proper section, including the 9th, 10th, and
11th degrees.
o The Esoteric Hierarchy section, including the 12th
degree as an introduction to a new entire new section
called the Ordo Summum Bonum
• Ordo Summun Bonun section - That section has a
subsection entitled the Planes, which includes another set of
nine degrees. The "Plane" degrees were created by HSL's son
Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1904–1987), initiate name: Sar
Validivar, during his period as AMORC Imperator (1939 to
1987). Those degrees are purely philosophical in nature and
discuss the nature of the Cosmic and its Natural Laws.
Postulant (8 Mandamus) section

The word Mandamus, which appears on the cover of each

monograph, designates the especial mandate that the student
receive as Postulant to the Order and the monographs explain the
system of study and basic concepts and terminology used in the
degrees ahead.

Neophyte section

Like in ancient times, if a person wanted to study the great

mysteries of the world, they would have to petition for admittance as
a student and become a Neophyte. The Neophyte would be granted
admittance to the Atrium, or reception chamber to the temple. In the
Atrium the Neophyte would receive the preliminary instructions and
beginning teachings, before they would be allowed entry into the
temple. Following ancient times the Rosicrucian monographs are
called Atrium lessons, and beginning Rosicrucian students are
called Neophytes.

Introductory lessons

Presents basic Rosicrucian concepts that can be applied in

practical ways. One of the first things the students will learn as a
Neophyte is that they are a dual being. In addition to the student's
five physical senses, the student also has a psychic sense. The
exercises in these introductory lessons are designed to gradually
awaken and develop the psychic faculty. The exercises allow the
students to discover for themselves through direct experience how
these principles work.
Topics included:

• Mystical Sounds
• Spiritual Alchemy
• Time and Space
• Human and Cosmic Consciousness
• Meditation
• Development of the Intuition
• Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy, Metaphysical Healing
First Atrium (14 Monographs)

The first Atrium explores consciousness as the organizing principle

of matter and explains the composition and structure of matter and
its vibratory nature. You'll learn how the creative power of thought
affects the material world. This power is demonstrated through
exercises in the techniques of concentration, visualization, and
mental creation.
Topics included:

• Composition and Structure of Matter

• Power of Thought and Concentration
• Visualization
• Telepathy
• Mental Projection
• Law of the Triangle

Second Atrium

The student's understanding of the connection between mind and

matter will now be expanded to include the connection between the
mind and the physical body. The second Atrium explores how the
students' thoughts influence their health, the role of proper
breathing in psychic development as well as health and vitality, and
Rosicrucian healing techniques. As the students develop their
body's psychic centres, the student will gradually awaken psychic
faculties, such as the ability to perceive the aura. the student will
also experience the mystical effect of sounds.
Topics included:

• Origin of Diseases
• Influence of Thoughts on Health
• Mystical Art of Breathing
• Rosicrucian Healing Treatments
• Perception of the Aura
• Awakening the Psychic Consciousness
• Mystical Sounds
Third Atrium

The Third Atrium moves beyond the physical body and the psychic
faculties into the realm of the mystical. As the student become more
attuned with the inner source of wisdom, they will become more
receptive to the subtle inner prompting of intuition, inspiration and
illumination. These lessons also explode the nature of Soul and
spiritual evolution, reincarnation and karma, and the cycles of the
Topics included:

• Reincarnation
• Karma
• Free Will
• Good and Evil
• Intuition Inspiration and Illumination
• The Great Religious Movements
• The Nature of Soul
• Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
Temple section

Having completed the lessons of the Neophyte section, the student

stands at an important milestone in progress along the mystical
path. the student are now ready to enter the Temple. The studies in
the Neophyte section established the foundation for the lessons of
the Temple Degrees. The students have been introduced to the
various elements of the Rosicrucian system and had the opportunity
to practice many of the principles presented through simple
experiments. Now the Temple Degrees will further develop these
elements, providing additional depth and practical applications of
the principles.

