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UNIT ELECTRON AN D LASER BEAM MACHINING PROCESSES wa PARTA SHORT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS _ at. Write a brief note on the theory of Electron Beam Machining (EBM) answer # oeory of Elec Deen Lieut sihich a high velocity electron beam is used for machining. The machining is processed py cont Merial gets melted and v *ctrons to heat energy. When the beam strikes the component which is placed in vacuum, eer or ites ‘apourized due to heat. ‘The diameter of the electron beam should be slightly amaller than the spied ameter of hae ganic backing plate is placed at exit of the hole. After the producing the through hole in the workpieces, oa m i ly penetrates the backing plate. A small hole is also produced in the plate material which gets melted Ja vaporizes due to high pressure, The metal is expelled from the hole along with the vaporized metal, a. Explain briefly how material is removed in EBM process. : [OctNov.-18, Sat-4, Q1(d) | Nov.-16, Bet-t,: ata) ‘tron Beam Machining Hiectron Beam Machining In EBM process, machining is performied by using a high velocity electron beam. Electron beam is allowed to focus on @ workpiece that is ‘held inside a vacuum chamber | ‘consists vacuum of the order 10 mm of Hg). Vacuum chamber isemployed t pent the scattering of electron beam when it collides with the gas molecules, The chamber comprises a door to place the workpiece on the table and for safety. The kinetic energy produced by an electron beam is released and gets converted into heat energy. This high intensity of teat results in melting and vaporising the workpiece material at the spot of beam impingement. Thus, the operation continues by ahemative focussing and turing off the beam to obtain the desired geometry of workpiece. @._Name and explain the device which produce electron beam. ‘Answer [Mode! Paper, Q1(d) | Oct/Nov.-17, Set-t, ana) Inelectron beam machining, the electron beam which removes ‘the material on the workpiece is generally ‘produced by melectron gun. It acts as the heart of EBM process. ‘This device is a cathode ray tube in which cathode is made up of tungsten crtantalum. This gun produces electrons and are accelerated to required velocity by heating the cathode filament upto 2500°C. These accelerated electrons are focussed on to the workpiece in the form of small size spot. Qs. What is the purpose of deflection coll In EBM process? Answer : a . Purpose of Deflection Coil Deflection coil in EBM process is used to change the beam éross-section to a circular shape and project or deflect it onto tte work surface in desired direction. It is placed below the focusing lens. This deffection system allow the beam programming in any particular geometrical pattern. This is obtained by varying input curent to the deflection coil. oe ‘Another method of deflecting beam is by the use of a relay tray or a flying spot scanner which is used for drilling a cross shaped holes, . ‘ECROM ALLIW-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS OctiNov.-17, Set-2, Q1(d) SIA GROUP ae Scanned with CamScanner 5, Discuss:about the metal removal rate of EBM process. Answer 1 Metal Removal Rate (MRR) of EBM Process “The rate at which the workpiece material is vapourised is termed as metal removal rate. It is given by, PY in em’ Mar=n x [5 }inem’s ‘Where, 1 — Cutting efficiency. P= Power in W Specific energy required to vapourize the component material is given by the equation, WG, (Z,21)+ Gy (T,-T) +H HY Where, C,,~ Specific heat in solid state G,~ Specific heat in liquid state T.,~Melting temperature T,— Boiling temperature 7,~ Initial temperature H,-Latent heat of fusion Latent heat of Write about the characteristics of process selection of electron beam for machining process. Answer “The main characteristics of process selection of EBM are, 1. High resolution and long depth of field is obtained due to short wavelength of high energy electrons. 2. Its more compatible and controlled process within the ‘range of high vacuum. a7. 3. High amount of energy about 10 kW/em? of power densities can be achieved. 4. Process is capable to catalyze many chemical reactions. Q8. What are the process parameters that affects on the machining process In EBM. Answer = [Modet Paper-it, Q1(d) | Nov/Dec.