Madhav Narayan Shrestha (DR.) : Educational Qualification

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Madhav Narayan Shrestha (Dr.

185/54, Karakhushi Marga, Kuleswor, GPO Box #3610,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Mobile: +977-98-41294941

Date of Birth : 16 Nov 1960

Nationality : Nepali
Marital Status : Married

Educational Qualification:
2002 Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Water Resources), Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, India.

1990 Master of Engineering (Water Resources Development), Asian Institute of

Technology, Bangkok, Thailand,

1988 Bachelor of Engineering (Civil-Honors), University of Roorkee (Indian Institute of

Technology, Roorkee), Roorkee, India

Professional Qualification (Skill):

A. Online Self-Directed Learning Courses

Course Provider Course Description
UNESCO-IHE, On-line Diploma on Policy and Management in Developing Countries:
The Netherlands, June 2010 Peri-urban Water and Sanitation Services
WHO Simulation Exercise Management: Introduction
WHO Incident Management System (tier 1)
WHO Incident Management System (tier 2)
UNICEF /KAYA Result-Based Management
Humanitarian Learning
Global Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Pathway
EvalPartners/UNIECF/IOCE Emerging Practices in Development Evaluations
National Evaluation Capacity Development for Country-led M&E

B. Webinar/Seminar/Conference (attended most recent)

S.N. Description Type Organizer Date

1 Mainstreaming Demand Side Water Webinar Sustainable Habitat, TERI Aug 2020
Management in Indian Cities
2 Challenges facing Vocational TVET International Vocational July 2020
Education and Training World e Education and Training
Conference Association
3 Leave No One Behind in WASH Webinar WSSCC July 2020
4 Adapting assessment systems Webinar RTO Consulting Service June 2020
to an online environment (
5 What constitutes sufficient valid Webinar RTO Consulting Service June 2020
assessment evidence? (
6 Organizing validation using Webinar RTO Consulting Service June 2020
online meetings (
7 Opportunities and challenges for Webinar RTO Consulting Service June 2020
RPL Practices using online (
8 Exploring the WHO/UNICEF JMP Webinar RWSN (Rural water Supply May 2020
database on inequalities in WASH Network)
9 Problem Based Learning (PBL) Seminar PBL South Asia Dec 2019
South Asia: AITM and Other
Nepalese Partner Organized one
day Dissemination Seminar

Work Experience:
Nov 2018- till date ADB KVWSIP/KVWSMB/SWS-Hydea/BDA
Deputy Team Leader/Urban Water Supply Specialist,
Responsibilities carried:
coordination between updating Capital Investment and Asset Management Plan (CIAMP)
consultants from Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board, government
agencies, municipalities and loan consultants; project and contract management,
provide technical support to Water Supply and Waste water Master plan (integrated
water supply& waste water including onsite sanitation/fecal sludge management,
vulnerability assessment ), investment plan and asset management plan up to 2050 with
5 years intervals, supervise field investigations and studies related to water resource
mapping and water supply services, prepare technical inputs into the Financial and
Operational Performance Improvement Plan (FOPIP) with view to improving operational
efficiency and sustainability.

June 2016- Oct 2018 Construction Management Specialist, ADB STIUEIP/KVIWSP, BDA/CEMAT
Team Leader
Responsibilities carried:
coordination and leading the team of multi-sectoral experts working on design and
implementation of WASH infrastructure development works of integrated projects, project
planning and management, monitoring and controlled supervision, effectively manage
budget and human resources; administrate procurement & contract management (FIDIC
& PPMO), negotiating and coordinating with relevant stakeholders/communities for
management of disaster risk reduction, socio-economic and governance issues, and
preparation operational guidelines, standards and manuals.

Dec 2014- May 2016 Asian Institute of Technology & Management (AITM)
Program Coordinator/Senior Faculty
Responsibilities carried:
chairmanship of Academic Committee of School of Science and Technology, coordinating
and managing AIT (Asian Institute Of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand) programs,
evaluation of programs, and instructing Engineering Drawing, Engineering Hydrology,
Survey, Soil Mechanics and Praxis of AIT Undergraduate course as AIT Adjunct Faculty,
and WASH, Climate Change, Water Resource related subjects, delivering & co-
coordinating public seminars, prepare research proposals and concept notes on Climate
Change and Environmental science for funding, and undertaking research works (as PI
or CoPI).
Dec 2011- Nov 2014 ADB/STIUEIP/ Kavre Valley Integrated Water Supply Project/BDA-CEMAT JV
Team Leader/Water Supply and Construction Management Specialist
Responsibilities carried:
co-ordinate and lead the team of multi-sectoral experts working for reviewing the
design of integrated WASH project, water resource mapping, management and planning;
program development, planning & managing with strategic activities, human resource
and budget management, contract administration and procurement management(FIDIC
& PPMO), negotiating and coordinating with stakeholders on water governance &
development issues.
Sep 2010- Nov 2011 High powered Committee for Integrated Development of Bagmati
Civilization/BDA-MULTI JV
Team Leader /Environment Engineer
Responsibilities carried:
co-ordinate and lead the team of multi-sector consultants for designing and
implementing of waste water and storm water systems, project and budget planning,
construction management &monitoring, development of strategic plan and action,
environmental and social compliance and infrastructure development works (municipal
trunk sewers, environmental water management ,service road, green belt development,
river training and other works along with the Bagmati River and its tributaries),
procurement and contract administration (ICB/PPMO), negotiating and coordinating with
stakeholders for socio-economic, governance issues and management of disaster risk
reduction, and implement quality assurance plan.

