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Global Business Management


Report Submission

Team 2
Karuna Karan (MS18A013)
Nidhin C P (MS18A024)

Date: 16/11/2019 Prateek Gupta (MS18028)1

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................3
2. Section I..................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Company’s positioning......................................................................................................................6
2.3 GHEMAWAT’S AAA framework for Clever Tap............................................................................9
3. Section 2................................................................................................................................................12
3.1 AHP framework for country selection.............................................................................................12
3.2 Analysis.....................................................................................................................................16
3. Section 3................................................................................................................................................17
3.1 SWOT Analysis: Global Competitiveness.......................................................................................17
3.2 Strategic Recommendation for The Company.................................................................................20
4. Appendix 1............................................................................................................................................21
5. Bibliography..........................................................................................................................................26

1. Executive Summary

Clever Tap is startup that build valuable, long-term relationships with its customers by
giving two things: access to real-time behavioural analytics and a platform with which its
customers can engage users on the right channels and at the right time with pop up a messages.
This app analytic company has 2200 customers out of which 40 % are in India and remaining
60% distributed majorly in USA ,Euorpe and in Middle east.

The compay has focussed on mobile app as the gadget is 65% of digital uasge in present
era across other countries. This highly growing mobile using population of service apps are
potentially increaisng the cusotmer base of Clever Tap. Here in this article. Three diferent
countries- Germany,HongKong and Singapore were compared for potential markets and for
expansion of Clever Tap. Several parameters such as Criteria and its subcriteria as
Governance,Economy,Operations and Society(AHP) were taken into consideration to compare
countries and it was found that Germany followed by HongKong and Singapore are countires
priotised in order for global expansion of Clever Tap.

2. Section I
2.1 Introduction

Need For Customer Retention and Engagement

The bigger, faster and nimbler business inevitably wins in today's technology-driven era.
Consumers are spending a great deal of time online. In reality, 11 hours a day. Evidence shows
that the average person spends most of their day listening, watching, learning, or engaging with
media. When demand increases, advertisers have more chances to communicate with consumers,
but it will simply no longer work with standard run-of - the-mill offers. Customers demand
personalization, which includes recommendations for personalized products. You are more likely
to act by recommending a related service to a consumer. Recommendations will increase your
average order and hold your site customers longer. Use a platform to trigger recommendations
based on the actions of a customer to provide suggestions in real time. Let’s say a customer is
looking at your site's dresses, but they don't make a purchase. Her browsing behavior may serve
as a catalyst for the immediate delivery of an email that shows the items being viewed and
provides some additional choices. Research shows that nearly half (49 percent) of shoppers
purchased a product they did not intend to purchase after receiving a recommendation for a
Take, for example, faasos. The tech-enabled food supply business was in a mess when it noticed
that its customers would pick and choose food items for shipment, add them to their carts, and
then simply abandon the carts instead of going through the process If a client does not return to
his cart within 15 minutes, he may have lost interest in a temporary transaction like meat, and
decided to order from elsewhere, or simply eat at home. What they wanted was to reach out by
giving them timely and appropriate push notifications to these abandoning users.A simple
message of reminders about the food they ordered, like, "hey! You added a kebab feature to the
cart "which led to a click-through increase of 25 percent and a conversion of 12 percent. This
means that, because of the reminder, 25 percent of the people who wandered off the app came
back to it and 12 percent of those who actually transacted.
Story behind Clever Tap
Clever Tap was founded by Sunil Thomas, Suresh Kondamudi and Anand Jain, believing that
companies need to have a shared vision of their users in order to provide differentiated customer
experiences. Businesses needed solutions to provide such interactions that could connect
behavioral insights to timely contextual campaigns. Only such a cohesive network will help
companies retain their customers longer than blindly spend on new acquisitions to fill up for
churned users.
With this goal in mind, they set out to build a platform that was in nature real-time, scalable,
capable of personalizing on scale and also worked across multiple verticals for a variety of usage
cases. They were previously branded as WizRocket, but decided to go with Clever Tap when
they launched in Techcrunch SF Disrupt 2015.
They used to get these one-off requests to build software that would help businesses do data-
driven marketing in their collective experience as techies. It is difficult to build one-off solutions.
It is even harder to maintain these strategies as the criteria continue to change. Sensing a need for

