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Reference Manual

Release 3.8
The specifications and data given in this documentation are subject to modification without prior
notice. Unless otherwise stated, any names and data used in the examples are completely fictitious. No
part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted for whatever purpose, in any form or by
any means (electronic or mechanical), without the express permission in writing from DataKustik
DataKustik GmbH. All rights reserved.
Greifenberg 2008
CadnaA is a registered trademark of Datakustik GmbH, Greifenberg, Germany.
CadnaA - Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register

Chapter 1 Register 1

Chapter 2 Sources 2

Chapter 3 Obstacles 3

Chapter 4 Topography 4

Chapter 5 Immissions 5

Chapter 6 Configuration of Calculation 6

Chapter 7 Import 7

Chapter 8 Digitalize 8

Chapter 9 Graphics 9

Chapter 10 Bitmaps 10

Chapter 11 Tables 11

Chapter 12 Libraries 12

Chapter 13 Output 13

Chapter 14 Project Organisation 14

Reference Manual
2 Chapter 1 Register

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Contents 1.1 1

Chapter 1 Register 1

1.1 Contents
1.2 Licence Agreement
1.3 Index
1.4 New Features - CadnaA 3.7
1.5 Conventions Used in this Manual
1.6 Literature

Reference Manual
1.1 Chapter 1 Register

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Licence Agreement 1.2 1

1.2 Licence Agreement 1


grants the customer a non-exclusive licence for the CadnaA soft-
ware. The property right and the copyright in the software do not
pass to the customer. The licence is issued for use on one single
computer workstation. For any further computer workstation, a
separate licence agreement will be required. The customer is
responsible for the selection of the licensed software and its use.
2. HARDLOCK PROTECTION: The CadnaA software is hardlock-
protected. This hardlock represents the value of the program. It
cannot be replaced free of charge, if lost.
3. PROHIBITON OF COPYING: Neither the licensed software, nor
the documentation, in whole or in parts, may be copied. The only
exception to this rule is the generation of a machine-readable
copy of the software for backup or archiving purposes. Any copy
made by the customer for these purposes shall be clearly
labelled like the original software, including the same complete
notices regarding confidentiality, property right and copyright of
DataKustik GmbH.
4. ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER: The assignment to third par-
ties of rights and obligations arising out of this licence agree-
ment, and the transfer of the software for use is subject to prior
written consent by DataKustik GmbH, Munich, Germany.

Reference Manual
1.2 Chapter 1 Register
Licence Agreement

5. USE OF TRADEMARKS: The customer is permitted to use the

trademarks and commercial names used by DataKustik GmbH
to identify printouts, provided that (a) these printouts were pro-
duced by the licensed software using an electronic printing
medium, (b) these trademarks and commercial names are iden-
tified in the same way as done by DataKustik GmbH, and (c) the
customer stops using these trademarks and commercial names
upon termination of this licence agreement.
6. PROHIBITION OF MODIFICATION: The customer may not
modify the licensed software in any way, or have it modified by
third parties.
7. UNAUTHORISED USE: The customer undertakes to ensure
that his employees and any other person subject to the cus-
tomer's instructions, having access to the licensed software,
comply with all obligations of safeguarding and the duty of care
and diligence arising out of this agreement. The customer fur-
thermore undertakes to ensure that no person gains access to
the licensed software with the aim of deriving the source code. If
the customer becomes aware of any such persons as indicated
in the first sentence of this clause, using the software in violation
of the obligations of safeguarding and the duty of care and dili-
gence mentioned, he shall immediately take any possible action
to prevent such use contrary to agreement. He shall inform
DataKustik GmbH in writing of any such use contrary to agree-
ment, should it continue nonetheless.
8. INDEMNITY: DataKustik GmbH is entitled to the protection
rights and the copyright in the licensed software. The customer
can be held liable by DataKustik GmbH for any violation of such
protection rights which he is answerable for.
9. WARRANTY: The customer recognises that errors in the pro-
grams and the pertinent documentation cannot be excluded
given the state of the art. If, within 30 days from delivery to the
customer, the customer asserts any deviation of the programs
from the program specifications/description, he has the right to

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Licence Agreement 1.2 3

return the defective software including the hardlock key to his

supplier, and to demand delivery of a new software version. If
remedial measures cannot be taken, or fail, the customer has
the right to demand cancellation of the agreement. In this case,
the customer shall destroy any and all copies that he may have
generated. In states where national legislation requires a term of
notice of defect of more than 30 days, that legally provided term
shall be taken to apply, if the software is purchased and used
tik GmbH IS NOT BINDING FOR DataKustik GmbH.
held liable by a third party because of an alleged violation of a
patent right, copyright, or any other protection right that said third
party may have in the licensed software, DataKustik GmbH shall
immediately be informed in writing of the alleged violation of pro-
tection rights, and DataKustik GmbH shall be supported suffi-
ciently in any lawsuit. If the customer is held liable by a third
party in this way, DataKustik GmbH has the right to choose, at its
own discretion, to either provide the customer with the appropri-
ate licence by the third party in question, to modify the licensed
software, to supply the customer with an equivalent different
software, or to take back the licensed software, in which case
the licence fees shall be fully reimbursed to the customer.

Reference Manual
1.2 Chapter 1 Register
Licence Agreement

DataKustik GmbH is not liable for violations of protection rights

which are due to the fact that the customer altered or modified
the licensed software to suit his needs, or that the licensed soft-
ware is used or sold in combination with other software, hard-
ware or consumables not supplied by DataKustik GmbH. This
material liability is the total of any liability assumed by DataKus-
tik GmbH for violations of any patent right, trademark right, copy-
right or other intangible property rights.
10. SOFTWARE UPDATES: DataKustik GmbH reserves the right to
supply to the customer the most recent version of the licensed
software. DataKustik GmbH reserves the right to charge the cus-
tomer with additional licence fees for such updated versions,
and the customer has the right to decline acceptance of such
Should single or several provisions of this agreement be or
become invalid, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the
remaining provisions of the agreement. The invalid provision(s)
will then have to be re-interpreted or supplemented in such a
way that the originally intended commercial purpose is lawfully
CadnaA is a registered trademark of DataKustik GmbH, Germany.

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 1

1.3 Index Auralisation 2.14-4

Auto save 14.12-1
Numerics AutoCad 13.3.3-1
AutoCad-DXF 7.4.2-1
3D-Camera 9.16.0-6 Automatic Saving of Files 14.12-1
3D-Reflector 3.10-1 Auxiliary Polygon 9.10-1
as camera line •-4
A closed, as camera line F-5

absolute Height 4.4-3

Absolute Height at Every Point 4.4-3
Absolute Height/Ground at every point 4.4-4 Barrier 3.5-1
Absorption automatically optimize noise barriers
Alfa 3.2-1 3.7.1-1
Spectra 12.3.5-1 the floating 3.5.1-1
Acoustic Transparency 3.3.1-1 with special Crowning 3.5.2-1
Additional Width of Road G-3 Barrier Coefficient 6.3.11-8
Adjusting column width 11.2.6-1 Bastian, connection with CadnaA 13.4-1
Air Attenuation, user-defined 6.3.11-9 Batch Operation 14.9-1
Aircraft Tab 6.3.14-1 Bitmap 7.4.11-1, 10.2-1, 13.3.1-1
Angle Scanning 6.3.4-7 calibrate 10.2.1-1
Appearance of Grid 5.5.3-1 fix 10.2.1-4
ArcView 7.4.3-1, 13.3.4-1 Formats 10.2-1
ArcView Ascii Grid F-3 Import from GoogleEarth 10.2-2
Area (m²) 2.6.5-1 show bitmap 10.2.1-4
Area Source 2.5-1 Web-Bitmaps 10.3-1
Area source BMP 13.3.1-1
horizontal 2.5-1 BNA,BNX 13.3.1-2
vertical 2.5-1 BPL option G-1
Areas With Specified Ground Absorption 3.8- Bridge 3.6-1
Example of a street bridge elevated by
two embankments 3.6.2-1
Arithmetic 3.3.6-5
Example of How to Enter a Bridge 3.6.1-1
Arithmetik 5.5.4-1
how to enter a 3.6.1-1
Ascii-file 4.7-3
Building 3.3-1
Ascii-Raster 13.3.1-1
acustic transparency 3.3.1-1
Atlas GIS 7.4.4-1
Deactivate Point Objects in Buildings
Attenuation 2.6.6-1

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

3.3.0-1 Selecting Data for 6.4-1

1 Generate Building 3.3.4-1 Calculation Methods implemented 6.3.3-1
Height Points 7.4.13-1 Calculation Protocol 6.5-1
Level-Difference-Map 3.3.8-1 Camera Line •-4, F-5
Level-Difference-Map for 3.3.8-1 generate 9.16.0-6
Noise Maps of 3.3.6-1 Check Consistency 5.2.3-1
Residential and Outbuilding 3.3.2-1 Closing Buildings 5.6.5-1
Result Table for the Building Noise 3.3.7- Cluster of Height Points 4.7.0-2
1 Combo Box
Snap Point to Building Facade 3.3.3-1 Scale 1: 9.3-1
Building Evaluation 3.3.5-1 Compact Protocol 6.5.1-1
Building Height Points 7.4.13-1 Compatibility mode for Industry 6.3.7-4
Building Noise Map Configuration 6.3-1
Text Variable 3.3.7-4 Conflict Maps 5.6.2-1
Built-Up Areas 3.9-1 Contour Lines 4.5-1
Button Bar 11.2.1-1 Coordinate Grid 9.4-1
Coordinate System
C global 9.6-1, 10.2-4
Median Strip 9.6-1
Cadna.dat 12.2-2 Offset 9.6-2
CadnaA-Beispieldateien auf CD-ROM User-defined coordinate system 9.6-2
ObjektTree.cna 1-6 Copy 11.2.1-1
SmallCity02.cna 1-15 Copy Data Records 11.2.7-1
CadnaA-example files on CD-ROM Correction
buildings.txt 1-4 for multiple Reflections 2.9.8-1
ct_lines.txt 1-6 Country Tab 6.3.2-1
Calc Width of Roads 2.9.8-2 Criteria for the Calculation of Reflections
Calculate Min. Distance Source to Reflecting Ob-
Limits 9.2.0-4 ject 6.3.10-5
Calculation 6.6-1 Crossings with Traffic Lights 2.10-1
Batch Operation 14.9-1 Crowning 3.5.2-1
Compact Protocol 6.5.1-1 Cylinder 3.4-1
Grid 5.5.2-1
HAP 6.6.1-2 D
Limits 9.2.0-4
Protocol 6.5-1 Database
QSI 6.6.2-4 ODBC interface 7.5-1

