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Reading in Philippine History

Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic,

and Cultural issues in Philippine History-
Special Topic

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss the following:
a. Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos
2. Understand the Significance of the Cultural relations
3. Analyze the Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos.

Did you know about the Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipino?

Figure 1. Supporter of BBL for Peace in Mindanao

In this module, we will discuss the Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos and the
short background to our Muslim communities and to know more about the prominent Filipino and
significant of multi culturalism of our country.
The Philippine Muslims was at one time a prevailing gathering in the nation. They have 500
years’ political history, so far the longest political experience contrasted with different gatherings
in the entire Philippines. Their way of life is a mix of Islam and adat. Adat is the whole of both pre-
Islamic culture and the philosophical understanding of the Muslims on the lessons of Islam. It is
itself the enduring commitment of the Philippine Muslims to the nation's national body politic.
Course Module
Nonetheless, to know the Muslim history, one ought to comprehend the part of Islam in achieving
recorded advancement. It is this Islam that really created gallant opposition against western
imperialism. The Philippine Muslims today wound up known as social groups attributable to their
way of life surviving remote hegemonism right up 'til today.
“The historical backdrop of the Philippine Muslims is a piece of the foundation of the verifiable
advancement of the entire nation. Filipino history specialists like Dr. Renato Constantino declared that
no Philippine history can be finished without an investigation of Muslim advancement (1990:29). “
“The Philippines has two lines of recorded advancement. The primary line, which is the more
established, came to create in Mindanao and Sulu. Furthermore, this alludes to the Muslim line of
chronicled improvement. Had not this line of authentic improvement been exasperates by western
expansionism, Islam may have diagrammed the whole predetermination of the Philippine nationhood.
Outer variables cleared into the nation and brought the second line. The Hispanized Filipinos were
fundamental to the improvement of this second line. This is the result of the considerable verifiable
encounters of the Filipino individuals under western run the show.”
“Mindanao and Sulu are the first country of the Philippine Muslims. These territories are
currently the third political subdivision of the Philippines. They are situated at the southern piece of
the nation, and lie around hundred miles north of equator. The regions involve a key position at the
focal point of delivery line between the Far East and the Malayan world. They are arranged north of
Sulawise and toward the west is the territory of Sabah. Mindanao and Sulu has an aggregate land
territory of 102,000 square kilometers. It is a ripe locale and known to be rich in agrarian ranch,
marine and mineral assets. As detailed, the greater part of the nation's rain woods are found in
Mindanao. While it’s horticultural harvests incorporate rice, corn, root crops, vegetables, cassava and
natural products. Marine items like ocean growth generation, angle and additionally gas and oil are
overwhelming in the Sulu Sea. Fifty nine percent of fish and sardines are to a great extent taken from
the Sulu Sea. Terrain Mindanao has considerable mineral stores. Zamboanga del Sur has gold, silver,
lead, zinc store; Davao oriental has chromite holds; marble stores for Davao del Norte and oil store in
South Cotabato. These colossal assets of the southern islands have made Mindanao the place that is
known for guarantee.“
“Be that as it may, the primary grouping of the Philippine Muslim populace is bound generally
toward the western side of Mindanao down to the Sulu Archipelago. In terrain Mindanao, the Muslims
are prevailing just in Lanao and Maguindanao regions. While whatever remains of the Muslim
populaces are scattered in adjacent areas, for example, Zamboanga landmass, North Cotabato, Sultan
Kudarat, South Cotabato, Davao Oriental, Davao del Sur and Sarangani island. In the Sulu Archipelago,
the Muslims are for the most part predominant in three island regions of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.”
Muslim Ethnic Groups
“Ethnic is an Italian expression for country. An ethnic group might be characterized as inborn
gathering which has its own particular dialect, hold in like manner an arrangement of custom unique
in relation to others whom they are in contact. It has its own particular domain from which its ethnic
character is inferred, and hence turns into a joining factor for bunch union. The Muslim ethnic
gatherings in Mindanao and Sulu are connected by both ideological and land factors.“
“The Muslims in the south are additionally socially connected to Muslim nations in Southeast
Asia, for example, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and the Patani of southern Thailand. They are made out
of eleven ethnic gatherings. Each gathering has its own particular dialect yet just a couple of controls
a political unit like a region or regions. A few gatherings talk one dialect with three varieties like the
Maranao, Iranun and Maguindanaon. The Sama individuals have one dialect with numerous variety,
for example, the vernacular of the Jama Mapun, and the Bangingi.”
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

