Project Proposal For Jetpoint

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Project submitted by:

Iulia Popa
Diana Bardan
Alexandra Coneac

IBA 2020

1. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………3

2. Background
2.1. History……………………………………………………………………....4-5
2.2. Requirements………………………………………………………………..4-5
2.3. Solution…………………………………………………………………...…5-6

3. Proposal

3.1. Vision and Goals………………………………………………………………7

3.2. Deliverables………………………………………………………………………
3.3. Timeframe………………………………………………………………………
3.4. Resources………………………………………………………………………
3.5. Budget………………………………………………………………………
3.6. Ownership………………………………………………………………………
3.7. Reporting………………………………………………………………………
3.8. Risks & Issues………………………………………………………………………
3.9. Implications………………………………………………………………………
3.10. Success Criteria………………………………………………………………………
3.11. Authorization………………………………………………………………………

4. Appendix

4.1. Supporting Documentation………………………………………………………

1. Executive Summary

jetPOINT is a car wash franchise that has its roots back in 2002, when Florin Goron, the founder
of this business, being far away from home, started washing cars and noticed the growing
demand and an increasing need to clean them, so he came with the idea of a self-service car
wash. The business was started with 100% Romanian capital and shareholding in Cluj-Napoca.

In this project proposal, we decided to focus on a well-known problem that almost all car washes
have, that being the long waiting times and queues that customers have to face when going to
wash their cars at a self-service car wash. This being said, we decided to propose this project in
which we explain the advantages of having a smart app that will bring higher satisfaction to the
customers and will also attract a larger number of customers and higher profits for the company
too. For this to happen, in this project proposal we have detailed the problem, the necessary
requirements, our solution, our vision and goals for the near future, and we also explained the
resources and budget we need, in order for the management board to have a clear understanding
of our idea.

Speaking of our vision and goals on the long run, they play a very important role for us, as they
define our purpose and make us work harder to achieve our goals. They provide us with a clear
and effective guide for making decisions and help us increase our efficiency and productivity at
the same time. We consider our vision and goals to be some very important tools of strategic
planning, which will help us shape the strategy that will be used by us in the process. We strive
to create connections and relationships with our customers in order to make them loyal to our
brand and to recommend us to other people.

2. Background

2.1. History

jetPOINT is a car wash franchise that has its roots back in 2002, when Florin Goron, the founder
of this business, being far away from home, started washing cars and noticed the growing
demand and an increasing need to clean them, so he came with the idea of a self-service car
His desire was to provide his customers, the franchisees, a turnkey solution when it came to the
car wash business. When he returned back home to Romania, using his previous experience, he
started his first business, a conventional car wash chain, with 100% Romanian capital and
shareholding in Cluj-Napoca.
Due to the workforce and economic crisis, he had to quickly identify a way to keep the business
running and he saw an opportunity in transforming the conventional car wash in a self-service
car wash. He built and installed his first self-service car wash in 2012 and it proved to be a real
success. Soon after that, Florin met his current partner, Puiu Darlea, and together they decided to
become equipment producers instead of resellers and, after building many car washes, they
started thinking about franchising the business. This is how they built the base of the jetPOINT
Car Wash Franchise.
jetPOINT became soon the largest fully automated self-service car washes chain in Romania.
The brand can be easily found in cities like Cluj, Hațeg, Sebeș, Bistrița, Vaslui, Deva, Iași, Galați
or Brăila with one or more jetPoint stations.

2.2. Requirements
Business Problem
Being also customers of jetPoint, the main problem we have usually encountered is related to the
slow flow and waiting time, causing a queue of vehicles out to the street. That is also one of the
main reasons why a lot of customers decide to give up and quit when they see such a long
waiting line. They either choose to go to another place, or they just leave it for another day, so
this is a real problem, as it might lead to huge amounts of money and customer losses. So, it can

be said that if they have a line out to the street, then they are not going to stack business, they are
actually choking their business. The main reasons for the long queues’ formation are due to the
pay stations not working efficiently enough or the equipment not working properly, which make
the waiting times to be too long.
We thought about this project proposal in order to help the company solve the situation with the
long waiting time, which we think will also attract more and more customers in the near future,
and we hope that it is going to raise enough funds in order for the implementation of the project
to be possible by the beginning of 2021.

