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Professional Schools

Ground Floor, PS Building

Matina Campus, Davao City

Feliscuzo, Daphne Weisyl R.

Padernal, Maribel


MUSCLE TESTING – is also known as Applied Kinesiology (AK) or Manual

Muscle Testing (MMT).
 First used in early 20th century to measure muscle weaknesses in polio
 Manual Muscle Testing – is used to determine the extent and degree of
muscular weaknesses – BRIAN ABELSON
 It was developed by chiropractor GEORGE GOODHEART and was
called Applied Kinesiology.
 He discovered the relationship between Chinese meridians (used by
practitioners of Chinese medicine including acupuncturists) and muscle
groups, organs, and glands in the body. By testing the resistance of a
muscle when a small amount of pressure is applied to it, weaknesses
and imbalances in its corresponding meridian could be distinguished.
 Kinesiology uses simple muscle testing procedures to find
problem areas, and uses massage, touch, nutrition, and counselling to
balance holistically.
 Kinesiology testing does not diagnose disease. Muscle testing
enables analysis, which detects minor functional imbalances. Minor
imbalances when not corrected, accumulate and cause
 The status statement of the International College of Applied
Kinesiology states clearly that Applied kinesiology is to be practiced
in addition to other standard forms of diagnosis. One cannot make
a diagnosis solely on the basis of manual muscle testing outcomes,
though these outcomes can contribute to an overall clinical impression.
Professional Schools
Ground Floor, PS Building
Matina Campus, Davao City


 MUSCULAR STRENGTH – the maximum amount of force a muscle
can exert in a single effort.
 * Achievement of muscular strength depends on factors like GENDER,
Muscular Endurance
 * Is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue

Muscle Power
• It is the ability to exert a maximal force in a short time as possible.

Importance of Muscle Testing

1. MMT is a good measure of your progress throughout your treatment

and can help the professional determine whether adjustments need to
be made
2. For those with chronic conditions that affect muscle mass, MMT can
provide your physician a good measure of how your medication and
overall treatment plan is controlling your condition.
3. MMT is a relatively inexpensive and highly effective tool for identifying
and evaluating neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction
4. Practitioners use AK to find a muscle that is unbalanced and then
attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. The
doctor works out the treatment that will best balance the patient's
Professional Schools
Ground Floor, PS Building
Matina Campus, Davao City

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