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Tio -jr -33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

wttra qw4

?Eke Gcaette of ;43ndia ari:ITEITTUT

31PT 3-37-171171
PART II—Section 3 Sub-section (i)
Ti * sichl


N. 4731 qmi , TNITT, 3411#i 25, 2010/WT 3, 1932

No. 4731 NEW DELHI, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2010/BHADRA 3, 1932


Rc\-41, 20x11 , 2010
TITAT.fq. 702( 30.-3-17-44 c-n-i111-1 3-10 3-IftTf747, 2008 1 4R1 51 NTTE ( 2 )
(4s ( 7) TIIRT tTM 18 (3) * ct c1 SK ti Yifa<141 TT 5141 cickgitt 79-1th
*, 3124q,

1. 7:tfkMigi 3t1T . rrti-T,— (1) Ti f974( aTrfir*• faf-lal+-1ar ATf9 T 34g1 :11-4rfirwrcrt (3I1 9 -ff241
3111 7r- *16-R 51-14) 2010 4151 ,31R+11 I
(2) 74 11 11 4-117WRI tI ,T144 40111Y1-1 cipLtif
2. tritiTrEirq ( I) Tff .F97[14 14, Qlq
- 4c4 A 31.7124 T 3It'W 7 t '"--
(*) - RP-111 ,111 340-* Far-NIA-I* 31TftT*7171 3Tfqf1744, 2008 (2008 *1 27 ) afi-Ttra. ;
'34ftlf7zP4 4 *t 147-d17:1
( §T) 311%IfizT7 MITT 18 *-1' 37 NTT (2) * h cf 411 ,114 T.9). 3411-1. 34f140 t I

(7) 4 341-4 4 3-TrtTfTzi4 .T1 WU 18 tTR-I (1) * ae cr f-*7T TRfT 311 3Tf t;
( 1;) 4-56-1.6(u1 4 A 3iNfT:r* t tITTT 3 *-1' 3TI tIRT (1) * - .491 "TT- I-1 411147H 310T* a -111 1-111 ATRI-T-TuT

( -T) 'sr:W*7 f9741* w-v-f 3f75)d*;
2. "(41 71-4 47 ciici-4 *1, 4179 -F97*1 Tra-- icbq TR air TIftillftrd f*-7 34P-ifi?-44 u "Effriltsm.
t, 3T051 , 11 1 dlchr3Zi3TfTf9-4.44 34..Thit I
3. 311*31PraT 31111-6 TiPriT "MT 3-Ichl tico-4141—( 1 ) 9R1 18 * F-itrz14 * 3T1-4q7 arc
-PT7F4-+-Tr7 *#RP,i 514 - 1 -4 t19-frf f-*-7r ,311q
(2) 3itich(urgR1fc7 -TTR fT7t fir, f 311MT 311#* igclIL1) M'Or- 11 -14
- rf r * T1TRT 3711-0 *-1.
.2 1 777* fi--vr 3T4qr f9t7 3i2T-41 34rt7t, f Fi_1(11L6 t, ticz1if4ci 31-f -Mq-#12.11-414 After ,;r9-ff
(3) 3Tr1- 'P:117Tftl-*717 * .TirRT 347479. 31.2.1-4T 31 341-1t th-T1-7 -F*71-1 zWIT 341-{ if-5 15 31-P4 1-174-4 1-1711
*, ft7Trt TfTzT 344-41. to-II-IRci Ard Fch f '1 -crt9 -Fci
- X211 414 X11'Ll 2,11131-rF 3141-r sqQ1 Ter1-4
-4-74T "p11 Tr* ,41 3417 347 -*TTI-NizIT 77134T1 Lilt (4a 1-11e. d-o-R tIfFzff 2.5 At. 3-ftT 15TT741. 5 A. -*I
i4115` 311T CIS 1-44-1ff tcn k-f to o W:P.S, air -RTR4-1:PT .ifT7 I
3336 61/2010 (1)

4. —( 1 ) 1TA-W 3T1-4-<ff 3-124-41 314R*1114 74 6AR toil; kffT JIT f-W ftift ilLfd*WT 1 dCH
-th§f1 3TRTWIft, 11 1 It fq-711 Ki 4 Ti
, icrol kri
[1:FT. 3i. 1-12023/001/2009-]
ar6cf 9, tilcrcf