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 3

Deactivate Point Objects in Buildings 3.3.0-1 Drefl dB(A) 2.9.8-1

Delete 4.7-2 DTM 1
Data record 11.2.0-2 fit objects to 4.3-1
Grid Points 5.5.1-4 DTM Digital Terrain Model Tab 6.3.8-1
Delete Height Points 4.7-3 DXF 13.3.3-1
Designation of Land Use 5.3-1 Dynmap 14.10-1
Deviation G-2
Diagram 2.6.3-3 E
Digitizer 8.2-1
Calibrate Digitizer 8.3-2 EDBS 7.4.6-1
Info 8.2-4 Edit
Initial string 8.2-4 Result Table 11.3.1-1
Option 8.2-4 Source dialog 2.6-1
Tablet Menu 8.3-3 table cells 11.2.3-1
Terminal 8.2-5 Edit dialog
Text 8.2-2 of a source 2.6-1
Type 8.2-1 Editing
Digitizing Template Files 13.2.2-1
Digitizing a Map 8.3-1 Editing a Template File 13.2.2-1
Digitizing a Road 8.4-1 Editing Table Cells 11.2.3-1
Diorecivity Embankment 3.7-1
Paste from clipboard 2.7.3-4 Emission
Directivity 2.7-1 attenuation 2.6.6-1
Directional Sound Radiation 2.7-1 A-weighted Emission Value 2.6.1-1
Frequency dependent 2.7.3-1 Emission Spectrum 2.6.3-1
Import via ODBC 2.7.3-4 Ko without ground 2.6.8-1
Sound Radiation from Building Elements L*m,E in dB(A) 2.13.0-4
and Openings According to Lm,E in dB(A) for roads 2.9.3-1, 2.9.9-1
ÖAL 2.7.2-1 normalised A 2.6.2-4
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets operating time 2.6.7-1
2.7.1-1 Railway 2.12.1-1
Display Ground Height 4.8-1 Sound Reduction 2.6.4-1
Display real Width of Roads 2.9.1-1 sound-radiatin area 2.6.5-1
Displaying Sound Rays 6.3.1-1 Entry in CADNAA.INI F-2
Distance of the outer lanes 2.9.1-1 Evaluation 5.6.3-1
Distance Source to Reflecting object 6.3.10-5 Evaluation Parameter Tab 6.3.7-1
Diural Patter 2.9.4-1 Example

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

Defining a group 14.2.1-2 Database 7.5-1

1 Digitizing a Road 8.4-1 Fit Objects to DTM 4.3-1
Hierachy of Groups and their Partial Sum fix
Level 14.2.1-2 Bitmap 10.2.1-4
Noise Map in Levels differences for Buil- Floors 5.2.6-1
dings 3.3.8-1 Folding Markers 13.2.7-12
of a Street bridge elevated by two em- Foliage 3.9-1
bankments 3.6.2-1 Formats
of How to Enter a Bridge 3.6.1-1 Export 13.3.1-1
Examples Frame
Managing Files Using Folders G-4 Station Mark 9.12.4-1
Template File for Graphics User-defined Symbol 9.12.3-1
Printout 13.2.8-1 Frames 9.12-1
Excess level 5.2.4-1
Export 13.3-1 G
ArcView 13.3.4-1
ArcView Shape 13.3.4-1 General and Special Sources 2.2-1
BMP 13.3.1-1 General Sources
BNA,BNX 13.3.1-2 area source horizontal 2.5-1
DXF 13.3.3-1 area source vertical 2.5-1
Formats 13.3.1-1 Line Source 2.4-1
GoogleEarth 13.3.6-1 General Tab 6.3.4-1
Immis Luft files dbf 13.3.1-2 Angle Scanning 6.3.4-7
QSI 13.3.1-2 Mithra Compatibility 6.3.4-8
RTF 13.3.2-1 Ray Tracing 6.3.4-6
Text file TXT, RTF 13.3.2-1 Generate Building 3.3.4-1
TXT 13.3.2-1 Generate camera line 9.16.0-6
Export Limadateien 13.3.1-2 Generate Tiles 14.8.0-1
Exporting Geometry 4.4-1
Template Files 13.2.1-1 Edit dialog 4.4-1
ExportRTF •-3 Enter Absolute Height at Every Point 4.4-
ExportTXT •-3 3
GoogleEarth 13.3.6-1
F KML-File 13.3.6-2
KMZ-File 13.3.6-2
Fault Lines 4.6-1 GoogleEarth see Import from GoogleEarth
File 10.2-2

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 5

Gradient (%) for road 2.9.7-1 Display Ground Height 4.8-1

Gradient automatically G-1 enter height at every point 4.4-3 1
Gradient of Roads Height Points 4.7-1, 4.7-3
Calculation G-2 delete 4.7-2
Graphics Delete Height Points, Multifile 4.7-3
Bitmap 10.2-1 Generate Contour Lines from 4.7.1-1
Coordinate Grid 9.4-1 Import Ascii-file 4.7-3
print 13.2.3-1 Hold Value 9.12.2-1
Settings for Objects with Frames 9.12-1 Humidity, relative 6.3.11-8
synchronize graphics with table 11.2.1-1
Template Files 13.2.1-1 I
update during drag 9.2.0-3
Vector graphics 10.2-1 Immis Luft files dbf 13.3.1-2
Grid Implemented Calculation Methods 6.3.3-1
Appearance of Grid 5.5.3-1 Import 4.7-3, 7.2-1
Arithmetik 5.5.4-1 Allocate Object type to layer 7.3.1-1
Calculating a grid 5.5.2-1 Format 7.4-1
Conflict Maps 5.6.2-1 formats 7.4-1
Creating a grid of receiver points from Height Points 7.4.7-1
Iso-dB-lines 5.5.5-1 Importing in Section only 7.3.2-1
Evaluation 5.6.3-1 Importing selected Object Types 7.3.3-1
vertical grid 5.5.6-1 Layer 7.2-1
Grid interpolation 6.3.4-5 MITHRA 7.4.11-1
Grid of Receiver Points 5.5-1 Number of Trains 7.4.10-1
Grid specification 5.5.1-1 ODBC 7.5-1
Ground Absorption Options 7.2-1, 7.3-1
Areas with Specified Ground Absorption QSI 7.4.11-1
3.8-1 T-Mobil 7.4.11-1
Groups Import / Export of Tables listing number of
Hierachy of Groups 14.2.1-2 Trains 7.4.10-1
Partial Sound level 14.2.1-2 Import formats
Partion Sound Level 14.2.2-1 ArcView 7.4.3-1
ASCII-Objects 7.4.14-1
H Atlas Gis 7.4.4-1
AtlasGIS 7.4.4-1
HAP-Calculation 6.6.1-2 AutoCad-DXF 7.4.2-1
Height Bitmap 7.4.11-1

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

Building Height points 7.4.13-1 Layer 7.2-1

1 CadnaA 7.4.1-2 Level Box 9.12.2-1
CST 7.4.8-1 Level Spectra 5.2.4-1
EDBS 7.4.6-1 Level-Difference-Map for Building Noise
MapInfo 7.4.9-1 3.3.8-1
Niedersachsen 7.4.11-1 LfU-Study 1993 2.13-2
NTF 7.4.11-1 LfU-Study 2003 2.13-2
Sicad 7.4.5-1 LfU-Study 2007 2.13-3
Slip 7.4.11-1 Li 12.3.2-2
SOSI 7.4.11-1 Libraries
special formats 7.4.11-1 Absorption Spectra 12.3.5-1
Stratis 7.4.8-1 Cadna.dat user-defined entry for global li-
third-party programs 7.4.12-1 brary 12.2-2
WINPUT 7.4.7-1 global placed on server 12.2-2
Import Options Libraries Manager 12.4-1
Allocate object type to layer 7.3.1-1 Limadateien 13.3.1-2
Importing in Section only 7.3.2-1 Limits
Importing selected Object Types 7.3.3-1 Background 9.2.0-2
Industry Tab 6.3.11-1 calc 9.2.0-4
Infringement 5.2.1-1, 5.2.4-1 Calculate 9.2.0-4
Inhabitants Line Source 2.4-1
Inhabitants/km² 5.6.4-2 Line-like Objects 4.3.1-1
Initial strings 8.2-4 Long Straight Road 2.11-1
Insert a Row 11.2.2-1 Lw 12.3.2-4
Insert Bitmaps 10.2-1
MapInfo 7.4.9-1
KML-File 13.3.6-2 Margins 13.2.7-12
KMZ-File 13.3.6-2 max. Error (dB) 6.3.4-1
Ko without Ground 2.6.8-1 Median Strip 9.6-1
Meterology correction C0 (dB) 6.3.11-9
L Min. Distance Source to Reflecting Object
Labelling of Printing Ranges 13.2.1-3 MITHRA 7.4.11-1
Land Use 5.3-1, 5.4-1 Mithra Compatibility 6.3.4-8
Lateral Diffraction 6.3.11-1, 6.3.11-2 Modify Objects

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 7

ObjectTree 14.4.0-6 Sound Power Level 14.4.0-3

Monetary Evaluation of Noise according to Obstacles 1
BUWAL 5.6.7-1 3D-Reflector 3.10-1
Multifile 4.7-3 areas with specified ground absorption
Multithreading 14.7-1 3.8-1
Barrier 3.5-1
N Bridge 3.6-1
Built-Up Areas 3.9-1
Noise Map Bulding 3.3-1
PCSP 14.8-1 Cylinder 3.4-1
Noise Maps and their Evaluation with CadnaA Embankment 3.7-1
5.6.1-1 Foliage 3.9-1
Noise Maps of Buildings 3.3.6-1 reflection properties 3.2-1
Noise Source Obstacles within Area Source do not Shield
Area Source 2.5-1 6.3.11-6
general and special sources 2.2-1 Octave bands 5.2.4-1
Line source 2.4-1 ODBC interface 7.5-1
Optimisable Source 2.15-1 Offset 9.6-2
point source 2.3-1 Offset-Values 9.6-2
normalised A 2.6.2-4 Operating Time 2.6.7-1
NTF 7.4.11-1 Optimisable Source 2.15-1
Number of Trains 7.4.10-1 Noise Allotment •-2
Usability •-3
O Optimisable Source Tab 6.3.15-1
Optimized Area Sources 2.15-1
Objects Option
Tables 11.2-1 XL(formaly SIP) 5.6-1
with frames 9.12-1 Option XL 5.6-1
Objects’s Geometry 4.4-1 closing buildings 5.6.5-1
Object-Scan 5.6.6-1 Evaluation 5.6.3-1
ObjectTree Facade points 3.3.6-8
Copying Objects 14.4.0-5 Monetary Evaluation of Noise according
Definition 14.4.0-1 to BUWAL 5.6.7-1
Definition and Editing 14.4.0-2 Object-Scan 5.6.6-1
Example 14.4.0-1 Population Density 5.6.4-1
Modify Objects 14.4.0-6 Options
Partial Level 14.4.0-4 Coordinate Grid 9.4-1

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

Land Use 5.4-1 Template Files 13.2.1-1

1 Printing Reports 13.2.2-1
P PrintTXT •-3
Program Controlled Segmented Processing
Parking Lot 14.8-1
Emission L*m,E in dB(A) 2.13.0-3 Projection Method for extended Sound
LfU-Study 1993 2.13-2 Sources 6.2.3-1
LfU-Study 2003 2.13-2 Protocol 6.5-1
LfU-Study 2007 2.13-3 Purge List of Numbers-of-Trains 2.12.5-1
RLS-90 2.13-2 Purge Tables 14.14-1
Partial Levels 5.2.5-1
Partial Sound Level 14.2.1-2, 14.2.2-1 Q
Partition Tab 6.3.5-1
Pass-by QSI
Video 2.14-8 Export 13.3.1-2
Pass-by levels for line sources 2.14-1 Import 7.4.11-1
Pass-by Levels for Line Sources with the Noi- QSI Statistical Analysis 6.6.2-4
se Level’s Time History 2.14-1
paste 11.2.7-1 R
PCSP 14.8-1
Generate Tiles 14.8.0-1 Railroad Tab 6.3.13-1
User-defined Tiling 14.8.0-2 Railway 2.12-1
Point Source 2.3-1 Emission Level Lm,E 2.12.1-1
Point-like Objects 4.2.1-1 purge list of numbers-of-trains 2.12.5-1
Population Density 5.6.4-1 Speed (km/h) 2.12.2-2
Preview 13.2.9-1 traffic-count calculator 2.12.4-1
Zoom 13.2.9-1 Train Class local 2.12.2-1
Print train classes 2.12.2-1
Preview 13.2.9-1 train classes user-defined 2.12.3-1
Print Graphics 13.2.3-1 Raster factor 6.3.5-1
Reports 13.2.2-1 Ray Tracing 6.3.4-6
Template Files 13.2.1-1 RBLärm 92, Method 1 6.3.5-1
Print_GrTXT •-3 Receiver Point
Printing Calculation and Presentation of Results
Editing a Template File 13.2.2-1 5.2.2-1
Example Graphics Printout 13.2.8-1 Check Consistency 5.2.3-1
Reports 13.2.2-1 Floors 5.2.6-1

