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Problem section

According to management:

Following is the management point of view of different problems which the organization is

1. High employee turnover

2. Weak lines of authority
3. Barriers for implementation of new ideas
4. Lacks employee empowerment
5. Over interference of C.E.O
6. Overtime without pay
According to our analysis:

As per our analysis following are the problem areas for the firm:

1. High level of centralization

2. Managers lack authority
3. Lacks marketing as a guiding philosophy
4. Lack of marketing orientation and understanding
5. Pure marketing decision are made by other departments such as price decisions
6. Interdepartmental conflicts
7. Management by tactics rather strategies
8. Human resource policies lack incentives
9. Weak advertising campaign

Sub problems:

1. Delayed processing of new ideas or projects causing a setback

2. Recruitment on need basis
3. Hiring by human resource department but firing by C.E.O and at times unjustified
4. Low motivational level of employees
Strategic alternatives

Following are the solutions to major problems faced by the organization:


The approach of decentralization is of utmost importance. It helps to maintain a

reasonable balance between centralization and empowerment. one reason why it should be
exercised is to offer a free hand to individuals. This would let them be evaluated on the basis of
productivity that they offer to the firm instead of the typicality of following orders.

Empower managers:

It is strongly recommended to empower managers and middle

level personnel to explore their quarters of creativity and intelligence

Integrate the goals of all the departments:

The goals and objectives of all the departments should be

merged to take one common form to avoid any sort of hassle against achieving goals. The
goals of the organizations can be achieved when mutual efforts are put in followed by
following one action plan otherwise things tend to get entangled.

Marketing importance:

The higher authorities need to comprehend the essentiality of marketing in terms of its all
dynamics. Confining marketing up to conventional advertising and expecting surprising
results is something that one can only dream of.
Encourage creativity and performance:

The employees of the firm are meant to be appreciated and encouraged for showing creativity
within their field. This theory would enhance the performance of all the employees causing
the company to come up with amazing results and that’s something every company looks
forward to.

Improve incentive and promotion policies:

A firm is required to empower its human resource department and encourage their
employees by offer attractive incentives and promotions which can be extremely helpful
to flourish and improve the performance of the employees.

Change of culture:

The culture of the organization should be switched in such a way where smooth and hurdleless
communication should be ensured. Provided the competitive market, these steps ensure a better
edge to the company to compete against its direct competitors.


Possible distortions in performance from theory:

The main conclusion that was derived out of the whole theory explains that an absence of
strategic nature of management was observed. As per our teachings of ‘Business policy and
strategy’ , the main focus is to integrate all the forces to come up with better results avoiding any
wastage of efforts or capital which unfortunately Qarshi is missing out on.

Hence the absence of these elements fluctuate the business model and makes it harder to obtain
the competitive advantage.

The essential reason:

The root-cause to all this depends on the culture or orientation of an organization. For an
organization having vast horizons throughout the market, it’s very important to have a
smooth flow of communication and coordination between the departments. The absence
of this element may shake the foundations or at least weaken them up to a lot of extent.

Following are the recommendations to the organization on the basis of analysis and observation:

 Apply strategic management process:

Qarshi industries should adapt strategic management process in such a way that a
coordination should be built between different departments and one goal is supposed to
be followed rather than each department seeking different goals affecting the
performance of the company.

 Understand the concept of brand:

The management of Qarshi is pursuing outdated and antique practices which are
comparatively focused on the present condition of the product. However on the other
hand, the modern times demand positioning and mapping of the product which may
create a visible difference between the products.

 Deal with marketing threats:

Marketing functions are not practiced and implemented as they are required which could
be observed by their pricing decision taken by finance department. If one factor that can
create a difference in the organization is its marketing orientation.

 Balance the culture:

An entrepreneur is generally conscious about thee fact that all of his assets are on the line
and same is the case with Qarshi industries. The C.E.O tends to be the only authoritative
figure there.

Implementation plan
Following is a three year plan of action for the firm to act upon for proposed improvements:

Year 2010-11:

The organization is required to obtain a quick feedback from its employees about HR issues.

Pay attention to their concerns as to package, job specifications and their commitment to

Enhance consumer orientation by shedding authority to marketing department

Year 2011-12:

Revise the strategic management model as to from vision till implementation of formulated

Bring about a change in culture, from mechanistic to organic

Plan out an adequate promotional mix with a view to resonate brand and position in the market

Enter foreign markets like Malaysia, Singapore and china with johar joshanda since

Reposition springley on its point of differentiation of being first brand to provide naturally
purified and safe drinking water.

Year 2012-13:

Launch unique campaigns to expand corporate brand image

Promote new products in the market dynamically such as juices, farm products and ‘make to
drink’ products

Application of market penetration strategy in local markets

Dive deep market development once local leadership is captured

Position maintenance and seeking betterment towards ‘jam-e-shireen’ is important

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