1. The Maranao-“Actually, Maranao implies individuals of the lake. Their country is called
Lanao which implies lake. Their most seasoned settlement began around here, and up right up 'til the
present time, very populated groups still speck the lake. Their dialect is like Maguindanaon and Iranun.
One should be confounded as to which of them claims the native language since the Maranao and
Iranun can comprehend 60% of the Maguindanaon dialect. At any rate , these gatherings live in
nearness. Nonstop contact enables them to create or share a typical work on including dialect.“
“The Maranao are gathered in Lanao region. They involve the most vital place in Mindanao
attributable to their entrance to Iligan narrows in the north and Illana cove in the south. Amid the
provincial time frame, they battled against the Spaniards, generally under the banner of the
Maguindanao sultanate. Like other Muslim ethnic gatherings, the Maranao are overcome and have
offered forfeit with regards to their country and Islam. All through the provincial time frame, Lanao
was joined as one area of the Maguindanao sultanate. Seeing the significance of Lanao, the American
pilgrim government in Manila urged landless Filipinos to relocate to Mindanao. Most pioneers focused
on Lanao as their last goal. After around 50 years, the Filipino pilgrims wound up set up in the zone
north of Lanao. This inevitably prompted the division of Lanao into Del Norte and Del Sur starting
“Lanao is a land rich in writing. Darangan is a case of this. The presence of darangan
authenticates the level of human progress that the Maranao have accomplished at a certain point.”
“Potential assets like lake and farming area are all that could possibly be needed to help to
make the objective of darangan into the real world. The lake in the core of Lanao Del Sur is the greatest
lake in the Philippines. It is so far the present wellspring of vitality supply – at any rate providing
around 80% power framework of the entire Mindanao.”
“The Mindanao State University is situated at Lanao's capital, Marawi City. Most pioneers in
Mindanao are in certainty results of the MSU. 60% of its best teachers are Christians Filipinos.”
“Maranao society is a shut society. The whole regions of Lanao Del Sur, especially at the region
of the lake are untouchable to outcasts. The way of life of the general population are in their
conventional clothing, the malong and the abaya. This is the main place in the Philippines whose way
of life isn't influenced with the western pattern. The Maranao contact to the outside comes through
Iligan City and Malabang. Iligan City is 40 minutes ride from Marawi City. Malabang a waterfront town
of Lanao Del Sur requires over one hour to reach. Under a long range design of Christian development
in Mindanao, the Christians would enter the core of Lanao from three zones – from Iligan in the north,
Malabang in the south and Wao from the east. They in actuality controlled these territories for long
time as of now.”
2. The Maguindanao-“Initially, Maguindanaon is the name of the family or administration
which came to administer nearly the entire island of Mindanao, especially the previous Cotabato. It
later alludes to the Muslim individuals who live in the Pulangi valley which sprawls the Southwestern
piece of Mindanao. It is consequently, the Maguindanaon are called individuals of the plain. They
acknowledged Islam at the last quarter of fifteenth century. Add up to Islamization of the entire
Course Module
Pulangi region succeeded just with the landing of Sharif Kabungsuan a sovereign from Johore who
came to Mindanao after the fall of Malacca and adjacent regions to Dutch colonialists in 1511.”
“The best commitment of the Maguindanao to human advancement in Southeast Asia were the
sultanates of Maguindanao and Buayan. These sultanates climbed all the while after the entry of Sharif
kabungsuan who established the principal sultanate in Mindanao. Amid its prime, the sultanate of
Maguindanao brought the entire terrain of Mindanao under its control. It turned into the instrument
of the Muslims in Mindanao in frustrating the western expansionism.”
“The Cotabato had been the seat of the Maguindanao sultanate. This is the hereditary place
where there is the Maguindanao including the slope ethnic gathering, for example, the Tiruray,
Tasaday and Subanun. As a result of its wide valley, Cotabato region has as far back as the rice ganary
of the nation. The colonialists had as far back as been pulled in to the rich place that is known for
Cotabato. Ordinarily, the Spaniards made Cotabato as capital of Mindanao amid their military
occupation. This provincial arrangement, anyway succeeded just amid the American time frame. It
could arrange the principal Filipino settlement in 1912.”
“The Maguindanao are the hardest hit of the Filipino settlement. Their political power lessened
after long stretch of battling and opposing imperialism and Christianization, especially toward the
start of the twentieth century. The Maguindanao battled alone without remote help amid this period.
Be that as it may, by 1970s, three-fourth of their country were lost to Filipino pioneers, generally Ilongo
and Cebuano. The Manila government made in the region the five territories of Maguindanao,
Cotabato, South Cotabato, Sultan Qudarat and Sarangani.”
3. The Iranun-“These individuals have possessed the region flanking between Lanao del Sur and