May – Aug 2010 Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Output Based Aid Expert
Responsibilities carried:
design OBA mechanism and implementation guidelines for water supply and sanitation
sector for use in towns of Nepal with recommendation on appropriate payment level, pre-
finance arrangement, target mechanism, and implement arrangements including
monitoring and verification.

May 2009 – May 2010 SNV Netherlands Development Organization Nepal

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Consultant Senior Advisor
Responsibilities carried:
develop and deliver WASH sector programmes, deliver advisory services, advocacy and
strengthening and facilitation services for capacity building to water and sanitation sector
clients (multi-stakeholders including GOs), CBOs and NGOs from team building to quality
delivery process for sustainable targeted outcome delivered by decentralized, balanced
and transparent outputs, and disseminated for replication and up scaling with knowledge
management, networking & communication for establishing effective coordination
among WASH stakeholders (donors, implementing partners and development actors) with
integration and synergetic way forward , formulate Organizational Strategy plan, design
of programmes with strategic partnerships targeting resource mobilization, monitoring
and evaluation of development programs for promotion and increase sustainable access
to effective basic service (water and sanitation) for poor and marginalized communities
Feb 2008-Apr 2009 Research & Development and Information Technology Unit, Kathmandu Valley
Water Supply Limited (KUKL), Nepal
Program Leader/Unit Chief
Responsibilities carried:
commence research activities on efficient water and waste water reuse, water demand &
NRW minimization techniques, removing Ammonia from Deep tube well water, planning
and conducting capacity strengthening programs/training on water safety management
and NRW, establishing of ICT networks for operational water centers operating in real
time water revenue collection and investment business plan (ADB Project), formulation of
strategic planning development of MIS and GIS for design of water distribution and
environmental sanitation network including Hydraulic Modeling).
Jan 2000 -Jan 2008 Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC)
Branch Manager (Team leader)/Program Chief
Responsibilities carried:
lead Project Management Cycles to deliver high quality outcomes including
implementation, monitoring and evaluation, formulation of strategic plan for targeted
outputs from participatory community based projects, overall project management
(administration, financial and technical operation of the systems focusing on solving
scarcity and conflict issues, optimum use of resources and balancing public demand and
relationships to the projects, lead water metering project(ADSB funded) and task force
member for reform process of NWSC.
Apr 1992- Dec 1999 Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC)
Deputy Team leader/Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer
Responsibilities carried:
implementation and rehabilitation of urban water and sanitation programmes, design
water resource projects with conjunctive use of surface and groundwater assessing
environment and financial sustainability ensuring community based social process for
equitable and optimized operation of the projects
Nov 1990 - Mar 1992 Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Nepal
Senior Engineer
Responsibilities carried:
plan and design of water supply and storm water system in rural technical schools,
develop and instruct capacity strengthening training on civil engineering sector specially
on water resource and building construction, develop skill standards for building
construction and water supply subject, examine the skill standard of middle level
technicians, develop project activities with PMC for rural water resources in technical
schools (ADB Project) and establish knowledge management network of technical
Aug 1981- Jun 1984 Ministry of Local Development, Nepal
Sub Engineer
Responsibilities carried:
design and supervision of communities led water supply and sanitation and building
construction projects, and river training works

Selected consultancies:

Aug 2018- till date Water Supply Expert (intermittent), WECS/ Lahmeyer International GMBH/Changiiang
Institute of Survey, Planning/TMS (World Funded)
Responsibilities carried
review and update water supply data and information of all basins and sub basins based
on coverage of existing water supply and waste water infrastructure, water resources
mapping; population served by the water supply and waste water system, type of water
supply being provided; to identify area of possible extendable of population; to assess the
future projections on water demand in the communities within a river basin; and to
identify area particularly high water supply requirement; and provide water and waste
water planning up to subbasin level in Master Plan of river basins of Nepal up to 2050
June 2012-March 2013 ADB TA-7984 NEP: Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in
Development, CDTA, Project No.44168, ICEM/METCON
National Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer
Responsibilities carried:
identity training needs and formulate and implement the trainings, liaise with ministries
to develop crosscutting training seminars, lead the implementation of the case analysis
terms of reference, prepare recommendations and results of analysis, identify data
needs and practical applicability of revised guidelines, review and assess current
engineering designs, standards and guidelines to withstand current and future climate
change risks, provide recommendations on adjustments that can be made to the above
in order to better incorporate considerations of climate change risks and natural hazards,
identify and propose institutional gaps, issues and capabilities for implementing the new
guidelines, lead training and capacity building activities, advice to the department on its
vulnerabilities and risks, liaise and maintain regular communication with ministries and
other stakeholders