-15, Set-1, Q6(b)] ‘The process parameters that affect the machining characteristics in EBM process are listed as follows, (Accelerating voltage ‘ (ii) Beam current Gill) Lens current (iv) Pulse duration (¥) Beam shape (vi). Energy per pulse Power per pulse Spot size Power densit UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES [JNTU-kay; hort note on efficiency of EEy AL a9. - Wei Answer ! ‘The cutting efficiency for EBM is varies y, Vacuum chamber Focusing ens i eet beam > Deflector coil Workarea region being heated, melted and varpourised Wl Work nec [ os Table | ee | SPECTROM @LLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS: ——_——S se Figure: Electron Beam Machinit Scanned with CamScanner 4.6 The principle elements of electron beam machining is shown in figure. In this process, machining is performed by using a high velocity clectron beam. Electron beam is allowed to focus ona workpiece that is held inside a vacuum chamber (i.e. consists vacuum of the order 10 mm of Hg). Vacuum chamber is employed to prevent the scattering of electron beam when it collides with the gas molecules. The chamber comprises a door to place the workpiece om the table and for safety. A beam of electrons is emitted from an electron gun which is categorised into three components and are explained as follows, 1 ‘Tungsten Filament A tungsten filament connected to negative terminal of D.C power supply acts as cathode. This filament wire is heated to a temperature of about 2500°C in vacuum which emits a high negative potential electrons (i.e., a cloud of electrons). 2. Grid Cup A grid cup is at a negative potential with respect to filament. It allows the cloud of electrons to travel downwards, 3. Anode The anode is connected to the positive terminal of the power supply. The electrons are attached and accelerated to obtain high velocity i.e., around two-third of light. This velacity is attained until the electron beam strikes the workpiece. “After leaving the anode, high velocity electron beam passes through tungsten diaphragm and focussing lens. Finally, an electron beam passes through a deflector coil, where it deflects the beam on to the workpiece so as to perform cutting, operation. The kinetic energy produced by an electron beam is released and gets converted into heat energy. This high intensity of heat results in melting and vaporising the workpiece material at the spot of beam impingement. Thus, the operation continues by alternative focussing and turning off the beam to obtain the desired geometry of workpiece. Applications of EBM . L Employed in micro-drilling operations for parts of electronic microscope, thin orifices, dies for wire drawing, injector nozzles for C.1 engines, fibre spinners, etc. 2 Micro-machining of thin sectional area. 3. Machining of the materials with high melting point and Jow thermal conductivity. Q22. Sketch and explain the generation and control of electron beam used in EBM process. [Model Papers, Q5(a)| OctINov.18, Set-t,Q5(a) a Or : Explain the basic components of Electron beam machining. Answer : Oct/Mov.17, Sot, a6(0) Generation and control of electron beam used in EBM Process is obtained by using electron beam gun and power supply. Look for the SIA’GROUP Loco {ff on the TITLE COVER before you bly UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES UINTU-Kakin, ADA) Electron Beam Gun lctron beam gun consists of three major com ‘They are, tungsten filament, grid cup and anode, "Meng For remaining answer refer Unit-Iv, Q9} ‘Tungsten Filament, Grid Cup and Anode. » Topic Also for remaining answer refer Unit1¥, 02), pp, + Figur Electron Beam Machining. Power Supply Whenever it is required to accelerate electron voltage around 150 kV is generated by the power sup , order o operate a igh power electron gun pulse energyaf Jipulse and power of 12 kW is supplied. 