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A fortune teller: (This activity can be done in pairs or indiviadually)

1. Imagine you are a fortune teller and that you have a new client interested in
knowing about his/her future. As a fortune teller, you will provide the client
with Good news and bad news predictions. ( Do not forget to use will and going
to withing the sentences)

Here is an example:
Tittle: Jhon’s next vacation

Fortune teller: Hi Mr. Jhon. What do you want to do today?, What would you
like to know?
Jhon: Hello fortune teller, can you see my future ? I want to take a nice vacation
but I have a bad feeling.
Fortune teller: yes, I certaintly can
Fortune teller: You will take a long vacation this year.
The Good News is that you will see some interesting places.
The Bad News is that you will lose your passport and all your money!
Jhon: ….

Just be creative!!!

2. The dialogue should be at least one or more than a one-word page long and do
not forget to include a cover page with the name of the members of the group.

Here are some conversation topics you could use for the dialogue:

Hopes for the future, the world in 100 years, Good Life, future love, job, family,
recent news, your next vacation, your country, food, holidays/ travel, fashion,
sports, etc…

3. Font:
For the dialogue, remember to use:
Word document format: Calibri, font size 12 and a line spacing of 1.5.
Do not use PDF format.
Rubrica de Evaluacion

Reading the future ( dialogue ) Yes (0,5) NO

(1) (0)
MEANING: Has originality of ideas and writes a complete dialogue of
reasonable length and organizes his/her ideas in a coherent
way that is easy to read and understand. Writes connected
ideas that show an appropriate structural pattern ( subject
+ Verb + complement )
Uses appropriate and varied vocabulary and Includes
complete sentences and connectors that are coherent,
cohesive and portray meaningful ideas
FORM : Has a cover page with information about the author and
uses appropriate layout for the dialogue
Appropriately uses grammar concepts seeing during the
course as future simple.
Uses capital letters, periods, commas, and other questions
mark appropriately and proper spelling.

( See next page below for more dialogue examples )

GABRIEL: Hello , miss mayda , I’m happy here because I owe your visit?


Mayda:Hi, guess can you see my future?

GABRIEL: yes of course I can and what do you want to know.

MAYDA: I have been looking for a job according to my engineering studies for more
than a year, this morning I had an interview bust, in fifteen days they said to call me
Iam curious to know how it went.

GABRIEL: And you are an engineer what a great career you chose, I congratulate you.

MAYDA: thank you, if it was one of my big dreams since I was little.
GABRIEL: excellent the good news is that you will get that job, the bad news is that
you will have to travel abroad.

MAYDA: !oh ¡ no, my family, my children and my husband…

GABRIEL: the fact is that you will have to choose between work and your family.

MAYDA: oh¡¡¡ god I will have to talk my family very seriously.

GABRIEL: yes miss Eliana I advise you to think very well about a decision money does
not change the love of family.

MAYDA: thank you very much sir I guess for your ci¿ouncil I will keep it in mind how
much do Iowe you?

GABRIEL: It’s ten thousand pesos, miss.

MAYDA: take and thank you very much for taking me out of the doubt.

GABRIEL: quiet with the greatest of tastes for thate we are.

MAYDA: hape a nice day.

GABRIEL: also see you later.


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