[1:4ZIR- 3*VTITESt(1)*ta]

CI4114111 31riftfdI timer) *wirtichkul 31*R 3ifilWITT

t aft-writ-dr
201 WI

31T-4w (37-4-ce)

7.11. 3Trd-dt Cm am c4t)

(ari IA *TIRO
I. aTrk-cff ,,,e4 (I
( 141-{az1 3rifir*V71 31filf5414, 2008 * 4s--18 (1) * 3tT17 31T T)
2. tl ar tg a1T-4-<*• (31**1) fsq)(1 r-p-nrit* :
(i) 'RR cbls Trfo sieb 1171
(ii) 1:11- Trfo Imrtsr
(iii) fi
(iv) L.:K{A.
(v) 31rfirt-d -strufafq trdr, tb Iff A, -chTr Tiro
3. tlar 71-a--qt (51inaiR41) qtr :
(i) frri *IT Ito 514) 'WM

(ii) TkrtF A Trku ToTrEf

(iii) I-147
(iv) 14
(v) rtfq-t-u 3-17'nftr .4 -En, th-li 1,fat{ A, -4,11-4 A. Tto
a 31t ai-itichvii aftwrirdt
airk-cw (31rk-c4) rtisewfaqir Trza 37-4-c 4 ROW aftwur aftmfTaT cft
5. 4-11+-1
( 710 'MA r 7W1407 fd4TuT 319ff rircuci,f4fti* 749. Ito Turffl) fIRTff
ti arc si I A6i W1:11-Tq' sict)ch 1-11 4-1(4 tkitm. t I )
6. (i) *'fftzti zif TO* 1:Rzi fl4ic icii-AtCWZ 3 (ii) flfq* -M*1 TAR! air4-ca
fallt f*R Tr4 :
(ni) 4-114-1(4 * -d2zi
fqf4 * 3R9

( e) 11.111k141?1‘ )
ad, 0. I oz
I <4 thLie 04 t*. 14:4 11244
(kw',) J=1,:? 1D4 Jrt1111:1_ hit It434 *.hie 4 (e4) th .91t. JAE 4£ #
h 1
1121. 117.1h63 ta.g_
.11a ( k%4?-1i£ )
( ..k+-411£ ) 11.)116t1).h 1WJ ( (..+41k£ )
tOZ *1E4 b-a
(iu) OliPPjtajt-tt.j (!IF)
*1-01 P-11.N1 * * 4.1 1DJ 441i4 # 9-14- V kiza C -14
prots. .L1
&t21.L11£ 1I-A0 LI& #..V.4 `ra . 91
<10 1- r1Z.14 4.1.1121*413.1_ 4019 JL `1

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112tt 112.*4 ).1-r1 Alia* la*tiji 1121-e J:1_111t (11- 1101./K ) 2_44.* Th_tj. /-11-t14 '1 I
1413_ L__01 4 1-1\4 ist.04 `14& `ki pl* `.64lle .01
t'LP 4 ` 11=Iti 1o 1 K --11.44 (F1.0 '6
(1 Pi 6 lkte 2q190J 1- 4h 1121L ka 144 Ea
J4v1 az at*. hf 11 1t 1tL I Jlh 24 pi,* *kt ()*oi0 )
?)j. L 4
l± lta 112 lh 11-rti:+ 112 Nolailh ??I t12. ti,* 4 ibit
J inh tEt 1? 4&14 1 E0
I kg.B. it4 04112 .8
I 421. k•-h-P P.A1,13. 161h)01K
ic` Pith [—II



(aw--47* (37-4-c71) ( -F-*7# wr TR. 91 1-101 t)

375 eblelkiq
eta, toc,g(cr
cbortfw 7*.-4ft 04.1 c#C1 I AllchR 3177 Tre */ TRWIt ?Mt
1.1, TR *) afrt tr *rte Auf-* -44
7arrecrw '2.7:1 Tim la*
?cif* :

alraw ( aTraTe)* pRriaTT

[ ritoi wow]
3Tr1, iqiiichMIf 1c4ui aitlYff aTfir*-fur
'fff Rmit
201 311*ff Tt.
q'rq q1144,

