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Subject: C and Data Structures


 Basic structure of C program
 C tokens
 Data types and sizes
 Declaration of variables
 Assigning values
 Operators
 Type conversions,
 Expressions and evaluation
 Input-Output statements
 If and switch statement,
 While
 Do-While
 For statement
 One dimensional & two dimensional arrays
 Strings and String handling functions
 Functions, Recursive functions, Storage classes, and Scope rules
 Pointers, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and function arguments,
 Pointers to functions.
 Structures
 Unions
 Console & File I/O

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


Now a days computers are playing very vital role in each and every
field of problem solving. The communication medium between a computer and a human
being is a typical 'language' i.e.. Humans are able to communicate with the computer
system in some form of language. There are basically three types of languages viz..
Machine Understandable Language. Assembly Level Language and High Level
Language. There are number of high level languages developed in the past three decades
like FORTRAN, Pascal and Basic, C Language etc. Clearly, no other language has had so
much of influence in the computing as 'C'-language. Evolution of 'C'- as a programming
language has made application development very easy.

An algorithm is a method of representing the step-by-step procedure for solving a
problem. An algorithm is useful for finding the right answer to a problem or to a difficult
problem by breaking the problem into simple cases.
An algorithm must possess the following properties:
i) Finiteness : An algorithm should terminate in a finite number of steps.
ii) Definiteness : Each step of the algorithm must be precisely stated.
iii) Effectiveness : Each step must be effective, in the sense that it should be easily
convertible into program statement and can be performed exactly in a finite amount
of time.
iv) Generality : The algorithm should be complete in itself so that it can be used to
solve all problems of a given type for any input data.
v) Input/Output : Each algorithm must take zero, one or more quantities as input data
and yield one or more output values.
Flow chart
Flow chart is diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. It is built using
different types of boxes of symbols. The operation to be performed is written in the box.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

All symbols are interconnected by arrows to indicate the flow of information and
Following are the standard symbols used in drawing flowcharts. (see in next page)
Oval Terminal Start/stop/begin/end
Parallelogram Input/Output Making data available
for processing (input) or
recording of the
Rectangle Process Any processing to be
performed. An
assignment operation
normally represented by
this symbol
Diamond Decision Decision or switching
type of operations that
determines which of the
alternative paths is to be
Circle Connecter Used for connecting
different parts of flow
Arrow Flow Joins two symbols and
also represents
executions flow.
Bracket with broken Annotation Descriptive comments
line or explanations
Double sided Predefined Modules or subroutines
rectangle process given elsewhere

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Introduction to C:

C is a programming language developed at AT& T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in

1972.It was designed and written by Dennis Ritchie. C has the features of both BASIC
and PASCAL. As a middle language, C allows the manipulation of bits, bytes and
addresses the basic elements with which computer functions.
Importance of C

1) It is a robust language, whose rich set of built-in functions and operators can
be used to write any complex program.
2) Programs written in C are efficient and fast. This is due to its variety of data
types and powerful operators.
3) C’s code is very portable, in the sense that it is easy to adapt software written
for one type of computer or operating system to another type.
4) C has very small key words (only 32). Its strength lies in its built-in functions.
These built-in functions can be used for developing programs.
5) C language is well suited for structured programming, thus requiring the user
to think of a problem in terms of functions (or) blocks. A proper collection of
these functions would make a complete program. This modular structure
makes program debugging, testing and maintenance easier.
6) Another important feature of C is its ability to extend itself.
Basically a C program is a collection of functions that are supported by the
C library. We can add our own functions to the C library. With the availability of
a large number of functions, the programming task becomes simple.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Simple ‘C’ Program:

Before discussing any features of C, we shall look at some sample C program and
analyze and understand how they work.

Ex 1: C program to print a message.

Printf(“welcome to GITAM”)

i) main():
i) The ‘main()’ is a special function used by the C system to tell the computer
the program starts.
ii) Every program must have exactly one main function.
iii) Opening brace ‘{‘ and closing brace ‘}’ are the delimiters of any function.
iv) All the statements between these two braces are called as function body.
v) The lines beginning with /* and ending with */ are known as comment lines.
These lines are not executable statements and therefore anything between /* and */ is
ignored by the compiler.
ii) printf() function:
printf is a predefined, standard C function for printing output. ‘Predefined’ means
that it is a function that has already been written and compiled, and linked together with
our program at the time of linking.
The printf function causes everything between the starting and the ending
quotation marks to be printed out. In the above example, the out put will be
welcome to RGMCET
 Every statement in C should end with a semicolon(;) mark.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Format of a simple C program:

main()-------------------- function name
{--------------------------- starting of the program
------- ---------------- program statements
}--------------------------- ending of the program

Program development steps:

The following steps are used in sequence for developing an efficient program:
 Specifying the problem statement
 Designing an algorithm
 Coding
 Debugging
 Testing and validating
 Documentation and maintenance

Program execution steps:

 Creating the program (or) typing the program.
 Compiling the program (short-cut key- Alt+F9)
 Linking the program with functions that are needed from the C library.
 Running the program (short-cut key-- Ctrl +F9)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


C is a general purpose structured programming language that is powerful,

efficient and compact. C combines the features of high level language. Programming in C
has recently become more interesting.
C language provides the various operators to evaluate various expressions.
C also provides decision making and branching statements. It also introduces us the
concepts of arrays, structures, pointers and strings. Also provides how to mange files.
Also gives the idea of data structures in which the topics stacks, queues, linked lists,
sorting and searching are involved.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Program development steps:

There are two broad categories of programmer, the successful and not so-
successful. The second category people to their keyboards and begin coding i.e. the actual
writing of instructions. It is the mark of professional and successful programmers that this
is one of the last stages they undertake. There are many more important steps to consider
1. Understand the problem:
Unless the problem is clearly understood. You cannot even begin to solve it.
This seems like a truism until you appreciate that a program specification seldom gives
all the fact required by the programmer. The professional programmer is a pessimist,
because from past experience there is always some importance information which is
omitted. This needs to be identified first.
2. Examine the data:
Programs are written to work on data. Unless one knows exactly how the data
is organized, what it ‘looks’ like, etc., the program which processes it cannot be written.
This fact becomes clearer the more one writes programs, but it is a fact all too frequently
overlooked by the novice.
3. Plan the output:
The output should be planned next. Not only does this help to ensure that
nothing is omitted from the program, but helps to get a clear picture of what the program
is trying to achieve and whether the programmer does understand the problem.

4. Designing the solution (Designing the algorithm) :

There are many ways of beginning solution, so much so that entire books are
devoted this subject alone. Computer scientists frequently say that programming is like
any engineering task in that the program has to be designed and constructed in much the
same way as any engineering project. A motorway is not built by starting at point A and
steadfastly pushing on to point X. rather, months are spent in planning; charts designed;
sub tasks identified as well as those which cannot begin until others have been
completed; broad designs are developed and later more detailed designs constructed. It is
only after a long planning period and most effective order of the subtasks is agreed upon

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

that the construction crews actually begin work. Programming requires this same pains
taking processes, with the end result standing or falling by the amount of care and
attention invested in the planning stage.
5. Selecting test data:
How can one ensure that once a program is eventually working the results it
produces are ‘correct’? The answer is simple commonsense. Try the program out on
some data to which the answers have been worked out in advance. If they match, the
program should be all right. Selecting effective test data is a serious exercise and the
more significant the program, the more care needs to the taken in the selection.
6. The actual coding (Implementation):
At this stage, one can begin to code the detailed program designs into program
instructions of a given language. If all the previous steps have been completed with due
diligence, this coding should be almost ‘automatic’. The chances are high that a fairly
successful program will result first time around. Although it may still contain bugs, these
should be fewer and relatively easy to identify and correct.
7. Testing:
The program can be tested with the test data, results checked and any errors
amended. When all is correct the program can be released and set to work on live data.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

History & Evolution of ‘C’ & Basic structure of C program:

Computer languages are classified into generations. Machine language, assembly

language and high level languages are called the first, second and third generation
languages respectively.
That high level languages were designed precisely to address these problems
provided high level control structures, input/output facilities, hardware independents and
so on.
The development of a self contained set of instructions which enable a computer
to perform a specific task is programming. There are a variety of programming languages
such BASIC, COBAL, FORTRAN, PASCAL. As computers gain more power for less
money very sophisticated high level languages are developed, making programming a
creative non specialist task. And one such language developed was ‘C’. ‘C’ seems a
strange name for a programming language, but is one of the most popular computer
languages today. ‘C’ was originally developed in the 1970’s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell
telephone laboratories INC. ‘C’ was an offspring of the BCPL (Basic Combined
Programming Language) called B.
The C language is often described as a middle level language, because it
combines the best features of high level languages with the control and flexibility of
assembly language.
Features and applications of C languages:
1. ‘C’ is general purpose structured programming language.
2. ‘C’ is powerful, efficient, compact and flexible.
3. ‘C’ is highly portable.
4. ‘C’ is a robust language whose rich set of built in function and operators can be
used to write any program.
5. ‘C’ is a well suited for writing systems software as well as application
6. ‘C’ has the ability to extend itself. We can continuously add our own functions to
the existing ‘C’ library functions.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

7. ‘C’ programs can be run on any of the different computer with little or no
8. ‘C’ is widely available commercial ‘C’ compilers are available on most personal
computers, mini and main frames.
9. ‘C’ language allows reference to a memory location with the help of pointer
which holds the address of the memory location.
10. ‘C’ language allows dynamic allocation of memory i.e. a program can request the
operating system to allocate/release memory.
11. ‘C’ language allows manipulations of data at the lowest level i.e. bit level
manipulation. This feature is extensively useful in writing system software
12. ‘C’ is a case sensitive language.
Basic structure of C program:
A ‘C’ program can be viewed as a group of building blocks called functions. A
function is a sub-routine that may include one or more statements designed to perform a
specific task. To write a ‘C’ program we first create functions and then put them together.
A ‘C’ program may contain a one or more sections as given below.

