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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890)(online),2347-5013(print)

Volume No.3, Issue No.11, pp : 700-703 01 Nov. 2014

Power System Faults: A Hindrance to Sustainability and Reliability

Ganiyu A. Ajenikoko1, Segun O. Sangotola2

1, 2,
Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B.
4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
Corresponding Email:

Abstract: Faults hinder the reliability and sustainability of time(Schweitzer 2010, Novosel et al1996, Jarventausta et al
power systems. Power system faults cannot be totally 1994)..
eliminated but can only be reduced or prevented from frequent 2.2 Permanent Faults
occurrence. This paper focuses on the various types of power
system faults such as symmetric and asymmetric faults, the They cause sustained disruption to power systems that needed
effects on the power system reliability, accurate and fast the involvement of protection engineer for rectification in order
location of the faults and how to minimize the effects on power to put the system back to normal. The most common permanent
systems. fault types are associated with one or more of the following:
wind, ice, loading thermal heating and sag(Wattanasakpbal and
Keywords: Faults, Sustainability, Dependability, Reliability, Bunyagul 2007)..
Generator acceleration, Symmetrical faults, Asymmetrical
The faults affecting transmission system can either be
faults, Travelling wave.
symmetric or asymmetric in terms of phases. The most four
common types are: Three Phase, Single Line to Ground, Double
1 Introduction.
Line to Ground, Line to Line faults(Saha and Provoost 2009,
Fault in a power network is any failure which
Yuan et al 2011)..
interferes with the normal operation of the system. It can be very
destructive to power systems. Failures in power system are
Symmetric Fault or balanced faults: This affects each of the
inevitable due to some natural occurrences(Carpenter et al 2005,
three phases equally. This is in contrast to an unsymmetrical
Wattanasakpubal and Bunyagul 2007, Zhu et al 2007).
fault, where the three phases are not affected equally. In practice,
Power system failures are caused by natural occurrence
most faults in power systems are unbalanced (Saha et al 2000)..
that normally results into power system faults which retard the
continuity of power supply, dependability and reliability. System
protection schemes are therefore implemented for the reliability An asymmetrical or unbalanced fault does not affect each of the
and safety of power systems(Johns et al 1993, Eriksson et al three phases equally. Common types of asymmetric faults, and
their causes are (Sachdev and Agarwal 2008):
2. An overview of power system faults.
Since faults cannot be totally eliminated (due to unavoidable  Line-to Line - a short circuit between lines, caused by
factors such as adverse weather conditions, insulation ionization of air, or when lines come into physical
breakdown caused by aging, animal contact and human contact, for example due to a broken insulator.
mistakes), the only way is to minimize its impacts(Zamora et al  Line-to-Ground - a short circuit between one line and
1996). ground, very often caused by physical contact, for
Any abnormal flow of current in a power system’s components example due to lightning or other storm damage.
is called a fault in the power system. Fault can also refer to a  double line-to-ground - two lines come into contact with
short circuit in a power system and can be divided into two the ground (and each other), also commonly due to
broad classes: temporary and permanent faults(Saha et al 2009). storm damage
2.1. Temporary Faults 2.3. Effects of Faults on Power Systems:
These cause momentary disruption which is later cleared without
protection operation intervention. The most common types of Current:
temporary faults are those faults from lightning strike. They are Since most fault result in short circuit, this makes the voltage at
also known as transient faults because they do not cause damage fault section to become zero thus making generator to have low
to insulation permanently and always allow the circuit to be impedance path to ground resulting in a large current. Therefore,
reclosed safely after a short period of there is the need for a protective system that can handle a very

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890)(online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.3, Issue No.11, pp : 700-703 01 Nov. 2014

high current in a fault situation (Wiszniewski 1983, Girgis and this section has to be located. Accurate pin-pointing of faults is
Johns 1989, Xia et al 1994). required by operators and utility staff in order to expedite service
Generator Acceleration restoration and, thus, to reduce outage time, operating costs, and
The effect of fault on the power is to increase the reactive power customer complaints.
and to decrease the real power. This happens because the high
current causes an increase in voltage drop across the reactive 3.2 Modern Travelling Wave Technique.
elements in the generator lines and a decrease in voltage drop The principle is based on the reflection and transmission of the
across the load impedance. The fact that the real power generated travelling waves along the faulty power networks. It
consumption of the network decreases is a problem because the can be used on single – ended line in such a way that the
real power mechanical input to the generator does not decrease recorder is spread along the distribution networks. The fault
(it comes from the turbine, from the steam, which is unaffected generated travelling wave and the travelling time of the
by the fault).The faulted condition must be removed quickly, waveform are the parameters often used to determine the
otherwise the generator will speed up too much and lose location of the fault.
synchronism with the rest of the network (Zimmerman and
Costello 2004,Takagi et al 2002).. Modern travelling wave system (MTWS) makes use of double
Loss of a Component ended method for location of fault. The most advantage of this
 Proper action by the protection system to eliminate the method is that it does not require any operator intervention to
faulted condition from the network results in loss of a determine the fault location. The system makes use of the arc at
component and therefore a weakening of the network. This can the fault site and the resulting step change in the voltage as a
cause overloads, under voltages, and voltage instability. result of fault on the line to generate a travelling wave that is
 Thus, it is important to know the location of a fault or to propagating along the line in both directions to the line ends.
locate it with possibly high accuracy. This allows us to save The system has to be placed at the line ends accurately to tag
money and time spent on inspection and repair, as well as to arrival time of the step change in voltage generated travelling
provide a better service due to the possibility of faster restoration wave by using GPS as a reference. These time tags are sent to a
of power supply. Blackouts can be avoided this way if temporary central location where they can be used to calculate distance to
faults are self-cleared and do not permanently affect the fault using the line length and the velocity of propagation.
continuity of supply (Guzman et al 2007, Tziouvaras et al
2001,Novosel et al 2006).

3 Accurate and Fast Location of Power System Faults.

Since faults cannot totally be eliminated due to unavoidable
natural factors such as adverse weather conditions, insulation
breakdown are caused by aging, animal contact and human
mistakes, The location of accurate distance to fault has been of
great advantage and cost benefit in power system fault analysis
and repair. There may be need for emergence measures such as
making use of protection system like relay, circuit breaker to
guard against the possible effect of a second or third fault in the
same locality. The need for this is always quite expensive but the
economic importance of this in power system is for quick
isolation of the faulted section, undertake repairs and return a
network to normal operational status in the shortest possible
time. This has been of greater importance in reliability of power
system and save the customer from consistence blackouts. Figure 1- Double Line Travelling Wave Technique
3.1 Fault Location This concept can be illustrated better in this Figure 2
This is a process of locating the fault with the highest accuracy
possible. Fault locators are in general the supplementary Record Node t2
protection equipment, which apply the fault location algorithms t1
for estimating a distance to the fault. When locating faults on a
line consisting of more than one section (multi-terminal line), Fault
initially a faulted section has to be identified and then a fault on

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890)(online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.3, Issue No.11, pp : 700-703 01 Nov. 2014

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