Maguindanao territory. They asserted to be the beginning of these two ethnic gatherings. The dialect
of the Maranao and Maguindanao is emphatically established in the Iranun tongue. The Iranun may
maybe be the mother dialect and the rest are only a negligible lingos. For a few centuries, the Iranun
framed piece of the Maguindanao sultanate. Their way of life got much impact from the Maguindanao
as opposed to the Maranao. There was a case in the past the seat of the Maguindanao sultanate was
arranged at Lamitan and Malabang that were the fortifications of the Iranun society. They battled the
western intruders under the banner of the Maguindanao sultanate. The Iranun were fantastic in
oceanic movement. They used to employ the course interfacing the Sulu Sea, Moro bay to Celebes Sea,
and attacked the Spanish held regions en route.”
“The Iranun have likewise achieved a level of social association tantamount to the
Maguindanao or the Tausug. This is confirm by the datu arrangement of authority where a solitary
initiative is perceived. An Iranun datu, similar to a sultan, employed focal control over his kin. By virtue
of their little populace, the Iranuns have been overwhelmed by their neighbor and kept them from
having their own sultanate. However ethnic awareness has been solid as the Iranun kept on
safeguarding their own particular manners of life and even to outline their own political
predetermination. Like other Muslim gatherings, the Iranuns are additionally best in class in the field
of training. They effectively partake in neighborhood advancement; their experts have figured out how
to involve enter positions in the administration, maintain their own business substances and Islamic
establishments like masjid and madrasa.”
4. The Tausug-“Prof. Muhammad Nasser Matli contended that the term Tausug is a slang word
and started from two words: tau (individuals) and mama isug (overcome). In this manner, Tausug
implies overcome individuals.”
“Prior to the happening to Islam, the Tausug had officially settled a focal government. At the
point when Islam came, Tausug pioneers acknowledged Islam. They didn't help it. When they moved
toward becoming Muslims they made themselves models by injecting Islamic qualities and legislative
issues to the legislature. The outcome was the spread of equity in the land. Seeing the magnificence of
Muslim administration, the whole locals at last acknowledged Islam. The tranquil triumph of Islam in
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Sulu amidst the thirteenth century prompted the Islamization of nearby governmental issues. This was
the procedure that achieved the foundation of the Sulu sultanate in 1450. Numerous Tausug pioneers
were sent outside Sulu to additionally fortify the Sulu sultanate impact. This was the starting point of
the development of Tausug people group in Tawi-Tawi, Palawan, Basilan, Zamboanga, and Sabah. Up
to this period, these spots are as yet the most loved goal of Tausug transients who have been uprooted
by the wars and clashes between the Muslims and the Philippine government.”
5. The Yakan-“The term Yakan is an error of the word yakal by the Spaniards. While the term
Basilan has started from two words basi (iron) and balani (head honcho). In the antiquated time
Basilan was thickly secured by the yakal trees. Outside individuals frequently mixed up the name of the
yakal trees as the local character. Amid frontier period the Spaniards marked the occupants of Basilan
as Yakan, and progressed toward becoming conveyed up to the present.”
“Like other Muslim territories, Basilan has been the objective of Christian infiltration since the
Spanish period. Her rich assets like timber and fruitful agrarian land and also her geological closeness
to Zamboanga City has made her helpless against exhibit industrialist misuse and Christian control.
There have been as of now various districts where the Filipino pilgrims have the high ground. Isabela,
Maluso, Lamitan and different groups have a staggering Christian populace. Furthermore, their
populace development and group extension are continued proceeding. Huge tract of terrains which
are key are for the most part possessed by the Filipino pioneers. There are numerous zones where the
Yakans move toward becoming minoritized, and further uprooted from their own particular terrains.
In the regions where they are now minoritized the Yakans are presented to underestimation. In
legislative issues, there are numerous occurrences before, top authority fell under the control of the
outside individuals.”
“The way of life of the Yakans is like the Tausugs. Its inward establishment lies on the soul of
martabat. For the external side, religious organization like masjid and madrasa, curios and the
immense number of Yakan experts, ulema, lawmakers and contenders strengthened further the quality
of the Yakan culture. These two establishments are solidly planted in the core of the Yakans. This is
their genuine quality. The test of the Yakans today is to guide their young age to affirm their rights and
create trust in their both material and non-material culture.”
6. The Sama- “The Sama personality got from the term sama-sama which implies harmony or
aggregate exertion. The Sama individuals are exceedingly scattered and scattered in the Sulu
Archipelago. They are geologically differentiated inferable from their introduction to oceanic exercises