Business Opportunity
As hand car washing in public places is no longer allowed in the most areas, the number of
customers demanding for car washes is continuously increasing. Moreover, those car owners
who used to wash their cars by hand tend to prefer using self-service car washes. The local car
wash potential depends on the population density within the immediate vicinity of five
kilometers and on through traffic in front of the site. Moreover, some additional revenue
generators might be the nearby shopping centers and petrol stations, which usually do not offer
self-service washes, but more standard car washes, where the company’s employees wash your
car and you just have to pay for their services.
It can be said that a business without employees is a business that requires minimal involvement.
This being said, it allows any entrepreneurs to make better use of time, the most important
resource they have, so we consider it is always smarter to buy a franchise. jetPOINT – The Self-
Service Car Wash Franchise is a proven concept, with an outstanding track record, that pays
dividends for the smart investors.

2.3. Solution
The next step would be to describe the solution to their problem or opportunity that the project
must deliver.
 Purpose of the solution:
To propose the creation of a smart application that would help both the company and the
customers in terms of money and time saving.
 Scope of the solution:

To increase the company’s profits and to attract more new customers by understanding and
fulfilling their needs at the same time.
 Way in which the solution must be delivered:
Due to the fact that we live in a technological era, we would choose to use digital advertising as
an approach for this solution to be delivered. First of all, we consider it would be highly effective
in reaching a large number of people at a much lower cost than traditional advertising such as
TV or prints. Digital advertising is constantly changing, based on where people spend their time
As everyone has a smartphone these days, we could also opt for Displaying Ads which are also a
great strategy for local websites that get frequented. From a brand awareness point of view, a
banner or a sidebar ad can still be very effective for driving traffic to our physical location.
Moreover, we can use a digital stamp card to benefit current customers and to attract new
customers with special offers, discounts, and promotions.

3. Proposal
This project proposal that we made is meant to solve one of the biggest problems that we
encountered when going to wash our car, speaking of the long queues that were formed in front
of the jetPOINT and the too long waiting times that we and our customers have been exposed to.
Moreover, we want to work on the current financial situation, to maximize the company’s profits
and to minimize the costs as much as possible. The smart app that we want to build should be
able to make this possible:
 Registration Step: The users would be able to register into the app only with one social
network and their e-mail account details.
 Service Request: The users will be able to place their request for self-car washing
to the services provided, so that in case something is missing (e.g.: foam or car wax), the team
will make sure in advance the customer will have everything that is needed.
 Location Preference: The users will be able to select a specific jetPOINT location in their
city, using the entertaining map the app provides, which will help them see how crowded a
location is and choose the most suitable one for them.

 Payment: The users will be able to choose if they want to make the payment online
credit/debit card or in cash, at the location.
 View History: In this category, the users will be able to check their previous experience
and see how much time they spent and if they were satisfied with the service or not, so they
could make the new requests accordingly.
3.1. Vision and Goals
 As we currently live in a speed era and time is very precious for all of us, our vision is to
increase our customer’s satisfaction by at least 20% in the next 12 months after launching our
smart app, by offering high-quality services and by reducing our customers’ waiting time as
much as possible.
 Moreover, in case our business proposal with the smart app succeeds, we plan to add
extra-services for our customers in the next 5 years, by acquiring new and more complex
equipment and also by upgrading our app at the same time.

 To become top performers on the market and to be our customers’ first option when they
think about self-washing their cars after the first 12 months from launching our smart app.
 To create a special section in our app only for our customers’ reviews and opinions about
our services, so that it will help us become better in the future. We plan to be able to create this
section during the first 6-8 months from the app launching.
 To create a personal relationship with our customers and to increase our customers’
after the first 6 months.

3.6. Ownership

Project Ownership
Role Name Contact Details
Project Sponsor Florin Goron Florin Goron - CEO, founder
Puiu Darlea Puiu Darlea - COO and Co-
Phone: (+4) 0753 876 468

Project Customer/ Executive Coneac Alexandra Coneac Alexandra –

Committee Popa Iulia franchisee/partner - Finance
Bardan Diana alexandra.c

Popa Iulia
-franchisee/partner - Quality

Bardan Diana -
franchisee/partner -

3.7 Reporting

The communication and reporting part is very important. We will apply the Agile Methodology,
which implies working in sprints. One sprint is 1 week. After 1 week the team members along
with the other third parties directly impacted will meet to discuss what was done, what went
well, what needs to be improved and how should the work be organized for the next sprint.