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Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 9

Grid 5.5-1 Self-Screening •-2, G-2

Grid specification 5.5.1-1 Specification of Road Widths 2.9.1-1 1
Receiver Points 5.2-1 Speed 2.9.5-1
Reference Point 4.4.0-4 Speed Limit (km/h) 2.9.5-1
Reference Time Tab 6.3.6-1 Standard Cross Section (SCS)/Distance
Reflection 6.2.4-1 (m) 2.9.1-3
Absorption coefficient alpha 3.2-1 Station Mark 9.12.4-1
Reflection of the 1st Order 6.2.5-1 Surface 2.9.6-1
Reflection Properties of Obstacles 3.2-1 Total width of road from curb to curb
Reflection Tab 6.3.10-1 2.9.1-1
Reflections of Higher Order 6.2.6-1 Traffic Density 2.9.4-1
Relative Humidity 6.3.11-8 Traffic Lights 2.10-1
Residential and Outbuilding 3.3.2-1 Widening of a Road from 1 to 2 Lanes
Result Table 11.3.1-1 2.9.1-4
Text Variable for Building Noise Map Road Surface 2.9.6-1
3.3.7-4 Road Tab 6.3.12-1
Result Table for the Building Noise 3.3.7-1 Roof 4.4-3
Rich Text Format (RTF) 13.3.2-1 Rounding up by the last digit 11.3.2-2
Road 2.9-1 RTF 13.3.2-1
Additional Width G-3
Calc Gradient of Roads G-2 S
Calc Width of Roads 2.9.8-2
Correction for Multiple Reflections 2.9.8- Saving 14.12-1
1 Scale
correction for multiple reflections 2.9.8-1 Combo box 9.3-1
Display real Width of Roads 2.9.1-1 Vertical Grid 5.5.6-2
Distance of the outer lanes 2.9.1-1 Zoom - 9.3-2
Diural Patter 2.9.4-1 Zoom + 9.3-2
Drefl dB(A) 2.9.8-1 Scale Dimension 9.12.1-3
Emission 2.9.3-1, 2.9.9-1 Search Radius (m) 6.3.4-1
Emission Lm,E in dB(A) 2.9.3-1, 2.9.9-1 Search Radius for Reflecting Objects 6.3.10-2
Gradient 2.9.7-1 Section 9.11-1
Gradient (%) 2.9.7-1 Selecting a Template File 13.2.2-1
Gradient automatically G-1 Selecting Data for the Calculation 6.4-1
lateral slope 2.9.2-1 self-screening of buildings 6.3.13-2
long straight 2.11-1 Self-Screening of Road •-2, G-2
multi lane road 2.9.1-4 Shape 13.3.4-1

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

Sicad 7.4.5-1 Status bar

1 Sigma G-3 Information 9.2.0-3
sigma G-2 Stratis 7.4.8-1
SIP 5.6-1 Symbol 9.12.3-1
SIP see XL Synchronize Graphics with table 11.2.1-1
Slip 7.4.11-1
Snap Point to Building Facade 3.3.3-1 T
Sorting columns 11.2.4-1
Sosi 7.4.11-1 Table
Sound Pressure Level 5.2.4-1 adjusting the column width 11.2.6-1
Sound pressure level 5.2.4-1 Button Bar 11.2.1-1
Sound Rays 6.3.1-1 Copy 11.2.1-1
Sound Rays and Reflection 6.2-1 Copying and Pasting Data Records
Sound Rays from extended Sources 6.2.2-1 11.2.7-1
Sound Rays from Point Sources 6.2.1-1 delete Data Record 11.2.0-2
Sound Reduction editing table cells 11.2.3-1
Sound Radiation from Building Facades Inserting a Row 11.2.2-1
2.6.4-1 purge tables 14.14-1
Sound-radiatin Area (m²) 2.6.5-1 Result Table 11.3.1-1
Special Calculations 6.6-1 Result Table for the Building Noise 3.3.7-
Special Formats 7.4.11-1 1
Spectra sort column 11.2.4-1
Absorption-Spectra 12.3.5-1 Tables 11.2-1
ID 12.3.1-2 Temperature 6.3.11-8
Li 12.3.2-2 Template File
Lw 12.3.2-4 ExportRTF •-3
Spectra Diagram 2.6.3-3 ExportTXT •-3
Speed Limit (km/h) 2.9.5-1 Print_GrTXT •-3
Split Tab PrintTXT •-3
RBLärm 92, Method 1 6.3.5-1 Template Files 13.2.1-1
Splitting Acc. to RB-Lärm 92, Method 1 Editing 13.2.2-1
6.3.5-1 Labelling of Printing Ranges 13.2.1-3
Standard Cross Section (SCS)/Distance (m) Tennis 2.8-1
2.9.1-3 Terrain, uneven 4.2-1
Standard Deviation G-2 Text block
Standard Level 5.2.1-1 how to enter a 12.6.0-2
Station Mark 9.12.4-1 Text Box 9.12.1-1

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Index 1.3 11

The Foliage and Built-Up Areas 3.9-1 W 1

Third-Party Programs 7.4.12-1
Tile Project 14.8-1 Web-Bitmaps 10.3-1
T-Mobil 7.4.11-1 Weighting for Octave bands 5.2.4-1
Topography WINPUT-DGM 7.4.7-1
Building Height Points 7.4.13-1
Contour Lines 4.5-1 X
display ground height 4.8-1
Fault Lines 4.6-1 XL 5.6-1
Height Points 4.7-1
Total width of road from curb to curb 2.9.1-1 Z
Traffic Density 2.9.4-1
Traffic Lights 2.10-1 Zoom - 9.3-2
Traffic-Count Calculator 2.12.4-1 Zoom + 9.3-2
Train Class local 2.12.2-1
Train classes 2.12.2-1
Train Classes User-defined 2.12.3-1
TXT 13.3.2-1

Uncertainty 6.3.4-2
uneven Terrain 4.2-1
Update automatically/ Hold Value 9.12.2-1
Update during Drag 9.2.0-3
User-defined coordinate system 9.6-2
Utilization 5.2.1-1

Vector graphics 10.2-1
Vertical Grid 5.5.6-1
Scale 5.5.6-2
Video 2.14-8
View see Import from GoogleEarth 10.2-2

Reference Manual
1.3 Chapter 1 Register

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7 1.4 1

1.4 New Features - CadnaA 3.7 1

The list of new features in CadnaA, release 3.7, is subdivided into the fol-
lowing sections:
• Calculation/Configuration
• CadnaA-objects
• Import
• Export
• Output
• Bug Fixing
• CadnaA-Options

Links to the corresponding sections of the manual offer a quick overview

about the details of the new features.

• Germany: meteorology accord. to VBUI selectable (see chapter 6.3.11 Calculation/

Industry Tab) Configuration 1.4

• Germany: new aircraft noise guideline AzB implemented

(requires option FLG)
• Austria: new Configuration-options for ÖAL 28 („DeltaLs without
Limit“, „Source in Building/Cyl. do not shield“)
• Austria: new road guideline RVS 4.02 implemented
• Austria: railway guideline S 305011 considers hourly allocation D/E/N
• France: switchable emission model for road noise standard NMPB
(emission accord. to NMPB, Mithra, EN)
• France: emission model NMPB-FER applies two emission heights
• France: train classes accord. to NMPB-Fer (see zip-file available on trains

• The new ObjectTree (menu Tables|ObjectTree) allows to arrange the All Objects 1.4
objects of a project in a hierarchic tree structure (see chapter 14.4

Reference Manual
1.4 Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7

• dialog Modify Objects: activation now with group-selection (see

1 manual „Introduction into CadnaA“)
• new dialog "Coordinate System" on Options menu (see chapter 9.6
Coordinate System)
• transformation to geodetic coordinates (see chapter 6.3.4 Coordinate
• polygons: new attributes PO_HABS and PO_HGND (see chapter 2.6
Attributes and Abbreviations)

Industrial Sources 1.4 • change when calculating lateral diffraction with ISO 9613-2 (see chap-
ter 6.3.11 Industry Tab)
• air attenuation for ISO 9613-2 can be specified (see chapter 6.3.11
Industry Tab)
• directivity vector with point, line, and area sources is considered upon

Object Road 1.4 • automatic calculation of road gradients: With selection of "Road Gradi-
ent: auto" the gradient of roads made of several road sections is calcu-
lated automatically (see chapter 2.9.7 Road Gradient (%))
• road: new road sections + display additional with with single-track
roads (see /78/ and /79/)
• road: selection of cross-sections respects additional widths
• Austrian road guideline RVS 4.02: percentage of light/heavy trucks
with noise reduction specified separately (dialog Road)

Object Parking Lot 1.4 • new LfU Parking Lot-study, Edition 2007, implemented

Object Railway 1.4 • Austrian railway guideline S 305011 considers hourly allocation D/E/

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7 1.4 3

• dialog "Building Noise Map": façade points accord. to German VBEB Building Noise Map &
(see chapter 3.3.6 The Noise Maps of Buildings) Facade Points 1.4 1

• new attributes for façade points (CENTER_X, _Y, _ANG,

chapter 2.6 Attributes and Abbreviations)

• calculations and actions via dialog "Modify Objects" can be cancelled Further new features 1.4

• cycling 3D-animation with closed polygons (stop by ESC)

• dialog "Modify Objects ": action "Snap point to facade" accelerated
• action "Delete Height Points" (Tables menu/Misc., see chapter 4.7
Height Points)
• action "Delete Height Points - Multifile": allows multiple ASCII-file
selection upon subsequent dialog (useful for noise mapping, see chap-
ter 4.7 Height Points)
• vertical grid: applies the same scale upon 1st access as horizontal grid

• QSI-statistics accord. to DIN 45687 Annex F (quality management, see Miscellaneous 1.4
chapter 6.6.2 QSI - Statistical Analysis)
• textblock CALC_TIME generated also for calculations with single
receivers (see chapter 14.13.2 Calculation Data)

• import from GoogleEarth (see chapter 10.2.2 Import Bitmap) Import 1.4

• enhanced import for ASCII-objects (see chapter 7.4.14 ASCII-Objects)

• Stratis-import filter enhanced (see chapter 7.4.8 Stratis)
• import of Immi 6-grids (Grid menu|Open, format *.ird)
• import of NMGF-plot files (import from NMPlot, TNM, INM, format
*.grd, see chapter 5.5 Grid of Receiver Points)
• ODBC-import of sound levels: attributes for AERA, NEARFIELD
correction, DISTANCE and SPHEREPARTition added (import of
octave data via SIN_XXXX, see chapter 2.6 Attributes and Abbreviati-

Reference Manual
1.4 Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7

• ODBC-import of directivities available (see chapter 2.7.3 Frequency-
dependent Directivity, General)
• QSI-import respects a directivity entered (original QSI-file format
offers no directivity, see chapter 13.3.5 QSI)
• import Building-Height-Points: "mean building height" written to text
variable (see chapter 7.4.13 Building Height Points)

