Interference EE - ICC09

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Interference-Aware Energy-Efficient Power

Guowang Miao†,[ , Nageen Himayat†† , Geoffrey Ye Li† , Ali T. Koc†† , and Shilpa Talwar††

School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology
Communications Technology Lab., Intel Corporation

Abstract—While the demand for battery capacity on mobile performance metric, we have studied both link adaptation
devices has grown with the increase in high-bandwidth multi- and resource allocation techniques, which emphasize energy
media rich applications, battery technology has not kept up efficiency (EE) over throughput. We have observed that in
with this demand. Therefore power optimization techniques
are becoming increasingly important in wireless system design. an interference free environment, a tradeoff between EE and
Power optimization schemes are also important for interference spectral efficiency (SE) exists, as increasing transmit power
management in wireless systems as interference resulting from always improves throughput but not necessarily EE. In this
aggressive spectral reuse and high power transmission severely paper, we continue our investigation to consider multi-cell
limits system performance. Although power optimization plays interference-limited scenarios and develop power control and
a pivotal role in both interference management and energy
utilization, little research addresses their joint interaction. In this resource allocation schemes to improve EE. Our schemes are
paper, we develop energy-efficient power optimization schemes shown to not only improve system EE but also to reduce
for interference-limited communications. Both circuit and trans- the EE-SE tradeoff due to the conservative nature of power
mit powers are considered and energy efficiency is emphasized allocation, which effectively controls other-cell interference to
over throughput. We note that the general power optimization improve network throughput.
problem in the presence of interference is intractable even when
ideal user cooperation is assumed. We first study this problem for The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We first
a simple two-user network with ideal user cooperation and then formulate the interference aware power control problem in
develop a practical non-cooperative power optimization scheme. Section II. In Section III, a two-user network with ideal
Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves user cooperation is discussed to gain insights into energy-
not only energy efficiency but also spectral efficiency in an efficient power control. We develop a non-cooperative energy-
interference-limited cellular network.
efficient power control scheme in Section IV and demonstrate
performance improvement with simulations in Section V.
I. I NTRODUCTION Finally, we conclude the paper in Section VI.
As more users need to share the same spectrum for wide-
band multimedia communications and cellular networks move II. P ROBLEM D ESCRIPTION
towards aggressive full frequency reuse scenarios, the perfor-
mance of wireless cellular networks is heavily impaired by In this section, we introduce the concept of interference-
interference. This motivates the use of multi-cell power control aware energy-efficient power control.
optimization for interference management. Power optimization Consider a system with K subchannels that experience
is also extremely important for reducing energy consumption frequency-selective fading and additive white Gaussian noise
for mobile devices. In this case, as higher capacity wireless (AWGN). There are N users, each consisting of a pair of
links are designed to meet increasing demand from multimedia transmitter and receiver, operating on these subchannels. Ac-
applications, the device power consumption also increases. curate channel state information is known to any transmitter
In contrast, the improvement in battery technology is much and receiver. Denote the signal power attenuation of User i at
slower, leading to an exponentially increasing gap between Subchannel k to be gii and the interference power gain from
the required and available battery capacity [1]. Hence, power the transmitter of User i to the receiver of User j at Subchannel
optimization is also important for maximizing the battery k to be gij . The noise power on each subchannel is σ 2 .
life for mobile devices. Although, power optimization plays The power allocation of User n on all subchannels is denoted
a pivotal role in both interference management and energy (1) (2) (K)
by vector pn = [pn pn · · · pn ]. The signal-to-interference-
utilization, little research has addressed their joint interaction. (k)
plus-noise ratio (SINR), ηn , of User n at Subchannel k is
In this paper, we are addressing this joint limitation and
(k) (k)
investigates energy-efficient power optimization, specifically pn gnn
for interference limited environments. ηn(k) = PN (k) (k)
. (1)
Our previous work in [2]–[5] has studied uplink energy- i=1,i6=n pi gin + σ 2
efficient communications in single-cell orthogonal frequency (k)
division multiple access (OFDMA) systems to improve mo- The data rate at Subchannel k of User n is rn and
bile battery consumption. Using throughput per Joule as a rn(k) = R(ηn(k) ), (2)
∗ This work was supported by Intel Corp. and the U.S. Army Research where R() is the data rate function and depends on the modu-