First Temple Degree (Zelator, later "Juniorius" and currently

"Studiosus")(11 Monographs)

The First Temple Degree introduces the concept of polarity and its
relationship to the subatomic world and its differing rates of
vibration. It introduces the full spectrum of physical and non-
physical manifestation. An understanding of these subjects gives
the student an appreciation for the system and order of the
universe, the interconnectedness of all nature and how everything
is governed by natural law.
Topics included:

• Structure of Matter
• Positive and Negative as Vibratory Polarities
• Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism and their
Rosicrucian definition
• Subatomic Particles
• Elements
• Material Alchemy
Second Temple Degree (Theoricus)(11 Monographs)

The Second Temple Degree explores the workings of the mind.

Students will learn how to use various mental faculties to strengthen
will, eliminate bad habits and establish good ones, tap into the
levels of the subconscious, reason more effectively, and integrate
principles of psychology and mysticism to achieve their personal
Topics included:

• Cosmic Consciousness
• Our Objective and Subjective Consciousness
• Mental and Sensory Illusions
• Imagination and Memory
• Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Influences on the
• Psychology and Mysticism

Third Temple Degree (Practicus)(11 Monographs)

The Third Temple Degree explores the meaning of life on many

levels, including living and "non-living" matter, life on the cellular
level, the mysteries of death and rebirth, and the eternal nature of
the Soul.
Topics Included:

• Cosmic Purpose of Life

• Vital Life Force and Reproduction
• Cellular Life
• Living and Non-Living Matter
• Incarnation of the Soul
• Transition of the Soul
• Initiatic Aspects of Death
Fourth Temple Degree (Philosophus)(12 Monographs)

The Fourth Temple Degree introduces Rosicrucian ontology (the

study of the nature of being), and lays out the cosmological
framework for all creation. It explores the meaning, understanding
and use of symbols as the language of the subconscious.
Topics included:

• Noumena and Phenomena

• Natural Symbols
• Artificial Symbols
• Mystical Symbols
• Sacred Architecture
• Vital Life Fource and the Living Soul
• Cycles of Life and the Constant States of Flux

Fifth Temple Degree (Adeptus Minor) (10 Monographs)

A mystic, by nature, is fundamentally a philosopher. In the Fifth

Temple Degree, the student will study excerpts from the works of
classical philosophers. The student's exploration of the ancient
roots of Rosicrucian philosophy will demonstrate the timelessness
of these principles.
Thoughts of the following philosophers are presented:

• Thales
• Solon
• Pythagoras
• Heraclitus
• Democritus
• Empedocles
• Socrates
• Plato
• Aristotle
Sixth Temple Degree (Adeptus Major) (28 Monographs)The
Sixth Temple Degree presents the physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual components of health and disease. You'll learn specific
Rosicrucian healing techniques.
Topics included:

• Spiritual Dimension of Food

• Breathing and Respiratory Health
• Composition of Blood
• Cell Consciousness and Cellular Health
• Rosicrucian Therapy and Self Healing
• Druids and Fixes
• Personal Treatment to Restore Psychic Equilibrium
• Autonomic Nervous System
• Physical and Mental Prevention of Disease
• Emotional and Spiritual Prevention of Disease
• Self-healing

Seventh Temple Degree (Adeptus Exemptus) (20 Monographs)

The exercises and experiments of all the previous Degrees have

contributed to gradual development, providing the student with the
necessary foundation for the advanced techniques of the Seventh,
Eighth, and Ninth Degrees. In the Seventh Degree, the students will
learn how to accomplish psychic projection (Astral Projection), how
to develop their personal aura and perceive other people's auras,
and how to further develop psychic centres and perception.
Students will also receive a thorough explanation of the
physiological, psychic, and spiritual influence of specific mystical
Topics included:

• The Psychic Body (compare with: Subtle body and Astral

• The Psychic Centres (compare with: Chakra)
• Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
• Psychic Projection (experiments) (compare with: Astral
projection, out-of-body experience)
• Perception of the Aura (experiments) (compare with:
• Mystical Powers of Vowel Sounds and Mantras
Eighth Temple Degree (Magistericus Templicated) (21

