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27/08/2020 Photos from Pràtik Kümær's post in ☕☕JAVA_COFFEE ☕☕

9+ Pràtik A_COFFEE ☕☕2

Pràtik Kümær > ☕☕JAVA_COFFEE ☕☕

Hi folks,
#Letest #update #real_time
#AWS #Lambda with #AWS #CloudTrail
AWS CloudTrail is a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service.
CloudTrail captures API calls as events. For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, you
create a trail. A trail enables CloudTrail to deliver log files of events to an Amazon S3 bucket.

You can take advantage of Amazon S3's bucket notification feature and direct Amazon S3 to publish
object-created events to AWS Lambda. Whenever CloudTrail writes logs to your S3 bucket, Amazon S3
can then invoke your Lambda function by passing the Amazon S3 object-created event as a parameter.
The S3 event provides information, including the bucket name and key name of the log object that
CloudTrail created. Your Lambda function code can read the log object and process the access records
logged by CloudTrail. For example, you might write Lambda function code to notify you if specific API call
was made in your account.

In this scenario, CloudTrail writes access logs to your S3 bucket. As for AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 is the
event source so Amazon S3 publishes events to AWS Lambda and invokes your Lambda function.

Example CloudTrail log

{ "type":"Root",
"sessionContext":{ "attributes":
{ "mfaAuthenticated":"false",
{ "name":"dropmeplease" 1/
{ "type":"Root",
{ "attributes":
{ "mfaAuthenticated":"false
Photos from Pràtik Kümær's post in ☕☕JAVA_COFFEE ☕☕ · 5 hours ago · View full
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