2} Q23. Desc he process parameters characteristics of the process in Electron pe machining process. ang an ‘Answer : Process Parameters in EBM ‘The important process parameters involved in EBM aq as follows, -@) Beam current Gi) Pulse duration (iii) Lens current 7 (iv) Shape of beam. (+ Beam Current The pulse or energy supplied to the component is regulated by the beam current. The machining time fig drilling hole mainly depends upon the energy or pulse supplied. The beam current for an EBM process varis from 100 pA to 1 A. (ii) Pulse Duration . Duration of pulse to be supplied depends upon the depth and diameter of hole to be produced, Deep and wider holes can be drilled using long pulse duration. Inan EBM process, it varies from 0.05 ms to 10 ms. (ii) Lens Current * The distance between the focal point and the elector. | beam gun is determined by the lens current, It can also be used for determining the diameter of focal beam. (iv) Shape of Beam ‘The shape of the beam usually depends upon the type! hole (straight, tapered, etc.) to be drilled, Desired shape ofthe hole is obtained by proper positioning of the focal Point on the top surface of the componern. Characteristics of EBM Process ‘The significant characteristics of an EBM process are follows, 1. Electrically conducting and non-conducting material an be easily machined. Examples: Aluminium, copper, nickel, ceramics, plas leather, etc, Scanned with CamScanner : " vical, mechanical and metallurgical properties of yee ents donot afTect vgively very stall diameter holes with large depth pedals *27 4 fa be hte’ cated or tapered holes ean also be produced ie ere are no necanieal frees, the component is ge fom distortion Fe snerma properties of component and pulse energy 1 Mefmines the surface finish oF the edge produced, ‘he required voltage for an EBM process is 150 kV. the power density required for the process is 6500 Gwin’ ‘the specific power consumed by the equipment is 500 |wimmn'inin. [Abigh vacuum medium ofabout 10"mm of Hgis required, ‘accuracy of + 0.1 mm for position and + 5 percentage 2 drilled hole diameter is obtained. Ga Can you machine ctrically non-conducting materials using EBM process? answer # Oct Mow-17, Set, 5(6) Yes, Electron Beam Machining (EBM) is capable of achining electrically non-conducting materials in addition to mparcally conducting materials, It can machine or drill holes ‘peeraics plastics, feather ete, While machining of electrically. spvconducting materials, a complete Vacuum is created in the achiaing chamber, During the process, a small burr (solidified tyr) may be lef outa the enry side ofthe electron beam, The eam of electrons with high velocity strikes the workpiece by hich the of electrons is converted to heat. This feat causes the work material surface to melt and vapourize. For dniling a hole, the diameter of electron beam must be smaller than the diameter of hole to be made. A synthetic or organic hacking material is used on the other side of the workpiece, Inanother method of EBM, the machining can be done by keeping the beam stationary and moving the work table in desired path using a CNC machine, FNM is generally used in areas like aerospace, insulation, food processing, chemical, clothing ete. It can be used for drilling holes in filters and screens that are used in food processing industries, for making fine gas orlfices in space nuclear reactors, cooling holes in turbine blades ete. 025, Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Electron Beam Machining process. Answer + Advantages of Electron Beam Machining |, Heat impingement can be focussed on the specified spot where material has to be removed. : 2. Itprovides excellent techniques for micro machining, ‘There is no physical contact between the tool and the workpiece, Nov.-16, Set-2, 05(a) Dimensional accuracy is good. SPECTRUM ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FOR EN ol wear is non-existent. No physical or metallurgical damage to the workpiece. ichining of any material is possible. tages of Electron Beam Machining Initia investment cost is high. Highly experienced and skilled operators are required. Not applicable for producing perfect cylindrical deep holes. Metal removal rate is very low. Power consumption is high. Limited size of workpiece, due to lack of space in vacuum chamber. 