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E-Portfolio Creation

Try to follow by logging in
Bb Personal Portfolio Creation Process
• On the Open Global Navigation Menu, click Tools
• On the Tools menu, click Portfolios
• On the My Portfolios page, click Create Portfolio
• On the Create Portfolio page, type a Title and
Description of your portfolio. Then, click submit.
• You may also click Take the Tour for guide
Required Pages for Bb Learn
UST Student Portfolio
• About Myself
• Knowledge Attributes
• Design Attributes
• Professional Attributes
• Thomasian Attributes
• Other Links
• On the Create Portfolio page, click the “+” symbol
to add page, and “pen” symbol to edit title of page.
• On the Edit Portfolio page, click Section to create

(For the Knowledge Attributes page, you must create

5 sections as there are 5 knowledge attributes)
• Click “+” symbol to add sections.
• On the Edit Portfolio page, click Add Artifact
• Click Add Personal Artifact
• Browse your computer to upload files. Click Submit
• Click Preview and Customize to customize style of
• On the My Portfolio page, click More on the footer
menu of portfolio to be shared. Click Share.
• On the Share Portfolio page, click Share a Snapshot
with, then Users.
• On the Share with User page, type your instructor’s
username. Click Submit.
Sample Portfolio
(with Pages and Sections)
Portfolio title

Portfolio pages
Add artifacts (pictures, certificates, exams, projects, etc.) in each section. The
artifacts (or evidences) should show and prove the attainment of the attributes.

Knowledge Attributes
K1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science appropriately to
solve Chemical Engineering problems
K2 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
K3 The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions or research and innovation in a global, economic, environmental,
and societal context
K4 The knowledge and understanding of engineering and management
principles as a member and leader of a team, to manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments
K5 The specialized knowledge in at least one field of Chemical Engineering
practice, and the ability to apply such knowledge to provide solutions to
actual problems
Add artifacts (pictures, certificates, exams, projects, etc.) in each section. The
artifacts (or evidences) should show and prove the attainment of the attributes.

Design Attributes
D1 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret
data accordingly
D2 An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability, in accordance
with standards.
D3 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve Chemical Engineering problems
Add artifacts (pictures, certificates, exams, projects, etc.) in each section. The
artifacts (or evidences) should show and prove the attainment of the attributes.

Professional Attributes
P1 An ability to function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams
P2 An ability for effective written, visual, and oral communication
P3 The recognition of the need for, and the ability to engage in life-long learning
P4 An active concern for contemporary local and global issues
P5 An ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
the practice of Chemical Engineering
Add artifacts (pictures, certificates, exams, projects, etc.) in each section. The
artifacts (or evidences) should show and prove the attainment of the attributes.

Thomasian Attributes
T1 Devotion to one's faith or religion
T2 Commitment to service to the nation
T3 Compassion for the poor and the disadvantaged

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