such a service, they were quitting their day jobs and diving into the unknown seas of
Clever Tap
Clever Tap was created in 2013 to help companies embark, attract and better engage their
customers. The founding team met on Network18 during their tenure. The company embarked
on their first customer – BookMyShow within 6 months of starting the business.
Clever Tap combines user experience and analytics technologies. It is used by the company's
customers to monitor device uninstalls, figure out where users fall off in their consumer flows,
and submit engaging promotions. Clever Tap is used by product managers to view funnel &
cohort data. Thus advertisers use push notifications, emails, in-app updates, SMS, and web-push
notifications to reach their users in real-time.
Clever Tap's technology provides advertisers and developers with access to in-depth analysis,
advanced consumer segmentation tools, and its naked API to deliver the future of mobile
apps.The platform allows developers to create mobile apps that create multiple complex user
experiences while providing marketers with the information they need to plan and execute smart
campaigns. In addition to this advanced functionality, with up to 1 million users per month,
Clever Tap has the largest free messaging tier in the industry.
The platform provides fast site and mobile analytics, segmentation, and multiple ways to engage
users through push notifications, in-app messages, emails, web pop-ups, SMS, and internet push
notifications. It also helps developers and advertisers consider their customers and use marketing
campaigns to reach them effectively.
Success is a moving target, as with most other projects. One of the toughest things for
entrepreneurs is knowing whether people are going to want and pay for your service. No amount
of research on the market will benefit you here.You'll have to build and try the product as
quickly as you can. The main training here is to see if you're on the right path as soon as
possible. This is by developing and delivering a simple model on the market fairly quickly. Most
businessmen are trying to hit the market for too long.
One of the major challenges facing marketers is to engage the user in a meaningful and timely
manner. Historically, on offline media such as newspapers, television and radio, they have
reached users. However, you need to do this in a meaningful, contextual and timely manner these
days as you reach your users online.Online users have a very short attention span, so you have to
catch them when they’re in the “mobile moment”. Platforms like Clever Tap help you achieve
this easily.
Current Position
Clever Tap received from existing investors Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global a $35 million
Series C funding round.According to the company statement, this new funding round raises the
value of Clever Tap from $150 million to $385 million. In 2019 alone, the company raised $61
million, and its total funding has risen to over $76 million to date.

The company claims to grow at 250% YoY since 2015 and said it would use the funds to build
its new U.S.-based engineering hub, in addition to adding "enhanced predictive capabilities" with
expansion into other markets with specific go - to-market strategies for each. The primary areas
of focus will be global expansion and product development, Clever Tap said.The company will
hire in its operations in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Asia through engineering, sales and
Clever Tap partners with developers to improve user loyalty and increase revenue-related
product lifetime value. Sunil Thomas, co-founder and CEO, said the company not only offers
actionable insights, but also delivers the right
message to drive interaction on usage data with real-
time visibility.In the past year, the company claims to
have seen customer growth grow by more than 2X
with an average of more than 8 billion user actions
being processed every day. It also reported to have
helped to produce more than $2B in incremental
mobile sales and has a global scope of over a billion
phones with more than 8,000 user applications as
users in over 100 countries.
2.2 Company’s positioning
Clever Tap is the only app that uses Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning to personalize
customer experience using behavioral data in real
time. Such detailed predictive models contribute to
timely, appropriate opportunities for interaction based
on the specific needs of each client.It's not just
manual segmentation. Their AI segments users
automatically based on recency and use frequency
(RFM), user intent, and interests so that the company
can target the right users.
Clever Tap is the only solution that allows consumers
to connect with users through 12 different platforms.
Clever Tap provides consumers with the real-time
information needed to test their marketing efforts
quickly.Marketing automation saves the consumer
from the boring task of creating deep ties for each
segment manually. For example, send social
followers to a deep blog link and discount email
recipients to a deep link in the app for a promotion
code. Automate it!
With its efficient tools to build and visualize user
journeys, Clever Tap stands above other mobile
marketing automation tools. In addition, orchestrate
Omni channel campaigns in a single workflow for
multiple user segments.