7.15r. - 5(r-dat (54Fclai ctii)

* -rittr
tr4 *Tim)
1. aTcrIF Tr .Ft'ru
("41Razt Fc4 1-1114crli 71RITTErf 3-tfr-{44, 2008* (9s ataTh
Lit tit*. filitzT 711 atcw*fwz 1-117alzr 1a4-1111-R-1-1 341ft q
TifftMITT alltifimri, 2008 * 4,s-18 (2) * af-mta. 31A-F)
2. M f aTrOT* ki)qur f-dfq mzr,i1 c t
3. flgf tg 3N-1-ow-df (3F117wdf3T1) ivfrt-r :
(i) fcrff rnls Trro sm.) 'cm
(ii) *OF V-TrEf
(iv) ctti
(v) 3rffirt-ff 'Ste-44 WI TM, 719' +47 '4., •1-147 etc
4. 7:11# WaTii #rad 1.) ,&-I*1-o73r'rdart. (31rocurc41)*r tr-dr :
(i) frff chls Tiro sich TIT
(iv) +IR
(v) litftrt7 31feitiT Trdi, Lb -1 , --1:1F .141-4tfa Trio
[ 1-1111 11-7313-t- 3(i)] 1-11td t1 ,31‘1 ,1 : 347T19-77 5

5. 31-Ftlfwtur 31-RT*TFT-ffr
7flsirff f-*--zrr TFIT 3TOFfgazT qt q - 3Tiit*-117 31-rwri-raT *
6. (3-1711311) TTT 3 1:1Tha 3Tfi3f97414 *.‘ 31:1- (5..s -3 if ci
al-4N 1-Thd7 WEA7 31711-Or fT4ifT7 3-1-4N * 1417t 4irc TIT 3TqF -f4- 4/f4T4-4/34q-vr,
zrg 3TT1-F Trt f-dfiT 4 30 4-4rfuff * Tit *) i qk zrg 3T4-1-7 yfttiThi
aft a1 fq-ot4 -1-11 ,01 31d 34-04 Trr-o 4t,y4r Tqiftiii f1-qrfg
7. 724
(zrf ctaisto-iivit 727 Q,41 Tifk-Tqf 'N.-17117W 41{dc4YLlic1 311 11 dc9^1 f-lfq *5R'f Tfo
4-11Lic-1 T1 31Tip chZ 1 ,315f 10* *TT xj2T*- )
8. (1) 1717*—ff27 zircialY*ITP:11 card td 3T t (1i) 3Ttftc trT
ich A14 t -0Y :

(T) 71:0 air

( -g)
9. iciRTT micrgr-4 ito 30-1^i 7E314 I
10. 3TTftR 31 1 "4171, arc 1, f-1*4 TETA 31711* T112T 1

11. 7rT f-*--Tt 37:1 3-710d -4 TL-4 Th--rt-9 Tit? zrri-4u

-- -1611
( cia-AA) giu 3TTr1 zrg T1 * (T TR,
fM^ zig 3T1:11- Tr 3,icmcf zTi f*-41,31 i;rrfirr 4 Rd qlf;:1111 711 qcbci-► r T f-+-741
qi AT -4 t *1 11 fT1:11. iNch ZrT+717
3TCh-ff-*-d1341) 1:1 Rd qtrmict,1qtr -13-*771 cIgt f rr qr a1 at -RrT k4 TR
3T T, qic tTzr TR fir t>} TR4 a1t-4* TifTuri-4 a.)2 *01 7f4
,T1K 1)

12. '""f:11 trod (fl6a7) -Twit AT f--1-ft-1* -544q1-41, tiro -gi, -11 raft 1,d
13. 31-91-9r*r ziR f-4-4r-c*fq-F-47frffatt ( 3T41- Air*-Tur*T:RRT5iyt fwzrt
4t-D441 .4 fdfq mod, -Eft 3-4 31719 Ti mIlf(ff iqA1 +NI 7fff t) 1

14. 3T-1-wrTfur+-i
(3-1-1"9"4 'R7? 3T-1-wqr-i4*-T
15. T7J-- -N---a-r4 #Uf arfirwr-4, 411974, 5r:^(1 IT.T if 441 iFfa*T rTT

