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Juz 4

Surah Nisa (women)

 Mid madhani surah. (5th or 6th year of hijra)

 Major theme is family.
 Society at large.
 One of the main theme is to strengthen the bonds between individuals as
well as family (society).
 V.1 oh mankind fear Allah, who has created everyone from a single soul
i.e. we all mankind are from single family.
 Explicit ideology of human equality, only found in the Quran.
 All are from Adam, Adam is from dust, (hadith).
 Be conscious of Allah as well as family affairs.

Marriage and its protocols.

 The concept of “mahr” husband gives dowry to women.

 Give it with a generous mind.
 If the women gives it willingly back to husband its fine.

About children, orphans.

 V.5 Tech children the value of money, not just give them and corrupt
them, feed them and provide them.
 V6-7. Until they come to an age (orphan), test them if they are mature
then hand their money back because it’s not yours.
 Whoever take the orphans property they are eating the fire of hell (a
major sin).

Laws of inheritance.

 V7-12, v176. Summarize the laws of inheritance in detail. The precision of

these laws are a miracle.
 V.11. how can you plan what amount of your wealth can you leave to
your parents and kids, Allah says don’t worry he will take care. Allah knows
better than you.
 Do not challenge Allah and never be greedy.
 Thus a law was established which was unprecedented in the jahiliyya
which is inheritance to women, daughters.
 Women get half of the wealth.
 Some sahaba questioned the wisdom, why women get half the wealth
even though have no need to war etc.
 Now also it’s a controversial verse about only half wealth for women.
 V20-21 the man should never take back the “mahr” when he divorces.
 Surah limited polygamy. V3.
 V 19. Women was inherited as a property if someone died and Allah
forbade this.
 V22-24. Who are our “mahrams” who are we not allowed to marry.
 V15-16 Allah forbade extra marital affairs, mistress etc.

A controversial verse. V.34. (the so called wife beating verse by islamophobes )

 Men are the protector (“qawwam”) of women, men have certain

responsibilities about women.
 Allah has given some sort of physical strength etc. for one over the other.
(I.e. men over women).
 Allah praise women those who obey Allah and guard themselves.
 But those (wives) from whom you fear arrogance (first) advise them, (if
they persist), forsake them in bed; and finally admonish or gently strike
 Many women’s complained about husbands after this verse came down,
our prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave a whole speech on this issue, he ‫ ﷺ‬said the best of
you are the one who treat the women the best.
33:00 watch at this timestamp, the controversial verse is discussed in detail.

 V.19. Allah says live with the women and treat them in the best of manners
or kindness.
 If you dislike your wife Allah but Allah may have placed much good in
them. (I.e. look at the positive side )
 You can never do justice to your wife but try your best, allah knows better
than you.
 V128. Allah encourage to reconcile the issues in marriage.
 V.35. Allah says if you want reconciliation Allah will bring it if you are
genuinely sincere.

About prophet.

 V64. We have not sent any prophet except to be obeyed by people by

the permission of Allah.
 V69. Allah says who are the one Allah has blessed and favored.
 V80. He who obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah.
 The importance of following the sunnah of our prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

Concept of predestination.

 V.78. predestination and the wisdom of Allah. Good, bad all are from
 V79. What comes to you of good is from Allah but what comes to you of
evil is from yourself.
 Now v.78 is exact opposite to v.79. How will we conclude, the response is
as follows.
 Everything is with the knowledge and wisdom of Allah, but we do not
assign evil towards Allah (audhu billah), the blessing or good is from Allah,
but if a misfortune befall us we don’t blame our rubb it is because of our
sins, which (the calamity) Is an opportunity for us to return to the right
path, thus it’s an even bigger blessing than the actual blessing.

The verse which made our prophet cry.

 The prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to ibn. Masud RA that he ‫ ﷺ‬loved to hear the quran
being recited and told him to recite the quran, ibn. masud RA chose surah
nisa and when he reached v.41 our prophet ‫ ﷺ‬stopped him and found
the prophet crying.
 V.41 so how will it be when we bring from every nation a witness and we
bring you, (o Muhammad ‫ )ﷺ‬against these people as a witness.
 The visualization of the situation made him cry.

Concept of tawba/repentence and its conditions

 V.16. v.17, v18. V 110.

 V112, if you blame other person for your sin it’s a major sin.

Personal manners

 V.37. forbade stinginess.

 V. 58. Instruct people to be honest, maintain trust.
 V.85. positive intercession and bridge the broken ties.
 V.86. respond to greeting with a better greeting or at least even similar.
 V114. Allah forbade secret gatherings for a harm.
 V148. Allah does not like the public mention of evil, except by one who
has been wronged.
 V.36. the verse of rights Worship Allah, be good to parents, relatives,
orphans, needy, near and far neighbor, travel companion etc..

V.82. Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an, if it had been from any other than
Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.

 The smooth transition of various concepts.

 The way Qur’an present various aspects etc.
 Such a miracle speech of our lord.

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