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ALYANA​: ​The art of interacting with other people is one of the skills we learn in early life. ​It also guides us
in the formation of "relationships" as we grow. Good day! We are the group ___ and from this moment, we
will be witnessing 5 different scenarios on how humans relate to each other. So sit back, pay attention and
enjoy the presentation.

*pause for a while --- SILENCE*


1​st​ scenario: Strengths and weaknesses
*setting: classroom*
● (NEIL-ELLA-DIONNE) Group of 3 – those who are good in academics
● (ANTONIO-RONNEL-ALYANA) Group of 3 – those who are good in sports
● NICOLE as Class president

*everyone chitchats inside the classroom*

NICOLE:​ ​Can you lend me your ears my dearest classmates?

*everyone stops talking*

NICOLE: ​Thank you. As we all know, we’re going to celebrate our intramurals next week. In line with this,
there are activities for us to join. I was instructed by our class adviser to divide the class into two groups –
those who are good in academics and those who are good in sports. For those who wants to raise their
suggestions/ opinions, please do.

NEIL: ​I suggest that our top students will be the one to represent our class in the academic category while
our athlete students will be our representatives for the sports category.

*everyone murmurs about agreeing to the thought of NEIL*

NICOLE: ​Well it seems like everyone agrees to your suggestion. Then, may I ask everyone to stand and go to
your respective groups for I will be distributing the program of activities regarding the event.

*group of 3 on the left side and another group of 3 on the right side*
*class president will be distributing the program to the 1​st​ group and will hear them out on their ideas*
*everyone murmurs but not so loud (MANANAIG YUNG BOSES NG ACADS TEAM)*

ELLA: ​Listen up guys. It’s indicated here that the academic category is divided into three - MATH, SCIENCE
and ARALING PANLIPUNAN. We need a leader for each subcategory.

DIONNE: ​I volunteer to be the leader for the Araling Panlipunan quiz bee since I am fond of reading history
books. We can spend our time reviewing on weekends at my house so that we can make use of our time.
ELLA: ​Oh yes. I remember. You also used to compete back then. That’s great! Hey Neil you love solving
problems, right? Can you be leader for the Math quiz bee?

NEIL:​ ​Sure thing! I can give you guys hand-outs regarding our past lessons and also my personal notes.

ELLA: I’ve got a favor to ask you. Can you help me in reviewing the past lesson about Statistics. I’m a bit
confused for there were many formulas.

NEIL:​ ​No problem. I got you!

ELLA:​ ​Yay! Thanks. Anyways, I guess I will be the one to be in charge of the Science quiz bee.

DIONNE:​ ​You bet haha! You always ace our quizzes and exams in Science, aren’t you aware of that?

ELLA: ​You’re exaggerating. *flattered* I may be good in Science but I’m not that good when it comes to
memorizing names especially in history.

DIONNE:​ ​Don’t worry. I’ll help you out with that.

NICOLE: ​Alright, the discussion is already settled. Please do write your names here *gives a piece of paper*
so that I could give them to our adviser later on.

*class president will be distributing the program to the 2​nd​ group and will hear them out on their ideas*
*everyone murmurs but not so loud (MANANAIG YUNG BOSES NG SPORTS TEAM)*

ANTONIO: ​It says here that there will be three different events under the sports category – the LONG
JUMP, the HIGH JUMP and the RUNNING event. Too bad I can’t be on the running event since I have asthma
but you guys can count on me on the long jump event.

RONNEL: ​Make use of those long bias Antonio. *laughs* We all know here that you’ve managed to
participate in the Palarong Pambansa last year. Winning that event next week will just be a piece of cake for

ALYANA: ​Stop teasing Antonio. We also know that you’ve managed to participate under the running event
in the Palarong Pambansa last year Ronnel. You run like a horse don’t you know? *laughs*

RONNEL: ​I run like a jaguar, FYI. Kidding aside, well I guess it’s you whom we can count on for the high
jump event.

ALYANA:​ ​I hope the other players are not too tall because I get anxious sometimes.

ANTONIO:​ ​We believe in you. With that, you must believe in your own capabilities my friend.
NICOLE: ​If you’re done discussing, please do write your names here *gives a piece of paper* so that I could
give them to our adviser later on.

----------------------------------------------------------- end of 1​st​ scenario --------------------------------------------------------------

KYLA:​ ​For the second scenario – SPIRITUAL CONNECTION

2​nd​ scenario: Spiritual connection
*setting: hospital*
● DIONNE as Patient
● ANTONIO as Doctor
● ALYANA as Nurse
● KRISETTE as Mother
● RONNEL as Elder

*KRISETTE is going hysterical while DIONNE is being sent to the OR of the hospital*

KRISETTE:​ ​Please do everything to save my son’s life. *sobbing while forcing to get inside*

ALYANA:​ ​Ma’am you’re not allowed to go inside the operating room. Please, wait here for the doctor
needs to perform the operation immediately.