Their advanced AI / ML capabilities from their customer data platform provide relevant
customer insights and automate user segmentation to create targeted campaigns that drive
revenue. Identify real-time customer needs with integrated user profiles to reach the optimal
product segments of the market.Trigger campaigns based on external events such as churning
high-value customers through social platforms with personalized and relevant campaigns.
Differentiation Strategy:
Clever Tap is the only app that uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to personalize
customer experience using behavioral data in real time. One of the reasons the flurry didn't work
was because they had a 24-hour wait before they could provide our customers with information
about their applicationsThat was taken advantage of by the Clever Tap guys. They have real-time
information as it happens. In less than a second, they can process a billion user behaviors. This
simply means that if, for example, Book my show had a billion users and they were all
simultaneously performing some action on the app, Book my show would know in real time
exactly what everyone was doing on their app.
Second, adding to its attractiveness is the fact that the platform is completely free for up to one
million user actions per month. ' User actions ' refers to a user's activity in an app. The
technology they invented allows them to offer their ' very cheap ' solution.For example,
competitor mixpanel charges $350 for approximately one million' data points'-their user
activities terminology. Because of their technological advantage over rivals, because of their
older systems and technology choices, they are actually able to offer goods at this cost, they are
stuck with some technologies that are expensive to maintain.
Competitor Analysis
In terms of competition, there are some direct and indirect competitors in the space. Currently,
Clever Tap competes with Boston-based Localytics and California based Mixpanel etc.
Sl Name Headquarter About Company Year Sales
1. Localytics Localytics is a mobile 2008 30M
Boston, engagement platform that
Massachusetts provides analytics and
marketing solutions for web
and mobile applications.
2. Flurry Flurry is a mobile advertising 2005 66.2M
San platform that provides
Francisco, analytics, monetization and
California advertising services for
application developers.
3. Mixpanel San Mixpanel is an analytics 2009 100M
Francisco, platform that tracks user
California interactions with web and
mobile applications.
4 MoEngage San MoEngage is a cloud-based 2014 20M
Francisco, platform that allows users to
California manage and orchestrate

marketing campaigns across
multiple channels.
5 AppVirality AppVirality provides a 2014 <1M
Phoenix, growth hacking toolkit for
Arizona developers to boost
application Installs and user
6. App Annie App Annie is a decision- 2010 100M
San making platform for mobile
Francisco, application economy offering
California application store analytics and
market intelligence support
7. Airship Airship develops a mobile 2009 55M
Portland, engagement platform that
Oregon provides mobile push
messaging and location-based
messaging services.
8 AppFlyer HerzliyaTel, AppsFlyer provides a mobile 2011 92/7M
Aviv District attribution and marketing data
analytics platform for mobile
application developers, brands
and advertising agencies.

2.3 GHEMAWAT’S AAA framework for Clever Tap


Adoption StrategiesSuch techniques boost market share and sales by modifying such components to
fit regional tastes and requirements in a company's business model. This is one of the three
most widely used strategies. Generally speaking, the company seeks to adapt the policies and
procedures that are preferred locally to expand into a new customer base in a new market.This
leads to customers ' quick acceptance. Adaptation is further divided into five parameters-
Variation (making product and service improvements and also making policy adjustments,
market positioning, and even performance expectations), Focus (on specific products,
geographies, vertical stages of the value chain or market segments as a means of reducing the
impact of regional differences), outsourcing (transfer through strategic alliances, franchising,
user adaptation or networking), design (flexibility to overcome supply differences) and
innovation (improving the effectiveness of adaptation efforts). Clever Tap adopted the
parameter of variation for various vertical industries. Clever Tap uses different value
propositions in terms of design and use case based on the type of vertical in which the
customer operates. Clever Tap is the option channel for consumer brands across industry
verticals for product lifecycle management. From activating onboard to engaging, retaining and
monetizing - Clever Tap helps you personalize the customer journey at scale.

II. Aggregation Strategies
Through essentially generating regional efficiencies, these approaches aim to achieve
economies of scale / scope. These usually involve standardizing the part of the value
proposition that could further lead to the assembly of processes of production and
development. Many companies, while globalized, use consolidation techniques rather than
adaptation to establish substantial cost advantage by centralizing the procurement of raw
materials, manufacturing end products, etc. in a few locations where the comparative cost of
labor and other services is lower. The only avenue for creating economies of scale and range is
not regional aggregation. Even essential dimensions tend to be the other non-geographic
parameters-CAGE (cultural, bureaucratic, spatial, and economic). While preventing the
appearance of homogenization and hegemonism and being responsive to any reaction, the
corporate diplomacy could be approached.And Clever Tap is using aggregation strategies by
using standardized SDK for different industry vertical in different Geographies. They are
already present in US, India and Singapore.