Laboratory under the Collaborative Technology Alliance Program, Coopera- lation and coding used. R() is assumed to be strictly concave
tive Agreement DAAD19-01-20-0011.
[ Corresponding author. Email: Address: School of and increasing. By default, we assume capacity approaching
(k) (k)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, coding and rn = w log(1 + ηn ), where w is the bandwidth
Georgia, 30332–0250 of each subchannel.
Let the data rate vector of User n across the K subchannels B. Transmit Power Dominated Regime
(1) (2) (K)
be rn = [rn , rn , · · · , rn ]T , then the overall data rate is
When the circuit power is negligible, e.g. in extremely
X long distance communications where transmit power should
rn = rn(k) . (3) be strong enough to mitigate large path loss,
w log(1+ p2pg121g+σ
2) w log(1+ p1 gp12
2 g2
+σ 2 )
The total transmit power is u(p1 , p2 )≈ + . (9)
p1 p2
pn = p(k) u(p1 , p2 ) is strictly decreasing with both p1 and p2 . Hence,
n . (4)
the optimal solution is to allocate as low power as possible.
However, the above conclusion holds only when the circuit
Note that as in [2], [3], both transmit power and circuit power is negligible. When the transmit power is comparable
power, pc , are important for energy-efficient communications. to the circuit power, other approaches are needed to determine
While transmit power is used for reliable data transmission, the optimal power.
circuit power represents average energy consumption of device
For energy-efficient communications, it is desirable to max- C. Noise Dominated Regime
imize the amount of data sent with a given amount of energy.
Hence, given any amount of energy 4e consumed in duration Now we look at the problem from a different perspective.
4t, i.e. 4e = 4t(pn + pc ), User n wants to send a maximum When noise is much stronger than interference, we have
amount of data by allocating transmit power to maximize w log(1 + pσ1 g21 ) w log(1 + pσ2 g22 )
rn 4t u(p1 , p2 ) ≈ + . (10)
4e , which is equivalent to maximizing p 1 + pc p2 + p c
rn rn
un = = . (5) Hence, the problem is decoupled and the sum network EE is
4e/ 4 t p n + pc maximized when each user selects power to maximize their
un is called EE for User n. The EE of the overall network is own EE, which is given in [2], [3].
u= un , (6)
D. Interference Dominated Regime
(k) In the interference dominated regime, interference is much
which is a function of pn for all n and k. We now need to stronger than noise, i.e. p1 g12 À σ 2 and p2 g21 À σ 2 for any
determine power allocations of all users to optimize overall feasible p1 and p2 that support reliable transmission. To be
network EE subject to the interference scenario. specific, we require that p1 g12 À σ 2 and p2 g21 À σ 2 are
III. C OOPERATIVE T WO -U SER C ASE significant enough that the interference-to-noise ratio (INR)
and SINR of each user satisfies
Note that the solution maximizing sum network EE is
difficult to obtain as the objective function, in general, is IN R > 1 + SIN R. (11)
non-concave in pn . To simplify the problem and gain some Note that Equation (11) does exists when the interference is
insight, in this section we investigate the case where two users strong enough since INR increases with interference power
transmit simultaneously on a single channel in this section. while SINR decreases with it. The interference dominated
We assume both users have complete network knowledge and regime exists when different transmissions are close to each
cooperate to maximize other, e.g. closely coupled. Hence,
r1 r2 p1 g1 p2 g2
u(p1 , p2 ) = + , (7) w log(1 + p2 g21 ) w log(1 + p1 g12 )
p1 + p c p2 + pc u(p1 , p2 ) ≈ + . (12)
p 1 + pc p2 + p c
where r1 = w log(1+ p2 gp21
1 g1 p2 g2
+σ 2 ) and r2 = w log(1+ p1 g12 +σ 2 ).
As u is non-concave in p1 and p2 , finding the global maximum We can show that u(p1 , p2 ) is maximized by an ON-OFF
is intractable. However, we can get some effective approaches approach, i.e. letting the user with higher channel gain to
by restricting our attention to some special regimes. transmit with energy-efficient power selection and shutting
down the other.
A. Circuit Power Dominated Regime
In this regime, circuit power dominates power consumption, IV. N ONCOOPERATIVE E NERGY-E FFICIENT
i.e. pc À pn for n = 1, 2. This is usually true for short- C OMMUNICATIONS
range communications as small transmit power is needed to
compensate path loss. In this case, we have The above section discusses energy-efficient power op-
µ ¶ timization with ideal cooperation in a two-user network.
w p1 g1 p2 g2
u(p1 , p2 ) ≈ log(1+ )+log(1+ ) . (8) Extension to special regimes for a multi-user network is
pc p2 g21+σ 2 p1 g12+σ 2 straightforward and omitted. However, in general, it is difficult
Hence, maximizing EE is equivalent to maximizing sum to determine the globally optimal power allocation due to the
network capacity, which has been discussed in literature [6]. nonconcavity of sum energy-efficiency functions. Even if the
The optimal solution takes on the form of binary power control globally optimal solution can be found, it is still impractical
where each user either shuts down or transmits with full power. since it requires complete network knowledge, including in-
Whether two users transmit simultaneously or exclusively terference channel gains. In this section, we consider a more
depends on interference strength. practical case and assume no cooperation among users.