Jan- May 2014 WASH Expert (intermittent), CFGORRP0- DHM/Global Environmental Facility
Responsibilities carried:
identify suitable sites; formulate the plan and implementation strategies; and design of Climate
Change Disaster Risk Reduction flood proofing infrastructure(river protection, foot trails,
drainage and water supplies, sanitation and hygiene system) in 8 vulnerable geographically
remote VDCs of 4 Terai Districts (Mahottari, Siraha, Saptari and Udaypur) of the project under
Component II of the Project.
April- August 2013 Engineering & Cost Consultant (National-intermittent), ADB/Ministry of Urban
Development, GON/METCON
Responsibilities carried:
prepare the necessary capital expenditure as well as O&M requirements for water utilities and
service providers of various production capacities, collect data and information on water
utilities and service providers of pilot cities/areas to conduct capacity analysis to determine the
optimal operation structure and capital requirements as well as the current operation structure
and capital requirements, prepare an itemized cost template for the optimal operation
structure and the current operation structure, assist the financial and accounting management
consultants to establish appropriate cost allocation methodologies for purposes of O&M cost
recovery and full cost recovery based on the optimal and the current operation structures.
Jan 2013- Mar 2015 Environment Consultant(intermittent), Japan Forum for International Relations and
Nepal Evaluation Society
Responsibilities carried:
develop strategic business plan of project, monitor, and evaluate of the Solid Waste
Management project, conduct workshop /training on hygiene promotion, strengthen the urban
and peri-urban communities on solid waste management program including hygiene
promotion activities.
June 2012- Mar 2013 Water Supply and Sanitation Engineer(national/intermittent), ADB/ ICEM/METCON
Responsibilities carried:
identify the training needs, formulate and lead and capacity building activities, lead the
implementation of the case analysis terms of reference, prepare recommendations and results
of analysis, identify data needs and practical applicability of revised guidelines, review and
assess current engineering designs & standards and guidelines to withstand current and future
climate change risks and disaster risk reduction, provide recommendations on adjustments
that can be made to the above in order to better incorporate considerations of climate change
risks and natural hazard, identify and propose institutional gap, issues and capabilities for
implementing the new guidelines, advice to the department on its vulnerabilities and risks,
liaise and maintain regular communication with ministries and other stakeholders
Jan -Dec 2008 Team Leader(intermittent), WECS/ERMC
Responsibilities carried:
lead and coordinate the team of multi-sectoral experts working on comprehensive analysis and
multi dimension study on River Basin (Bagmati, Nepal), evaluate with considering trans-
boundary water issue, evaluate the existing water resource using GIS and water infrastructure
set ups and prepare strategic planning and effective set up with water resources business and
utilization plan for optimal water use by hydrological modeling considering constraints of
impact achievement toward increase access to basic as well as development services,
vulnerability assessments and risk reduction plans, and prepare Environmental Management
Plan (EMP).
Sep - Oct 2008 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)Expert, Local Capacity Building of Service
Delivery Organizations Project/SNV,
Responsibilities carried:
facilitation services for capacity strengthening to the clients (multi-stakeholders including
GOs), CBOs and NGOs from team building to quality delivery process for sustainable
targeted outcome delivered by decentralized, balanced and transparent outputs and
targeted activities to work with poor and marginalised communities to improve and ensure
impact achievement to increased access to safe water and improved sanitation services.
Jul 2007 – April 2009 Water Resource Consultant, Groundwater Tubewell Drilling Land Pulling Project,
Kathmandu Metropolitan Corporation, Nepal
Responsibilities carried:
design and supervision of community involved Groundwater deep Tubewell construction and
water supply rehabilitation programme.
2007 - 2008 Hydrologist/Water Resources Specialist, Development of Training Curriculum for
Hydrology and Instrumentation Project, South Asian Institute of Technology, Nepal,
Responsibilities carried:
develop training curriculum and conduct training on Hydrology, IWRM for International
trainees from Bhutan
2001 - 2008 Engineering Division Chief, Development of Complete Engineering Project Proposals, IRDS
Pvt. Ltd, Nepal,
Responsibilities carried:
project design and implementation for Infrastructure services programs (water & sanitation)
with private sector investment plan and energy sector management.
Jun - Sep 1996 Subject Matter Expert, Technical Education and Vocational Training Development Project
Responsibilities carried:
develop complete modular competent curriculum for construction water supply and sanitation
1994 - 1996 Skill Standard Development Expert, Development of National Skill Standard of Water
Supply & Sanitation and Construction Technology Project, CTEVT,
Responsibilities carried:
formulate and performance competence and evaluation skill standard of middle level
Aug 1996 – Jan 1997 Drainage Engineer, Kathmandu Metropolitan City/MULTI Consultancy,
Responsibilities carried:
design of ADB funded Municipality Infrastructure Improvement Project on Storm Water
Drainage System in mountainous area (100 ha) in Western part of Kathmandu Metropolitan
City considering long term economic feasibility and environmental sustainability and prepare
project reports and bidding documents for immediate implementation.
Sep 1995 – Jan1997 Water Supply Expert/Consultant, Water Supply Distribution program for Gongabu Land
Pulling Project, Kathmandu Valley Town Development Committee,
Responsibilities carried:
design of urban water supply system serving 70 thousand population and preparation of
Technical Specification for the project

Selected Research, Review and Evaluation, Teaching & Supervising, Training and Research
Publications (Journals and Books)

A. Research Works
Date Employer Narrative Description of work with position title
Mar-Aug Japan International Team Leader, to evaluate institutional framework related to water
2015 Cooperation Agency supply and sewerage in Kathmandu valley; analyze its functionality
(JICA), Nepal, include relation among institutes; and to recommend for future
improvement on institutional framework (Research Study Book)
1998-2001 IIT Madras, India Research Scholar, , to develop Hydrological Models (Distributed,
Semi-distributed and Lumped) for assessment of Hydrological Changes
due to Land-use Modifications, and to prepare appraisal research report
of Groundwater Potential in IIT Madras Campus.
1989-1990 AIT, Thailand Research Associate, to conduct research and outreach activities of
the program in the field of hydrology, rural and urban water supply, and
irrigation and drainage, and develop 2-D Finite Element Model to
conduct research study on assessment of Groundwater Resources in the
Kathmandu Valley.