Documentation Section //optional

Link section //optional
Defining section //optional
Global declaration section //optional
Main function section //Must
Declaration part
Executable part.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Sub program section //optional

Function 1
Function 2

Function n

1) The documentations section consists of comment lines giving the name of the
program ,the author and other details which the programmer would like to use later.
these comments beginning with the two Characters \* and ending with the characters*\.

2) The link section provides to the compiler to link functions from the system library

3) The definition section defines all symbolic constants.

There are some variables that are used in one or more functions, such variables
are called global variables and are declared in the global declaration section that is
outside of all the functions.
4) Every C program must have one main () function section. This section can contain two
parts; they are Declaration part and Execution part.
The declaration part declares all the variables used in the executable part.
There is at least one statement in the executable part.
These two parts can appear between the opening and closing braces. The program
execution begins at the opening braces and ends at the closing braces. The closing
brace of the function section is the logical end of the program.
All statements in the declaration and executable parts end with a semicolon.
The sub program section contains all the user defined functions that are called in
the main () function. User defined functions are generally placed immediately
after the main function.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Simple ‘C’ Program:

/*Simple C Program */
/*prints the string */
printf(“welcome to C world\n”);

The first and fourth lines are commented lines. These are used in a program to
enhance its readability and understanding .the line beginning with \* and ending
with*\ are known as comment lines. Comment lines are not executable statements
and anything between \*and *\is ignored by the compiler. These comment lines
can be inserted wherever we want, it cannot be nested i.e. cannot have comments
inside comments.
The second line informs the system that the name of the program is main() and
the execution begins at this line. The main () is a special function by the C system
to tell the computer where the program starts. Every program must have exactly
one main function. If we use more than one main function cannot know where the
program begins.
The opening brace “{“ in the third line marks the beginning of the function
main and the closing brace”}” in the last line indicates the end of the function .
the statements between these two braces
The function body contains two statements, one of them is printf line is an
executable statement. It is a predefined standard C function. The printf function to
be printed out everything which appears in between quotations marks, here the
output will be ”welcome to C world”.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Executing a ‘C’ program under MS-DOS system:

Source code:
 The text of a program called the source code is a sequence of statements. To be
executed by the machine.
 These source code is usually stored in files with extension C
 Before a program is a made to run, it must be translated by the compiler to give.
OBJ files and then linked by the compiler to give. EXE file.
Executable code: The extension for executable codes is .EXE. A ’C’ program with an
Extension .EXE can be run in DOS prompt mode.

C Tokens

The smallest individual units are called tokens. C programs are written using
these tokens and the syntax of the language. The C has six types of tokens as shown
1. key word
2. identifiers
3. constants
4. operators
5. strings

Character set:
The characters that can be used to form the words, numbers and expressions
depend upon the computer on which the program is run. The characters in C are grouped
into four categories.
1. letters
2. digits
3. special characters
4. white spaces

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

With these characters are combined to form data types, constants, variables and
key words
1) Key words and identifiers:
In ‘C’ every word is classified into either a key word or an identifier. All key
word have fixed meaning cannot be changed. Keywords serve as a basic building block
for program statements. All the keywords must be written in lower case.
Keywords are the tokens used in C program which have predefined meaning and
these meanings cannot be changed by the programmer. There are 32 keywords. They are
also called as Reserved words. We cannot use them for any other purpose.
Standard key words:
auto double int struct
break else long switch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continue for Signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while

2) Identifiers:
Identifiers refer to the names of the variable, function and arrays. These are user
defined names and consists of sequence of letters and digits.
Rules for giving name to an identifier:
1. Identifiers can consist of letters and digits, must begin with in the alphabets or
underscore, should not contain white space.
2. Both upper case and lower case are permitted although an upper is not equal to
the corresponding lower case letter.
3. It cannot be a keyword.
4. An identifier can be of any length while most compilers of ‘C’ recognize only the
first eight characters.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Some valid identifiers :

ist_of_ words.
a123 sum etc.
Invalid identifiers :
12 abc
Maxi mum { there is a space between Maxi and mum}
3) Constants and variables:
The alphabets, numbers and special symbols are properly combines to form a
constants and variables. Let us see what are constants and variables in C.
Constants are fixed values that do not change during the execution of program.
Several types of constants are:


Numeric Character

Integer Float single character constant String constant

Octal Hexadecimal Decimal

For example in the equations 5x+2y=45 since 5, 2 and 45 cannot change , these are
called constants, where as the quantity X&Y can vary or change hence these are called
variables .