A. A Noncooperative Game un (pn , p−n ) is strictly quasiconcave in pn ‡ . The existence
of equilibrium p∗ is given by Theorem 1.
We model the power control to be a noncooperative game in
game theory. In a noncooperative game, each user optimizes Theorem 1 (Existence). There exists at least one equilibrium
power allocation to maximize its energy efficiency. Consider p∗ in the noncooperative energy-efficient power optimization
the power allocation of User n and denote the power vectors game defined by (14). A set of power allocations of all users,
of other users to be vector p∗ = (p∗1 , p∗2 , · · · , p∗N ), is an equilibrium if and only if it
satisfies that, for any Subchannel i of any User n,
p−n = (pT1 , pT2 , · · · , pTn−1 , pTn+1 , · · · , pTN )T . (13) P ¯
(i)∗ ∂un (pn ,p−n ) ¯
(j)∗ ∗
j6=i rn

Given p−n , the best response of the power allocation of User (i) if P (j)∗ ≤ R (0)γn , (i) ¯ = 0,
pc + pn
j6=i ∂pn pn =p∗
n is 0 (i)∗ (i)∗ (i)∗
i.e. R (γn pn )γn = u(pn , p−n ); ∗ ∗
pon = fn (p−n ) = arg max un (pn , p−n ), (14) (i)∗
pn (ii) otherwise, pn = 0,
where un is given by (5) and is a function of both pn and (i)∗ gnn
where γn = PN (i)∗ (i) .
p−n . fn (p−n ) is called the best response function of User n. j=1,j6=n pj gjn +σ 2