B. Professional Training
Date Period Organizer Subject
Oct 1 Week SNV Asia Advisory Practice Learning Program
Aug. 1 week UNICEF (Nepal), RedR(UK) Emergency WASH Training with focus on recurring
2008 and RedR( India), supported emergencies (floods etc.) in South Asia Context based
by Kathmandu University and upon the Hygiene Improvement Framework
funded by ECHO
March 1 Week International Water Research Training on Groundwater Governance in Asia
2007 Management Institute (IWMI) in the theory and practice: Multi sector-cross cutting
Sri Lanka Research and Training
2006 4 Weeks International Water Research Training on Groundwater Governance (In USA)
Management Institute (IWMI )
and University of Kansas,
Kansas, USA
2006 3 weeks International Water Research Training on Groundwater Water Governance in
Management Institute, Sri Asia (Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India)
Lanka and IIT Roorkee, India
2005 2 weeks UN-HABITAT, Nepal/India Water Demand Management (WDM) in Bhopal, India
2004 6 weeks TCDC 2004 China, organized Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control
in University of Science and
Technology, Suzhou, China
2002 1 week Indian Institute of Technology, A short term course in GIS and Its application in
Madras, India Environmental Engineering
1999 7 weeks Indian Institute of Remote Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Town
Sensing, India Planning.
1996 8 weeks JICA, Japan Special Training Course on water works engineering for
cold regions
1996 1 week NWSC, Nepal Leak Detection Repair Methodology and Branch Office
1994 10 weeks AOTS, Japan Technical Training in waterworks

C. Teaching & Supervising

Aug 2017- Sep 2018 Visiting Professor, Kathmandu University,

to develop syllabus and instruct on Climate Change: Mitigation and Policies, Water
Resource Engineering for Master of Technology, Environmental Engineering.

Jan 2013 – Dec 2014 Adjunct Faculty, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok,
to teach the courses- Praxis, Engineering Drawing, Hydrology, Survey and Soil
Mechanics offered in AITM Nepal under AIT Undergraduate Program of School of
Engineering and Technology, including all necessary assessments and examinations
and grading offered for Bachelor in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.

Jan 2011 - Present Visiting Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Sustainable Water Sanitation,
Health and Development Master's degree program,
Institute of engineering, Tribhuvan University,
to instruct on Water and Wastewater treatment principles for post graduate level.

Feb2006 – Jan2009 Visiting Faculty, School of Environment Management and Sustainable

Development, Pokhara University, Nepal
to develop curriculum and instruct on Environmental Technologies: Rainwater
Harvesting System and Hydrology and Meteorology and supervise students
conducting research in water and sanitation development issues.

2002 - Present Research Advisor/ Supervisor, Universities of Nepal,

to guide /supervise and examining Master’s thesis in the field of Water and
Sanitation, Environmental Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, and Zoology
(Ecology) (Detail of research study is listed below)