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Numeric constants:
i) Integer constants: It refers to a sequence of digits, it has to fallow the below rules:
1. Integer constants must have at least one digit
2. It must not have a decimal point
3. It could be either positive or negative
4. If no sign precedes an integer constant it is assumed to be positive
5. No commas, blank space are allowed.
6. The allowable range for integer constants is -32768 to +32767 (16-bit machine)
integer constants can be specified in decimal, octal, or hexa decimal notation.
i) A decimal integer constant:
It consists of sequence of one or more decimal digit 0 through 9 preceded by an
optional – (or) + sign.The first digit of the sequence cannot be 0 unless the decimal
integer constant is 0.
Ex: 0 276 3412 31467 -7123
Note: Embedded spaces, commas, and non-digit characters are not permitted between
Ex: 12 727
23,879 are illegal numbers.
ii) An Octal Integer constant: It consists of any combination of digits from the set 0
through 7,with a leading 0.
Ex: 012
iii) A hexa Decimal integer constants:
It consists of the digit 0, followed by one of the letter x (or) X, followed by a
sequence of one more hexadecimal digits 0 through 9 or letter a through f (or) A through
F represent the numbers 10 through 15.
Ex: 0X1F

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Note: we rarely use octal and hexa decimal numbers in programming.

Real Constant: A real constant are sequence of digits with a decimal point(fractional
part) like 45.382.Such numbers are called real(or floating point) constants.

Rules for constructing Real Constants:

1. A Real constant must have least one digit.
2. It must have a decimal point.
3. It could be either positive or negative.
4. Default sign is positive.
5. No commons, black space are not allowed.
Ex: 1.0 1. 0.712 34.576 -7.123
These numbers are shown in decimal notation, having a whole number fallowed
by a decimal point. It is possible to omit digits before the decimal point or digits after the
decimal point.
Ex: 215. .39 -.92 +5. are valid real numbers.
The real numbers may also be expressed in exponential (or, scientific) notation.
For example, the value 215.65 may be written as 2.1565e2 in exponential notation.(e2
means multiply by 10
The general form:
mantissa e exponent

 The mantissa is either a real number expressed in decimal notation or an

 The exponent is an integer number with an optional + or – sign.
 The letter e separating the mantissa and the exponent can be written in
either lowercase or uppercase

The scientific notation is often used to express numbers that are either very small
or very large.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Ex: 7500000000 may be written as 7.5e9 or 75e8.

Similarly, -0.000000368 is equivalent to -3.68E-7.

(Coefficient) e (integer) = (coefficient) * 10(integer)

Character constant:
Single character constants:
Rules for constructing character constants:
1. A character constant is a single alphabet, a single digit or a single special symbol
enclosed with in a pair of single inverted commas. Both the inverted commas
should point to the left. For example ‘A’ is not valid character constant where as
‘A’ is valid.
2. The maximum length of a character constant can be one character constant.
3. character constants have integer values known as ASCII values.
4. The valid range of a character constant -128 to127. it appears surprising that the
character constant should have a numeric range. Character and integer constant
are often used interchangeably. For example ‘A’ and 65 are one and the
something, since when we say ‘A’ it is replaced by ASCII value, which is 65.
Example; ‘0’ ‘A’ ‘F’ ‘Y’
String constant: A string constant is a sequence of characters enclosed with in a pair of
double inverted commas. The characters may be letters, numbers, special characters and
blank space ……
Ex: ”hello” “1999” “5+4+6” “good bye”

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Backslash character constants:

C supports some special backslash character constants that are used in output
functions. Each one of them represents one character, although they consist of two
characters. These character combinations are known as escape sequences.
Constant meaning
‘\a’ Alert(bell)
‘\n’ backspace
‘\\’ new line
‘\” back slash
‘\v’ double quotation

vertical tab etc…

Variables: A variable is a data name which can be used to store a data value and a
variable may take different values at different times, during execution.
For example, in the equation 5X+2Y = 45 since 5,2 and 45 cannot change, these
are called constants, where as the quantities X &Y can vary or change hence these are
called variables.
Rules for constructing variable names:
1. A variable name is any combination of alphabets, digits and the
underscore character. ANSI standard recognizes a length of 31 characters.
However, the length should not be normally more than 8 characters, since
only the first 8 characters are treated as significant by many compilers.
2. The first character in the variable name must be an alphabet.
3. No commas or blank spaces allowed.
4. No special symbol other than an underscore can be used
Ex: bas_pay , net_salary , month etc.
5. Uppercase and lowercase are significant. That is, the variable Amount is
not the same as amount or AMOUNT.
6. Variables name should not be a keyword.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Data types:
Each data type has predetermined memory requirement and an associated range
of legal values. Every programming language has its own data types. Storage
representations and machine instructions to handle constants differ from machine to
ANSI C supports four classes of data types.
1. primary (or fundamental) data types
2. user defined data types
3. derived data types
4. Empty data set.

1. Primary data types:

All C compilers support four fundamental data types, namely integer(int),
character(char),floating point(float), and double-precision point(double).various data
types and their terminology used to describe them are given in below fig.,.