III. Arbitrage Strategies:

Such approaches do not include bridging the various markets or adjusting regional demands.
Rather, they inculcate the strategy of global value creation by exploiting the difference
between the markets themselves, usually by taking advantage of the margin of difference in the
parts of the separate supply chain in different locations. One could buy and sell where the price
is higher from a cheap market place.Occasionally, for some goods, ideas and other entities, a

particular place is popular. This aspect could be leveraged and it could be used to earn revenue
by setting the market where demand for such items exists. Cultural (country-of-origin effects),
administrative (taxes, regulations, security), geographic (distances, climatic differences) and
economic (price, resource and knowledge differences) effects are also included. Clever Tap
does not use this strategy right now.

3. Section 2

3.1 AHP framework for country selection

Country Selection

After analyzing with some rough estimates, three countries were chosen. Countries were
Singapore, China and Germany. Reason for selecting Singapore was the fast growing economy
and its high ranking in the ease of doing business
( and though it has small presence,
it is not fully functional over there. Hong Kong was selected because Setting up a company in
Hong Kong is fast, easy and inexpensive. Hong Kong country operates a low and simple tax
system where corporate tax is maximum 16.5 percent, and personal income tax 15 percent also it
eases access to China as a a market but with lesser regulations. Germany is undoubtedly in the
list because of the encouragement it gives to start-ups which are functioning inside the country
and possibility of expansion to other European countries (
Now let us consider the criteria of selection for expansion. There are four criteria and
each of them has four sub-criteria.
Criteria Sub-Criteria
Political Government Regulatory Control of
Governance Stability Effectiveness Quality Corruption
Economics GDP Growth Budget Balance Market Access Valuation
Business Logistics Market Business
Operations Environment Infrastructure Transactions
Demographic Environmental
Society Dynamics Sustainability Gender Gap Education

Selecting importance of criteria

Out of all the parameters, considering the nature of industry, Economics is the most
important, the market access and currency valuation will play an important role while expanding
and finding new markets. Society is second since the industry is actually a feeder to existing
mobile app companies. These primary companies will be there only when the population is using
these apps. Next comes Governance since, political instability can overthrow the previous
policies. With a corruptive government or one with heavy regulations, growth will be difficult.
Because of the asset light nature of Clever Tap, Operations take the back seat when deciding
importance. Combining all these we can say Economics is 6 times as important as Operations, 4
times than Governance, 2 times that of Society. Society is 2 times important than Governance
and 4 times than Operations. And Governance is twice as important as operations. This can be

tabulated as shown in Table 1 in Appendix 1. The relative marking will make the comparison
reciprocal when order is reversed
Importance of Sub criteria

1. Governance:

Here Political stability is most important as the change in policies will impact the growth
of business. Then regulatory quality comes. If regulations like anti dumping are more
business will struggle. Next is the control of corruption. For any business to function, it
will have to undergo through a chain of bureaucratic networks. If it is stinking of
corruption, business will struggle. The relative marking of each is given in Table 2 of
Appendix 1

2. Economics:
Market access is the most important parameter here as it indicates how easy it is for a new
entrant to enter into the existing market. Then GDP growth will signal the entire nation is
growing and more and more service sector will also grow along which for Clever Tap will
provide some potential customers. Currency valuation which is a direct indicator of ease of
doing business comes next followed by Budget balance. The relative marking of each is
given in Table 3 of Appendix 1

3. Society

Clever Tap is a secondary provider of the mass. The app companies sustain when people
are using it. Education level is very important for people to use many apps as education is
directly proportional to the services they may be using (assumption). Demographic
dynamics like the percentage of youth that constitutes the population and no of bachelors
(higher chances of ordering food) etc will give a direct indication for customer market.
Gender Gap and Environmental sustainability is not important in the case of Clever Tap.
See Appendix 1, Table 4
4. Operations

Business Environment takes the first place as it directly impacts the ease of doing business.
Then comes the market efficiency which gauges the flow of service and products to market
then comes the business transactions the flow of business transactions in a particular
country and then logistics infrastructure. . See Appendix 1, Table 5.
All these sub-criteria are distributed in different scales in the three countries we have
chosen. Next section will analyse the countries based on each of these.