Thesis Advisor/ Examiner

S.N Title of Thesis Student’s Name Degree University
1. Effect of Temperature variation on Ms. Nainisha Subedi M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
efficiency of Hydrogenotrophic (Dec 2019) Engg.
Denitrification in series reactor
2. Removal Efficiency of Nutrient in Mr. Sunil Rakhal M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
Horizontal Reed Bed constructed (Dec 2019) Engg.
3. Biological Denitrification of Nitrate Madan Gorathoki M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
Contaminated Groundwater with (May 2019) Engg.
elementary Sulfur
4. Anthractic as filter media in Up flow Bhesh Kumar Karkii M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
roughing filter (May 2019) Engg.
5. Potential of using dewatered alum Binit Ojha M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
sludge in Phosphorus removal from (Nov 2018) Engg.
contaminated water
6. Potentiality of Biogas from Kitchen Shanti Paneru M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
Waste (May 2018) Engg.
7. Application of Waste Human Urine in Keshab Adhikari M.Sc in Env. IOE, TU
Spinach cultivation (May 2018) Engg.
8. Turbidity removal by RSF using Gopal Tamakhu M.Sc in Institute of Engg,
Anthractic Coal as Capping media (Feb 2018) Environmental Tribhuvan University
Engineering (TU)
( Envt. Engg)
9. Study of Turbidity removal efficiency Sandesh Pandey M.Sc in Institute of
of SSF for different loading (Feb 2018) Envt.Engg Engg(IOE)
10. Slaughter House Waste Management Rajendra Giri M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
through Anaerobic Digestion at (Dec 2017) Engg
Mesopjillic Condition
11. Comparative Study of Nutrient Punya Ram Sulu M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
Removal in Horizontal sub surface (June 2017) Engg
flow Constructed Wetland
12. Determination of fecal sludge Ram Kumar M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
characteristics with time Variation Shrestha Engg
(June 2017)
13. To Analyze the extent of corrosion on Janap Ghimire M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
the Mils Steel by the presence of Low ( April 2016) Engg
TDS and Low Alkaneline Water
14. Human Urine Struvization Prakash Poudel M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
(April 2016) Engg
15. Kinetics of Nitrification and Sampurna Acharya M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
Denitrification study in Domestic (April 2016) Engg
16. Dissolved Iron Removal Efficiency Dhruba Khadga M.Sc. in IOE, TU
through Bamboo based Activated (June 2015) Sustainable
Carbon from Ground water Water Sanitation
Health and
17. Removal of Arsenic in water by Purushottam M.Sc. in IOE, TU
electrolysis Sharma (SWSHD)
(June 2015)
18. Pig Dung managed by the Bio Ram Udar Yadav M.Sc. in IOE, TU
conversion Technology (Feb 2015) (SWSHD)
19. Natural Water Treatment Using Prakash Dahal (April M.Sc. in IOE, TU
Zeemays followed by solar 2014) (SWSHD)
20. Biogas Production from Anaerobic Co- Anjana Maharjan M.Sc. in IOE, TU
digestion of fecal waster and Kitchen (Oct 2014) (SWSHD)
21. Assessing the effectiveness of Human Subendra Shrestha M.Sc. in IOE, TU
Urine in maize cultivation (Oct 2014) (SWSHD)
22. Effectiveness of Plastic Biosand Filters Bikesh M.Sc. in IOE, TU
Wadhanthachhya SWSHD,
( Nov,2013)
23. Use of Moringa Oleifera Seeds as Ram Bikram Dahal M.Sc. in IOE, TU
natural coagulant in Wastewater (Nov, 2013) SWSHD,
24. Climate change Impacts and Giri Raj Khatri (CDES)
adaptation measures on water and ( July 2013) Environmental Institute of Science
sanitation sector: A case study in Science, and Technology, TU
Pathivara squatters slum area of
Kathmandu Valley
25. Optimization of Municipal solid waste Namita Shrestha M.Sc. in IOE, TU
collection routes using GA ( Nov 2012) SWSHD,
26. Nutrient removal in horizontal bed Sushil K. Shrestha M.Sc. in IOE, TU
constructed wetland (Feb,2012) SWSHD,
27. Effect of Glucose on Biodegradation Sweachha Shrestha M.Sc. in IOE, TU
of food waste compositing ( Nov, 2011) SWSHD,
28. Bio Gas Generation from the Organic Arjun Kumar Bam M.Sc. in IOE, TU
Kitchen Waste (April 2011) SWSHD,
29. Application of the Human Urine in Bikash Adhikari M.Sc. in SWSHD IOE, TU
Cabbage Cultivation (March 2011)
30. Lab Based model study of Vertical Indra Narayan M.Sc. in SWSHD IOE, TU
flow of solute in porous Shrestha
media( preferential flow) and it’s ( July 2010)
comparison with theoretical Darcy
31. Faecal Sludge Management through Prakash Pudasaini M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
sludge drying beds (Jan, 2009) Engg
32. Tube Settler for Turbidity Removal Anu Rajbanshi M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
(Jan,2009) Engg
33. Performance Evaluation of Gajalaxmi Bimala Prajapati M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
Water treatment Plant at Chyasal Tole (Jan, 2008) Engg
of Patan District
34. Removal of Chromium Ions from the Arbind Kumar M.Sc in Envt. IOE, TU
Polluted water by using Adsorbent Mahaseth Engg
Media Charcoal (Jan. 2008)
35. Role of Mahankalchaur Treatment Narayan Karna School of Env.
Plant in the overall water supply (Oct. 2007) Environmental Management &
system in Kathmandu Management Sustainable
Pokhara University
36. Seismic vulnerability of Traditional Edna Thapa Burgos SchEMS
water Supply System , a case study (Sept, 2007) Environmental PU, Nepal
from Lalitpur Sub-Metro Politian City Management
area Kathmandu, Nepal
37. Social Perspective on the Need of Shristee Thapaliya SchEMS,
Safe water- Present Status and Future (Sept, 2007) Environmental PU, Nepal
Strategies for Rural water Management
Management System
38. Assessment of Chemical Risk of rural Nawang C. Sherpa SchEMS,
water Supply in the Western (Dec, 2007) Environmental PU, Nepal
Development Region Management
39. Evaluation on biological risk analysis Sheelva Shakya SchEMS,
of rural water supply scheme in (Sept, 2007) Environmental PU, Nepal
western development region Management
40. Effect on Runoff pattern due to land Nilam Kumar Singh M.Sc. in Env. SchEMS,
use–land cover modification in Dongol (May 2007) Management PU, Nepal
Dhobikhola sub basin of Kathmandu
Valley basin
41. Performance evaluation of pilot scale Durga Devi Sharma M.Sc. in Central Department
vertical flow subsurface constructed (March 2007) Zoology of Zoology, TU
wetland treating municipal waste
42. Use of Reeds on horizontal Menuka Basnyat M.Sc. in Central Department
subsurface flow constructed wetland (March 2007) Zoology of Zoology, TU
fir the treatment of waste water
43. Development of nutrient budget of Gaurav Shrestha M.Sc. in IOE,
the Central Zoo Pond (Jan 2007) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
44. Water Management-A Vital Sharad Kumar M.Sc in SchEMS,
component for the Sustainability of Manandhar Env. PU, Nepal
Rural roads in Nepal (Jan 2007) Management
45. Dissolved ammonia adsorption in Shukra Raj Paudel M.Sc. in IOE,
water by using over burnt brick (April 2006) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
46. To assess the soil and groundwater Lokesh Chandra M.Sc. in IOE,
pollution due to discharge of steel singh Env. Engg TU, Nepal
industries effluents at Simra, Bara (Nov 2005)
47. Treatability study of edible oil Som Raj Gurung M.Sc. in IOE,
refinery effluent by UASB (Feb 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
48. Treatability study of municipal Dhruva Mani Poudel M.Sc. in IOE,
sewerage on up flow aerobic filter (March 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
and up flow anaerobic hybrid reactor
49. Determination of maximum height Rajesh Das M.Sc. in IOE,
and stability class of Kathmandu (March 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
50. Effectiveness of copper as a Sagar Gnawali M.Sc. in IOE,
disinfection (March 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
51. Nitrification efficiency in Raw water Narayan Basnet M.Sc. in IOE,
using local filter media (May 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
52. Removal of Arsenic from iron Shanker Mani M.Sc. in IOE,
containing groundwater by aeration Jnawali Env. Engg TU, Nepal
followed by filtration (Jan 2003)
53. Water Balance study and estimation Suresh Mahaju M.Sc. in IOE,
of Leach ate production at Gokarna (Dec 2003) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
Land fill
54. Arsenic Removal by adsorption on Indra Vilas Khanal M.Sc. in IOE,
Red soil (Feb 2002) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
55. Study of Groundwater contaminant Ram Krishna M.Sc. in IOE,
transport around the Manohara well Bhattarai Env. Engg TU, Nepal
field (Nov 2002)
56. Environmental Improvement Ashok Singh M.Sc. in IOE,
Assessment of Automobile Workshops (Nov 202) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
in Satungal Area
57. Role of Ni and Co Micronutrients in Braj Kishore M.Sc. in IOE,
the anaerobic digestions of Distillery Choudhary Env. Engg TU, Nepal
Spent Wash (Nov 2002)
58. A comparative study of Environmental Him Prasad Gautam M.Sc. in IOE,
Impact by Lead-Acid Battery User Run (Nov 2002) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
(safa) and LPG user Tempos: A life
cycle Analysis
59. Environmental Impact of Hospital Bidya Nath Bhattarai M.Sc. in IOE,
Waste: A case study of Bir Hospital (Nov 2002) Env. Engg TU, Nepal
60. Air Quality Modeling program design Dwarika Phuyal) M.Sc. in IOE,
of Kathmandu Valley (Nov 2002) Env. Engg TU, Nepal