.7fW krci -14 -04
ft-4ft- Tr:1z -4.
16. tai 14)1 4(sif :



17. err 7Tift -gr-d-w-1-
-- ( SI a 1 () *TP-11 kogrr-Ta. Trii - i -4111 40 , 04,1 Trio 3T41- .-- Trf-d 34-4-ffrff T1 t,
tft , 't fiqiit-d -srf--zrr -q1--- * 91TM4 * 311ffiT-07 'ZiT. (4c/4,,F(,-R kHlc 4c0-i el
4,1 3-11. 41 111 t-11 1-1 1.11, f1-4711/17 3-1171d.Wat Wf 'PT ..-7-411 31T-477W i-1 4-1111 * :

-ATfim , i
3Trzi--1?r T4-TT-7 4 3rrMftad a2,711 *, liT1-8 14 fiW17 Faciircd -F-4- 34 AT fq-N -t -tAq-if -t OzTrd 31-**

53 3 4 c-10)(N --2_...
il l


(air4W A 1-14-trofi5d Trrd ) 'fffR 7091



aTm f-c4fw 201

3T1frOW-di ( 3TIff9W-4311) 3T0RW-di (34—

34---ew-df (aTtiThwdfaTI) 'gm
d) ,-R -i1 ficr ma
c TUf kicgitf fartiTa TIT 1:1 *PR ct) ( CH et'A IT Wit t M21. r t ztt CG1111 • 17IT* 3 taTP1
TM- t *TT (*Alf (TT) f 40 1 14) * Zittf Phq TR tii,ial -cpri--4-A. c oe, Ai -gf-dzif 14-4
lchrl Vci*1 k1 39 1C*
aTm fcfftw 201 1:1T ticvif4ci encif 1TEIT I
aTtil-ewat (31-4-o-*--dt31i)* 3711.-ffwuf (aitfrffwat311)

3171-wdf (44) Trutlittit ( chki TWT1 t 4t HiliciT

1) 319 4)404 -4 ,
f-i-4R31 cgio ticw1fvn ch(ir itft 014 etCl'Iti ,311-iehlt argiTT (-41 tlRTTft fc-th-re1431TRI
fa, TO) AK ,171 TiTig 176:1 * 1-* -44 'ffEzirO:Wa .%-ctrza

31cr17-+--4 (3n-1--dw-440 TRIM

New Delhi, the 20th July, 2010
G.S.R. 702.—In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (3) of section 18 read with clauses (h) of sub-
section (2) of section 51 of the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008, the Central Government hereby
makes the following rules, namely :
1. Short title and commencement.—(1) These rules may be called the Airport Economic Regulatory
Authority, Appellate Tribunal (Forms for Application and Appeal and Fee) Rules, 2010.
2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions.— (1) In theses rules unless the context otherwise requires, —

(a) 'Act' means the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008(27 of 2008);
(b) 'appeal' means an appeal preferred under sub-section (2) of section 18 of the Act;
(c) 'Application' means an application filed under section (1) of section 18 of the Act;
(d) 'authority ' means the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority established under sub-section
(1) of section 3 of the Act;
(e) 'Forms' means the form annexed to these rules;

[TM Il—tins 3(i)] 1-TRff thIN >1 : 3MMTPIT 7

(2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Form of application or appeal and verification thereof — (1) An application to be filed before the Appellate
Tribunal for adjudication of dispute under section 18 in the Form I.
(2) An appeal against any direction, decision or order made by authority shall be filed before the Tribunal in
Form II and shall be in five copies and accompanied with the certified copy of the direction or decision or order against
which the appeal is filed .
(3) Every application or appeal filed before the Appellate Tribunal shall be in English and in case it is in some
other Indian language it shall be accompanied by a copy translated in English and shall be fairly and legible type written,
lithographed or printed in double spacing on one side of standard petition paper with an inner margin of about four
centimeters width on top and with a right margin of 2.5 cm, and left margin of 5 cm, duly paginated, indexed and stitched
together in paper book form.
4. Fee. (1) Every application or appeal shall be accompanied by a fee of rupees ten thousand which may be

remitted in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Pay and Accounts Officer, Ministry of Civil Aviation, payable at
New Delhi.

