Without GI Confirmation and Without Confirmation GR Is Not Possible - SAP Blogs PDF

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Krishnendu Das
January 21, 2014 3 minute read

Without GI con rmation and without con rmation GR is not

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This blog is meant for restriction in the process/production order con rmation if the Goods issue has not
been done. As well if there is no con rmation, Goods receipt is not possible also.

Standard SAP allows con rmation without GI,  as well as without con rmation GR is also possible (In normal

Con rmation without GI can be restricted in the following way as per customizing setting in standard SAP.

Mark all material with back ush

Set tick in “Goods movement” if material is not set with back ush. This will show all the material
irrespective of back ush.

Then check goods movement and termination for incorrect goods movement.


         This will ensure at the time of con rmation if some incorrect goods movement happens, the
con rmation will be terminated. So without GI no con rmation possible.

We can automate the GR process with con rmation by production scheduling pro le and control key. But
without con rmation GR restriction in di cult from standard setting.

Now “without GI con rmation and without con rmation GR restriction” can be achieved by two user exit.
Below are the details of code and the exit.

Without GI con rmation is not possible.

User exit: EXIT_SAPLCORF_405

Below is the piece of code.

Without  Con rmation GR is not possible

User exit:EXIT_SAPMM07M_001

Below is the piece of code.

Test case:

First order has been created.

After release the status is as below.

Now we are trying to do the con rmation through COR6N.

After putting the value go to Goods movement Tab.

System is throwing an error as there is no goods issue.

Now if we try to do the GR (MIGO)  also, system will throw an error as there is no con rmation happened.
The error can be modi ed with suitable text as desired.

Now the goods issue is being done through MB1A.

Still GR is not possible as no con rmation has been done.

Now we can do the con rmation(as GI is done)

As well GR is also possible as con rmation is done through MIGO.

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As well after doing the Gr the status of the order is PCNF and PDLV.

MAN Production Planning (PP) |

In this way the con rmation can be restricted without GI and the GR can be restricted without con rmation.
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