*RONNEL tries to comfort KRISETTE*

KRISETTE:​ ​I should have been there right away when he called me. This is all my fault.

RONNEL:​ ​Hey, that’s enough. No one wanted this to happen.

KRISETTE:​ ​What should I do? Oh, God. Please save my son. He’s the only one I have.

RONNEL:​ ​First, you must calm down. Let’s pray for the success of your son’s operation.

*sits down and prays*

KRISETTE:​ ​Dear God, please please please save my son. I know that I’m not completely a good person but
please spare my son’s life…

RONNEL:​ ​We know that no one’s perfect, everyone makes mistakes and messes up but we know that Your
grace is bigger than our sins.

KRISETTE:​ ​I may not pray often but please help my son surpass the operation… We humbly ask for Your
help. *starts crying again*

ANTONIO:​ ​God is indeed good. He has heard your prayers and seen your tears. Are you the mother of the
patient who has been shot at the back?
KRISETTE:​ ​Yes, I am. How is my son? Was the operation successful?

ANTONIO:​ ​The operation went well. Your son is already in a stable condition.

KRISETTE:​ ​Thank goodness!

----------------------------------------------------------- end of 2​nd​ scenario -------------------------------------------------------------

RONNEL:​ ​For the third scenario – LIKES AND DISLIKES

3​rd​ scenario: Likes and dislikes
*setting: pet shop*

● KYLA as Girlfriend
● DIONNE as Boyfriend
PROPS: Pictures of the following:
● Corgi dogs – girl and boy
● Persian cats – girl and boy

KYLA:​ ​I’m so excited to get my very own pet today! Thank you in advance for my advance birthday gift babe.

DIONNE:​ ​Awww my princess seems very happy.

KYLA:​ ​Of course, I am!

DIONNE:​ ​Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go to the pet shop.
*while walking towards the pet shop*

DIONNE:​ ​By the way, what kind of pet do you want?

KYLA:​ I either want a dog or a cat. I’m still undecided because I love cats but I also love dogs. How about


KYLA:​ ​Yes, I also want to know your opinion since the animal we’re getting we’ll both be our pet.

DIONNE:​ ​I like spiders.

KYLA:​ ​Nooooo. I don’t want that kind of pet *sad face*

DIONNE:​ ​Hahaha alright. Maybe I’ll be able to decide when I get to see the animals at the pet shop.
*arriving at the pet shop, post pictures of the dogs and cats on the board*

KYLA:​ ​OMG! Look at these dogs and cats. Aren’t they cute? *excited voice*

DIONNE:​ ​They sure are. Let’s look at them one by one.

*goes near the 1​st​ picture*

KYLA:​ ​It’s a Persian cat. OMO! You know what? They are affectionate but discriminating. They reserve their
attention for family members and those few guests whom they feel they can trust.

DIONNE: ​It is cute but I heard from the neighbors that cats poop don’t smell nice compared to the dogs.

KYLA:​ Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. My mom won’t allow me to have a pet if that’s the case.
*goes near the 2​nd​ picture*

DIONNE:​ ​Hey, babe. This doggo looks like James Reid and Nadine Lustre’s dog.

KYLA:​ ​It’s a Corgi. Awwwwwwww it’s so cute and fluffy. I read from the internet that Corgis are smart dogs
and they love to cuddle.

DIONNE:​ ​It’s good that they are not that furry and they don’t grow that big.

KYLA:​ ​Uhuh. My doctor won’t allow me to have a pet back when I was a kid for I’m allergic to the fur of

DIONNE:​ ​Is that so? Well then, do you want a girl or a boy corgi?

KYLA:​ ​I want a girl corgi so that I can dress her whenever I want to hihihi.

DIONNE:​ ​Whatever you want, my princess.

-------------------------------------------------------- end of 3​rd​ scenario ----------------------------------------------------------------

ANTONIO:​ ​For the fourth scenario – EMOTIONS AND BODY LANGUAGES

4​th​ scenario: Emotions & body language
*setting: house*

● ELLA as Mom
● RONNEL as Dad
● NEIL as Older brother
● NICOLE as Sister

*NICOLE enters the house with a gloomy aura*

RONNEL:​ ​Are you okay, sweetie?

*NICOLE pays respect to his father and goes straight up to her room*

*NEIL enters the house with a gloomy aura*

RONNEL:​ ​Hey, buddy. You alright?