The Eighth Temple Degree explores indepth the theme of

immortality - the mysteries of birth and death, reincarnation and
karma and the evolution of the soul personality. The goal is to learn
the constituents of the human soul and how it evolves from
incarnation to incarnation.
Topics included:

• Universal Soul and Human Soul

• Divine Consciousness and Self Consciousness
• Spiritual Evolution of Humans
• Mastery of Karma
• Reincarnation of the Soul
• How to Remember Past Incarnations (experiments) (See
• The Mystery of Birth and Death
• Help to the Dying, Before and After Death
• The work of the Adept
• Psychic contact with the Great Intelligences
• Prayer
• Psychic development using vocalic sounds (mantras)
• Vibroturgy
Ninth Temple Degree (Magus) (56 Monographs)

To learn the high principles of spiritual alchemy deriving benefit

from the student divine nature acting not only different levels of the
human being but also in the visible and invisible environment.
These practices are regarded as the alchemy of matter,
consciousness and life.The ninth degree is a long and careful
ascent that gives the student every opportunity to put into practice
what has been learned in the preceding temple degrees.
Topics included:

• Macrocosm and microcosm

• The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air, Fire
• Symbolism of the Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, Rose-Cross
• F.U.D.O.S.I.
• Mental Alchemy
• Experiments on Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy,
Radiesthesy, Invisibility, Attunement with the Cosmic
• The Triangle of Lights
• The Power of Will
• The Circles of Protection and Harmonization and the 3 planes
of consciousness
• The Cosmic Plane
• Developing the cloud of invisibility and using the cosmic cloud
and the Cosmic Spiral as the gateways to other realms
• The Invisible Masters
• The "Lost Word"
• The Assumption of individualities and the Cosmic Assumption
Illuminati Section

Tenth Temple Degree (Magus, later "Ipisissimus", currently

"Illuminatus Minor") (98 Monographs)

To learn to walk on the path of the Masters. Introduction to the

religious doctrines which the Masters gave birth to and
understanding the beliefs that have been available to us for
centuries and how humanity is evolving towards a Universal
Religion and the student part on it.
Topics included:

• Introduction to Zoroastrism
• The Tibet
• Ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis, Egypt and Essenes
• Introducing Master Moria-El
• The RigVeda
• The Great White Brotherhood
• Exercises of Materialization
• Telepathy
• Psychic Projection (advanced)
• The esoteric concept of Sin
• Reincarnation
• The psychic senses
• The ritual magic
• Astrology
• The human Aura
• The Pineal Gland and the 4th dimension
• The nature of the electrons of spirit
• Sufi mysticism
• Psychic Harmonization
Eleventh Temple Degree (Illuminati, currently "Illuminatus
Major") (167 Monographs)

To learn the student’s journey through the great traditions those

have marked the spiritual history of humanity. This journey began in
Atlantis and completed this phase through the Martinist movement
in France in the 19th Century. It is also the threshold for admission
to the Ordo Summun Bonum (the Order of Highest Good).
Topics included:

• The heritage of CRC

• The Khunrah method
• The Dark Night of the soul
• The Gateway Keeper
• The Regeneration
• The Invisible Fraternity
• The Rosicrucian Inner Circle
• The Holy Spirit
• The Mystical Egypt
• The Cosmic Harmonization
• The Cosmic Consciousness
• Development of the Third Eye
• The signs of the psychic development
• Mantras
• The effects of the Cosmic Consciousness
• The Cloak of Invisibility (advanced)
• Esoteric foundation of the religions
• Esoteric teachings of Jesus
• The Christus
• Programming the next incarnation
• Esoteric formulae
• Using the Water
• The "Lost Word"
• Contacting the Invisible Masters
• The Rosicrucian Hierarchy
Twelfth Temple Degree (Illuminati, later "Esoteric Hierarchy",
currently "Illuminatus Exemptus") (325 Monographs)