and angling. There are five sub-groups that make up the Sama individuals. Helping each other is
perceived as standard of the Sama individuals. Incorporated into the Sama gather are the Badjao
known as the ocean tramps of Sulu Archipelago and Celebes ocean. The Badjao individuals call
themselves Sama Laut. In Malaysia, they are called Orang Laut. Every one of these portrayals point to
them as being watercraft individuals. They generally move starting with one island then onto the next,
living in their little vessel for quite a long time or even a very long time without mooring or coming to
town to purchase their requirements. The Badjao don't build up a perpetual group like the Arab and
the Cossacks in focal Asia. They have not ready to build up a political foundation that can propel their
Course Module
aggregate enthusiasm of their general public. Their social association don't approach even the level of
a faction, one might say, since they have no perceived group pioneer. Their social structure is leveled.
Rich individuals or elitism is totally missing in Badjao society. Every one of them have a place with the
poor strata. Family structure is the main factor that makes the Badjao society conceivable. Parts and
obligations are designated to each part starting from the parents to their kids, from the grown-up to
the youthful ones. The father goes about as pioneer; the mother is in charge of cooking; youngsters
gather fire woods in the seaside regions, and helps assemble ocean bottom and get water. As watched,
the entire Badjao family constitutes likewise the financial unit, which implies, every one of them need
to cooperate (sama-sama) for their survival.”
“Neediness and backwardness are the two essential factors that keeps each Badjao family from
sending their kids to class. Kids are required at home or should go with their folks looking for their day
by day sustenance. This is the reason the Badjao society endures a high absence of education rate. Short
of what one percent can read the Qur'an or Roman letter set. Their current condition has crumbled.
They are exceedingly presented to the mistreatment of Tausug warlords. They are regularly misused
in some monetary exercises. Insignificant reward or pay are given for their work, and low cost for their
products, similar to lobsters and fish.”
“The Sama individuals who possessed Tawi-Tawi are called by their place of home. Hence, there
is the Sama Balimbing, Sama Simunul or Sama Sibutu. These gatherings claim to be the source of all
Sama sub-bunches scattered all through the Sulu Archipelago. They occupied most real islands of Tawi-
Tawi. While in the terrain the Sama focus is restricted to Balimbing and Sapa-Sapa. These individuals
have an abnormal state of proficiency rate contrasted with other Sama sub-gathering. Relatively every
Sama barangay in the territory has a government funded school. Higher institutional learning is
additionally accessible, for example, the MSU-Tawi-Tawi and the Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural
College (TRAC). Most best government positions are held by Sama. Like the Tausugs, the Sama are
presented to all fields of teach and usually to discover them in national organizations involving key
“The Sama Bangingi are additionally viewed as real gathering inside the Sama ethnic
gathering. Their lingo is only a variety of the Sama dialect. Geological separation being isolated from
other Sama bunches via oceans has caused the variety of their vernacular from their primary language.
In any case, by and large all Sama individuals see each other. The Bangingi have a very much created
social association practically identical to the Tausugs. Back to the sultanate time frame each Bangingi
people group had its own particular panglima and maharajah as the most astounding and powerful
individuals in their general public. The tip of Zamboanga promontory, Pilas and Tungkil island were
once overwhelmed and led by the Bangingi pioneers. They had four in number Kuta at Zamboanga
before the Spaniards involved it. The last took half a month prior to they could oust the Bangingi from
their fortifications. The Bangingi were great mariners. They were the principal assemble in this nation
to achieve Bengal inlet and investigate the Indian sea. They found the association of Sulu ocean , the
straits of Malacca and the Indian sea. The vast majority of the sultanate campaigns to Visayas and
Luzon were charged by the Bangingi warriors.”
“The Bangingi not at all like the Badjao are exceedingly presented to the Filipino society and
its foundation. Greater part of them has considered in the Filipino school, and figured out how to
possess enter positions in the administration. Sadly, they neglected to fabricate their own particular
organizations like school, political gatherings and organizations that are equipped for affecting social
changes in the general public. There are just individual activities. The Bangingi stay a long way from
aggregate social advance.”
“Jama Mapun are another Sama sub-gathering. They call their lingo as pullun mapun which is
a piece of the Sama dialect. The term mapun remains for west. They call themselves as Jama Mapun on
the grounds that they are arranged at the far off west of Sulu. They are assembled to a great extent at
the Turtle island, Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi an island region situated at the outskirt adjoining Sabah.
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