D. Review and Evaluation Works:

Date Name of Journal/ Proceeding/ Research Paper/Proposal Topic
Publisher/Research Institutes
2020 Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Assessment of the drivers of domestic water
June Science International (Manuscript No: consumption pattern in Idah lga,Kogi state
SCIENCEDOMAIN International (Peer Reviewer)
2014 Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Land Suitability Evaluation for Sorghum and
Oct Planning -ISSN ONLINE 2350 – 2193 Barley Crops in South Wollo Zone of Ethiopia
(Manuscript Number: HUGRP-14-079) (Peer Reviewer)
2012 International Development Research Center Research Initiatives on water resources and
Mar IDRC), Canada adaptation to climate change in Asia
2011 International Development Research Center Research Project proposal submitted with
Nov IDRC), Canada, IDRC‘s Adaptation –H2O Graduate Research
Award Program
2011 Regional Office for South Asia, International Research project proposal submitted for
Sep Development Research Center (IDRC), New Climate Change and Water Program Initiative:
Delhi Review of 2011 Climate Change Adaptation,
Water and Food Security in Pakistan, Contract
No 106322-001
2011 International Journal of water Resource and The Art of Surface Water Management and
July Environmental Engineering (Manuscript Rural Development: A Case Study on Dariapur
Number: IJWREE -11- 073) Small Scale Water Resources Development
Subproject of LGED. (Peer Reviewer)
2011 International Journal of Water Resource and Water Management with Wastewater
July Environmental Engineering (Manuscript Treatment and Reuse, Desalination, and
Number: IJWREE -10- Conveyance to Counteract Future Water
Shortages in the Gaza Strip.
(Peer Reviewer)
2011 International Journal of water Resource and Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and
May Environmental Engineering (Manuscript Stochastic Models in River Discharge
Number: IJWREE -11- 047) Forecasting, (Case Study: Ghara- Aghaj River,
Fars Province, IRAN) (Peer Reviewer)
2011 International Journal of water Resource and Morphometric analysis of Dwarakeswar
May Environmental Engineering (Manuscript watershed, Bankura district, West Bengal,
Number: IJWREE -11- 041) India, using Spatial Information Technology
(Peer Reviewer)
2011 International Journal of Water Resource and Localizing the Strategy for Achieving Rural
April Environmental Engineering (Manuscript Water Supply and Sanitation in Nigeria.
Number: IJWREE -11- 031) (Peer Reviewer)
2011 Social Inclusion Research fund (SIRF), SNV, Research Project Proposals submitted with SIRF for
April Harka Gurung Research Fellowship & Matthias
Nepal Moyersoen Research Apprenticeship

2011 International Development Research Center Research Project proposals submitted with
Jan IDRC), Canada, IDRC‘s Adaptation –H2O Graduate Research
Award Program, and environment & climate
change issues. (Reviewer/Evaluator)
2009 International Journal of water Resource and Groundwater management in the Darb El
Oct Environmental Engineering (Manuscript Arbaein, southwestern Desert, Egypt.
Number: IJWREE -09- 023) (Peer Reviewer)
2008 Journal of Geography and Regional Planning Socioeconomic preference into GIS-aided
Feb (Manuscript Number: JGRP-08-021) planning for sustainable agriculture and
natural resources management in the Mekong
region of Vietnam. (Peer Reviewer)

E. Research Publication (Journal articles and books)

Date Name of Journal/Proceeding/Publisher Topic
April 2020 Third International Conference on "Water Least Attended Aspect of Water Security by
Security and Environment: Nexus and the River Basin Approach in Nepal
SDGs,” SOPHEN, 2020 (approved for
Aug 2015 Japan International Cooperation Agency Institutional Framework Assessment of KUKL:
Research Study Report ( Book)
15-19 Sep, Proceeding of 37th WEDC International Climate Change Impacts on WASH and Slum
2014 Conference, Honoi, Vietnam, Community based Adaptation Measures
2012 Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), The Small Groundwater Use in Kathmandu Valley: Analysis
March Earth Nepal (SEN), Centre of Research for of pre-and post- Melamchi Scenarios” ( one of
Environment Energy and Water (CREEW) and authors of the Book)
International Research Center for River Basin
Environment (ICRE), University of Yamanashi
Japan, Chapter 10, the book Groundwater of
Kathmandu Valley: Challenges and
2011 April HAMRO SAMPADA, National Magazine, Vol.10, No.
Paniko Digo Byabasthapan (Sustainable Water
11, pp.40-44, April, 2011. Management)” Water for Cities: Responding to
the Urban Challenges
2009 Dec International Conference on Knowledge Climate Change and Its Effect on Water,
Management for Sustainable Development, Sanitation and Hygiene"
Kathmandu, Nepal
2009 Aug Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology, Vol.6, Water Rights: A Key to sustainable development
No. 1, pp.37-43, in Nepal"
2009 Journal of Water, Sanitation, Health and Hydrology and Environmental Perspective of
Environment, Vol.7, No.1, pp.25-30 Bagmati River Basin