The existence and uniqueness of pon , i.e. the best response, is First, we consider a special case when there is a single
assured by Theorem I in our previous work [3]. subchannel in a network.
Note that noncooperative power control is not efficient in
terms of SE optimization since users tend to act selfishly by Proposition 1. When there is only one subchannel, the power
increasing their transmit power beyond what is reasonable. allocations, i.e. the response functions, of all users satisfy
Hence, pricing mechanisms are introduced to regulate the • Concavity: fn (p−n ) is strictly concave in p−n ;
aggressive power transmission by individuals to produce more • Positivity: fn (p−n ) > 0;
socially beneficial outcome towards improving sum throughput • Monotonicity: If p−n  q−n , fn (p−n ) > fn (q−n );
of all users. Different from SE optimal power control, energy- • Scalability: For all α > 1, αfn (p−n ) > fn (αp−n ),
efficient power optimization desires a power setting that is where  denotes vector inequality and each element of the
greedy in EE but chary of power. Furthermore, Problem (14) vector satisfies the inequality.
is equivalent to
Note that the monotonicity indicates that increasing interfer-
pon = arg max (log(rn ) − log(pn + pc )) , (15) ence results in increasing transmit power while the scalability
indicates that variation of transmit power is always smaller
which implies that energy-efficient power control can be than that of the interference power. These assure the conver-
regarded as a variation of traditional spectral-efficient one gence to a unique equilibrium.
with power pricing. Since this power-conservative expression The properties in Proposition 1 can be extended to networks
is socially favorable in interference-limited scenarios, energy- with multiple subchannels where all subchannels experience
efficient power control is desirable to reduce interference and the same channel gain, i.e. flat-fading channels. This can be
improve throughput in a noncooperative setting. done by defining fn (p−n ) to be the optimal total transmit
Equilibrium is the condition of a network in which compet- power on all subchannels. Now we have the following result.
ing influences are balanced assuming invariant channel con-
ditions. Its properties are important to network performance. Theorem 2 (Uniqueness). When the channel experiences flat
Hence, we characterize the equilibrium of noncooperative fading, there exists one and only one equilibrium p∗ in
energy-efficient power optimization in the following three the noncooperative energy-efficient power optimization game
sections. In a noncooperative game, a set of strategies is defined by (14).
said to be at Nash equilibrium, referred as equilibrium in When there are multiple subchannels which experience
the following, if no user can gain individually by unilaterally frequency-selective fading, whether there is a unique equi-
altering its own strategy. Denote the equilibrium as librium depends on channel conditions. Consider a network
p∗ = (p∗1 , p∗2 , · · · , p∗N ). (16) with two users as an example. Let pc = 1, w = 1, σ 2 =
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (1) (2)
1, g11 = g11 = g22 = g22 = 1, g12 = g21 = 1e−10 , g12 =
Nash equilibrium can be described by the following definition. (2)
g21 = 1e10 . We can show that one of the equilibrium has
Definition 1. In an energy-efficient noncooperative game, the form p∗1 = [pa pb ] and p∗2 = [pc 0], where pa , pb , and
an equilibrium is a set of power allocation that no user pc are positive. Due to the symmetry of network conditions,
can unilaterally improve its energy efficiency by choosing a p1 = [pc 0] and p2 = [pa pb ] also form an equilibrium. Hence,
different set of power allocation, i.e. the network has at least two equilibria. When there are more
users and subchannels, more equilibria will exist in general.
p∗ = f (p∗ ) = (f1 (p∗−1 ), f2 (p∗−2 ), · · · , fN (p∗−N )), (17) However, we show that when the interfering channels satisfy
where f (p) is the network response function. a certain condition, there will be a unique equilibrium.
Denote the Jacobian matrix of F̃n at In to be ∂∂IF̃nn and
To facilitate our discussion, we first introduce the concept ∂In
of quasiconcavity. the Jacobian matrix of In at p−n to be ∂p −n
. Denote ||A||
qP be the Frobenius norm of matrix A = (aij ), i.e. ||A|| =
Definition 2. A function z, which maps from a convex set 2
of real n-dimensional vectors, D, to a real number, is called i,j aij . Readily, we have the following sufficient condition
strictly quasiconcave if for any x1 , x2 ∈ D and x1 6= x2 , that assures a unique equilibrium.
z(λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ) > min{z(x1 ), z(x2 )}, (18)
‡ All proofs are omitted. Users are referred to the journal version for more
for any 0 < λ < 1. details

4 20
Theorem 3 (Uniqueness). In frequency selective channels,
the noncooperative energy-efficient power optimization game
3 10
defined by (14) has a unique equilibrium if for any User n, E.E., =0

Energy efficiency (bits/Joule)

