Tormis Vs Paredes

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Tormis vs.

Paredes o Jill also averred that Judge Paredes

A.M. No. RTJ-13-2366 Feb. 4, 2015 accepted a cash bail bond for the
Mendoza, J. temporary release of a person, contrary
to law.
Facts: In his class, respondent discussed the - Judge Paredes, in his comment, stated that:
controversies surrounding a fellow judge, including the o it was necessary to talk about the
latter’s inclusion in an issue that was pending
investigation. Petitioner, the said judge’s daughter, marriage scams precisely to provide
sought to make respondent administratively liable. The guidance to the law students, and that
SC found him not liable for misconduct, but held him the issue was already widely publicized
guilty of violating the sub judice rule and of conduct anyway;
unbecoming of a judge (for using intemperate language). o That there was nothing wrong in
discussing the admin cases involving
Doctrine: to constitute misconduct, the acts must have a
Judge Tormis as these are already
direct relation to and be connected with the performance
of official duties. known to the legal community and that
The sub judice rule restricts disclosures pertaining to the some have already been published in the
judicial proceedings in order to avoid prejudging the SCRA;
issue. o That he admitted saying that Judge
Facts: Tormis’ son was a drug addict, and that
he should be removed from the judiciary
- Jill Tormis (Jill), daughter of Judge Rosabella
(the son was a court employee).
Tormis (Judge Tormis), attended the Political
- Office of the Court Administrator (OCA):
Law Review class of respondent Judge
referred the matter to the Executive Justice of
Meinrado Paredes (Judge Paredes) in
the CA (Cebu Station) for investigation and
SouthWestern University, Cebu City.
report. Thereafter, it was received by Justice
- Jill averred that in the said class, Judge Paredes
mentioned her mother’s name several times, all
o Justice Diy held Judge Paredes guilty of
of which are in bad light.
o Below are the statements: conduct unbecoming of a judge.
 His language was intemperate
 He named Judge Tormis as one
during class discussions;
of the judges involved in the
 Code of Judicial Conduct:
marriage scams in Cebu City,
judges should be models of
and that he talked about the case
even though the same is still
 Judge Paredes violated the sub
pending resolution in the SC,
judice rule by discussing the
which was in violaion of the
marriage scams even if the issue
sub judice rule1;
is still pending;
 Said that Judge Tormis was
 With regard the cash bail bond
abusive of her position and was
issue, no sufficient evidence
corrupt and ignorant of the law;
was presented to make him
 Mentioned that Judge Tormis’
liable for grave abuse of
son (Jill’s brother) was a known
drug addict.
o Based on these findings, she
o Because of the humiliation it brought to
recommended the penalty of Reprimand.
Jill, the latter was forced to drop the
subject and to transfer to another school. Held: The Court adopts the findings and
recommendations of Justice Diy except as to the
More info on the sub judice rule: “A violation of this rule
may render one liable for indirect contempt under Sec. 3(d), - Misconduct is defined as a transgression of
Rule 71 of the Rules of Court” (Marantan vs Diokno (2014)) some established and definite rule of action,
more particularly, unlawful behavior or gross - Re: cash bail bond, the SC affirmed the
negligence by a public officer. explanation of Judge Paredes and Justice Diy’s
o The misconduct is grave if it involves finding that the former was merely following
any of the additional elements of protocol.
corruption, willful intent to violate the o Judge was merely following AM 03-02-
law, or to disregard established rules, SC, which authorizes executive judges
which must be established by substantial to act on petitions for bail on Saturdays
evidence. (after 1 o’clock), Sundays, official
o To constitute misconduct, the acts must holidays and special holidays. If the
have a direct relation to and be accused deposit cash bail, the executive
connected with the performance of his judge shall acknowledge receipt in
official duties. writing and issue a temporary receipt
 Considering that the acts therefor.
complained of were made by o These were followed by Judge Paredes.
Judge Paredes in his class - Considering that this is the first offense of Judge
discussions, they cannot be Paredes, the appropriate penalty is admonition.
considered as “misconduct”.
They are not related to the The SC finds Judge Paredes administratively liabke
discharge of his official for conduct unbecoming of a judge and
functions as judge. Thus, he ADMONISHES him therefor.
cannot be held liable for
misconduct, much less grave
- Judge Paredes though is guilty of violating the
sub judice rule.
o The sub judice rule restricts
comments and disclosures pertaining
to the judicial proceedings in order to
avoid prejudging the issue,
influencing the court or obstructing
the administration of justice.
o Commenting on the marriage scams,
where Judge Tormis was one of the
judges involved, was in contravention
of the sub judice rule.
- A judge must exhibit the hallmark judicial
temperament of utmost sobriety and self-
restraint. He should choose his words and
exercise more control in expressing himself.
o Even though Judge Paredes’ intention of
sharing the issue seemed noble, and the
issue being a publicized one, these did
not give him the unrestrained license to
criticize Judge Tormis in his class
o He even included Judge Tormis’ son,
who was entirely not connected with the

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