Those who have reached contact with the Esoteric Hierarchy

become, in fact, intermediaries between the Cosmic and the
Imperator (…) placed in a position to periodically commune with the
Cosmic and receives inspiration and illumination which one should
pass to the Imperator for what he may make of the knowledge of
the Order.Learn how to contact the sacred Esoteric Hierarchy to
serve the Order as described above. Also learn how to develop the
Body of Light to be used to attain high states of divine communion.
Topics included:

• Christian Rosenkreuz and the Rosicrucian teachings

• Contacting the Masters (El Morya, Danius, Saint Germain)
• Esoteric Hierarchy
• Celestial Hierarchy
• Mystical Silence
• Cosmic Consciousness
• The Fundamental Note or vibration tone
• Cosmic Harmonization techniques
• Planetary influences (Moon cycles, Sun cycles and the
• The Cosmic counterpart
• The Vibration spectrum
• Rosicrucian Ethics
• Alchemy of Water (Cagliostro)
• Benefits of the Cosmic Harmonization (regeneration)
• Master’s chambers
• Alchemy of Fire
• Cosmic Harmonization techniques
• Astral projection
• Principles of Cosmic Harmonization
• Psychic currents
• Assumption technique and its applications (distance healing)
• Rosicrucian Manuscripts (Michael Maier and the Libber H)
• Esoteric Principles
• The Dark Night of the Soul and the Golden Dawn
• Astrology* External influences
• Procedure to recall past life experiences
• Development of the Inner Voice
• The Rosicrucian Method
• Using the Cosmic Forces
• The mystic life of Harvey Spencer Lewis
• The Templars
• Cagliostro and the Rose Cross

Thirteen Degree (currently dropped by AMORC)

Ordo Svmmvm Bonvm section (Plane 1 to 9 Degrees)

This section is considered by AMORC as a totally separate Order,

but the student automatically starts to receive the monographs
related to that degree or section as soon as they finished receiving
the previous degree (the 12th).
That section was conceived to go more in depth into philosophical
questions about the deity, the Laws of Nature, moral and ethics
applying the Summun Bonum principle; the principle of a common
understanding of the basic experiences of human life. Each Plane
represents a group of certain principles and experiences of life,
which jointly, the student needs to study and understand.
Metaphysical lectures related to the Rosicrucian ethics and how to
achieve the summum bonum.
Plane 1 (21 Monographs)

Topics included:

• The Esoteric Hierarchy

• The Celestial Hierarchy (Kabbalah)
• Progress into the future studies
• Sanctum Ritual for the Plane 1
• Study of peace of mind and imperturbability
• Purpose of the Ordo Summum Bonum
• Fundamental, Relative, Self-Evident and Divine truths
• Categories as limitations of our Consciousness
• Know Thy Self
• Metaphysics of Cosmogony
• Metaphysics of Ontology
• Metaphysics of Energy
• Metaphysics of Spirit
• Metaphysics of the Nature of the Self
• Metaphysics of the Conept of God
• Metaphysics of the Mind as the First Cause
• Metaphysics of the Nature of God
• Metaphysics from the Thinkers of God
• Metaphysics of Jacob Boehme
• Metaphysics of the Absolute Self
• Metaphysics of the Absolute Being
Plane 2 (25 Monographs)

Topics included:

• Pitagoric Ritual of Initiation

• Counciousness of the Self
• Practicability
• Casuality
• New Idealism
• New Idealism & Emocionalism
• New Idealism & the Nature of the Self
• New Idealism & Heritage and Environment
• New Idealism & Values
• New Idealism& Authority
• New Idealism & Equality
• New Idealism & Education
• New Idealism & the Philosophy of Education
• New Idealism & Scientific Method
• New Idealism & Moral and Ethics
• New Idealism & Conciousness and Morality
• New Idealism & Virtues
• New Idealism & Ethics
• New Idealism Summary

Plane 3 (? Monographs)

Topics included: (In Progress)

• History of Taoism
• Taoistic Initiation Ritual
• Ethics & Obligations
• Ethics & Rights
• Ethics & Self Existence

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