Quijano LDF1 Lab

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Learning Feedback Diary


To understand the process of the body mechanism of the medicine in studying the
whole subject of pharmacology, and how does it apply to the works of being a nurse
to the nursing interventions in treating patients. Also on understanding of developing
the vaccine which is very relevant right now of this covid pandemic that has affected
the lives of everyone around the world.

-To the assigned task on researching the specific country that developing covid
-Familiarizing the phases of testing of vaccines and its research development


We were assigned to do research about the development of covid vaccines that has
been developed for many months despite of this pandemic. That finding the county
which have made already the vaccines and have gone through clinical trials by testing
it to the people. But the country that I have found and chosen was the United
Kingdom, which they tried and tested to some other countries like Africa and United


Clinical Instructor:
Our clinical instructor was Ma’am Marnellie Obeso and Maam Jessica Simporios. We
were assigned to do this activity for the laboratory. And they announced and posted
this ahead of time and gave us the deadline. They also gave us some instruction on
what to find important information on searching the internet, such as the country the
name of the research development.

The things that I have learned from our activity is that finding the best vaccine is not
easy and it needs to take some considerations. Because a medicine that have been
developed or been tested, it is expected that there are side effects and adverse
effects. I also learned that there are phases on clinical trials on the new vaccines.
That each phases should be passed from Phase 1,Phase 2, Phase 3 and the Phase
4. The phase 4 is the important because if the vaccine is successful on testing it to the
people, then it becomes a huge success and can be released to the market. So as
student nurses, we should be always updated on what is happening to our world. We
should catch up important information and news in order to be aware.

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