Primary data types

Integer floating point character

Signed unsigned float double long double singed unsigned

int short int long int int short int long int

C provides three different types of integers they are int, short int and long int. the
difference between these three integers is the number of bytes. The variables of these
types occupy and subsequently the range of values. A short int occupies 2 bytes, an int
occupies 2 bytes and the long int occupies 4 bytes.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Type Bytes required Range

Short int 2 -32768 to 32767 (-215 to
int 2 -32768 to 32767 (-215 to
long int 4 -2147483848 to
unsigned short int 2 0 to 65535
unsigned int 2 0 to 65535
unsigned long int 4 0 to 4294967295

Like integers floats are divided into three types. They are float, double and long
double. The difference between these three floats are the number of bytes, the variable of
these types occupy and subsequently the range of values. A float occupies 4 bytes, a
double occupies 8 bytes and the long double occupies 10 bytes.
Type Description Size Range
Float Single precession 4 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
Double Double precession 8 1.7E-308 to
Long double Extended precession 10 3.4E-4932 to

A char is a data type which can store an element of machine character set. A
single character can be defined as a character (char) type data. Characters are usually
stored in 8 bits (1 byte) of internal storage. The character set is usually the ASCII. These
are two types, they are signed and unsigned characters. The differences between these
two types are the range of values. Both will occupy one byte.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Type Bytes required Range

Signed char 1 -128 to 127
Unsigned char 1 0 to 255

Declaration of variables:
This instruction is used to declare the type of variable used in the program. Any
variable used in the program must be declared before using it in any statement. The type
declaration statement is usually written at the beginning of the C program.
Data_type var1,var2 … var n;
Ex: int I, count;
Float price, salary;
Char c;
Scope of variables: scope of variables implies to the availability with in a program.
Variables have two types of scopes: local and global.
A variable with a global scope is accessible to all statements in a program but the
one with local scope in restricted to be accessed by only certain selected statements in the
program, in which it is defined.
Global variables are declared outside all functions where as local variables are
defined inside a function.

User-defined data type:

The users can define an identifier that represent an existing data type by a feature
known as “type definition”. The user defined data type identifier can later be used to
declare variables.
General form:

typedef type identifier;

where type refers to an existing data type and identifier refers to the new name given to
the data type.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

typedef int sno;
typedef float salary;
Here sno symbolizes int and salary symbolizes float. These can be used to declare
variables as follows.
sno c1,c2;
salary e1,e2;
Note: The main advantage of typedef is that we can create meaningful data type names
for increasing the readability of the program.

Another user defined data type is enumerated data type provided by ANSI .

General form: enum identifier {value 1, value 2, ……, value n};

The identifier is a user defined enumerated data type which can be used to declare
variables that can have one of the values enclosed within the braces. After that we can
declare variables to be of this new type.

enum identifier v1, v2, ….vn;

the enumerated variables v1, v2, … can only have one of the value 1, value 2,
……value n.
Ex 1:
enum month {january, february, ….december};
enum month month_st, month_end;
enum month {january, february, …., December} month_st, month_end;
Here the declaration and definition of enumerated variables can be combined in
one statement.
Ex 2:
enum day{Monday,Tuesday……Sunday};

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Subject: C and Data Structures

enum day week_st,week_end;

The compiler automatically assigns integer digits beginning with 0 to all the
enumeration constants. That is, the enumeration constant Monday is assigned with 0,
Tuesday is assigned with 1 and so on. However, the automatic assignments can be
overridden by assigning values explicitly to the enumeration constants.
For example,
enum day{Monday=1,Tuesday, ……., Saturday};
here, the constant Monday is assigned the value 1.The remaining constants are assigned
values that increases successively by 1.
Derived data types

There are some derived data types which are supported by C such as arrays,
functions, structures, and pointers. Derived data types will be explained later.

Empty data set

It is also known as void data types. It indicates that no other data types has been
used with the given identifier.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Operators: An operator is a symbol which represents a particular operation that can be

performed on some data. The data itself is called the ‘operand’. Expressions are made by
combining operators between operand.
C operators are classified into below categories:
1. arithmetic
2. assignment
3. relational
4. unary
5. bit wise
6. logical or Boolean
7. conditional or ternary operator
8. special operators

Arithmetic operators: the arithmetic operators that we come across in ‘C’ language are
+, -, *, /and %. All of these operators are called ‘binary’ operators as they operate on two
operands at a time. Each operand can be an int or float or char.