Alternatives based on each of the sub-criteria

1. Political Stability :

( )
Here Singapore will take the first position, because of minimum chance of any surprises,
and then comes Hong Kong, since Chinese governments are usually stable and Germany
takes the last position here because of recent problems it has faced in the government. See
Appendix 1 Table 6.
2. Government Effectiveness :

The Singapore retains the top position and Hong Kong is slightly better than Germany in
this aspect See Appendix1 Table 7.

3. Regulatory Quality
( )

Again as per the World Bank rankings, Singapore has a percentile of 100, Hong Kong 99
and Germany in 91. See Appendix 1, Table 8

4. Corruption Control
Here also the order is preserved with Singapore topping the list, closely followed by Hong
Kong and Germany comes last See Appendix 1, Table 9


1. GDP growth :
Hong Kong has 3.8%, Germany has 2.2%, and Singapore has 3.6% so obviously Hong
Kong takes the lead here trailed by Singapore. See Appendix 1 Table 10.

2. Budget balance:
Singapore 4.24% of GDP, Germany has surplus of 2.6 and Hong Kong has 2.7% and again
Singapore takes the top position here. Appendix 1 Table 11

3. Market Access:
Here Germany takes the lead because of the huge size and expansion to Europe followed
by Hong Kong because of its adjacency to China and Singapore takes the back seat.
Appendix 1 Table 12

4. Currency Valuation :
Here Germany comes first followed by Singapore and then by Hong Kong. Appendix 1
Table 13
1. Business Environment: ( )
Here Singapore takes the top position with Hong Kong following closely and Germany in
the last position. Singapore has been consistently scoring well in ease of doing business.
Appendix 1 Table 14

2. Logistics Infrastructure: ( )

As per the World Bank data Germany comes first among these 3 followed by Singapore
Kong and Hong Kong respectively. Appendix 1 Table 15

3. Market Efficiency: (

country=BRA&indicator=737&viz=line_chart&years=2007,2017 )
As per the survey done by an agency on behalf of world bank, Singapore comes first and
then Germany and then Hong Kong all of them very close to each other. Appendix 1 Table

4. Business Transactions :
Here Singapore takes the top position with Hong Kong following closely and Germany in
the last position. Appendix 1 Table 17

Society :

1. Demographic dynamics :
Germany comes first with a wider population with tech orientation. Next comes Hong Kong
and then comes Singapore. Appendix 1 Table 18

2. Environmental Sustainability (

Here Germany comes first followed by Singapore and then Hong Kong. . Appendix 1 Table

3. Gender Gap: ( )

Minimum gap is needed. Here again Germany comes in the first rank followed by Singapore
and trailed by Hong Kong.
Appendix 1 table 20

4. Education : (

Here Germany comes first followed by Hong Kong and Singapore is positioned last.
Appendix 1 table 21.

III.2 Analysis

These values together give Germany as the best alternative in the AHP analysis.
Advantages of being in Germany includes not just limited to the ability to expand to Europe.
But it also gives a better infrastructure and a strong government support, a skilled workforce,
neutral direct communicating culture,
1. In ranking of Environmental sustainability Hong Kong was not listed in any of the lists,
so it was assumed to be close to China’s
2. Singapore is an operating country but not fully functional and as per Jain, they are trying
to expand here.

3. Section 3

3.1 SWOT Analysis: Global Competitiveness

(a) SWOT analysis is a strategy used to study four factors i.e. the Strengths , Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats of organizations, companies, countries etc. when a business or
company is planned for expansion in those countries apart from its parent country SWOT is good
measure to evaluate suitable country. In this case Clever Tap, an app analytic company which
gives intelligent solution to its customer company’s on ways to retain customers and engage
them. SWOT analysis is studied for Clever Tap on expansion in three selected countries i.e.
Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore

(b) These are classified further into Internal and external factors. Strengths and weaknesses
are internal factors. In this context, the countries have ambient conditions that Company can
exert control over these internal issues. However, on opportunities and threats (External factors),
the companies have less control.