[F. No. A-12023/001/2009-AD]


{See sub rule (1) of rule 3)


A. B. Applicant (s)
C. D. Respondent (s)
(with short address)
1. Details of Application
[ application under section 18 (1) of the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008
2. Address of the applicant (s) for service is as set out hereunder :
(i) Postal address including PIN code
(ii) Phone number including mobile number
(iv) Fax No.
(v) Address of authorized representative with phone No. fax No., e-mail

3. Address of the repondent(s) for service of all notices:

(i) Postal address including PIN code
Phone number
E- mail
(iv) Fax Number
(v) Mobile Number
(vi) Address of authorized representative with phone number, fax, number, e-mail and mobile number
4. Jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunal

The applicant (s) declares that the subject matter of the application is within the jurisdiction of this Tribunal.
5. Facts of the case
(Give here a concise statement of facts in a chronological order followed by elaboration of issues including the
question of law. Each paragraph should deal with , as far as possible a separate issue. )
6. Formulate (i) the facts in issue or specify the dispupe between the parties and (ii) summarize the questions
of law that arise for consideration in the application.
(a) Facts in issue
(b) Question(s) of law
7. Grounds raised with legal provsions.
8. Matters not previously filed or pending with any other court.
The applicant(s) further declares that the applicant(s) had not previously filed any writ petition or suit regarding
the matter in respect of which this application is filed before any court or any other authority nor any such writ petition or
suit is pending before any of them.
[ In case the applicant(s) had previously filed any such writ petition or suit, the stage at which it is pending and,
if decided, the outcome of the same should be specified and a copy of the order should also be annexed.].
9. Specify below the grounds for such relief (s) and the legal provisions, if any, relied upon.
10. Details of interim application, if any, preferred along with the application.
11. Details of applications, if any filed before this Appellate Tribunal against the same dispute, by
Respondent(s) with numbers and date, if any passed in that application (if known).
12. Index
[ An index containing the details of the documents in chronological order relied upon is enclosed.].
13. Particulars of fee payable and details of bank draft in favour of Pay and Accounts Officer, Ministry of
Civil Aviation, New Delhi.

In respect of the fee for appeal.

Name of the Bank Branch Payable at Delhi. DD No. Date
14. List of enclosures :
15. Whether the copy of application with all enclosures has been forwarded to all respondent(s) and all interested
parties, if so, enclose postal receipt/courier receipt.
16. Any other relevant or material particulars/details which the applicant(s) deems necessary to set out :
17. Relief sought
In view of the facts mentioned in para 5 above, points in dispute and questions of law set out in para 6, the
applicant(s) prays for the following relief (s) :
Dated at this day of 201
Counsel for Applicants(s) Applicant(s)
The applicant(s) above named hereby solemnly declare (s) that nothing material has been concealed or suppressed
and further declare(s) that the enclosures and typed set of material papers relied upon and filed herewhith are true
copies of the original(s)/fair reproduction of the originals/true translation thereof.
Verified at on this at day of 201
Counsel for Applicant (s)

[ 14PT io u s 3(i)] 177 kl \7f 4'4 : 3VEITTITI 9

[Name of the applicant(s)] S/o. W/o. D/o. [indicate any one, as the case may be]
age working as in the office
of resident of
do hereby verify that the contents of the paras to
are true to my personal knowledge/derived from official record) and para to are
believed to be true on legal advice and that I have not suppressed any material facts.
Date :
Place :
Signature of the applicant(s)

{See sub-rule (2) of rule 3)
A. B. Appellant (s)
C. D. Respondent (s)
(With short address)
1. Details of Appeal
[ appeal under section 18 (2) of the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008 against
impugned direction, decision or order dated passed
under section of the Airport Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008.
2. Date of which the order appealed against is communicated and proof thereof, if any.
3. Address of the appellant (s) for service is as set out hereunder :
Postal address including PIN code
Phone number including mobile number
(iv) Fax No.
(v) Address of authorized representative with Phone No. Fax No., e-mail

4. Address of the respondent(s) for service of all notices in the appeal is as set out hereunder :
Postal address including PIN code
Phone number
(iii) E-mail
(iv) Fax Number
(v) Mobile Number
(vi) Address of authorized representative with Phone No., Fax, No., e-mail and mobile number