Export 1.4 • export to GoogleEarth (see chapter 13.3.6 GoogleEarth)

• ArcView-export of facade points: 3D-export generates 3D-areas (aux
polys), 2D-export generates points (see chapter 13.3.4 ArcView)
• import/export of NMGF-plot files (import from NMPlot, TNM, INM,
format *.grd, see chapter 5.5 Grid of Receiver Points)
• automatic completition of file extensions
• export to Direct3D-X (format *.x, see chapter 13.3.1 Export Formats)
• QSI-export/import: with point, line, and area sources the PWL-correc-
tion will be considered via the operation time (see chapter 13.3.5 QSI)

Output 1.4 • Plot-Designer: symbol cell (e.g. North arrow) with rotation (see chap-
ter 13.2.4 Plot-Designer)
• new keywords (see chapter 17.4 Keywords):
- #(ObjAtt, CALCCONF, attr)
- #(CALCCONF, attr, val)
- #(ObjAttAll, otyp, attr)
- #(Text, CALC_TIME)
- #(Text, CALC_TIME,,,,Points)
- #(Text, NameTextBlock)
- #(Text, NameTextBlock,,,,var)
- #(Table, FacPoint)
- #(Text, CALC_TIME,,,,Points)
- #(Text, NameTextBlock)

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7 1.4 5

- #(Text, NameTextBlock,,,,var)
- #(Table, FacPoint) 1

• VBUS (German road noise method for EU-noise mapping) now with Bug Fixing 1.4
correct C0 D/E/N
• Multithreading possible with equations as performance parameters and
with uncertainty Sigma
• calculation of receiver levels for periods Evening/Night with NMPB-
FER and Schall03 200X corrected

• option BMP: import from GoogleEarth (see chapter 10.2.2 Import CadnaA-Options 1.4
• option BPL: horizontal distance for optimisable source accord. to DIN
45691 (see chapter 6.3.15 Optimisable Source Tab)
• option FLG: new German aircraft noise guideline AzB implemented
• option FLG: specification of sound power level for aircraft classes
• option APL: new options §Delete old wind-filed files“ and "Overwrite
old ’Time-Series’ file"
• option APL: paste emission data from ASCII- and XLS-tables
• option MITHRA with NMPB-Fer: source location shifted by half of
the track’s width towards the receiver

Reference Manual
1.4 Chapter 1 Register
New Features - CadnaA 3.7

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Conventions Used in this Manual 1.5 1

1.5 Conventions Used in this Manual 1

The following list comprises all conventions used in this manual.
setup Words or characters that you are supposed to type
appear in font type Curier.
ENTER/RETURN Names of keyboard keys and hotkeys are in small
capital letters, for example ENTER and CTRL+C.
CTRL+V A plus sign (+) between two key names means
that you must press those keys at the same time
(hotkey). For example, CTRL+V instructs you to
hold down the CTRL key while typing the letter V.
DOWN KEY The arrow keys are named by the direction each
arrow indicates. (LEFT ARROW KEY, RIGHT
ARROW KEY, UP KEY). The term "arrow keys" is a
collective term referring to all of these four keys
Grid|Appearance of This style instructs you to first click the Grid
Grid|Options menu, and then, from the submenu that opens, the
menu item Appearance of Grid. As a rule, this
will open a dialog where you are supposed to
click, for example, the Options button.
Press the RIGHT This instruction tells you to position the mouse
mouse button pointer on the border of an object, or on the cen-
treline of a line object, and then press the right
mouse button. In these cases, a context menu
opens, offering further commands relating to the
object in question.
Select or Confirm You are instructed to click the respective feature,
command, or button, using the LEFT MOUSE BUT-
Double-click Instructs you to rapidly press and release the left
mouse button twice.
instructs you to do something.

Reference Manual
1.5 Chapter 1 Register
Conventions Used in this Manual

With the key A Step-by-Step instruction, which can be omitted

1 by existing basic knowledge.
INS insert
two new rows
alerts you to essential information.

Industry.cna For the stated example you will find a file on the
CadnaA-CD-Rom. Open the file to follow the
BuildingNoise- For the stated example you will find a file on the
Map.cna CadnaA-CD-Rom with the example already
Datakustik-Infos| The mentioned literature is saved on your pro-
950_22.pdf gram CD as PDF file in the folder Datakustik-

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Literature 1.6 1

1.6 Literature 1
/1/ 18th regulation for the execution of the Federal Immission Protec-
tion Act (Regulation concerning the protection from noise from
sports facilities - 18. BImSchV) dated 1991-07-18, Bundesgesetz-
blatt, annual set 1991, part 1, p. 1588
/2/ DIN 52210-1 Tests in building acoustics; airborne and impact
sound insulation; measuring methods
/3/ DIN EN ISO 3744 "Acoustics - Determination of sound power
levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering method
in an essential free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:1994);
German version EN ISO 3744:1995"
/4/ Parking Lot Study 1995 - Precise
Wolfgang Hendlmeier: "Noise control at parking lots and under-
ground car parks", Clause 12.2: Precise calculation method (for
parking lots, where the distribution of traffic between the parking
spaces can be estimated with sufficient precision), Bavarian Mini-
stry for Environmental Protection (LfU), Depts. 2/4 and 2/5,
November 1994
/5/ Parking Lot Study 1995 - Approximate
Wolfgang Hendlmeier: „Noise control at parking lots and under-
ground car parks, Clause 12.3: Approximate calculation method
(for parking lots, where the distribution of traffic between the par-
king spaces cannot be estimated with sufficient precision) , Bava-
rian Ministry for Environmental Protection (LfU), Depts. 2/4 and 2/
5, November 1994
/6/ Parking Lot Study of Bavarian Ministry for Environmental Protec-
Study concerning sound emission from parking lots, scrap yards
and bus terminals, 1993 Edition, Issue 89, Collection of publicati-
ons of the Bavarian Ministry for Environmental Protection (LfU),

Reference Manual
1.6 Chapter 1 Register

/7/ Parking Lot Study of Bavarian Ministry for Environmental Protec-

1 tion 2003
The new revised 4. study concerning sound emission from parking
lots, bus terminals, mulit-storey car park and subterranean garage
of housing estates, August 2003 Edition, Issue 89. Collection of
publications of the Bavarian Ministry for Environmental Protecton
(LfU), Augsburg; Kessler Verlagsdruckerei, 86399 Bobingen,
ISBN 3-936385-26-2, ISSN 0723-0028;
/8/ Schall03 Guidelines for the Calculation of Sound Immission from
Railways Schall 03, Akustik 03, Ed. 1990, DB (German Railways),
Central Administration, Munich
/9/ RLS90 Guidelines for Noise Control at Roads (RLS-90) Published
by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Dept. for Road Con-
struction, Ed. 1990, Traffic Gazette 44 (1990)
/10/ 16th regulation for the execution of the Federal Immission Protec-
tion Act (Regulation concerning the protection from traffic noise -
16. BImSchV) dated 1990-06-12, Bundesgesetzblatt I, p. 1036
/11/ TA-Lärm Sixth general administrative regulation concerning the
Federal Immission Control Act (Technical instruction for noise
protection – TA-Lärm) dated 1998-08-26, published in Gemeinsa-
mes Ministerialblatt dated 1998-08-28
/12/ VDI 3760" Computation and measurement of sound propagation in
workrooms ", February 1996, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, Köln
/13/ VDI 2720 Sheet 1, " Noise control by barriers outdoors", March
1997, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, Köln
/14/ VDI 2058 Sheet 1, " Assessment of working noise in the vicinity",
September 1985, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, Köln
/15/ VDI 2571 " Sound radiation from industrial buildings", August
1976, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin, Köln
/16/ VDI 2714 " Outdoor sound propagation", January 1988, Beuth-

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Literature 1.6 3

Verlag, Berlin, Köln

/17/ Updated information of the German Railways central administra-
tion, Munich - Acoustics - Effects of Wheel Absorbers), 016,
103.10313, 962/6302, dated 1991-04-19
/18/ Updated information of the German Railways central administra-
ton, Munich - Acoustics - "Schall 03, Aerodynamic Effects", 021,
103.10313, 962/6302, dated 1991-08-17
/19/ Probst, Wolfgang: „Noise emissions from sports facilities and their
quantitative consideration for the purpose of immission control
prognosis", Federal Institute for Sports Sciences, Cologne, 1994 -
Collection of publications on sports facilities and sports equipment;
B94,2, ISBN 3-921896-84-3
/20/ Probst, Wolfgang: „Computer Aided Noise Allotment", talk given
at a conference on quality management of software programs in
/21/ ISO 9613
Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors -
Part 1: Calculation of the absorption of sound by the atmosphere,
Part 2: General method of calculation (ISO 9613-2:1996)
ISO International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland
Beuth Verlag, Berlin
/22/ DIN 18005-1 : 1987-05
Noise abatement in town planning; calculation methods, Beuth Ver-
lag Berlin
/23/ VDI 3770 Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound
sources; Sports and recreational facilities; First working draft as of
February 1996
/24/ ÖAL Guideline #28, Sound Radiation and Sound Propagation,
December 1987, Austrian Association for Noise Abatement

Reference Manual
1.6 Chapter 1 Register

/25/ ÖNORM S 5011 : 1995-04 Determination of noise immission

1 caused by rail traffic - Railway traffic, shunting and cargo handling
/26/ DIN EN ISO 717-1 : 1997-01 Acoustics - Rating of sound insula-
tion in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound
insulation (ISO 717-1:1996); German version EN ISO 717-1:1996,
Beuth Verlag, Berlin
/27/ ISO 11654 : 1997 Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings
- Rating of sound absorption, Beuth Verlag, Berlin
/28/ RVS 3.02 Protection from Noise, December 1997, Austrian Rese-
arch Association for Road and Traffic, Echenbachgasse 9, A-1010
Wien, Austria
/29/ RAS-Q 82 Guidelines for the construction of roads RAS, Part:
Cross sections, Research Association for Traffic and Transport,
Working Group on Road Design
/30/ RAS-Q 96 Guidelines for the construction of roads RAS, Part:
Cross sections, Research Association for Traffic and Transport,
Working Group on Road Design
/31/ Calculation Examples concerning the Guidelines for Noise Control
at Roads RBLärm-92, German Federal Ministry of Transport, Dept.
for Road Construction, Ed. 1992, Office of the Research Associa-
tion for Traffic and Transport, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 13, D-50996
Köln, Germany
/32/ Kutruff, H.:“Über Nachhall in Medien mit unregelmäßig verteilten
Streuzentren, insbesondere in Hallräumen mit aufgehängten Streu-
körpern“,Acustica 18 , 1967
/33/ Probst, W.:“Schallabstrahlung und Schallausbreitung - Berech-
nungsmodelle und Schalleistungsbestimmung“, Forschungsbericht
Fb. 556 der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz, Dortmund 1988
/34/ Probst, W., Neugebauer G., Kurze U., Jovicic S. und Stephenson