They are additionally found in southern Palawan. Like the Bangingi, the Jama Mapun received
changeless settlement, henceforth they have an obvious social association where the panglima is
perceived as best group pioneer. Amid the Sulu sultanate period, Jama Mapun used to be of a military
vital significance to the sultanate. It used to be the sultanate's starting base to secure the
unquestioning dedication of the panglima of Sabah and Palawan.”
“The entire Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi is perceived as nearby government unit, a region under the
region of Tawi-Tawi. With this the Jama Mapun have been subjected to focal control from Manila since
the times of the Philippine Commonwealth government in 1936. Government school and organizations
were set up there and set under the control of the nearby individuals. The island is viewed as key place
for the AFP forward power, since it is arranged amidst the Sulu ocean and South China ocean, and
neighboring Sabah. The administration manufactured airplane terminals, which the military can use
for propel troop developments in the Sulu sea.”
7. The Sangil- “The Sangil originated from Sangihe an archipelago sprawling the Celebes sea
only south of the Mindanao ocean. Their movement to Sarangani region and to the seaside regions of
Davao del Sur and South Cotabato was in front of the happening to Islam to Southeast Asia. They held
onto Islam later because of their nonstop contact with their homeland, which moved toward becoming
Islamized, and additionally with the rising Muslim people group in Maguindanao and Sulu in the
fourteenth century.”
“The Sangil talk a dialect like Bahasa, and in the Philippines, to Tausug. They additionally
advanced their own particular social association related with focal administration, which empowered
them to wage fight against the Dutch and Spanish imperialism. There were numerous occurrences the
Sangil aligned themselves to the Maguindanao sultanate. They used to contribute war paraws,
warriors and arms in real endeavors to Spanish held-domains. The Sangil have likewise high political
and Islamic cognizance. They are dynamic in their battle for self-assurance as a component of their
technique to have their way of life and social foundations saved and grew further. They prevailing
finally. In 1992, the Sarangani area was conceived expected to contain the commotion of the Sangil.”
8. The Kaagan- “The Kaagan possessed for the most part Davao zones. They moved toward
becoming Muslims because of contact with the Maguindanao sultanate, and later fortified with the
landing of some Tausug bunches who composed the Kaagan culture. No big surprise the Kaagan dialect
has numerous bahasa sug root words. With the flight of the Tausug and Maguindanao impacts at the
tallness of the Filipinization procedure. A large portion of them have been minimized and were
defenseless to enhance their general public in light of the fact that their social association did not
enhance as those in Lanao and Sulu”
9. The Kolibugan- “The term kolibugan is a Sama word which signifies "crossbreed". Initially,
they are a piece of the Subanun ethnic gathering, an indigenous people possessing the inside of the
Zamboanga promontory. Their neighbors, especially the Sama Bangingi and the Tausugs called these
Islamized Subanun as Kolibugan in light of the fact that their way of life has been adjusted by their
Muslim neighbors and for quite a long time there has been intermarriage with different gatherings
that delivered new ages, thus they are called Kolibugan. These individuals still talk the Subanun dialect
Course Module
and hold the Subanun sort of social association, which is constrained to faction introduction with less
political slant. Today, the term Kolibugan is connected to all Subanun who moved to beach front
territories and intermarried with the Muslims, lastly grasped Islam.”
10. The Palawan- “The early Muslim tenants in territory Palawan were the Panimusan. These
individuals progressed toward becoming Muslims because of close contact with the Sulu Sultanate.
Numerous Tausug amid the sultanate time frame came to Palawan so as to acquaint Islam with the
nearby individuals. The Muslim focus is for the most part in the southern piece of Palawan, for example,
Batarasa, Rizal, Quezon, Brooke's Point and Espanola. In these regions the Muslims are likely
overwhelming and hold political power. Segregated Muslim people group are additionally found in
Narra, Roxas, Taytay and Aborlan.”
Since the fall of the Sulu sultanate, contact between the Palawani and the Tausugs was
relatively lost. They have been confined to each different as there is no immediate exchange or social
connection between the two individuals.
11. The Molbog- “The Molbog are basically kept in the Balabac islands situated at the southern
tip of Palawan. They got Islamic impact and later grasped Islam from Brunei Muslim teachers. The
engendering of Islam was dynamic amid the fifteenth century when Muslim territories ascended from
the eastern side of the Malay promontory and Borneo. At this period, the Brunei sultanate was growing
its impact to the Philippines and Palawan isn't a long way from Brunei. The Sulu sultanate likewise
reinforced Islam among the Molbog”

