Deployment Guide of Angular, Node - JS, Localhost Project: B) Run Command NPM Install - G @angular/cli

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Deployment Guide of Angular, Node.

js, Localhost Project

Step 1.

install XAMPP through here:

install node.js through here:

Step 2.

a) Open command prompt

b) Run command npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 3: open XAMPP app

a) Start Apache
b) Start MySQL
c) Open any Web Browser enter URL : localhost:80 or localhost:8080

d) Click on New which create new schema

e) Fill the database name elearning and click on create button this is make new schema
f) Import the database db-backup from project folder

g) After selection of database file click on GO go button.

Step 4: open the project folder

a) go inside the server file open command prompt.

b) run npm install nodemon

c) run npm i -g nodemon

d) run nodemon start
Step 5: open the project folder

a) go inside the client file open command prompt.

b) run npm i

c) run npm audit fix

d) run npm start
Step 5. Open Web Browser

a) Open any Web Browser enter UR: localhost:4200

Deployment Complete
NOTE: During step 2,4 & 5 system must be connect to Internet.

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