One person will be responsible for creating a report “Minutes of the meeting” and for the
organizing part we will use the Soft Azure Devops. This soft will be used for grouping our work,
creating story cards and assigning them to different persons. The information can be downloaded
in real-time in different report forms. A report will be sent twice/month to the sponsor to track
the evolution of the project.

3.8 Risks & Issues

Project Risks
Risk Details Likelihood
Team members fail to If a team member fails to Low.
complete their tasks. deliver in time his part of
work, the entire project
completion might be delayed.
We will ensure from the
beginning that the team
members have all the
necessary resources for their
work and make a weekly
track of the work performed.
In this way, we can try to
diminish this possible risk.
Absence of any person from If a team member gets sick Medium.
the team. or has an urgent issue he
might be absent and his work
will remain undone.
This is why everyone from
the team needs to have a
back-up and to try to
anticipate any kind of
absence, in order to find the
best solution for everybody.
The resources needed for In order to avoid this Low.
creating this project might get situation, all the resources
broken. will be checked before
starting the project and make
sure they are in good shape.
Should we have any
defections, we will have in
store some devices for
replacing them.

The market risk. If people’s priorities change Very low.

in the future, washing the car
might not become a must for
them. They might wash their
cars at home and the level of

client will decrease. Still, this
risk is very low as the
average times a persons
washes their car at a car
wash is weekly or every two
Project Issues
Issue Details Impact
The COVID 19 Pandemic The current pandemic state Medium.
State situation is causing a lot of
disturbances and its future
state it is still uncertain. Our
project might be delayed if
the situations changes and
the government is giving new
directives. Still, the designing
of the application with all of
its features can be done from
home. This issue can only
slow down a little bit the
project, but it won’t stop it.
The budget risk A budget is established at the Medium.
beginning, but there might
appear some unpredicted
costs. Also, due to the
previous listed issue, the
value of the money might
decrease in the future and
some additional funds might
be needed.

3.9 Implications
The implications of not undertaking the project are various. The most important one would be, that in
time, the degree of customer dissatisfaction will increase. People will get tired of waiting in line every
time they want to wash their cars and waste their time. We think that this application is easy to use and
it should solve this situation. If people choose their desired car wash program before coming to the car
washing station and if they come at the hour they have scheduled their car everything should run
smooth. There will be a small period of time until everybody will know about this application and certain
persons might come without having an appointment and overlap with the ones having one. This can se
solved by putting into schedule at the beginning some free hours, for this kind of situations or any other
delays. In addition, the idea of having this application especially customized for JetPoint will bring new
clients and can help in building a closer customer relationship.

The cost to the business of not initiating this project is pretty high. The clients are the ones keeping the
business running and if they are dissatisfied, they will choose to go to wash their cars to another

3.10 Success Criteria
5 Key Success Criteria

1. The project is delivered on time with little variations of the budget and with the highest quality –
this is the first criteria; everyone should keep in mind these three things when performing their work
because based on them their work will be evaluated at the end. Timelines must be respected; little
variations of the budget can occur but not high amounts; everyone should put 100% in their work as we
want the work done to be one of the highest qualities

2. The customer is happy with the result – the client was present all the time during the project and
gave feedback in different stages; the project met client’s expectations or even exceeded them; result
should be seen from the beginning

3. The project solved the end-user’s problem – the waiting time is not a problem anymore, the end-
customers downloaded the application and are excited to use all the features; moreover this application
brought the customer closer to the company by establishing a relationship; the end-user will be also
asked for feedback

4. The project brought new clients and increased the company’s sales – the application is also
meant to attract new customers which will increase the company’s profit; an analyze will be performed
on the company’s revenue after putting into practice this project and an increasing trend should be seen

5. The team is satisfied with the work & results – everyone from the team should be satisfied with
the final result achieved by the group; individuals gave their best and came with different ideas during
the process for: improvement/problem solving.

3.11 Authorization

Project Sponsor Customer



Name: FLORIN GORON Position:

Position: Founder & CEO Date: 25 / 05 / 2020

Date: 25 / 05 / 2020





Date: 25 / 05 / 2020





Date: 25 / 05 / 2020


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