E.E., =0.1

||fn (p−n )−f¯¯n (p̌−n¯)||

¯ < ||p−n − p̌−n || for any different p−n =0 E.E.,
E.E., =1

Power (dBw)
¯¯ ∂In ¯¯ Pwr, =0
and p̌−n or ¯¯ ∂p ¯ ¯ < sup 1 ∂fn . 2
Pwr, =0.1

−n In || ∂In || =0.1 Pwr, =0.5

Pwr, =1

Extension of the above theorem to general noncooperative 1 =0.5 -10

multichannel power control is straightforward. Note the gen- =1

eralization of assuring a unique equilibrium can be applied to 0 -20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
different kinds of distributed MIMO and OFDM systems. Spectrum efficiency (bits/s/Hz)

The above theorem gives sufficient conditions of uniqueness Fig. 1: Tradeoff of EE and SE with different interfering
that may not be necessary ones. For example for a single- scenarios (pc = 1, g = 1, σ 2 = 0.01, N = 2).
channel¯¯ network,
¯¯ due ¯to the strict concavity of fn (p−n ),
¯¯ ∂fn ¯¯ n¯
supIn ¯¯ ∂In ¯¯ = ∂f ∂In ¯ . However, for all interference
In =0
channel gains, there is always a unique equilibrium, as shown In an interference-free scenario, i.e. N = 1 or α = 0, the
in Theorem 2. penalty is infinite. Otherwise, whenever interference exists, it
is bounded.
To further understand the tradeoff, Figure 1 illustrates a case
B. SE and EE Tradeoff without Cooperation when two users transmit with the same power and interfere
with each other. Curves with markers draw the relationship
In this section, we investigate the tradeoff between nonco- between transmit power and SE when the network has different
operative energy-efficient power optimization and noncooper- couplings while those without markers draw the corresponding
ative spectral-efficient power control schemes. Here, no peak energy efficiency. When α = 0, arbitrary SE can be obtained
power constraint is assumed to investigate performance limit. by choosing enough transmit power. When α > 0, regions
Consider a symmetric single-channel network to simplify anal- beyond the SE upperbound is not achievable. Furthermore,
ysis and to get insights. There are N users, all experiencing EE is much more sensitive to power selection than SE.
the same channel power gain g. All interference channels have In interference-limited scenarios, increasing transmit power
the same power gain ge. Define network coupling factor to be beyond the optimal power for EE has little SE improvement
ge but significantly hurts EE. Furthermore, power optimization to
α= . (19) achieve the highest energy efficiency will also have reduced
g SE tradeoff with the increase of α. We also show that the
Consider the equilibrium, which is unique according to Theo- equilibrium power decreases with either user number or α and
rem 2. Due to the assumption of network symmetry, all users automatically alleviates network interference.
transmit with the same power in the equilibrium. Denote the
transmit power of all users to be p.
The overall network EE is C. Implementation
µ ¶ In (14), the best response of User n depends on the transmit
N w log 1 + 2 power vectors of all other users, p−n , which can not be
(N −1)αp+ σg (20) obtained in a noncooperative setting. Instead, we observe that
u(p) = ,
p + pc p−n affects the best response in the form of interference,
and the network SE is which thus contains sufficient information of p−n to determine
à ! the best response and can be acquired locally. Hence, we
p let each user measure interferences on all subchannels to
r(p) = N log 1 + . (21)
(N − 1)αp + σg
determine the power optimization. We introduce a temporal
iterative binary search (TIBS) algorithm to track channel
With noncooperative spectral-efficient power control, every temporal variation and search for the optimal power allocation
user allocates power to selfishly maximize its SE. Without with reduced complexity. TIBS searches a better power allo-
power limit, the transmit power tends to infinity in the equi- cation along the gradient at each time slot and enable iterative
librium. Besides, we can see that r(p) is strictly increasing search along time. The power at t is updated by
in p. Hence, the maximum network SE is obtained in the
equilibrium and the upperbound is pn [t] = pn [t − 1] + µ(∇b
un[t] )pn [t−1] , (24)
1 where ubn[t] is the EE calculated based on measured interfer-
rSE = lim r(p) = N log(1 + ) (22) ence; (∇bun[t] )pn [t−1] is the gradient of u
bn[t] at pn [t−1]; and µ
p→∞ (N − 1)α
is a small step size. Small step size leads to slow convergence
with the corresponding EE uSE = limp→∞ u(p) = 0, which is and channel tracking capability. Denote
completely energy inefficient and noncooperative SE optimal
power control is not desired for energy efficiency. g(µ) = u
bn[t] (pn [t − 1] + µ(∇b
un[t] )pn [t−1] ). (25)
With noncooperative energy-efficient power optimization, g(µ) is also strictly quasi-concave in µ and binary search can
the network energy efficiency at the equilibrium is uEE = be used for rapid location of the optimal step size µ∗ [3]. TIBS
u(p∗ ) with the corresponding SE rEE = r(p∗ ). Hence, the is summarized in the following algorithm.
SE penalty of energy-efficient power optimization is
Algorithm Temporal Iterative Binary Search (TIBS)
1 (∗ noncooperative energy-efficient power optimization ∗)
rtr = rSE − rEE = N log(1 + ) − r(p∗ ). (23)
(N − 1)α Input: p[t − 1], I[t − 1]