SWOT Analysis-Germany


(a) Germany basic research enterprise is strong, broad scope and huge. Largest and dominant
market in the Europe in IT industry.

(b) The nation has capacity for new technology, existing renowned industries like Daimler,
Bosch, Siemens, products and services. i.e Competitive and global reach of companies.
(c) Advantage on GDP over other countries.GDP of Germany is 1.7 trillion
(d) Human resource management through hiring of personnel from other countries and
grooming through educational institutions.


(e) Rigid management concepts, organizational structure and human resource strategies of
Germany sector of many U.S. public- and private-sector producers of goods and services.
(f) Poor workforce training (non supervisory roles) and work force dependency from other
(g) Start ups are costly and many fail due to huge investments and no technology back up
local citizens
(h) Not interested in technology originating from non US countries due to supremacy in


(i) 69 % start-ups begin their businesses from home.

(j) German study shows that the majority of small businesses are in IT field i.e 36 percent
(k) Large opportunities for German company to take over the companies from other
(l) No global competitors


(m) IT Business gets disrupted faster and so start-up need to be fast and agile to catch the
(n) Skill gaps and frequent change in management and control due to merger and
(o) Breach of cyber security
(p) Cost of project development and market is lesser in other countries with increase in
market in Europe countries

SWOT Analysis-Hong Kong


(a) High GDP growth rate - 6% and good country for investment in IT
(b) Co-operative leadership and cordial relationship with the suppliers
(c) Foreign exchange reserve is US$63 billion
(d) Inflation is high and at 7%
(e) Escalation of cost in various sectors
(f) Government interest for local markets is less

(g) Average response to customer enquiries

(h) Fixed HK$ against US $

(i) Cheap labour due to proximity to China
(j) Mobile users are at 85% and Clever Tap customers would be high in scalability
(k) Transportation and overall cost for movement of office and infrastructure would
be easier compared to US

(m) Public unrest and frequent uprising against government
(n) The supremacy of Chinese government ,their growing economy and global
dominance .
(o) Cyber security is at risk due to duplicate products
SWOT Analysis for Singapore
(a) Multi culture and so start-ups from other countries are given full support by government
(b) It is the IT head in south East Asia and GDP is $364,139 million and growth rate is 3.1%
(c) Government support with less corruption in IT field
(d) Stable economy, infrastructure and huge Human resources

(f) Dependency on other countries mainly US for IT market
(g) IT growth rate has become stagnant due to global impact
(h) On global recession, the country would be affected among first few countries
(i) Due to leading IT companies here, competition would be high for new entrants


(j) Opportunities in Aviation, IT, health care and energy is high

(k) Apart from IT huge market is there for solar and water technology
(l) Merger and acquisition by big IT industries on start-us are possible due to IT dominance
by the country


(m) Terrorism is major problem

(n) Cyber security threat has shown problem due to presence of huge IT market
(o) Increase in internal companies -competitors and change of laws and regulations
frequently are few threats

3.2 Strategic Recommendation for The Company

(a) Clever Tap is startup that build valuable, long-term relationships with its customers by
giving two things: access to real-time behavioural analytics and a platform with which its
customers can engage users on the right channels and at the right time with pop up a
messages.The company has 2200 customers out of which 40 % are in India and remaining 60%
distributed majorly in USA ,Europe and in Middle east.
(b) The company has focused on mobile app as the gadget is 65% of digital usage in present
era across other countries.
(c) Three different countries- Germany, Hong Kong and Singapore were compared for
potential markets and for expansion of Clever Tap. Several parameters such as Governance,
Economy, Operations and society (AHP) were taken into consideration to compare countries and
it was found that Germany followed by Hong Kong and Singapore are countries prioritized in
order for global expansion.
(d) The strategic recommendation for the company to have strong foot hold in three countries
is as follows:-
i. In the German context, there are regulation easiness for ventures which are yet to
make profits this can be utilized
ii. The user feedback specific to each of the Apps can be applicable to Clever Tap’s
user actions (for example, “I did not know my cart was loaded”) this should be
obtained from customer companies
iii. Currently they are giving first million user actions free, when it starts in the
adolescence stage of Adisez life cycle, such discounts can be avoided as Clever
Tap clearly have technological advantage over users
iv. More investment into R& D should be made and alliance with survey agencies to
know the needs of market and develop functionalities.
v. More services meant for video streaming apps like YouTube, Amazon Prime and
Netflix have to be devised as they are among the apps with largest user base

