Wanikani Vocabulary - Level 5

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WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

April 30, 2017

Kana: しぐさ – Meaning: action, acting, gesture, bearing, treatment, behavior, behaviour,

Kana: こんかい – Meaning: this time

Kana: だいがく – Meaning: university, college

Kana: いけ – Meaning: pond

WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: いろ – Meaning: color, colour

Kana: にく – Meaning: meat

Kana: くさ – Meaning: grass

Kana: あめ – Meaning: rain

Kana: なんにん – Meaning: how many people

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: おとこのひと – Meaning: man

Kana: ほくせい – Meaning: northwest

Kana: たに – Meaning: valley

Kana: いままで – Meaning: until now, up to now, so far

Kana: こえ – Meaning: voice

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: なに, なん – Meaning: what

Kana: けいと – Meaning: wool yarn, yarn

Kana: さくぶん – Meaning: composition, writing, essay

Kana: らいねん – Meaning: next year

Kana: かい – Meaning: times, number of times, time

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: こうがく – Meaning: engineering

Kana: まいにち – Meaning: every day, daily

Kana: きんじつ – Meaning: soon, in a few days, coming days

Kana: いっかい – Meaning: one time, once

Kana: むぎ – Meaning: wheat, barley, oats

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: うる – Meaning: to sell

Kana: こうねん – Meaning: light year

Kana: かいしゃ – Meaning: company, corporation, the office

Kana: きゅうがく – Meaning: absent from school, absence from school, school absence,
leave of absence

Kana: ばんにん – Meaning: all people, everybody

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: うりあげ – Meaning: amount sold, sales

Kana: たいさく – Meaning: an epic, epic, epic saga, masterpiece, masterwork, magnum opus

Kana: かく, かど – Meaning: angle, corner

Kana: ぎゅうにく – Meaning: beef

Kana: けむし – Meaning: caterpillar

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: ちかい – Meaning: close, nearby, near

Kana: したまち – Meaning: downtown, backstreets

Kana: まいげつ, まいつき – Meaning: every month, monthly

Kana: ず – Meaning: diagram

Kana: さとごころ – Meaning: homesick, homesickness

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: まいとし, まいねん – Meaning: every year, yearly, annually, each year

Kana: はね – Meaning: feathers, feather, wing, wings

Kana: けい – Meaning: form, tense

Kana: きん, かね – Meaning: gold

Kana: ほんしゃ – Meaning: headquarters, hq, head office, company headquarters

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: なんにち – Meaning: how many days, what day, which day

Kana: がいらい – Meaning: imported, outpatient clinic, foreign

Kana: たいない – Meaning: internal, within the body, inside the body

Kana: おおごえ – Meaning: large voice, loud voice, big voice

Kana: おおい – Meaning: many, much, lots of

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: らいげつ – Meaning: next month

Kana: じぶん – Meaning: oneself, myself, self

Kana: いますぐ – Meaning: at once, right now, immediately, right away

Kana: くる – Meaning: to come

Kana: くうしゃ – Meaning: open taxi, free taxi, open cab, free cab, available taxi, vacant
taxi, available cab, vacant cab

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: ほんとう – Meaning: reality, truth

Kana: たいかい – Meaning: convention, tournament, meetup, event

Kana: こめ – Meaning: rice

Kana: たいりょく – Meaning: physical strength, physical power

Kana: なんかい – Meaning: how many times

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: なんがつ – Meaning: what month, which month

Kana: ひかり – Meaning: light, sunlight

Kana: にっこう – Meaning: sunlight

Kana: おなじ – Meaning: same

Kana: どうじつ – Meaning: same day, the same day

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: にゅうがく – Meaning: school admission, entry into school, admission into school,
school entry, entering a school