2008 Mirror of Water Supply & Sanitation Sector, Institutional Reform of Kathmandu Valley Water
Vol. 1, year-1, pp.36-38 Supply and Sanitation Service
2007 Journal of Food Science & Technology Nepal, Bacteriological Risk Analysis of Rural Water
Vol. 3, pp. 123-125 Supply Schemes in Western Development
Region of Nepal
Special Issue of Technical Journal of Society Good Water Governance for Sustainable
2007 of Public Health engineers, Nepal, pp.27-30 Development
2006 Water Resource Center Archives, Selected Safe Yield of Groundwater Basin in Kathmandu
Recent Accessions List 222, G848N Valley (M.E.Thesis, Asian Institute of
(Groundwater, Hydrogeology) University of Technology, Bangkok)
California, USA
2006 Journal of Hydrology and Meteorology, Assessments of Effect due to Land-use change
SOHAM, Nepal in Groundwater Storage
2004 International conference on Security and Integrated Approach in Water Management
Sustainability in water Resources (SEEP),
Kathmandu. Nepal
2003 Second Annual Asian Conference & Exhibition Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modeling
on GIS, GPS, Aerial Photography and Remote considering Land-use changes using Remote
Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. sensing and GIS,
2003 National seminar on Managing Water Integrated Modeling on water Resource
Resources for Poverty Alleviation, Pokhara, Management,
2003 Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Concept paper for River Basin Planner
HMG Nepal
2003 Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Concept paper for Water Supply Expert
HMG Nepal
2002 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Integrated ANN Modeling for Assessment of
Kathmandu, Nepal Runoff due to Land-use change using Remote
Sensing and GIS,
2002 Min. of Culture, Nepal Study Report on declaring Bhaktapur Town as
Cultural City (Engineering Portion)
2002 National Daily Magazine The Kathmandu Post
(13th April 2002), Nepal Effect of Land-use changes in Kathmandu Valley
2002 Annual publication of Balaju Technical Training and Its faces
Training Centre, No. 16, pp. 24-26.
2002 National Daily Magazine The Kathmandu Post
(5th Feb. 2002), Nepal Arsenic Problem in Nepal
2001 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India Assessment of Hydrological Changes due to
Land-use Modifications (Ph.D. Thesis)
2000 12th Congress of Asia Pacific Div. of the Intl. Evaluation of effects of Land use change by
Association for Hydraulic Engg and Research, distributed hydrological model using remote
AIT, Bangkok, pp. 1093-1103 sensing and GIS,
2000 Symposium on Restoration of Lakes and A GIS based Integrated Model for Assessment
Wetlands, Indian Inst. of Science, Banglore, of Hydrological change due to Land use
India. modifications
2000 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, Appraisal of Groundwater Potential in IIT
India Madras Campus
1996 CTEVT, Nepal Completed Modular Text Book on
Curriculum of Construction Water Supply and
1995 Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC), Technical Training Book Waterworks in Tokyo as
Nepal pathways for NWSC
1990 Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok Research Report on Assessing Safe Yield of
Groundwater Basin in Kathmandu Valley
1990 Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok Safe Yield of Groundwater Basin in Kathmandu
Valley (M.E.Thesis)

Abstract of Dissertations:

Ph.D.'s Dissertation:
Title: Assessment for Hydrological Changes due to Land-use
KEYWORDS: GIS, Remote Sensing, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, Hydrological Similar Units (HSU), Land-use
change model, Artificial Neural Network
There has been a growing need to quantify the impacts of land-use changes on hydrology from the standpoint of
anticipating and minimizing potential environmental impacts. Thus, it is necessary that the hydrologic models need to
account the effect of land-use modifications. In the development of hydrological models, fixed grid sizes in vector
analysis and pixel sizes in raster analysis were considered in many studies as computational elements. In this study,
the computational elements of ‘Hydrological Similar Units’ are considered in distributed hydrological modeling with
accurate mapping of land-use at micro level using remote sensing and GIS. The widely accepted, the SCS-CN
technique is adapted here to compute the runoff from the several hydrological similar units of the basin for the given
rainfall. The integration of spatial data and application of a distributed model in GIS with remote-sensing data
provides a powerful tool for assessment of effects due to land use change.
The daily runoff values are calculated by three modeling approaches namely, Distributed Hydrological Modeling
(DHM), Semi-Distributed Hydrological Modeling (SDHM) and Lumped Hydrological Modeling (LHM). It is found that
DHM could predict runoff values very close when compared with that of the other models, and difference between the
calculated storm runoff volume and observed runoff volume is less than 3 %.

From the sensitivity analysis on initial abstraction ratio , it is found that the average values of  are 0.27 for pre
monsoon, 0.20 for monsoon and 0.17 for post monsoon can be adopted irrespective of land-use and soil type in SCS-
CN method for agricultural mountainous basin. On the other hand, an average value of  could be taken as 0.25 for
forestland, 0.20 for agricultural land, 0.22 for settlement and 0.12 for pastureland for estimation of runoff using SCS-
CN method irrespective of season and soil type.

The Land-use Change model (LuC Model) was developed to compute the change in peak runoff value at basin outlet
due to change in land-use. The model was applied to analyze with future plan scenarios and land-use of different
percentage of urbanization and deforestation. The variation of CN values, which represent the land-use changes, is
found to have more effect on the rising limb and the peak runoff than on the falling limb. It is also found that as CN
value increases the rising limb is shifted backwards. It is concluded that the percentage change in runoff due to the
land-use change almost constant for different land-use irrespective of the rainfall pattern (different years) and
irrespective of time of occurrence (pre monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon).