(f) In Germany the government has various regulations and for other international
companies to have joint venture it is cumbersome in present scenario. So Clever Tap need to
have clear business model

(g) Hong Kong and Singapore have Asian culture and though talented Human resource is not
the constraints here, reliability of App user would be constraints due to disruptions caused by
new start-ups.

4. Appendix 1
Criteria Comparison

  Governance Economics Operations Society

Governance 1 1/4 2 1/2
Economics 4 1 4 3
Operations 1/2 1/4 1 1/4
Society 2 1/3 4 1
Table 1

Sub-criteria Comparison
1. Governance

  Political Stability Government Effectiveness Regulatory Quality Control of

Political 1 3 2 3
Government 1/3 1 1/2 2
Regulatory 1/2 2 1 2
Control of 1/3 1/2 1/2 1
Table 2

2. Economics

  GDP Growth Budget Balance Market Access Currency Valuation

GDP Growth 1 3 1/2 2
Budget Balance 1/3 1 1/3 1/2
Market Access 2 3 1 3
Currency Valuation 1/2 2 1/3 1
Table 3

3. Society

  Demographic Environmental Gender Gap Education

Dynamics Sustainability
Demographic Dynamics 1 4 4 1/2
Environmental 1/4 1 2 1/5
Gender Gap 1/4 1/2 1 1/5
Education 2 5 5 1
Table 4

4. Operations

  Business Logistics Market Efficiency Business

Environment Infrastructure Transactions
Business 1 5 2 3
Logistics 1/5 1 1/3 1/3
Market Efficiency 1/2 3 1 2
Business 1/3 3 1/2 1
Table 5

Alternatives Comparison


1. Political Stability

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/3 1/3

Singapore 3 1 2
Hong Kong 3 1/2 1
Table 6

2. Government Effectiveness

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/2 1/2
Singapore 2 1 2
Hong Kong 2 1/2 1
Table 7

3. Regulatory Quality

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/4 1/3
Singapore 4 1 2
Hong Kong 3 1/2 1
Table 8

4. Control of Corruption

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/2 1/2

Singapore 2 1 2
Hong Kong 2 1/2 1
Table 9


1. GDP Growth

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/2 1/3
Singapore 2 1 1/2
Hong Kong 3 2 1
Table 10

2. Budget Balance

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/6 1/5
Singapore 6 1 2
Hong Kong 5 1/2 1
Table 11

3. Market access

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 4 3
Singapore 1/4 1 1/2
Hong Kong 1/3 2 1
Table 12

4. Currency Valuation

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 3 2
Singapore 1/3 1 1/2
Hong Kong 1/2 2 1
Table 13


1. Business Environment

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/2 1/2
Singapore 2 1 2
Hong Kong 2 1/2 1
Table 14

2. Logistics Infrastructure

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 2 2
Singapore 1/2 1 2
Hong Kong 1/2 1/2 1
Table 15

3. Market Efficiency

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/2 2
Singapore 2 1 3
Hong Kong 1/2 1/3 1
Table 16

4. Business Transactions

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 1/3 1/3
Singapore 3 1 2
Hong Kong 3 0.5 1
Table 17


1. Demographic dynamics :

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 3 2
Singapore 1/3 1 1/2
Hong Kong 1/2 2 1
Table 18

2. Environmental Sustainability

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 2 5
Singapore 1/2 1 2
Hong Kong 1/5 1/2 1
Table 19

3. Gender Gap

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 3 4
Singapore 1/3 1 2
Hong Kong 1/4 1/2 1
Table 20

4. Education

  Germany Singapore Hong Kong

Germany 1 4 2
Singapore 1/4 1 1/3
Hong Kong 1/2 3 1
Table 21

Final results

Figure 1

5. Bibliography

Other than, those mentioned in the respective positions.
Clever Tap-117030300324_1.html Tap-raises-35-mn-series-c-funding-at-385-mn-valuation/ Tap


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