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Literature 1.6 5

U.: „Schallausbreitung in Arbeitsräumen“, Forschungsbericht Fb

621 der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz, Dortmund 1990 1

/35/ Probst, W.; Huber, B.: „The Calculation of Noise Emission by 950_03_Car_Park.pdf
Multi-Storey Car Parks“, Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung 5/2000,
47. Issue, Page 175 (published in German)
/36/ Probst, Wolfgang: Calculation of Noise Levels in an Environment EURONOISE98.pdf
with highly reflecting Objects and Surfaces, Euronoise 1998,
/37/ Vierundzwanzigste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-
Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verkehrswege-Schallschutzmaßnah-
menverordnung - 24.BImSchV, Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 1997
Teil I Nr. 8, ausgegeben zu Bonn am 12.2.1997
/38/ VDI-Richtlinie 2719 „Schalldämmung von Fenstern und deren
Zusatzeinrichtungen“, August 1987, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin und Köln
/39/ Magnetschwebebahn-Lärmschutzverordnung vom 23.9.1997
(BGBl. 2329, 2338)
/40/ Probst, W. : „ Geräuschentwicklung von Sportanlagen und deren
Quantifizierung für immissionsschutztechnische Prognosen“,
Bericht B2/94 aus der Schriftenreihe „Sportanlagen und Sportge-
räte“ des Bundesinstituts für Sportwissenschaften, sb67 Verlagsge-
sellschaft, Bleriotstr. 6, 50827 Köln, 1994, ISBN 3-921896-84-3
/41/ DIN ISO 3746 Akustik, Bestimmung der Schalleistungspegel von
Geräuschquellen, Hüllflächenverfahren der Genauigkeitsklasse 3
über einer reflektierenden Ebene, Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
/42/ TAL98 - Zur Bestimmung der meteorologischen Dämpfung - Eine
Anleitung mit Beispielen - Landesumweltamt NRW, Postfach
102363, D-45023 Essen
/43/ Environmental noise from industrial plants - General prediction
method. Danish Acoustical Laboratory, The Danish Academy of
Technical Sciences, Report no. 32, 1982

Reference Manual
1.6 Chapter 1 Register

/44/ Railway Traffic Noise - The Nordic Prediction Method, TemaNord

1 1996:524, Nordic Council of Ministers, Store Strandstraede 18,
DK-1255 Copenhagen K, ISBN 92 9120837 X, ISSN 0908-6692
/45/ Road Traffic Noise - Nordic Prediction Method, TemaNord
1996:525, Nordic Council of Ministers, Store Strandstraede 18,
DK-1255 Copenhagen K, ISBN 92 91208361, ISSN 0908-6692
/46/ MLus 92, Ausgabe 96, Merkblatt über Luftverunreinigungen an
Straßen - Teil: Straßen ohne oder mit lockerer Randbebauung, Aus-
gabe 1991, Geänderte Fassung 1996, Forschungsgesellschaft für
Straßen- und Verkehrswesen e.V., Köln, Arbeitsgruppe Verkehrs-
führung und Verkehrssicherheit.
/47/ 23. BImSchV - Dreiundzwanzigste Verordnung zur Durchführung
des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (Verordnung über die Fest-
legung von Konzentrationswerten) vom 16. Dezember 1996
(BGBl. 1 S. 1962
/48/ DIN 45687 „Akustik - Software-Erzeugnisse zur Berechnung der
Geräuschimmission im Freien - Qualitätsanforderung und Prüfbe-
stimmungen“ - diese Norm ist zur Zeit der Drucklegung im Verab-
/49/ Literature reference in VDI 3733 „Noise at Pipes“, Juli 1996,
Bibliography [80] by Reinicke and Danner, UBA-Fb 81-33, 1981
/50/ NMPB-Routes 96 - Méthode de calcul incluant les effets météoro-
logiques, version expérimentale, Bruit des infrastructures routières,
Janvier 1997 - Centre d’études sur les réseaux, les transports,
l’urbanisme et les constructions publiques
Service d’études techniques des routes et autoroutes - Laboratoire
central des ponts et chaussées - Centre scientifique et technique du
/51/ Concawe - the oil companies international study group for conser-
vation of clean air and water - europe (established in 1963), report
no. 4/81, „the propagation of noise from petroleum and petroche-

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Literature 1.6 7

mical complexes to neighbouring communities“, Prepared by C.J.

Manning, M.Sc., M.I.O.A. Acoustic Technology Limited (Ref.AT 1
931), CONCAWE, Den Haag May 1981
/52/ Probst, Wolfgang; Donner, Ulrich: „The Uncertainty of Sound
Pressure Levels calculated with Noise Prediction Programs“, 950_22_Uncertainty.pdf
published in German in ZfL 3/2002 Mai 49. Jg., Springer Verlag,
Düsseldorf, and translated in English
by Wolfgang Probst
/53/ EN 12354: Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance
of buildings from the performance of products -
Part 1: Airborne sound insulation between rooms; German version
prEN 12354-1:1996
Part 2: Impact sound insulation between rooms; German version
prEN 12354-2:1996
Part 3: Airborne sound insulation against outdoor sound; German
version prEN 12354-3:1997
/54/ ISO 717: Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of
building elements -
Part 1: Airborne sound insulation (ISO 717-1:1996); German ver-
sion EN ISO 717-1:1996
Part 2: Impact sound insulation (ISO 717-2:1996); German version
EN ISO 717-2:1996
/55/ Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr. 301, Lärm: Wirtschaftliche Tragbarkeit
und Verhältnismässigkeit von Lärmschutzmassnahmen; Bundesamt
für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft (BUWAL) Bern, 1998. Bezugs-
quelle: BUWAL Dokumentation, Ch-3003 Bern,
/56/ ZTV-Lsw88: Zusätzliche Technische Vorschriften und Richtlinien
für die Ausführung von Lärmschutzwänden an Straßen, Verkehrs-
blatt - Dokument Nr. B 6508 - Vers. 88.2, Der Bundesminister für
Verkehr, Abteilung Straßenbau, Verkehrsblatt-Verlag Borgmann
GmbH & Co KG, Hohe Straße 39, P.O. Box 100555, 46000 Dort-

Reference Manual
1.6 Chapter 1 Register

mund, Germany
1 (Additional Technical Regulation and Guideline for the Construc-
tion of Noise Barriers at Roads)
/57/ Wolfgang Probst, Bernd Huber: „Modelling of Chimneys and acou-
stically transparent plants“, Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung
published in German
/58/ Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 25th June 2002 relating to the assessment and manage-
ment of environmental noise, Official Journal of the European
Communities, L189/12, EN, 18.7.2002
/59/ AzB - Bekanntmachung der Datenerfassungssysteme für die
Ermittlung von Lärmschutzbereichen an zivilen (DES) und militä-
rischen Flugplätzen (DES-MIL) sowie einer Anleitung zur Berech-
nung, Der Bundesminister des Innern, GMBl 1975, Nr. 8, Seite 126
/60/ Railway Noise: The Netherlands national computation method
"Standaard-Rekenmethode II" published in "Reken- en Meetvoor-
schrift Railverkeerslawaai '96, Ministerie Volkshuisvesting, Ruim-
telijke Ordening en Milieubeheer, 20. November 1996".
/61/ TA-Luft 2002: Erste Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zum Bun-
des-Immissionsschutzgesetz (Technische Anleitung zur Reinhal-
tung der Luft - TA Luft) Vom 24. Juli 2002 (GMBl. 2002, Heft 25 -
29, S. 511 - 605)
/62/ 22. BImSchV: 22. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundesim-
missionsschutzgesetzes, 11.September 2002 BGBlI2002, 3626
/63/ ECAC DOC 29: European Civil Aviation Conference Document
29, „Report on Standard Method of Computing Noise Contours
around Civil Airports“, 2nd edition, 1997
/64/ DIN 45684-1 „Ermittlung von Fluggeräuschimmissionen an Lan-
deplätzen, Teil 1: Berechnung“ (Entwurf 2004-03)
/65/ VDI 3945 part 3 (Environmental meteorology - Atmospheric dis-

Reference Manual
Chapter 1 Register
Literature 1.6 9

persion models - Particle model), Düsseldorf, September 2000

/66/ Harmonoise - Harmonised Accurate and Reliable Methods for the
EU Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmen-
tal Noise: WP3: Engineering Models. Programming The Point-To-
Point Propagation Model. Type of Document: Technical report;
Document reference: HAR34TR-041124-CSTB01; Level of confi-
dentiality: Public, Date: 24/11/2004; Author: Dir Van Maercke
/67/ Kozak, J., Liberko, M.: Updated Method for Calculation of Road
Traffic Noise (in Czech), Annex of the Newsletter of the Ministry
of the Environment of the Czech Republic. 1996, No. 3, p.1-16
/68/ TNM - FHWA Federal Highway Administration Model (http:// TNM Version 2.5, McTrans Center
University of Florida, 2088 Northeast Waldo Road, Gainesville, Fl
/69/ VBUS: (German interims calculation method for traffic noise
according to 2002/49/EC and 34BImschV §47 a-e), Bundesanstalt
für Straßenwesen, 2. November 2005
/70/ VBUSCH (German interims calcualtion method for railway noise
according to 2002/49/EC )
/71/ Schall03 200x: This is implemented according to the present status
of discussion (edition End 2005) for intention of testing!.
/72/ SonRoad: Heutschi, Kurt. - SonRoad : Berechnungsmodell für
Strassenlärm / hrsg. vom Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Land-
schaft BUWAL ; [Auftragnehmer: Eidg. Materialprüfungs- und
Forschungsanstalt (EMPA), Abteilung Akustik] ; [Autor: Kurt
Heutschi] ; [Begleitung BUWAL: Jean-Daniel Liengme]. - Bern:
BUWAL, 2004. - 74 Bl. : Ill. ; 30 cm, (Schriftenreihe Umwelt ; Nr.
366. Lärm). - Version française: SonRoad :modèle de calcul du tra-
fic routier. - . - BUWAL SRU-366-D BUWAL Z 80:366
/73/ Miedema: TNO Built Environment und Geosciences, Environe-

Reference Manual
1.6 Chapter 1 Register

ment & HEALTH draft TNO report 2005-007 "Rating environmen-

1 tal noise on the basis of noise maps"; Miedema, Henk M.E.; Borst,
Hieronymus E., City: Delft; No. 05 6N 013 64041; Van Mourik
Broekmanweg 6, P.O. Box 49, 2600 AA Delft, the Netherlands;
/74/ DIN 824: Technische Zeichnungen; Faltung auf Ablageformat /
Technical drawings; Folding to filing size; 1981-03, Beuth Verlag
/75/ 2003/613/EC: COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 6 August
2003 concerning the guidelines on the revised interim computation
methods for industrial noise, aircraft noise, road traffic noise and
railway noise, and related emission data (notified under document
number C(2003) 2807) (Text with EEA relevance) (2003/613/EC)
/76/ VBEB Vorläufige Berechnungsmethode zur Ermittlung der Bela-
stetenzahlen durch Umgebungslärm, Stand 28.6.2006 - Entwurf
(German Interim calculation method)
/77/ DIN 45691:2006-12: Geräuschkontingentierung (Noise allotment,
in German), Beuth-Verlag, Berlin
/78/ Entwurfshinweise für planfreie Knotenpunkte an Straßen der Kate-
goriengruppe B, RAS-K-2-B, Ausgabe 1995
/79/ Aktuelle Hinweise zur Gestaltung planfreier Knotenpunkte außer-
halb bebauter Gebiete, AH-RAL-K-2, Ausgabe 1993
/80/ Bayer. Landesamt für Umwelt (Hrsg.): Parkplatzlärmstudie 6. Aufl.
(parking lot study, 6th edition, in German), Augsburg 2007

Reference Manual
CadnaA - Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Sources