*NEIL pays respect to his father and goes straight up to his room*

*ELLA enters the house*

RONNEL:​ ​Don’t tell me you’re just gonna ignore me too?

ELLA:​ ​What do you mean?

RONNEL: ​Nicole and Neil just arrived home but they went straight up to their bedrooms after they paid
respect to me.

ELLA:​ ​Maybe they are just tired from school.

RONNEL:​ I guess so…

*NICOLE starts to cry on the corner of her room*

RONNEL:​ Do you hear that?

ELLA:​ Is Nicole crying?

*RONNEL goes to his daughter’s room*

RONNEL: ​What’s wrong sweetie? Why is my princess crying?

*NICOLE keeps on crying then NEIL enters*

NEIL:​ ​Daddy… I need to tell you something…

RONNEL:​ ​What is it buddy? Come here.

*the three sits down on the bed, RONNEL hugs his children*
NEIL:​ ​I’m sorry… I failed to pass my exam in Math even though I did my best…

NICOLE:​ ​I’m sorry too Daddy… I wasn’t able to be the top student in our class….

RONNEL:​ ​Are these the reasons why you had a sad face a while ago?
*children nods*

RONNEL: ​There’s nothing to apologize for kiddos. Daddy is still proud whether you didn’t pass your exam
or you weren’t able to be a top student. The most important thing here is that you learned.

NICOLE:​ ​Aren’t you mad?

RONNEL: ​Of course not, sweetie. I just want the both of you do your best in school. If you fall seven times,
stand up eight. Stop frowning because Daddy loves the both of you so much no matter what.

*group hug*

----------------------------------------------------------- end of 4​th​ scenario -------------------------------------------------------------

5​th​ scenario: Past, present and future perspectives in life
*setting: coffee shop*

● ELLA as an engineer
● KRISETTE as an architect
● NICOLE as Former hardworking student # 1
● NEIL as Former hardworking student # 2
● ANTONIO as Manager of coffee shop

*ELLA and KRISETTE are talking to each other while drinking coffee and then ANTONIO enters*

*ANTONIO stops walking right in front of the two*

ANTONIO:​ ​Hey! It’s been a long time Ella and Krisette.

ELLA:​ ​Antonio? Is that you?

ANTONIO: ​Yes, it’s me. How are you guys doing? What brings the both you here?

KRISETTE:​ ​We’re doing fine. We’re here to meet and discuss about the building of our client’s dream
house. How about you? What brings you here?
ANTONIO:​ ​Me? I’m the manager here.

KRISETTE:​ ​Really? Wow, congrats.

*NEIL and NICOLE enters the scene*

ANTONIO:​ ​What a coincidence. Isn’t it Neil and Nicole?

NEIL:​ ​Antonio? Wow, it really is you.

ANTONIO:​ ​What brings you and Nicole here?

NICOLE:​ ​We’re here to meet the architect and engineer in-charge of our dream house.

ANTONIO:​ ​You mean? *points NEIL and NICOLE while teasing them*

NEIL:​ ​Yes, we’re married and we’re planning to have our own house.

ELLA:​ ​So you guys are our clients. This is really a coincidence.

ANTONIO:​ ​Why don’t we transfer to that area so that we could all sit, have coffee and some snacks. My

*everybody cheers and transfers*

NICOLE:​ ​Who knows Antonio will be a manager? Back then he was so lazy that he doesn’t want to look for a

ANTONIO:​ ​That was all in the past. I’ve changed already. I learned a lot from my past that I shouldn’t be
stubborn and I should be thinking of my future. But look at Ella and Krisette They’ve become a successful
engineer and architect.

KRISETTE:​ ​I owe Ella a lot since he was the one who encouraged me not to give up during our college days.

ELLA:​ ​And now, me and my bestie are planning to travel the world with the money we’ve earned together as
business partners. Life is indeed hard, we only need to motivate ourselves to do better each day. Who knows
what the future has in store for us.

NEIL:​ ​I agree. Me and Nicole knows very well that in order to succeed, we must go through hardships.

NICOLE: ​In the near future, I know that all of us will be more successful. We just need to learn from our
failures and keep on moving forward everyday.

----------------------------------------------------------- end of 5​th​ scenario -------------------------------------------------------------

*pause for a while --- SILENCE*

*form a straight horizontal line in the middle while saying the following lines below*

ELLA:​ ​Without clear vision, it’s impossible to connect with others.

NEIL:​ ​Open your eyes,

NICOLE:​ ​look at each other

ALL:​ ​and make the connection today. *Bow*

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