7. Limited to small and fine cuts, 8. Difficulty in producing slots and holes of very close dimensional accurac; Q26. Write four specific applications where you feel that EBM should be the preferable choice. Answer: Specific Applications ef EBM The four specific applications of EBM where it is preferable choice are as follows, (Aerospace industries Gi) Chemical industries Food processing industries (iv) Fabrics/textije industries. Aerospace Industries Itis used for drilling thousands of holes of less than 1 mm diameter for various plates of turbine engine combustor domes. Itis also employed for making fine gas orifices in. ‘space nuclear reactors, cooling holes in turbine blades etc. Chemical Industries EBM plays a significant role in chemical industries as it is used for pattern generation in integrated circuit fabrications. @ Gil) Food Processing Industries It is employed in food processing industries for making ‘holes in the filters and screens used for various food processing operation, (iv) Fabrie/Textile Industries EBM in textile industries have its own importance. It is mostly used in drilling numerous of holes about less than 1 mm diameter in cobalt alloy fibre spinning head of thickness $ mm. ee ee Q27. Explain process parameters, advantages and limitations of Electron beam machining; Answer : " OctMov.-18, Set3, Q5(b) Process Parameters of Electron Beam Machining For answer refer Unit-IV, Q23, Topic: Process Parameters in EBM, Advantages and Limitations of Electron Beam Machining Scanned with CamScanner 4.8 UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES LNTU-Kay, t [?4.2 "LASER BEAM MACHINING - BASIC PRINCIPLE AND THEORY, MECHANICS OF jg, [oo SREMOVAL, PROCESS PARAMETERS, EFFICIENCY AND ACCURACY, APPLICATio “Ria, Q28. Explain the construction and working of LBM. | OR Draw and label the parts of the Laser Beam Machine. OR With the help of a neat diagram explain the working of a Laser Beam Machine. A : OR Explain working of laser beam machining with neat sketch. Anower ; : Ban ep Gs ag | > Total reflecting mirror My) Flash tube | Brelosure Ruby laser tube» Partial reflecting mirror | t: Monochromatic light output ae |[Ese= os —— a | nme! , I Powe py ofuint Figure: Electron Principle Setup of Laser Beam Machining Principle of Laser Beam Machining Method LASER is abbreviated as Light Amplification for Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The above figure illustrates tt principle of laser beam machining method. It mainly comprises of ruby laser tube, a pair of mirrors, an amplifying source, af) tube, a cooling system, a lens and an enclosure (with high reflective inside surface). Components such as ruby laser tube, pir mirrors and flash tube are positioned within the enclosure. Power supply, coolant system and lens are located outside the enclosi Flash surrounds the ruby tube and total reflecting mirror, partially reflecting mirror are setup at either openings of the ruby nk Depending upon the application, the lasers employed can be solid or gaseous type. The solid laser type provides shorter dust. of laser beam while the gaseous type provides continuous laser beam and are best suited for cutting and welding operations. ‘When a light (ic. optical energy) is projected on a laser tube by a flash lamp, the electrons of atoms get excited as absorb the radiation of incoming light energy. An additional light with characteristics same as that of light source is emitted electrons. Then to and fro motion of light occurs in between the reflecting mirrors. Since partial reflecting mirror does note? the total light back at each travel that comes from a laser tube, part of the light leaves it and passes through lens. Thus, * incorporated (in between workpiece and partial reflecting mirror) converges the coherent stream of monochromatic light * focuses it to a particular point on the workpiece surface. Therefore, the material gets melted and vapourised at the point where converged laser beam of high intensity falls on workpiece. The process continues to obtain the desired shape of the workpiece Since the process is accomplished by melting and vapourising the workpiece, this process is also known as “thermal cut proces = Scanned with CamScanner i duction of Laser beam. gp eapiain me Pro e TOetmew- Seta, 0) NovA6 Sor GHA R — ¥ _a glearon and Laser Beam Machining Processes 49 | pescribe the types of lasers and explain the production of lasers | poet NovsDec.14, Sat2, 88) peso anes They ae diferent types of lasers which produce highly directive beams of optical or infrared radiation, Few of them are falons 1, Solid state laser | Gu lset Helium-neon laser Carbon dioxide laser. 