Arithmetic operators

Operator Meaning
+ Addition or unary plus
- Subtraction or unary
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo division.

int x, y, z;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


If both operands are integers, then the expression called an integer expression
and the operation is called integer arithmetic. Integer arithmetic always yields an integer
If both operands are real, then the expression is called a real expression and the
operation is called real arithmetic. A real operand may be either in decimal or
exponential notation. Real arithmetic always yields a real value. The modulus (%)
operator cannot be used for real operands.
If one of the operand is real and other is integer then the expression is called
mixed-mode arithmetic expression. Here only the real operation is performed and the
result is always in real form.
Assignment Operators:
Values can be assigned to variables using the assignment operator ‘=’ as

Ex: balance=1278;
C permits multiple assignments in one line. For example,
balance=1278;Yes=’x’; are valid statements.
An assignment statement implies that the value of the variable on the left of the
‘equal sign’ is set equal to the value of the quantity (or the expression) on the right.
The statement year=year+1; means that the ‘new value’ of year is equal to the
‘old value’ of year plus 1.
It is also possible to assign a value to a variable at the time the variable is
declared. This takes the below form:
data type var_name=constant;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Operator Meaning
a = a+1 or Adds one to a and
a+=1 Assigns the value to a
a = a -1 or Decrements a by 1
a-=1 And assigns it to a
a = a /(b+5) Divides a by b+5 and
a / = (b+5) Assigns result to a
a = a *(b+5) Multiplies b+5 with a
a * = b+5 And assigns result to

Assignment operators are used to assign the result of an expression to a

variable, usual assignment operator is ‘=’. In addition C has a set of ‘shorthand’
assignment operators.
V op= exp
Here V is a variable, exp is an expression and op is a binary arithmetic operator. The
operator op = is known as the shorthand assignment operator. The following are the
shorthand assignment operators.
+= add assignment operator
-= minus assignment operator
*= multiply assignment operator
/= divide assignment operator
%= modulus assignment operator
X+ = y is equivalent to x= x + y
x- = y is equivalent to x= x - y
x*=y is equivalent to x=x*y
x/=y is equivalent to x=x/y

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

x%=y is equivalent to x=x%y

Relational operators:
The relational and equality operators are used to test or compare values between
two operands. The relational and equality operators produce an integer result to express
the condition of the comparison. If the condition is false then the integer result is 0.If the
condition is true then the result is non-zero.

Relational operators

Operator Meaning
< is less than
<= Is less than or equal to
> Is greater than
>= Is greater than or equal to
== Is equal to
!= Is not equal to

Unary operator:
C includes a class of operator that act upon a single operand to produce a new
value. Such operators are known as Unary operators. Unary operators usually preceded
their single operand. Most commonly used unary operators are
1.Unary minus operator
2.Increment and Decrement operators.
Unary minus:
Where a minus sign precedes numerical constants, variables or an expression.
Where as the unary minus operation is different from the arithmetic operator, which do
Dot Subtraction. Thus a negative number is actually an expression consisting of unary
minus operator.
Increment and Decrement operators:

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

The increment (++) and Decrement (--) operators are add one and subtract one.
These are unary operators since they operate on only one operand. The operand has to be
a variable. The increment or decrement of the value either before or after the value of the
variable is used. If the operator appears before the variable, it is called a prefix operator.
If the operator appears after the variable, it is called a postfix operator.

Operator Meaning
a ++ Post increment
++a Pre increment
a-- Post decrement
--a Pre decrement

a++ and ++a is the same when the statements are independent like
a=5; a=5;
a++; ++a;
In the both cases a value will be 6.
When the prefix ++ (or--) is used in an expression, the variable is incremented (or
decremented) first and then the expression is evaluated using with the new value of the
variable. Where as the postfix ++ (or --) is used in an expression, the expression is
evaluated first using with the original values of the variables and then the variable is
incremented (or decremented) by one.

Consider the following:

In this case the value of a would be 6 and b would be 5.If we write the above statement
In this case the value of a would be 6 and b would be 6.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Logical operators:
Logical operators are used to combine two or more relations. The logical
operators are called Boolean operators. Because the tests between values are reduced to
either true or false, with zero being false and one being true.

Logical operators

Operator Meaning
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
! Logical NOT

The expressions can be connected like the following

(expression 1) &&/|| (expression 2)

Operands Results
Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 1 && Exp Exp 1 || Exp 2

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

0 0 0 0
0 Non zero 0 1
Non zero 0 0 1
Non zero Non zero 1 1

Bit wise operators:

The smallest element in the memory on which we are able to operate is a byte.
C supports several bit wise operators. These permit the programmer to access and
manipulate individual bits within a piece of data. The various bit wise operators available
in C. These operators can operate on integers and characters but not on float.

Operator Meaning
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise exclusive OR
<< Shift left
>> Shift right
~ Ones complement

Bit wise and operator:

The operator is represented as ‘&’ and operates on two operands. While
operating upon these operands they are compared on a bit-by-bit basis. (Both the
operands must be of it type either chars or ints).
The truth table for & is:

& 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1

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Subject: C and Data Structures

X=0000 0111(=7)
Y=0000 1000(=8)
Z=X&Y=0000 0000(=0)

Bit wise or operator:

The operator is represented as ‘|’ and operates on two operands. While
operating upon these two operands they are compared on a bit-by-bit basis. (Both the
operands must be of same type either chars or ints).
The truth table for | is:

| 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 1

X=0000 0111(=7)
Y=0000 1000(=8)
Z=X|Y=0000 1111(=15)

One’s complement:
For a binary number if we take one’s complement all zero’s become 1 and
one’s become 0’s.