5. Jurisdiction of the Appellate Tribunal

The appellant declares that the subject matter of the appeal is within the jurisdiction of this Tribunal.
6. Limitation
The appellant(s) declare that the appeal is within the period specified in sub-section (3) of section 18 of the

3334 er(ho

Act. (Explain how the appeal is within the period prescribed in case the appeal is preferred after the expiry of 30
days from the date of direction/decision/order against which this appeal is preferred). In case the appeal is barred
by limitation, the number of days of delay should be given along with interlocutory application for condonation of
7. Facts of the case :
(Give here a concise statement of facts in a chronological order followed by eleboration of issues including the
question of law arising in the appeal. Each paragraph should deal with , as far as possible a separte issue. )
8. Formulate (i) the facts in issue or specify the dispute between the parties and (ii) summarize the questions
of law that arise for condisderation in the appeal.
(a) Facts in issue
(b) Question(s) of law
9. Grounds raised with legal provsions.
10. Details of interim application, if any, preferred along with appeal.
11. Matters not previously filed or pending with any other court.
The appellant(s) further declares that the appellant(s) had not previously filed an writ pettion or suit regarding the
matter in respect of which this appellant is preferred before any court or any other authority nor any such writ petition or
suit is pending before any of them.
[ In case the appellant(s) previously had filed any such writ petition or suit, the stage at which it is pending and,
if decided, the outcome of the same should be specified and a copy of the order should also be annexed].
12. Specify below explaining the grounds for such relief (s) and the legal provisions, if any, relied upon.
13. Details of appeal(s), if any preferred before this Appellate Tribunal against the same impugned order/
direction, by Respondent(s) with numbers and dates, if any passed in that appeal (if known).
14. Index
[ An index containing the details of the documents in chronological order relied upon is enclosed].
15. Particulars of fee payable and details of bank draft in favour of Pay and Accounts Officer, Ministry of
Civil Aviation, New Delhi,
In respect of the fee for appeal.
Name of the Bank Branch Payable at Delhi. DD No. Date
16. List of enclosures :
17. Whether the copy of appeal with all enclosures has been forwarded to all respondent(s) and all interested
parties, if so, enclose postal receipt/courier receipt in addition to payment of process fee as prescribed.
18. Any other relevant or material particulars/details which the appellant(s) deems necessary to set out :
19. Relief sought
In view of the facts mentioned in para 7 above, points in dispute and questions of law set out in para 8, the
appellant(s) prays for the following relief (s) :
Dated at this day of - 201
Counsel for Appellants(s) Appellant(s)

[WIT II—taus 3(i)] 1-111-d •Wr (IA 'Of : 3TT1it11 I 11

The appellant(s) above named hereby solemnly declare (s) that nothing material has been concerned or suppressed
and further declare(s) that the enclosures and typed set of material papers relied upon and filed herewhith are true
copies of the original(s)/fair reproduction of the original/true translation thereof.
Verified at on this at day of 201.
Counsel for Appellant (s)
(Name of the appellant(s) S/o. W/o. D/o. [indicate any one, as the case may be]
age working as in the office
of resident of
do hereby verify that the contents of the paras to
are true to my personal knowledge/derived from official record) and para to
are believed to be true on legal advice and that I have not suppressed any material facts.
Date :
Place :
Signature of the appellant(s)

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

Tio 31' o 'Tao-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

MR-a TR--
T i"F% 41v114,1
Zhe 6a2ette of ;India
V17T 3-3tT-13PTS (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
TiffiT0T * %feta *id
It 2561 14m1 , aptLIritqlt, TO 19, 2011/ *mg 29, 1933
No.2561 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011NAISAICHA 29, 1933


rcrril, 19 WC 2011 New Delhi, the 19th May, 2011
11A 1A 389(31).-74 .4-ATM*fciiW 25-08-2010
G.S.R. 389(E).—In partial modification to this
31firf797 Zi. TIT.W.fff. 702 * alftW 370tri * 3f1Ti'd Ministry's Notification No. G.S.R. 702 dated 25-8-2010, the
3t1710 31f47-q1 Ott TIM) 0 titsql '0 317-702 number of aforesaid notification (English version) may be
* ITT "'tcrii3TIT-702(1) TsIR I read as "GSR 702(E)" instead of GSR 702.
2. ttir 7MT-4ff 4fi1 I 2.The rest remains the same.
[mil. 1:1. 7-12023/001/2009-7Tn [ F. No. A-12023/001/2009-AD]
31)Tif 1r4.4
OMA NAND, Under Secy.