1, Solid State Laser ‘The most common materials for asolid state laser are Ruby, Neodymium (Nad) - glass and Neodymium-Yitrium Aluminium et (Nd ~ YAG). It is fabricated into thin rods with high optical tolerance on its ends, i instore fasts the creaky {8 Pencirated into the material by producing a igh intensity light ux. This ux i absorbed abe laser material and transformed into collimated laser beam. Xenon filled flash lamps are use it intensit ee Saabs lise Niece h lamps are used for generating high intensity I? Water out End cap Reflecting end plate ‘Nd-glass rod Xenon lamp Housing Reflecting cylinder i N \ N Reflecting end plate SSS SSSSS ‘Rod holder ] f Water. inlet Hp ri Y Ze AW Figure: Solid State Laser r SPECTROM ALLAIFONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS —————S1a GROUP UE Scanned with CamScanner SSSs Bet 4. ES [JNTU-K, ING PROCESS AKIN, 10 UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINI aD nd Helium. These Bases are recireyy 2 Gas Laser oe as ‘The gases that are involved in gas lasers are Carbondionie, Ni trogen im b cen th ee : nl ely 5 lass discharge tube. Nitrogen acts as an i ate meecles. Whe sa rn fs tam ixture which rene jal flow CO, gas laser, large a lant for the gas mixture w! al low CO, tel energy of CO,. Helium acts as a cool h an a : energy, photots are generated due to absorption of energy by CO, molee rors before it emere ec is reflected several times by positioning 7 lume is used, The beam c oF in the igure below: cathodes Output minor cal axial flow CO, gas laser is shown ™ . Gpaotes noses ii L i 1 ——s: l oe 7 baer He U te Hee . a =} Regulated sect sty | s. | Nov-16, Set4 ogy | Figure: Axial Flow CO, Gas Laser (Folded Resonator) “Doping” of LASER ? List the doping materials with their advantage Q30. What Is meant by Answer : Doping : . i . Ingeneral, doping is a process of converting the semiconducting materials into electrically conductive materials by addy a doping additive. The concentration of excess electrons or holes can be determined by doping. Doping of lasers is mainly dow, to provide sufficient ions necessary for producing or improving the laser action. In solid state laser, calcium fluoride crystals are doped with neodymium and glass with rare earths. Another laser crys which is mostly used is aluminium oxide doped with 0.05% chromium. Doping helps in achieving high energy in short pulse, Doping Materials and their Advantages ‘Some of the common laser and doping materials along with their advantages are tabulated below. Advantages Doping materials @ [Raby laser Crystalline sapphire (ALO,) doped with | 1. [Hard and durable. > chromium oxide (Cr,0,). 2. | Better optical quality. 3.: | High thermal conductivity. 1. | Powerful solid state laser. Gi) | YAG laser ~ Doped with neodymium (Nd) 2. | Pumping requirements are less. : 3. | is highty suitable for light works. (ii) | Glass laser Doped with neodymium (Na) 1. | Easier to produce. 2._| Availability is more. Seu set ‘he mechanism of metal removal, merits and demerits of laser beam machining process. Mechanism of Metal Removal in LBM Process ead Scanned with CamScanner i Laser Beam | electron and Laser Beam Machining Processes 4 ta ya jerial removing rate for both metals and no “The nnd non-metals is given as follows erits MRR= k* (wex ) in mms) wheres — Constant which depends upon the type of material in mnvmi Power of laser incident on the surface in W an (E - Vapourisation energy of materiat in W/mm? ‘A~ Area of laser beam at focal point in mm? . 1 - Thickness of material in mm. + beam machining can be used for both cuttin Hscomparatively 10W (about 4000 mm’’min), sess there are no mech a 1 Tc cc ey peek so mgt al ‘of LBM Process ae Machining of any material can be performed easily. snthis process there is no physical contact between the tool and workpiece, which reduces the large cutting forces. ig and drilling operations. However, the material removing rate in this L 1 Fool wear does not occur in this process. 3 et affected zone around the machined partis very smal : i Machining of holes and cuts can be performed with greater accuracy. 4 Welding of dissimilar metals can be performed effectively. penertts of LBM Process re capital investment is very high, 1 Experienced and skilled operators are required. 3 Rate of production is low. ‘L_Applicable to thin cross sectional materials. Meal removal rate is very slow. 6 Machining of heat conductive and reflective materials is not efficient. ai. Explain the process parameters of laser beam machining? Answer ¢ [Model Paper, Q5(b) | Dec.