History Gap

Historical Roots
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Chronology of Mindanao Peace Agreements

Course Module
Marcos Negotiations with the MNLF

Aquino Process with the MNLF

Ramos Process with the MNLF

Domestic Stage Process with the MILF

Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Chronology of Peace Agreements (Showing direct references to women)

Course Module
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Course Module
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

27/07/2008 Joint Statement
05/08/2008 Memorandum of Agreement on the Ancestral Domain Aspect of the GRP-MILF Tripoli
Agreement on Peace of 2001

Course Module
2009 29/07/2009 Joint Statement between the GRP and MILF Peace Panels
15/09/2009 Framework Agreement on the Formation of the International Contact Group for the
GRP-MILF Peace Process
27/10/2009 Agreement on the Civilian Protection Component of the International Monitoring
Team (IMT)
02/12/2009 Joint Statement
09/12/2009 Terms of Reference of the IMT- New Mandate and 2nd Amendment
09/12/2009 (Renewed) Interim Implementing Guidelines of the Joint Communique of May 06 2002
09/12/2009 Joint Statement
21/04/2010 Joint Statement
05/05/2010 Terms of Reference of the Civilian Protection Component (CPC) of the International
Monitoring Team (IMT) • Reference to women: Page 1, Article I. References 8. United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1325 and Resolution 1820 which protect women and girls from all forms of violence,
particularly during and after armed conflicts.
05/05/2010 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Philippine Campaign to Ban Landmines -
Fondation Suisse de Deminage (PCBL-FSD) Project Pursuant to the Joint Statement of the GRP-MILF Peace
Panels dated 15 November 2007
03/06/2010 Guidelines on the Humanitarian, Rehabilitation and Development (HRD) Component
of International Monitoring Team (IMT)
03/06/2010 Declaration of Continuity for Peace Negotiation between the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Front
2011 10/02/2011 Implementing Guidelines of Joint Communique of 6 May 2002
2012 15/02/2012 Implementing Guidelines on the Joint Comminiqué of 6 May 1992
24/04/2012 Government of the Philippines-MILF Decision Points on Principles as of April 2012 •
References to women: Page 2, 10.g. Right of women to meaningful political participation, and protection
for all forms of violence; 10.i. Right to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in social and economic
activity and public service, regardless of class, creed, disability, gender or ethnicity;
15/10/2012 Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro • References to women: Page 2, I.
Establishment of the Bangsamoro 5. The Parties recognize Bangsamoro identity. Those who at the time of
conquest and colonization were considered natives or original inhabitants of Mindanao and the Sulu
archipelago and its adjacent islands including Palawan, and their descendants whether of mixed or full
blood shall have the right to identify themselves as Bangsamoro by ascription or self-ascription. Spouses
and their descendants are classified as Bangsamoro. The freedom of choice of other indigenous peoples
shall be respected. • Page 9, VI. Basic Rights 1.g. Right of women to meaningful political participation, and
protection of all forms of violence;
1.i. Right to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in social and economic activity and the public
service, regardless of class, creed disability, gender and ethnicity. • Page 14, VIII. Normalization 11. The
Parties recognize the need to attract multi-donor country support, assistance and pledges to the
normalization process. For this process, a Trust Fund shall be established through which urgent support,
recurrent and investment budget cost will be released with efficiency, transparency and accountability.
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