Chapter 1 Register 1

Chapter 2 Sources 2

Chapter 3 Obstacles 3

Chapter 4 Topography 4

Chapter 5 Immissions 5

Chapter 6 Configuration of Calculation 6

Chapter 7 Import 7

Chapter 8 Digitalize 8

Chapter 9 Graphics 9

Chapter 10 Bitmaps 10

Chapter 11 Tables 11

Chapter 12 Libraries 12

Chapter 13 Output 13

Chapter 14 Project Organisation 14

Reference Manual
2 Chapter 2 Sources

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Contents 2.1 1

Chapter 2 Noise Sources


2.1 Contents
2.2 General and Special Sources
2.3 Point Source
2.4 Line Source
2.5 Area Source
2.6 The Edit Dialog of a Source
2.6.1 A-weighted Emission Value
2.6.2 normalised A
2.6.3 Emission Spectrum
2.6.4 Sound Reduction -
Sound Radiation from Building Facades
2.6.5 Sound-radiating Area (m²)
2.6.6 Attenuation
2.6.7 Operating Time
2.6.8 Ko without Ground

2.7 Directional Sound Radiation

2.7.1 Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets
or Stacks with directivity
2.7.2 Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL
2.7.3 Frequency-dependent Directivity, General

Reference Manual
2.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources

2.8 Tennis Point of Serve

2 2.9 Roads
2.9.1 Specification of Road Widths
2.9.2 Lateral Slope
2.9.3 Emission in dB(A)
2.9.4 Traffic Density
2.9.5 Speed Limit (km/h)
2.9.6 Road Surface
2.9.7 Road Gradient (%)
2.9.8 Correction for Multiple Reflections
2.9.9 Emission of Vehicle according RVS

2.10 Crossings with Traffic Lights

2.11 Long Straight Roads
2.12 Railways
2.12.1 Emission Level dB(A)
2.12.2 Train Classes and Penalties
2.12.3 Train Class’s Libraries global and local
2.12.4 Traffic-Count Calculator
2.12.5 Purge List of Numbers-of-Trains

2.13 Parking Places

2.14 Pass-by Levels for Line Sources with
the Noise Level’s Time History
2.15 Optimized Area Sources

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
General and Special Sources 2.2 1

2.2 General and Special Sources

In the calculation CadnaA is capable of taking into account the emissions General Sources
of general sources (see there) in combination with single-number or fre- 2
quency-dependent values. After a frequency-dependent calculation, the
rating level or the respective evaluation parameters (see Chapter 6.3.7) at
the receiver point will also be given in frequency bands.
Spectra are entered in the local or global libraries (see Chapter 12.2), and
are referred to in the edit dialog of the source by entering their ID (see
manual „Introduction into CadnaA“). Spectra may have different weight-
Special sources, such as Special
Sources 2.2
• Roads (see Chapter 2.9)
• Railways (see Chapter 2.12)
• Parking Places (see Chapter 2.13)
• Traffic Lights (see Chapter 2.10)
• Tennis Serve Points (see Chapter 2.8)
require either an input of an emission value (Lme) or other parameters
from which the emission value is calculated (parameters, e.g., such as
MDTD, counts, speeds, or train classes). These parameters are usually
necessary according to the selected guideline or standard.
For the insertion of objects, please refer to see the manual „Introduction
into CadnaA“.
The general sources like
• Point, (see Chapter 2.3)
• Line (see Chapter 2.4) and
• Area Sources (see Chapter 2.5), horizontal and vertical,
can be used to simulate various noise sources, including the sound radia-
tion from buildings. They can also have a directional sound ratiation (see
Chapter 2.7).

Reference Manual
2.2 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
General and Special Sources

By specifying an object snap (see Chapter 9.5), the point and vertical area
sources are placed at a user-defined distance in front of the building fa-
cade. This serves to prevent any source from erroneously being placed in-
side a building.
For an explanation of the parameters, see Chapter 2.6 "The Edit Dialog of
a Source"

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Point Source 2.3 1

2.3 Point Source

Position the mouse pointer and click in order to place the point source at
the desired location. The source is represented by a cross.

graphic presentation of the point source

Point sources are noise sources whose dimensions are small in comparison
to the distance from the point sources to the receiver points. Examples are
ventilation inlets and outlets, pumps, motors, and people shouting.

Reference Manual
2.3 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Point Source

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Line Source 2.4 1

2.4 Line Source

Line sources are open polygons.
Line sources are noise sources extending in only one direction, while the
dimensions in the other two orthogonal directions are small as compared
to the distance to the receiver points. Examples are pipelines, conveyor
belts, and traffic routes on a factory site.
When performing a calculation for an receiver point, CadnaA subdivides
the line source in a two-step procedure: First, the line source is subdivided
into sections being shielded and sections not being shielded by any of the
shielding objects lying between the receiver point and the source (see
Chapter 6.2.3 "The Projection Method for extended Sound Sources").
Then, in the second step, the distance between the receiver point and each
section is determined and, if the length of a section exceeds the mandatory
distance criterion, a further subdivision is made.

Reference Manual
2.4 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Line Source

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Area Source 2.5 1

2.5 Area Source

Area sources are closed polygons.
Area sources are noise sources extending in two perpendicular directions,
while the dimension in the third perpendicular direction is small in relation
to the distance from the area source to the immission points.
Area sources are plane surfaces surrounded by a closed line which you
may imagine as a fine grid of point sources. This is also what CadnaA
does during the calculation: The area is subdivided into sufficiently small
partial areas, each of which is replaced at the centre by a substitute point
source with the appropriate partial sound power.

Horizontal area sources are inserted by entering their horizontal projec-

tion. Area Source
horizontal 2.5
Examples of area sources are parking lots (see Chapter 2.13), sports facili-
ties, and even entire industrial or commercial areas.

Vertical area sources are inserted by entering their horizontal projection as

an open polygon line. Area Source
vertical 2.5
When performing a calculation for an receiver point, CadnaA subdivides
the area source in a two-step procedure: First, the area source is subdivided
into partial areas being shielded and partial areas not being shielded by any
of the shielding objects lying between the receiver point and the source
(see Chapter 6.3.5 "Projection of:"). Then, in the second step, the distance
between the receiver point and each partial area is determined and, if the
largest dimension of a partial area exceeds the mandatory distance criteri-
on, a further subdivision is made.

Reference Manual
2.5 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Area Source

Geometric definition of the vertical area source

If, e. g., a window, as illustrated below, is to be considered as a sound-ra-

diating area, enter the window in the horizontal projection by inserting the
vertical area source as a polygon line at a short distance in front of the fa-
cade. For a clear distinction, a distance of approximately 0.05 m is appro-
priate. This distance is automatically obtained by specifying it on the
Object Snap dialog (see Chapter 9.5 Options|Object Snap).


Vertical area source

Vertical area source in front of a facade

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Area Source 2.5 3

In the edit dialog of the vertical area source, specify the position of the top
edge under Geometry|Height. As with any other object, this height may
be given as relative or absolute value, or with respect to the roof of a build-
ing (the latter being particularly convenient when entering vents for a lan-
tern roof). The bottom edge is then specified according to the z dimension
as illustrated.
Complicated outlines of vertical sound-radiating areas are approximated
by several rectangular areas.
For the calculation, the vertical area source is replaced by a series of line
sources with a spacing of 1 m. These are then subdivided into sections as
described above.

Reference Manual
2.5 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Area Source

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
The Edit Dialog of a Source 2.6 1

2.6 The Edit Dialog of a Source

The resulting sound power level for the three time periods Day | Evening |
Night is influenced by the following settings on the edit source dialog:
• Type
• Hz
• Correction
• PWL, PWL’, PWL’’, PWL-Pt
• Sound Reduction
• Attenuation
• Area (m²)
• normalised A:
The noise level is calculated and displayed when you enter the parameters.
The edit dialog of a point source is described below by means of an exam-
ple. It is representative for all other general sources.
The only difference between a line source and an area source is that for the
• line source
you may choose to enter the emission value in terms of the total sound
power level, PWL, or the sound power level per unit length (per
meter), PWL’
• area source, horizontal or vertical
you may choose to enter the emission value in terms of the total sound
power level, PWL, or the sound power level per unit area (per square
meter), PWL’'.

If the sound power level per unit length, PWL’, is entered for a line source, Result PWL 2.6
or the sound power level per unit area, PWL’’, is entered for an area
source, the total sound power level resulting from the dimensions of the
source in question is displayed as Result PWL.
As the height of the terrain at the polygon points is not yet known when
the values are entered, this total sound power level will, if relative heights
were used, refer to the horizontal projection of the source. Consequently, it

Reference Manual
2.6 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
The Edit Dialog of a Source

is not yet correct for inclined line or area sources. During the calculation,
however, even in this case, the absolute height at the polygon points is cal-
culated, and the correct total sound power level is determined.
Consequence: If sound power levels per unit length or unit area are
entered for inclined line or area sources whose heights were given as
relative coordinates, the total value displayed under Result PWL is
not yet correct. It will be so, however, after the first calculation.
To be able to follow the example below, you should be familiar with
• the basic techniques (see the manual „Introduction into CadnaA“) and
• the handling of local and global libraries (see Chapter 12.2).

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
The Edit Dialog of a Source 2.6 3

Insert a point source, and enter the values shown in the figure. Watch Example: Point
Source 2.6
the effect of single parameters being modified on the calculated emis-
sion value Result PWL.

Enter a Name characterising the type of source. It should be a short

name because it will appear in the first column of the list of point

Also enter an ID code. This will be the actual identifier of the data
record to be refered to for different purposes, such as grouping (see
Chapter 14.2).

In the list Type we can switch between Single band and Spectrum Type Single band /
Spectrum 2.6
Choose Single band (Spectrum see Chapter 2.6.3)

Reference Manual
2.6 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
The Edit Dialog of a Source

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
A-weighted Emission Value 2.6.1 1

2.6.1 A-weighted Emission Value

By default the following options are available depending on the source 2

• with point sources: sound power level PWL,
• with line sources: sound power level PWL, sound power level per unit
length PWL' or sound power level PWL-Pt of a moving point source,
• with area sources: sound power level PWL, sound power level per unit
area PWL" or sound power level PWL-Pt of a moving point source.
This box may contain a single-number value, the reference to a spectrum,
a combination of both, or even a formula.

If we select Single Band, the sound power level entered under PWL - 104 Single band 2.6.1
in the example - is interpreted as the total level. All frequency-dependent
calculations are performed for the frequency entered in the Hz box to the

To consider different emissions for day-, evening- and night-time, you can Correction 2.6.1
specify a Correction for each of these periods.

In the example, the night-time level is set to lie 10 dB(A) below the
day-time level by entering a correction of -10.
The total level resulting from all inputs - except for operating time and
K0 - which is used in the calculation of sound propagation is displayed un-
der Result PWL.

In the PWL box you may enter a formula up to 15 characters.

If, as in the example, the Sound Reduction box is deactivated, the dialog
deals with the direct radiation of airborne sound from an outdoor source.
(See below for the radiation from buildings, which applies when the
Sound Reduction option is active.)

Reference Manual
2.6.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
A-weighted Emission Value

In the Sound Reduction box you may enter a formula up to 15 char-

If a number is entered under Attenuation, this value is interpreted as the
reduction in level occurring during propagation from the point where the
sound is generated to the point of radiation. It is, therefore, reduced from
the sound power level.
In the example, a fan having a daytime sound power level of 104 dB(A)
could be equipped with a downstream silencer reducing the sound power
level by 8 dB(A).