-13, Set-2, Q6(a)) process Parameters of Laser Beam Machining 0 wo ty) » SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS ‘The various process parameters of LBM process is explained as follows, Lamp Current itis the most predominant factor in LBM system. The lamp current is generated with the help of a krypton arc, used for Jaser pumping energy. The power generated due to this lamp current varies accordingly. The lamp current of LBM system can be varies from 15A to 25A. Pulse Frequency Laser beam machine can generate pulses using Q-switch. This develops the high peak power with pulsed laser output. The frequency of pulsed beam can be controlled by varying the frequency of RF signal which ranges from 1 5 kHz. Pulse Width Q : In LBM, when a pulse frequency is applied for'a specific duration of time then the time allowed for one cycle is referred as pulse width of the laser beam frequency. If there is any variation in pulse frequency and pulse width, peak power alse varies, The variations in pulse width is considered as 2 to 10%, Cutting Speed Cutting speed is also an important factor in LBM process. The distance travelled per unit time along the y-axis is known ¢ nly depend upon the cutting speed. If the cutting speed is high, production rate wi cutting speed. The cutting quality is mai be high but at the same time cutting quality will become poor. ‘The cutting speed ranges from 100 mm/sec to 26 mm/sec. Air Pressure Ai pressure is necessary for removing vaporized material from the workpiece during the laser beam cutting. Experimentally pressures used a assist gus which helps in laser grooving operation. In this operation, more air pressure is required for cutt and sitnultaneous cooling of material surface. ‘The range of air pressure is considered as 0.5 kg/cm? to 2.5 kg/em?.. ‘SIA GROUP 4 Scanned with CamScanner CONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES [JNTU. Akin, ul rn 2 and are tabul Dy Tent levels and are tabulated I wr process parameters are analysed! experimentally at di = 88 Folge ‘The above descr 3 Levels of Process —— Leve | Tevel2 | Level3 | Level Level 22.5 25 17.5 20 Lamp current (A) Is a e Pulse frequency (H2) 1000 2000 aan ‘ a _ Pulse width (%) 2 4 6 o a | ‘Cutting speed (mnv/sec) 10 « 2. Bu 4 i Air pressure (kg/em?) os i features of LBM. | G33, Discuss the therm: oman | Answer: ie . Le nara face by a focussed laser beam are as follows, ‘The consumption of radiant energy delivered onto'the surf A part of beam is lost after the relection. ‘The unreflected energy is mostly used for melting of metal. Small amount of energy is wilized for the evaporation of the liquid metal, . The unmelted base material is also conducted by some amount of the energy. ‘The thermal and optical properties of the working material and pulse duration, intensity. ‘ofthe beam, affects the magnitudes jy above features. Therefore, the complete energy of the laser beam is not absorbed by the material, which reduces the thermal ef 934, Whatare the unique characteristics a Laser machining technique possesses that make it the only choig, for the job? Answer: ‘The important characteristics of LBM process are as follows, 1. All the materials can be machined except Aluminium, Copper and their alloys. 2 ‘The maximum Metal Removal Rate (MRR) for LBM technique is 5 mm?/mi 3. High aspect ratio (hole depth/diameter of hole) holes (upto 250 jim) can be easily drilled. 4, Tapered holes can also be drilled using this technique. 5. The rays of a laser beam are perfectly parallel and monochromatic. 6. 1. 8. ction Sat, LBM technique minimizes the fatigue strength of the components. {tis capable of producing very high power density about 10? Wim?) with the use of powerful focused laser beam ‘Specific power consumed by this process is 1000 W/mm?/min, 9. The process is carried out in normal atmospheric conditions. 10._The dimensional accuracy of the technique is + 0.025 mm. | Q35. List out the applications of laser beam machining. * Octin lovet7, Set3, an) OR | , What are the major applications of laser beam machining? ode Papers, Q5(b) | Nov Dec.