The Parties agree to adopt criteria for eligible financing schemes, such as, priority areas of capacity
building, institutional strengthening, impact programs to address imbalances in development and
infrastructure, and economic facilitation for return to normal life affecting combatant and non-combatant
elements of the MILF, indigenous peoples, women, children, and internally displaced persons.
2013 25/01/2013 Third Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) and its Terms of Reference
27/02/2013 Annex on Transitional Arrangements and Modalities to the Framework Agreement
on the Bangsamoro (FAB)
27/02/2013 The Independent Commission on Policing and its Terms of Reference • References to
women: Page 1, 2. Principles The ICP will be guided by the provisions of normalization in the Framework
Agreement on the Bangsamoro. Its guiding principles are: b) Inclusiveness, to reflect the ethnic and cultural
diversity in the Bangsamoro, as well as the ability to address the different issues facing women, men,
children and minority groups. • Page 2, 5. Functions The main function of the ICP is to conduct studies and
produce a set of recommendations on the appropriate policing for the Bangsamoro. For this purpose, it
shall: a) consult widely, including with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), National Police Commission
(NAPOLCOM), Department of Defense (DND), and other relevant government agencies as well as with
Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF), communities in the Bangsamoro, including women, NGOs, and
other people and organisations.
11/04/2013 Terms of Reference for Sajahatra Bangsamoro • Reference to women: Page 4, 5.
Sajahatra Bangsamoro Mode of Delivery 5.2.3. Field Implementation – The MILF shall establish its Project
Management Team that will be responsible for the following: a) Identify all individual and community
beneficiaries for the Program, always guided by the principles of inclusiveness and gender balance.
22/04/2013 Guidelines for Mutual Understanding between the CCCH of the GPH and the MILF for
Ceasefire-related Functions during the 13 May 2013 National and Local Elections
13/07/2013 Annex on Revenue Generation and Wealth-sharing to the Framework Agreement on
the Bangsamoro (FAB) • Reference to women: Page 7, XII. Gender and Development In the utilization of
public funds, the Bangsamoro shall ensure that the needs of women and men are adequately address. For
this purpose, the Bangsamoro shall set aside at least 5% of the official development funds that it receives
for support programs and activities for women in accordance with a gender and development plan.
08/12/2013 Annex on Power-Sharing to the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro
• References to women: Page 3, Part Two: Governance Structure 2. The Bangsamoro assembly shall
be representative of the Bangsamoro’s constituent political units, as well as non-Moro indigenous
communities, women, settler communities, and other sectors. The Bangsamoro Basic Law shall ensure that
representation in the assembly reflects the diversity of the Bangsamoro; • Page 4, Part Two: Governance
Structure 7. There shall be a Bangsamoro council of leaders composed of the Chief Minister, provincial
governors, mayors of chartered cities, and a representative each of the non-Moro indigenous communities,
Course Module
women, settler communities, and other sectors. The Bangsamoro council of leaders shall be chaired by the
Chief Minister; • Page 10, Part Three, III: 55. Establishment of appropriate mechanisms for consultations
for women and marginalized sectors; 56. Special development programs and laws for women, the youth,
the elderly, labor, the differently-abled, and indigenous cultural communities
2014 25/01/2014 Annex on Normalization to the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB)
• References to women: Page 8, G. Socio-Economic Development Program 3. Special socio-economic
programs will be provided to the decommissioned women auxiliary forces of the MILF. 5. The Parties
recognize the need to attract multi-donor country support, assistance and pledges to the normalization
process. For this purpose, a Trust Fund shall be established through which urgent support, recurrent and
investment budget cost will be released with efficiency, transparency and accountability. The Parties agree
to adopt criteria for eligible financing schemes, such as, priority areas of capacity building, institutional
strengthening, impact programs to address imbalances in development and infrastructures, and economic
facilitation for return to normal life affecting combatant and non-combatant elements of the MILF,
indigenous peoples, women, children, and internally displaced persons.
25/01/2014 On the Bangsamoro Waters and Zones of Joint Cooperation Addendum to the Annex
on Revenue Generation and Wealth-sharing and the Annex on Power-sharing
22/03/2014 Terms of Reference for the Joint Normalization Committee
22/03/2014 Terms of Reference for the Independent Decommissioning Body
22/03/2014 Terms of Reference for the Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission
27/03/2014 The Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro
23/11/2014 The Coordination Team for the Transition to the Bangsamoro Transition Authority
(BTA) and its Terms of Reference
23/11/2014 Confidence Building Measures for the Six Acknowledged MILF Camps through the
Department of Agriculture Farmer’s Assistance Program
2015 29/01/2015 Certification (Renewal of the International Monitoring Team mandate)
29/01/2015 Protocol on the Implementation of the Terms of Reference of the Independent
Decommissioning Body
• References to Women: Page 2, II. Definitions: MILF Combatants. For purposes of these
implementing guidelines, refers to both regular and guerrilla members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed
Forces (BIAF). To ensure that the socio-economic initiatives and the decommissioning process will be
gender-sensitive and inclusive, the term shall include Women Auxiliary forces. • Page 8, V. The Process:
2.5 Registration and verification of MILF weapons and combatants at APA – All MILF combatants will be
registered and verified by the IDP at the APA sites. This registration will include the following information:
name, age, sex, rank, responsibilities within the unit/formation, date of entry into service and will provide
the basis for a complete list of personnel.
31/05/2015 Certification (Renewal of the Civilian Protection Component of the International
Monitoring Team)
31/05/2015 Certification (Renewal of Ad Hoc Joint Action Group mandate)
02/06/2015 The Task Force for Decommissioned Combatants and their Communities and its Terms
of Reference • References to women: Page 2, IV. Composition 3. The Task Force shall create a special team
on the special socio-economic and development programs for the decommissioned women auxiliary forces
of the MILF.
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