It is found that the effect of land-use modification is more predominant in groundwater than on the surface water.
This is due to fact that the extraction of groundwater to fulfill the demand of growth urbanization is increased and
portion of water infiltrating for groundwater is reduced due to increase in imperviousness.

The individual ANN models developed for each sub basin were integrated into a single ANN model to predict the
change in runoff due to change in land-use for the entire basin. The performance of Feed forward Back propagation
Network (FFBPN) was found to predict the runoff quite well when compared to the performance of Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN). The total runoff volume for different percentage of urbanization predicted by DHM and FFBPN model
are found to be closer than that of predicted values by RNN model. During low flow periods, RNN models
underestimated the runoff and resulted in less R2 as well as large RMSE value. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models
were found to be capable of mapping the non-linearity between rainfall and runoff and able to predict the runoff
efficiently. The determination of optimal network architecture is found to be critical for efficient mapping of rainfall-
runoff relationship.

It is concluded that the integrated distributed hydrologic model considering spatial variability through Hydrologic
Similar Units (HSU) using HEC-1, GIS and Remote Sensing is a powerful tool for assessment of the hydrologic effect
due to land-use changes. It is finally concluded that the coupling of GIS and hydrologic models seems to be a logical
direction in the rainfall-runoff modeling.

Study area: Kathmandu Valley Bagmati River Basin

Master's Dissertation:
Title: Safe Yield of groundwater Basin in Kathmandu Valley
KEYWORDS: Water Balance Model, Safe Yield, Groundwater, Conjunctive Use

The role of groundwater is very important in the management of water resources with increasing demand. A
comprehensive research for the safe yield of the groundwater is much needed as full use of the available surface
water has already been reached in the Kathmandu Valley.

The natural recharge of the groundwater basin has been estimated by the Water Balance Model with the mean
monthly computations for the period of 1976 to 1988. The safe yield has been predicted through the simulation of the
groundwater flow stating from 1975 to 2000 by a two dimensional model which is calibrated to the initial condition.

The long term average groundwater recharge has been estimated as 45690 m3/day, which is 3 percent of the
precipitation over the basin. The safe yield has been estimated based on total pumpage from the aquifer in the
Kathmandu Valley. The safe yield in long term basis has been estimated 45504 m3/ d. The safe yield of the
groundwater basin has also been estimated in conjunctive with the planned future surface water supply schemes.
Various scenarios of water demands have also been considered.

Study Area: Kathmandu Valley Bagmati River Basin

Languages: MATLAB, Visual C/C++, HTML, DHTML,XTML
System Training: Microsoft Certified Engineer (MSCE),
Web designing: Web publishing and Designing (NIIT)
Development Software: Arc/Info, Arc/View, ArcGIS, Digital Image Processing, HEC, Environmental and Hydrological &
Water Resource Engg. And Statistical Packages
International Vocational Education and Training Association(IVETA),Climate Association, Water Supply &
Sanitation Collaborative Council, WIN Germany, BPD Water & Sanitation U.K., The Institute of Engineers
(India), AIT Alumni Association Nepal, IITRA Nepal, IITMAA, Nepal Engineer’s Association, Japanese Alumni
Association of Nepal, Society of Public Health Engineer’s Nepal, Society of Hydrologist and Meteorologist Nepal,
Association of Oversees Training Scholarship Japan, and Nepal Engineering Council

Synopsis of Professional Qualifications:

o Vice president, South Asia Region, International Vocational Education and Training Association,
o Professional Engineer (P.Eng), certified by Nepal Engineering Council.
o Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE), India
o Team Leadership to coordinate and lead different sector experts for Water and Sanitation sector Infrastructure
Development Projects (ADB funded)
o Reviewer/Evaluator of Research Project Proposals on development and sustainability comprehensive studies
on water, sanitation & hygiene, climate change, natural resources and hydrology (IDRC Canada, SIRF SNV, and
universities of Nepal) and peer review of scientific Journal papers
o Teaching and Supervising to instruct and supervising research student of the Undergraduate and Post
Graduate level in the field of water and environmental.
o Advisory, advocacy and strengthening and facilitation skill /training services to multi-stakeholders and
NGOs from team building to quality delivery process for sustainable targeted outcome of water and sanitation,
knowledge management and networking & communication for effective coordination, integration and synergetic
way forward among different stakeholders (donors, implementing partners and development actors and
conducting training and interpersonal skill enhancement -from formulation to delivery mechanism for outcomes.
o Organizational Strategy plan formulation and design of programmes with strategic partnerships targeting
resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation of development programs for promotion and increase access to
effective basic service (water and sanitation).
o Operating and managing integrated urban water sector management system through demand
management and socially inclusive community involvement ensuring environmental sustainability and equitable
benefits to the pro-poor.
o Research experience in applied modeling - from formulation to validation, research supervise/examine Master’s
and Ph.D Thesis in natural resource (water resource), environment and climate change
o Consulting experiences- Water supply consultant for groundwater and community based water supply
projects, developing and conducting training on Hydrology, IWRM and Instrumentation, prepare sector proposal,
storm water design and environment sanitation, develop curriculum for Construction Water Supply and Sanitation
with Performance Guide, Tasks Catalogue and Modular Curriculum Guide (ADB Project), develop national skill
standard of water & sanitation and construction.
o Technical training (research) on Emergency WASH, groundwater governance, water demand management,
water quality management and water pollution control, application of GIS and Remote Sensing, and water works

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