-15, Se, Ce oR Discuss the applications of Laser bes oe ‘am machining process in drilling, cutting and marking systems. Micro Drilling Scanned with CamScanner 13 es with diameter alm Jaser than conventional drilling. The process of jg carried | out by the fu c sntrated laser light with high velocity gas jet. This removes the material by: eae ition win ‘Cutting is obtained we high speed cates and no forces are developed and uniform cutting is achieved, In this method, ge eat is controlled by the assembly of focussing leny and coaxial gas jet system. Gases like air, Ar or O, are generally a : sng ster ks of symbol i nar or to make marks of symbols, numbers and alphabets on metalic and nonmetallic components marking system i so Tye marking sem Ol up ofa beam scoming system, which i consoled by computer and pulsating laser _opiev2e, TM puter stores the information required to develop various characters to be marked. And a miero computer controls poston of he laser pulses and ase eam respectively ti system is started, the laser beam which is inthe shape of desired character scans the component. Then, the ee the laser beam gets vaporized, forming the grooves with maximum values of width and depth of 0.25mm. toca iy marking takes place at rate of 30 characters per second. The pulsing laser beam of high power density, which remains only ar poses iS employed for precision marking with less surface damage. High quality marking is obtained by this system. Fe 2 ummmarize difference between EBM and LBM. [Oct Nov.-18, Set3, Q1(d) | OctiNov.-17, Set, 21(4)] . OR pifferentiate between the EBM and LBM processes. pvovier* Nov-16, Set, 05(0) pyterences Between of EBM and LOM Electron Beam Machining (EBM) Laser Beam Machining (LBM) Thigh velocity electron beam is used for machining T. | An intense and unidirectional beam of light is operation. used for machining. Material Removal Rate (MRR) in this process is given Material Removal Rate (MRR) in this process bys MRR) yg * (3) is given by, (MRR)jg4,=K * (atx) The MRR is high. - 3. | The MRR is low. Better surface finish. 4, | Surface finish is comparatively low. Wear rate of material is more, 5. | Wear rate of material is less. ‘Working medium is vacuum. 6. | Working medium is air. High power is consumed for machining in this process. | 7. Power consumed by this process is comparatively less. ‘The process can be used for microdrilling upto the 8. | The process can be applied for drilling upto the size of 0.002 mm. size of 0.005 mm. £ 037. Compare EBM and LBM on the following aspects: () Machining rate (ll) Tool wear rate (li) Accuracy. [Modo Paper-V, Q5(b) | Oct/Nov.8, Set-4, Q5(b) | OctINov.-7, Set-2, Q5(b)] Answer : (Machining Rate EBM . : In EBM process, a high velocity electron beam is used for machining operation. Metal removal rate in this process is calculated by, P (MRR) pay = 1% TF SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE TOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS SIA GROUP 2 Scanned with CamScanner 44 UNCONVENTIONAL MACHINING PROCESSES [JNTy. Akin, ‘AD, ing efficiency P— Power in Watts IW Specific energy in Jéem*. In this provess, MRR is v LBM y high (about 10 mm/min), and it can be used with all materials. 1 LBM process, an intense and unidirectional beam of light is used for fachining, Expression for calculating given by, MRR), = Where, x oe 00 Eat X—Constant P—Power in laser incident on the surface E-—Vapourisatio’ energy of material A —Area of laser beam at focal point 1— Thickness of material In this process, maximum MRR is about 5 mm*/min’ (i) Tool Wear Rate . In EBM and LBM no physical tool is used for machining. Hence, there is no tool wear takes place. (iii) Accuracy EBM This process is used for drilling fine holes contour cuttings in sheets, cutting narrow slots. ‘This process can be used for micro-drilling upto the size of 0.002 mm. LBM This process is used for drilling of holes upto the diameters of 0,005 mm. Diménsional tolerances are in the range o 0.015 mm to 0.125 mm, and R, values varies between 0.4 ~ 6.3 um. - Q38. Explain the working of CO, laser with neat sketch. Answer : [Model Papersit, 05(b) | Oct/Nov. 7, Set, 0! For answer refer Unit-IV, Q29, Topic: Gas Laser. Q39. Describe how the laser beam is used for machining? Enumerate the advantages and limitations of! Process. Answer : OctINow-7, Set26 Working Principle of LBM For answer refer Unit-IV, Q28, Advantages of LBM " For answer refer Unit-IV, Q31, Topic: Merits of LBM Process, Limitations of LBM For answer refer Unit-IV, Q31, Topic: Demerits of LBM Pracess. Look for the SIA GROUP Loco on'the TITLE COVER ‘before you buy Scanned with CamScanner

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