Kana: げっこう – Meaning: moonlight, moonbeam

Kana: がくねん – Meaning: school grade, grade in school, school year, year in school

Kana: おと – Meaning: sound

Kana: しかく – Meaning: square

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: がくせい – Meaning: student

Kana: きんたま – Meaning: testicles

Kana: なんぜん – Meaning: thousands

Kana: はやし – Meaning: forest, woods

Kana: からだ – Meaning: body

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: あたる – Meaning: to be on target, to hit, to touch, to guess correctly, to guess right,
to be right, to hit the target

Kana: おこなう – Meaning: to carry out a task, to carry out, to perform, to perform a task,
to do a task

Kana: あう – Meaning: to meet, to encounter

Kana: さよう – Meaning: action, effect, operation

Kana: こうさく – Meaning: construction, handicraft

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: はえる – Meaning: to grow, to spring up, to sprout, to come out

Kana: つくる – Meaning: to make, to build, to create

Kana: うりきれ – Meaning: sold out, out of stock

Kana: うりて – Meaning: seller, vendor

Kana: たぶん – Meaning: maybe, perhaps, probably

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: まなぶ – Meaning: to learn, to study in depth, to study

Kana: きょうだい – Meaning: siblings, brothers and sisters

Kana: こらい – Meaning: ancient

Kana: ねんらい – Meaning: for some years, for years, longstanding

Kana: まいかい – Meaning: every time, each time

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: おとこのこ – Meaning: boy

Kana: にゅうしゃ – Meaning: joining a company, joining the company

Kana: こうしゃ – Meaning: public corporation, public company, government agency, fed-
eral agency

Kana: そら – Meaning: sky

Kana: かんがえ – Meaning: thought, a thought

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: かんがえる – Meaning: to think about, to consider, to give thought

Kana: かんがえかた – Meaning: way of thinking, thought process

Kana: ひにく – Meaning: irony, sarcasm

Kana: じりつ – Meaning: independence, self reliance

Kana: みずいろ – Meaning: sky blue, light blue, light blue color, light blue colour, sky blue
color, sky blue colour

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: いろいろ – Meaning: various

Kana: ゆき, いき – Meaning: train direction, bound for

Kana: いく – Meaning: to go

Kana: にし – Meaning: west

Kana: さんかく – Meaning: triangle

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: いう – Meaning: to say

Kana: そうこう – Meaning: traveling, travelling

Kana: さと – Meaning: home village, village, one’s parents’ home, home town, hometown

Kana: あおい – Meaning: blue, unripe

Kana: せいねん – Meaning: youth, young man

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: まぜる – Meaning: to mix, to mix something

Kana: なんねん – Meaning: what year, how many years

Kana: しゃない – Meaning: within the company, in house, inside the company, inside a
company, in the company, within a company

Kana: おとうと – Meaning: younger brother, little brother

Kana: かい – Meaning: meeting, assembly, party

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: くうき – Meaning: atmosphere, air

Kana: だいたい – Meaning: general, approximate, outline, gist

Kana: はしる – Meaning: to run

Kana: あたり – Meaning: a success, success, hit, guess

Kana: まわる – Meaning: to revolve, to go around, to rotate

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: ほんらい – Meaning: originally, primarily, essentially, naturally

Kana: いっしょう – Meaning: whole life, entire life, a lifetime, all through life, one existence,
a generation, an age

Kana: がいこう – Meaning: diplomacy

Kana: うまれ – Meaning: birthplace, birth

Kana: ぶんがく – Meaning: literature

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)
WaniKani Vocabulary – Level 5

Kana: おかね – Meaning: money

Kana: きんねん – Meaning: recent years

This writing excercise was generated using WaniKani_KanjiPaper (https://github.com/suchmaske/WaniKani-KanjiPaper). It relies on the stroke
order diagrams produced by cayennes’ kanji-colorize (https://github.com/cayennes/kanji-colorize) using KanjiVG
(https://github.com/KanjiVG/kanjivg – Creative Commons 3.0 (SA) by Ulrich Apel)

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