Conditional operator (or) ternary operator:

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The conditional operator pair “? and :” are sometimes called ternary operator
since they take three operands, and it is condensed form of an if-then-else C statement.
The general form is:
exp 1? exp 2: exp 3;
The operator ?: works as fallows: exp1 is evaluated first. If it is nonzero(true), then the
expression exp2 is evaluated. If exp1 is false, exp3 is evaluated. Note that only one of the
expression is evaluated.
y=(x>5? 3:4) is equivalent to if(x>5)
Special operators:
i) Comma operator:
The comma (,) operator permits two different expressions to appear in
situation where only one expression would ordinarily be used. The expressions are
separated by comma operator.
c= (a=10, b=20,a+b);
Here firstly value 10 is assigned to a followed by this 20 is assigned to b and then
the result of a+b is assigned to c.

Size of operator:
The size of operator returns the number of bytes the operand occupies in
memory. The operand may be a variable, a constant or a data type qualifier.
sizeof(int) is going to return 2

Address of operator:

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The address of operator (&) returns the address of the variable. The operand
may be a variable, a constant.
Here address of n is assigned to m. This m is not a ordinary variable, it is a variable
which holds the address of the other variable (i.e., pointer variable).

Value at address operator:

The value at address operator (*) returns the value stored at a particular
address. The ‘value at address’ operator is also called ‘indirection’ operator.
The value at address of m is assigned to x. Here m is going to hold the address.

Precedence of operators:
While executing an arithmetic statements which has two or more
operators, we may have some problem about how exactly does it get executed. To answer
these questions one has to understand the precedence of operators. The order of priority
in which the operations are performed in an expression is called precedence. The
precedence of all operators is shown below.

Description Operator Rank Associativity

Function expression () 1 Left to Right
Array expression []
Unary plus + 2 Right to left
Unary minus -
Increment/Decrement ++/--
Logical negation !
One’s complement ~
Pointer reference *
Address of &

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Size of an object Sizeof

Type cast (conversion) (type)
Multiplication * 3 Left to Right
Division /
Modulus %
Addition + 4 Left to Right
Subtraction -
Left shift << 5 Left to Right
Right shift >>
Less than < 6 Left to Right
Less than or equal to <=
Greater than >
Greater than or equal >=
to to
Equality == 7 Left to Right
Not equal to !=
Bit wise AND & 8 Left to Right
Bit wise XOR ^ 9 Left to Right
Bit wise OR | 10 Left to Right
Logical AND && 11 Left to Right
Logical OR || 12 Left to Right
Conditional ?: 13 Right to Left
Assignment = 14 Right to Left
*= /= %=
+= -= &=
^= |= |
<<= >>=
Comma operator , 15 Left to Right

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

An expression is a combination of variables, constants and operators arranged
as per the syntax of the language.

Algebraic Expression C Expression

(a-b)(c+d)e (a-b)*(c+d)*e
4x2+8y+10 4*x*x+8*y+10
(a/b)+c a/b+c
(ab/c)+d (a*b/c)+d

Evaluations of Expressions:
Expressions are evaluated using an assignment statement of the form
The expressions are evaluated first and the result then replaces the previous value
of the variable on the left hand side. All variables used in the expression must be assigned
values before evaluation is attempted.
Examples of evaluation statement are:
Rules for Expression Evaluation:
 First parenthesized sub expressions from left to right be evaluated.
 If parentheses are nested, the evaluation begins with the innermost sub-
 When parentheses are used, the expressions within parentheses assume
highest priority.
 The precedence rule is applied for evaluating sub-expressions.
 The associativity rule is applied when two or more operators of the same
precedence level appear in a sub-expression.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Type conversions in expressions:

C permits mixing of constants and variables of different types in an expression,
but during evaluation it adheres to very strict rules of type conversions. There are two
types of type conversions.
i) Automatic type conversion: if the operands are of different types, the ‘lower’
type is automatically converted to the ‘higher’ type before the operation proceeds. The
result is of the higher type.
Given below is the sequence of rules that are applied while evaluating expressions.
All short and char are automatically converted into int; then
i) if one of the operand is long double, the other will be converted into
long double and the result will be long double.
ii) else, if one of the operand is double, the other will be converted to
double and the result will be double.
iii) else, if one of the operand is float, the other will be converted to float
and the result will be float.
iv) else, if one of the operand is unsigned long int, the other will be
converted to unsigned long int and the result will be unsigned long
v) else, if one of the operand is long int and the other is unsigned int,
(a) if unsigned int can be converted to long int, and the result will
be long int.
(b) else, both operands will be converted to unsigned long int and
the result will be unsigned long int.
vi) else, if one of the operand is long int, the other will be converted to
long int and the result will be long int.
vii) else, if one of the operand is unsigned int, the other will be converted
to unsigned int and the result will be unsigned int.

note : some versions of C compilers automatically convert all floating-point operands to

double precision.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The final result of an expression is converted to the type of variable on the left of
the assignment operator before assigning the value to it.
However, the fallowing changes are introduced during the final assignment:
i) float to int causes truncation of the fractional part.
ii) double to float causes rounding of digits.
iii) long int to int causes dropping of the excess higher order bits.
Casting a value:
We have just discussed how C performs type conversions automatically.
However, there are instances when we want to force a type conversion in a way that is
different from the automatic type conversion.