Bangsamoro Basic Law is the latest treaty in Philippines that open for the Peace of Muslim
in the Philippines it also give rights to our Filipino-Muslim people in Mindanao. The purpose under
the constitution or under the that “The people of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao,
imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to develop a just and humane society and establish a
Regional Autonomous Government that is truly reflective of their ideals and aspirations within the
framework of the Constitution and national sovereignty, as well as the territorial integrity of the
Republic of the Philippines, and to secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of autonomy,
democracy, peace, justice and equality, do ordain and promulgate this Organic Act through the
Congress of the Philippines”. That is under the “REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6734”. The article that states the
new treaties of Filipino-Muslim in the Philipines. The Philippines signs historic peace agreement
with Filipino-Muslim groups.

Figure 2. Signs historic Peace Agreement

Course Module
This information except from the news relatively with the Peace treaties of Filipino-
Muslims that give emphasis with the historical Gap of Filipino and Muslims.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
1. Antonio, Eleonor D., Dallo, Evangeline M. at et al... ; 2010; Kayamanan (kasaysayan ng
Pilipinas); Sampaloc, Manila; Rex Book Store, Inc.
2. Agoncillo, Teodoro A.; 2010; Philippine History; South Triangle, Quezon City; C & E
Publishing, Inc.
Reading in Philippine History
Module 16 Week 16 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural issues in
Philippine History-Government Peace Treaties with Muslim Filipinos

5. Abubakar, Carmen A. 'Review of the Mindanao Peace Processes'. Inter-Asia Cultural

Studies 5, no. 3 (2004): 450-464. doi: 10.1080/1464937042000288732. Bell,
Christine. Peace Agreements and Human Rights. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
6. Bursan-Lao, Yasmin. 'Phillipines: Women and Inclusivity in the Mindanao Peace
Process'. Accord, no. 25 (2014): 28-29. Foundation,
Thomson. 'Philippines-Mindanao Conflict'. Trust.Org, 2015.
Official Gazette Of The Republic Of The Philippines', 2015.
10. GRP-MILF Peace Process: Compilation of Signed Agreements & Other Related
Documents (19972010). MILF Peace Panel/Asia Foundation, 2010. 'GRP-MNLF and
GRP-MILF Peace Agreements and Enabling Legislation'. Accord, no. 6 (1999): 37-55.
11. 'G.R. No. 183591',
2015. 'P.D. No. 1618', 2015.
12. Mackerras,
Colin. Ethnicity in Asia. London: Routledge Curzon, 2003. Muslim, Macapado A., and
Rufa Cagoco-Guiam. 'Mindanao: Land Of Promise'. Accord, no. 6 (1999): 10-19.
13. Office of the Presidential Adviser
on the Peace Process (OPAPP). ‘MILF Peace Table: GPH Panel for talks with the MILF’.
2015, Office of the Presidential
Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP). ‘Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace
Process (OPAPP)’. 2015.
14. Office of the
Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP). 'Signed Agreements'. 2015.
15. Peace Agreement Access Tool
(PA-X). 2015. 'The
Transitional Justice Institute/INCORE Peace Agreements Database’. 2015.
16. 'UN Peacemaker'.

Course Module

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