12 2
Trad−Prop, 33dBm, single cell
Trad−Prop, 33dBm, single cell
OptEE, single cell
1.8 OptEE, single cell
Trad−Prop, 15dBm
10 Trad−Prop, 15dBm
Trad−Prop, 25dBm
1.6 Trad−Prop, 25dBm
Trad−Prop, 33dBm
Trad−Prop, 33dBm

Energy efficiency (Mbits/Joule)

1.4 OptEE
8 PropEE

Throughput (Mbits/s)
1.2 S−Pwr

6 1




0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Number of active users in each cell Number of active users in each cell

(a) Energy efficiency (b) Throughput

Fig. 2: Performance comparison of different schemes

TABLE I: System Parameters TABLE II: Scheduling and Power Control

Carrier frequency 1.5 GHz Legend Scheduler Power control
Number of subchannels 96 OptEE Energy-efficient TIBS
Subchannel bandwidth 10 kHz scheduler w/o fairness
Target BER 10−3 PropEE Energy-efficient scheduler TIBS
Thermal noise power, No -141 dBW/MHz w/ proportional fairness
Circuit power, PC 100 mW Trad-Prop Traditional proportional fair Fixed power
Maximum transmit power 33 dBm S-Pwr Traditional proportional fair Traditional power control
Propagation model Okumura-Hata model
Shadowing Log-normal
Fading Rayleigh flat fading
Modulation Uncoded M-QAM
utilization and exhibit an improved SE tradeoff. Further results
show that EE schemes not only improve the sum energy
efficiency and throughput, but also uniformly improve the
performance of all users in the cell.
Output: p[t]
1. use Gradient Assisted Binary Search( [3]) to find the VI. C ONCLUSION
optimal step size µ∗ ;
We investigate energy-efficient power optimization for
2. p[t] = p[t − 1] + µ∗ (∇bu[t])p[t−1] ,
interference-limited communications. To gain insight into this
3. return p[t]
problem, we first study a two-user network with ideal user
cooperation and get effective approaches for specific regimes.
V. S IMULATION R ESULTS Then we develop a non-cooperative power allocation scheme.
In this section we present simulation results for an Simulation results show that energy-efficient power optimiza-
interference-limited Uplink OFDMA cellular network with tion improves not only EE but also SE due to the conservative
reuse one. The network consists of seven hexagonal cells nature of power allocation, which reduces other-cell interfer-
and the center cell is surrounded by the other six. Users ence to improve the overall network throughput.
are uniformly dropped into each cell at each simulation trial.
The system parameters are listed in Tables I and II. We also ACKNOWLEDGMENT
implement a traditional soft power control scheme [7]. In The authors thank Dave Bormann, Changho Suh, Hongseok
this scheme, parameters are selected to find the best tradeoff Kim, and Ozgur Oyman for helpful discussions.
between the average system SE and the throughput perfor-
mance of cell-edge users. Figure 2 compares the average sum R EFERENCES
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energy-efficient schemes optimize both throughput and energy

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