Enter 8 in the Attenuation box, and watch the change in the Result

You may also enter complex formulas or the ID of a spectrum in the

Attenuation box. The maximum characters you may enter are 63.
In the present case, with different attenuations, the airborne sound radiat-
ed into a duct by the fan could be attenuated by, e. g., bends, changes in the
pipe cross section, fittings, and silencers. The remaining effective portion
of sound radiated from the outlet is then described in terms of the resulting
sound power level. To simulate this, enter, for example,
on the Attenuation line. You could, of course, determine a single-number
value from this sum and enter this directly, but giving the details as shown
above has the advantage that the formula, and thus the individual attenua-
tions, will be recorded in the pertinent column of the source lists.
The line will, however, cope with far more complex formulas.

Try, e. g.,

As described for other input boxes, ++ stands for the energy-equivalent (or
level) addition, and – for the level subtraction.

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
A-weighted Emission Value 2.6.1 3

(see also Chapter 2.9 Operators and Functions)

To model a moving point source enter the PWL of the point source, the Sound Power Level of a
number of events per hour Q and the speed (in km/h). Based on these data PointSourcePWL-Pt2.6.1 2
the resulting sound power level PWL, and - with line sources - the sound
power level per unit length PWL', and - with area sources - the sound pow-
er level per unit area PWL'' is calculated. With area sources the speed is
not required.
Line source
Q l v
PWL PWLPt 10 lg 10 lg 10 lg 30 dB
(h )
( m) (km / h)

Q v
PWL PWLPt 10 lg 10 lg 30 dB
(h )
(km / h)

Area source
PWL PWLPt 10 lg
(h 1 )

PWL PWLPt 10 lg 10 lg 2
(h )
(m )

Reference Manual
2.6.2 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
normalised A

2.6.2 normalised A

2 When the checkbox normal. A: has been activated and a number has been
entered, a constant of K dB is subtracted from or added to the frequency-
band levels resulting from the PWL so as to obtain that number as the total
A-weighted sound power level.

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Emission Spectrum 2.6.3 1

2.6.3 Emission Spectrum

Frequency-dependent calculations show what this concept is really capa- 2

ble of. All input options described in see Chapter 2.6.1 "A-weighted Emis-
sion Value" apply here, too. The only difference is that you can enter the
names (ID codes) of frequency spectra instead of numbers.
Let us assume that the following entries are listed in the local library (siehe
Chapter 12 Libraries) of sound levels (Tables|Libraries (local)):

Name ID Type Oktave Spectrum (dB) Source

Weight. 31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A lin
Test Spectrum SP_001 Li 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0 9.5 Example
Compressor 1 SP_002 Li 133.9 120.7 110.6 103.1 97.7 94.5 93.3 93.5 95.6 104.0 134.1 Example
Compressor 2 SP_003 Li 87.0 88.0 89.0 91.0 90.0 89.0 89.0 86.0 84.0 95.1 98.1 Example

where the total A-weighted levels are 7, 104 and 95.1 dB(A), and the spec-
tra of sound reduction index:

Name ID Oktave Spectrum (dB) Source

31.5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Rw
Silencer R_SD_01 0.5 2.8 5.4 7.8 9.5 12.4 12.2 11.5 11.4 12 Example
Cross Section Jump R_QS_95 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 6 Example
R_Flap R_001 0.0 4.5 4.8 5.0 5.8 5.4 4.5 4.0 4.0 6 Example

To follow the example, you may find it convenient to enter these

To calculate with frequency spectra,

select Spectrum in the Type box in the edit dialog of a source.

By entering in the PWL box the ID code of compressor 1, you refer to that

Enter the string SP_002

directly from the keyboard

Reference Manual
2.6.3 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Emission Spectrum

or first alternative

via the local library (click the card-index icon) by clicking the
2 second row and then OK to adopt it,
or second alternative

via the global library. (Hold the SHIFT key down before clicking
the card-index icon.)
This alternative kills two birds with one stone.

By clicking a spectrum in the global library via an edit dialog of a

source, the data record of the spectrum is copied to the local library,
and its ID code is adopted in the PWL box.
The resulting frequency spectrum should now be displayed on the little
monitor window of the point source edit dialog.

If you were to click the card-index icon again to select a different spec-
trum, clicking OK would result in the existing entry being overwritten.
To add a second spectrum to the first by energy-equivalent addition, i. e,.
respecting the rules of level addition, you have to hold the CTRL key down
before clicking the card-index icon. Upon selection of a spectrum, its ID

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Emission Spectrum 2.6.3 3

code will be appended to the existing one with a ++ operator (which sym-
bolises energy-equivalent level addition).
Of course, you can also enter this summing formula from the keyboard. As 2
you enter the formula, red colour indicates that the formula is not yet com-
plete, or not yet in a condition that can be interpreted by CadnaA.

The monitor at the bottom right corner of the edit dialog displays the fre- Spectrum
quency spectrum. Click it to have the diagram shown with a different Montior 2.6.3
weighting - Linear, A, B, C or D.

Reference Manual
2.6.3 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Emission Spectrum

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Reduction - Sound Radiation from Building Facades 2.6.4 1

2.6.4 Sound Reduction -

Sound Radiation from Building Facades
All types of general sources explained above can be used to simulate the
sound radiation from buildings. For example, you may simulate the slot-
type openings on all sides of a multi-storey garage by entering circumfer-
ential line sources.
In order to mark a building facade as a sound-radiating area, and to be able
to calculate the emission from the indoor level, activate Reduction on the
edit dialog of a sound source and enter in the pertinent box the sound re-
duction index in terms of a single number or the ID code of a spectrum for
a sound reduction index. All techniques for the selection of spectra from
the libraries and the handling of user-defined formulas, which were de-
scribed under Point Source, apply as always.

If the checkbox Reduction is activated, but the Reduction is zero we must

enter the value 0. A sound level cannot be calculated if the field is empty.
(see Chapter 2.6.5 "Sound-radiating Area (m²)")

Reference Manual
2.6.4 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Reduction - Sound Radiation from Building Facades

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound-radiating Area (m²) 2.6.5 1

2.6.5 Sound-radiating Area (m²)

For line and point sources which simulate radiating surfaces, the sound-ra- 2
diating area must always be entered when the calculation is to be per-
formed on the basis of an indoor level. To this end, click the check box,
and enter the relevant area.
For a vertical or horizontal area source, an input is only required where the
actual sound-radiating area differs from the geometrical area of the area
The sound radiation from a glass facade is simulated by a vertical area Exampel
source in front of it. The massive parts of the facade, which do not radiate
sound, are accounted for by entering the area of the actual glass surfaces.
If the Area (m²) check box is not activated, CadnaA considers the entire
area source in the calculation. Enter a value, if this is not desired.

Always watch the Result PWL. As long as it is set to 0, parameters

are still missing. When calculating on the basis of the indoor level,
this might be, e. g., the area or the sound reduction index.
The length (m) of the line source and the area of the area source (m²) can
be seen in the Geometry dialog. For the vertical area source - drawn with
only two polygon points - this value is 0, as the area entered refers to the
horizontal projection. The area of this source can be seen after a calcula-
tion in the field Area (m²) in the edit dialog.
You can specify the exact length of a line-like object (see manual „Intro-
duction into CadnaA“). See also Construct Building, Chapter 3.3.4 Gen-
erate a Building

Reference Manual
2.6.5 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound-radiating Area (m²)

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Attenuation 2.6.6 1

2.6.6 Attenuation

The Attenuation box also allows you to combine arbitrary spectra re- 2
trieved from the local and global libraries (see Chapter "Chapter 12 Li-
braries") by making reference to their ID codes. For two changes in cross
section and one silencer, the dialog could look like the one illustrated be-

Reference Manual
2.6.6 Chapter 2 Noise Sources

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Operating Time 2.6.7 1

2.6.7 Operating Time

If the check box Operating Time is not activated, no time-interval correc- 2

tion is taken into account. This means that the entered noise emission is
constant over the entire reference time (see Chapter 6.3.6). Recreation-
time penalties are only applied if combined evaluation parameters (see
Chapter 6.3.7) are calculated like Lden, Lde, Ldn, Len.
If, on the other hand, the check box is activated when performing a calcu-
lation, the time intervals entered under Day/Recreation(Evening)/Night
are considered as the operating times of the source. In this case also a pen-
alty is added to the level for the time period entered in the
Calculation|Configuration|Reference Time tab if the evaluation parame-
ter is a combined value like Lden, Lde, Ldn etc.
Consequently the applied time-interval correction results from the operat-
ing times entered and the reference time defined globally under the calcu-
lation configuration. This gives you sufficient flexibility to apply any
method of assessment.
see also:
Special Reference Time for Industry see Chapter 6.3.6 and
Compatibility mode for Industry (Recr./Evening is added to Day incl. Pen-
alty) Chapter 6.3.7 Absatz "Evaluation Parameter Tab"

Reference Manual
2.6.7 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Operating Time

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Ko without Ground 2.6.8 1

2.6.8 Ko without Ground

The solid angle coefficient K0 (dB) according to VDI 2714 /16/, the direc- 2
tivity index D according to ISO 9613 /21/ (equivalent for other guide-
The excess level in the direction of sound radiation due to reflecting sur-
faces close to the source can be accounted for by a global penalty, the solid
angle coefficient K0/D . Since the reflection from the ground is already ac-
counted for in the calculation according to ISO 9613-2 Equation 11 (for
calculations on the basis of A-weighted levels), or in the degree DBM,Okt /
AGround of attenuation in the ground and meteorology (for frequency-de-
pendent calculations), only the remaining reflecting surfaces are to be con-
sidered when determining K0.

Source at arbitrary height above the ground K0 = 0

Source at arbitrary height above the ground in front of a wall K0 = 3

Source at arbitrary height above the ground in a corner K0 = 6

In case K0 > 0 the reflection from the building itself must not be calculated
for the source in question, as the excess level is already accounted for by
K0. In order to retain the reflectivity of the building for all other sound
contributions, it is advisable to enter a value of 0.5 as Min. Distance from
Source to Reflecting Object on the Calculation|Configuration|Reflec-
tion tab (see Chapter 6.3.10).

Reference Manual
2.6.8 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Ko without Ground

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Directional Sound Radiation 2.7 1

2.7 Directional Sound Radiation

Not all sound sources radiate sound uniformly in all directions. There is,
for example, a directivity of the radiated sound for power-plant chimneys,
which depends on the exhaust velocity of the gas and its temperature. But
there are many other examples, such as the ground run-up of aeroengines
in a test facility, or the blow-off from valves, where the sound pressure lev-
el is not the same for all directions and not only a function of the distance.
In order to account for this fact, directional sound radiation was integrated
into CadnaA, both in a general way and for specific source types.
When a point source is specified, the pertinent option button in the edit
source dialog lets you assign a directivity to that source.

Point Source Edit Dialog

Performing a grid calculation with the inputs shown in the dialog above
will produce the following graphic.

Reference Manual
2.7 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Directional Sound Radiation

60.0 55.0
2 65.0 65.0


65.0 65.0


Omnidirectional radiation from a point source

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity 2.7.1 1

2.7.1 Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets

or Stacks with directivity
Chimney mouth directivity is integrated according to an older publication
Upon clicking the Directivity button on the point source edit dialog,
specify the principal axis of sound radiation as the positive x axis (x/y/
z = 1/0/0) and select the directivity of a chimney. Specify an exhaust gas
velocity of, e. g., 30 m/s, and a temperature of 200 degrees.

Dialog for the calculation of the directivity of a power-plant chimney

With all other data of the point source left unchanged, the following graph-
ic will result from the calculation.