1798 0112011

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
7f41•740 70-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

The 6caette of ;India
APT 3-37-(gus
PART 11—Section ---Sub-section (i)
WNW! * Yid

R. 3001 71 t-4', 14 4 1(10111, Tff 7, 2011/ to 17, 1933

No. 3001 NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2011/JYAISTHA 17, 1933

9111T 0 1-1111


i-cc-ciL 7 7, 2011

T1T.W.fff. 436(34').— HAtog *1 "R71* 25-8-2010 *1 31f¢T T N. 71.*T.'ft 702 if 31-ff71* -*- A 7 7,4
19-5-2011 *71q 389( 31) *1:1M 'tad, fir f l T*7 -W

(i) I* *if 4tsq1 6 if itic ‘ftWEI'* t171 77;

(ii) 411 44 14 .wir 4.«.41 17 * V11-4* 4 31** ( 3Tr4q*i) & bi'lq I "ItEPT1' -F41-i ITT ITT'

(iii) m, p-i 111 3174-C* ( 3T1**i) TTT 14)Nuif ''1* -1Tr4 Tffwf if m4, `t-zRf424'*T2T9 TIT ' -0:12.1' 7-r AK;

(iv) -igi-f(1 )7-1 -0:4]' 'wcf—f97-4.4 ( ' (2)' -71 AK;

( v ) 4)14 11 if sto-1 4t24.11 5 -4 4 3-IfiTc*-(7' * T-217 7 '3.1f4-131' ,y111,;

(vi) TFT4 TT if 77 t-ito41 7 -4 ITT ' .04-171-9. ' '111 f 77;

(vii) ,r)14 11 sto-T 4Raqi 8 -4 kIoc * -R#9 trt

(viii) Ltd IT 1 4(.9,-if 9 4'1 T--4 :',1cR ,71-1' **T-2,119 TIF "acRA-i TIT 77;

(ix) 4, 14 if * 9b +4 t-R9e-4f 11 7791 tff4a- * '41'4 izTT ` 1:1t7ii vet ,11;

(x) mTif 11 -4 `31-t-o*--di (3TcrIffwai3#) 'gm 1414.if' i 31z314 -4F-wr '44' **F.2.1T9' 4 ef- ' Trq AK;

(xi) Th--r4 TT -4 1-9--4rft TirksP71f' Iffft -ct4Tt if 71-g 4 *W4-g' * '

(xii) 'l 14 11 if 4 7-41-t (74R-ii) 1 1 El*Irtf' -7rt 4f-wr>i .7r 'tzrrfi-izT'*TzTr9 "TT 't7Ri-q21' 41..1 oV;

2. 34 AK

[71. 14. 7. 12023/001/2009-1,s ]

3T-4-( 4-1,4
2103 GI/2011 (I)


New Delhi, the 7th June, 2011
G.S.R. 436(E).—In partial modification to this Ministry's Notification No. G.S.R. 702 dated 25-8-2010 read with
G.S.R. 389(E), dated 19-5-2011, the following may be read as under :—
In S. No. 6 of Form I, the word `dispupe' may be read as 'dispute;
In second line of Declaration by Applicant(s) in Form I, the word 'herewhith' may be read as `herewith';
In S. No. 7 of Form II, the word 'eleboration' may be read as 'elaboration';
In S. No. 8 of Form II, the word 'condisderation' may be read as `consideration';
In S. No.9 of Form II, the word 'provsions' may be read as 'provisions';
In first line below S. No. 11 of Form II, the word 'pettion' may be read as 'petition' ;
In the first line of Declaration by Appellant(s) of Form II, the word 'concerned' may be read as
(viii) In second line of Declaration by Appellant(s) of Form II, the word 'herewhith' may be read as 'herewith'.
2. The rest remains same.
[ F. No. A. 12023/001/2009-AD]
OMA NAND, Under Secy.

Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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