Reference Manual
2.7.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity

63.9 58.6
2 54.3 69.1


53.9 69.1


Radiation pattern of chimney tilted to the horizontal plane;

parameters as above

In practice, the point source will be positioned at the centre of the cross
section chimney of the outlet , and the principal direction of radiation will
be the normal vector on this outlet cross section, pointing upwards, (x/y/z
= 0/0/1). If no vector is defined, the upwarded flow is automatically cho-
For the following simplified scenario, the chimney outlet is assumed to be
at a height of 30 m.
The chimney directivity shown above includes the lower radiation down-
wards - it would therefore be wrong to attach this directivity to a point
source simulating the chimney opening if this point source is screened by
the chimney cylinder. It is recommended to suppress this screening of the
chimney cylinder for the upper radiation if chimney directivity is used. If a

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity 2.7.1 3

chimney of, e.g., 30 m height should be modelled the following steps are
1. Enter a cylinder with radius and height of the chimney and define it 2
to be reflective if necessary.
2. Enter a point source in the center of the cylinder (chimney) with the
height of 0.01 m less than the cylinder so that it is placed inside.
(Geometry|Height: -0.01|Roof).
3. In Calculation|Configuration|Industry activate Src. in Building/
Cyl. do not shield (see Chapter 6.3.11).
4. Select chimney directivity in the edit dialog point source and enter
the corresponding parameters.
You must take into account that now all sources in buildings and cylinders
radiate free and you get no warning if a source is located inside.

Line of section

Horizontal projection with residential buildings and power plant with 30-m chimney

Reference Manual
2.7.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity

Oblique view of the (simplified) power plant and chimney

Now enter a height of 40 m for the auxiliary-polygon line of the cross sec-
tion as illustrated above. For the sectional view thus generated, perform a
grid calculation (see Chapter 5.5.6) with a grid spacing of 1 m to obtain
the level distribution in this plane which is caused by the chimney.

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity 2.7.1 5

Level distribution around the chimney in the vertical plane

Summary of the chimney directivity predefined in CadnaA:

Simplification for determining the radiation characteristic of chimneys and Radiation

cooling towers observing certain preconditions (following VDI 3733 Characteristik
of Chimneys 2.7.1
(draft), September 1993) and /49/:
This information is valid with the following conditions:
• diameter of the outlet di m = 5...7m;

• wind speed WL 3ms-1;

• with emission medium: CO2 and temperature TF = 473...773K;
• with emission medium: water vapour and temperature TF = 308K.

Reference Manual
2.7.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity

The angle is calculated as follows::

–1 2 2 –4 –1
2 = 90 + arc tan h s – arc sin h +s 10 – arc tan W L TF WF TL

Directivity Index K

f in Hz

63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k

30° 2,0 2,5 2,5 3,6 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0

45°-60° 4,0 4,8 3,2 4,1 4,8 4,8 4,8 4,8

75° 1,0 1,5 1,5 1,5 0,8 0,5 0,5 0,5

90° -2,0 -2,5 -3,0 -3,5 -4,8 -5,6 -5,6 -5,6

105° -4,0 -5,5 -7,0 -9,0 -10,0 -10,6 -10,0 -10,0

120 -5,0 -7,5 -9,2 -11,5 -15,2 -19,8 -20,0 -20,0

The used equation characters signify (see also the following figure):
h source height relative (torward receiver) [in m]
s distance receiver source axis (z-coordinate) [in m]

WL downwind speed [in ms-2]

TF temperature of the emission medium [in K]

WF exit speed of the emission medium [in ms-2]

TL ambient temperature [in K]

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity 2.7.1 7

Situation sketch for the sound emission of chimneys (by

Reinicke, W. and J. Danner: Schallabstrahlung von
Schornsteinen, Messung und technische Möglichkeiten zu
ihrer Minderung. Umweltbundesamt-Texte 17/81,
Forschungsber. 105.03.301. Berlin: November 1981)

(Sound Radiation of chimneys, technical possibilities for

abatement and measurement, Environmental Agency -
Texts 17/81, research report 105.03.301. Berlin: Novem-
ber 1981)

Reference Manual
2.7.1 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Chimney Outlets or Stacks with directivity

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL 2.7.2 1

2.7.2 Sound Radiation from Building Elements

and Openings According to ÖAL
According to the Austrian Guidelines, also the sound radiation from build-
ing elements and openings is assigned a directivity (though frequency-in-
dependent). If you select the directivity for sound-radiating elements,
according to ÖAL, for the point source of the scenario described above,
the calculation will result in the following graphic (direction of radiation
x/y/z = 1/0/0).

65.0 60.0 55.0


Radiation from elements according to ÖAL

The next figure also illustrates the radiation from openings according to

Reference Manual
2.7.2 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL

2 60.0 65.0 60.0


Radiation from openings according to ÖAL

In practice, the two types of sources mentioned last are located on the out-
side of buildings. To select the correct reference direction for the sound ra-
diation on the Directivity dialog, leave the default setting Determine
Direction Automatically (Nearest Building) activated, as illustrated be-
Now if you position a point source next to a building facade (an object
snap of approximately 6 pixels specified under Options|Object Snap will
be helpful), CadnaA automatically determines the direction of radiation
perpendicular to the facade at this point.
For the 6-m-high, L-shaped building in the figure after the next one, the
level distribution is thus obtained without further adjustments.

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL 2.7.2 3

Automatic determination of the direction of radiation

for sound-radiating elements and openings according to ÖAL

65.0 60.0 55.0


50.0 65.0 60.0 55.0

Level distribution calculated for elements according to

ÖAL using automatic determination of the direction of
radiation (the sound power effectively radiated is
precisely the same as for the other grid calculations)

Reference Manual
2.7.2 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL

You can easily assess the effect of different specifications on the calculated
level distributions. The next figure, for example, illustrates the result of a
grid calculation where no directivity has been assigned to the point source
simulating the sound-radiating element. In this case, the level distribution
results exclusively from the intrinsic shielding effect of the building.

63.9 59.9 55.6


51.8 64.2 60.7 56.7

Calculated level distribution caused by the sound-radiat-

ing element, when the directivity according to ÖAL has
been deactivated (thus for omnidirectional radiation)

As the position of the level boxes has not been changed, the levels exactly
show the difference between the two methods. When the numerical differ-
ence of the two level distributions in the two scenarios above is calculated,
the lines of equal difference clearly show the essential differences.

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL 2.7.2 5

1.8 -2.0 2

1.8 1.0


0.0 1.0

Lines of equal level difference between omnidirectional

sound radiation and sound radiation according to ÖAL

We will not comment on these differences here, but the example is an im-
pressive demonstration of how CadnaA's grid arithmetic allows you to
easily investigate the consequences of specific normative provisions.

Reference Manual
2.7.2 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Sound Radiation from Building Elements and Openings According to ÖAL

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Frequency-dependent Directivity, General 2.7.3 1

2.7.3 Frequency-dependent Directivity, General

To use any directivity that is taken from measurments or from literature, a 2

very general and flexible concept is integrated. In Tables|local Libra-
ry|Directivity for each directivity pattern a new line can be inserted. Dou-
ble click on this line opens a matrix form with frequency-columns and
lines spaced 15 degrees. This form allows to define an axial symetric di-
rectivity pattern, that is sufficient in most cases. (A complete general de-
scription would effort the directivity index in each frequency band
independance of two angles). With Name a string is entered, which can be
refered to in the PWL input line of any point-, line- or area source during
The form allows to enter the directivity indices for all octave bands from
31.5 Hz to 8000 Hz in angular increments of 15 degrees. If values are only
available for larger increments, use the DEL key to delete the zeros for the
15-degree-increments where no such values are available. CadnaA will
then fill in these values by interpolation.

Frequency-dependent directivity indices in increments

of 30 degrees. The values for the intermediate angles are

Reference Manual
2.7.3 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Frequency-dependent Directivity, General

When you close the dialog above by clicking OK and open it again, the
missing values are added in the empty fields automatically by CadnaA.

Frequency-dependent directivity indices with interpolated values

Now we can assign to a point-, line- or area source a previously specified

frequency-dependent directivity by selecting its name from the list box Di-

A specified directivity can be selected by clicking its name on the list

In the example, the calculation will result in the level distribution shown
With the example shown we get the following noise contours after a grid

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Frequency-dependent Directivity, General 2.7.3 3

64.9 62.8
61.3 67.6 2


62.5 72.0


Level distribution resulting from the selected directivity

When the calculation is performed for an receiver point, the directivity in-
dex calculated on the Directivity dialog is added to the sound power level.

With the option standardized activated, the correction is increased or re- Normalised
duced by a constant factor for all directions so as to leave the sound level Directivity 2.7.3
specified on the edit dialog of the source unchanged although this directiv-
ity is taken into account. This enables you to enter directly the octave band
sound pressure levels that you have measured on a half circle with the
source as pivot.

Reference Manual
2.7.3 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Frequency-dependent Directivity, General

Paste 2.7.3 Clicking the Paste button on the edit dialog Directivity under Ta-
bles|Sources|Directivity allows you to paste ASCII-format data from the
clipboard in the form.
ASCII-format: Cells separated by TAB stops, lines separated by carriage

Import of directivities Directivities can also be imported via the ODBC-connection. (). To this
via ODBC 2.7.3 end, select from the dialog File|Database|Definition the object type „Di-
rectivity“ (at the end of the list).
The attribute of the directivity index with structure „Sxxx_yyyy“, where:
• xxx: angle 0 to 180 degrees
• y: frequency 31 bis 8000 Hz
Example: S000_31 or S180_8000)

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Tennis Point of Serve 2.8 1

2.8 Tennis Point of Serve

This type of noise source is only usable in Germany because the emission
is related to the mesuring procedure of the „Taktmaximalpegel“.

Reference Manual
2.8 Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Tennis Point of Serve

Reference Manual
Chapter 2 Noise Sources
Roads 2.9 1

2.9 Roads
The source Road is radiating to all sides if the option Self-Screening is
not activated (see below in this chapter).
The values of some parameters can vary from polygon point to polygone
point, e.g., for the parameters
• cross sections or distance (see Chapter 2.9.1)
• lateral slopes (see Chapter 2.9.2)
• road heights and ground heigths (see Chapter 4.4).
The Parallel Object command (see manual „Introduction into CadnaA“)
on the context menu opened for a selected road allows you to generate bar-
riers, embankments, or contour lines at specified distances, or use the Sta-
tion command (see manual „Introduction into CadnaA“) for the automatic
insertion of kilometre marks.
The parameters of a road section are entered under the edit mode on the
dialog that opens after double-clicking the road’s centre-line.
The boxes in the dialog are described, by way of example, for the applica-
tion of RLS-90 /9/. They apply analogously to the other guidelines.

Reference Manual
2.9 Chapter 2 Noise Sources

The Edit Road Dialog

Geometry according Hint: The height entered in the Geometry dialog is the road surface’s
to RLS-90
height. CadnaA adds to this value 0,5 m automatically as the source
height for calculation. Therefore the road’s z-coordinate is always
the surface height (see Chapter 4.4).

Self-Screening If the option Self-Screening is activated in the Geometry dialog of the

Road screening occurs at all points below the road surfache niveau.
Therefore you can insert roads which run at a slant up or down, without
using the extra element of the object Bridge (see Chapter 3.6) by just allo-
cating the height over ground (relativ) or the absolut height to each point
of the road axis and the screening bridge (lane + sidewalk etc.) via the op-
tion self-screening in the geometry dialog of the road.
When selecting a pre-defined cross-section (see chapter 2.9.1) the respec-
tive additional width refering to the entire road profile is copied to the in-

Reference Manual

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