Input/Output Operators:
‘C’ language has no provision for either receiving data from any of the input
devices such as keyboard etc., or for sending data to the output devices like VDU. Hence
‘C’ manages this with then help of standard library functions. A program using these
functions must include the standard header file <stdio.h> in if using the directive.
Types of I/O:
The input/Output functions are classified into three categories.
1. Console I/O functions: Functions to receive input from keyboard and write
output to VDU.
2. Disk I/O functions: Functions to perform I/O operations on a floppy or Hard
3. Port I/O functions: Functions to perform I/O operations on various ports (serial
and parallel).
An input/output functions can be accessed from any where within a program by
simply writing the function name followed by a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Console I/O functions:

Console I/O functions are mainly classified into two categories:
(a) Unformatted console I/O functions.
(b) Formatted console I/O functions.

Unformatted Console I/O functions:

Functions that accept a single argument (the argument must be data
item representing a string or character) are concerned with unformatted I/O.
Type : Char string
Input : getch(),getche(),getchar() gets()
Output : putch (),putchar () puts()

getch() and getche():

These functions will read a single character the instant it is typed without
waiting for the key to be hit.

char ch;
printf(“Hit any key!:”);
getch(); /*character input with echo*/
printf(“Hit any key!:”);
getche (); /*character will be echoed on the screen*/

getchar ();
It is very similar to the getche () and getch () functions echoing the character you
type on the screen, but requires enter key to hit following the character you typed.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

putchar () and putch ():

These functions is used to write a character one at a tome to the terminal.

char ch;
printf(“Hit any key!:”);

gets() & puts():

gets() receives a string which is an array of characters from the keyboard, puts()
function works exactly opposite to gets() function i.e., prints the string on console.

char name[100];
puts(“Enter a string”);

Formatted Console I/O:

Functions that accept strings as well as variable number of arguments to be
displayed and read in a specified format are formatted I/O.

Type : char, int, float, string

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Input : scanf()
Output : printf()

The above two functions are used to supply input from keyboard in a fixed
format and obtain output in a specified format on the screen.

printf function:
Output data can be written from the computer on to a standard output device
using the library function printf. This function can be used to output any combination of
numerical values, single character and strings.
The general format is:
printf (“control string”, arg1, arg2, arg3………);

Where the control string refers to a string contains formatting information. When
printf is called it opens the format string and reads a character at a time. If the character
reads % or \ it does not print it but reads the character which is immediately followed by
that % and \ have a special meaning to printf.

Format descriptors:
%d for int and short int
%ld for long int
%u for unsigned int and unsigned short int
%lu for long unsigned int
%f for float
%lf for double
%Lf for long double
%c for char
%s for string
%o for octal
%x for hexa decimal

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Escape Sequences:
\n new line
\t horizontal tab
\v vertical tabulator
\a to beep the speaker
\’ single quote
\” double quotes
\? Question mark
\\ back slash

Output of integer number:

The format specification for printing an integer numbers is
Here w specifies the minimum field width for the output. If a number is greater
than the specified field width the number will be printed finally. d specifies that the value
to be printed is an integer. The following example program illustrates the output of an
integer in different formats

/*Output of integer numbers under various formats*/

int i=3214;
printf(“i =%d\n”,i);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


i = 3214
i(%3d) = 3214
i(%7d) = bbb3214
i(%-7d) = 3214bbb
i(%010d) = 0000003214
i(%.10d) = 0000003214
i(%o) = 6216
i(%x) = e8e
i(%#o) = 06216
i(%#x) = 0xe8e
i(%6d) = b-3214

Output of real numbers:

The real numbers may be displayed in decimal notation using the following
format specification.
%w.p f
Here w indicates the minimum number of positions that are to be used for display the
value and p indicates the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point
(precision). The value is rounded to p decimal places and printed. The default precision is
6 decimal places.
We can also display a real number in exponential notation by using the specification.
%w.p e

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The following example program illustrates the output of an real number in different

/*Output of real numbers in various formats*/

float i=2500.321;

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Subject: C and Data Structures


Output of characters and strings:

The characters and strings may be displayed by using the following format
Here w specifies the field for display and p instructs that the first p characters of the
string are to be displayed. The display is right justified. The following example program
illustrates the output of characters and strings in different formats

/*printing of characters and strings in various formats*/

charname[50]=”SHREETECH Computers”,ch=’S’;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

name=SHREETECH Computers
name=SHREETECH Computers
name=SHREETECH Computers

Scanf function:
This function can be used to read any combination of numerical values, single
character and string.
The general format is:
scanf(“control string”,arg1,arg2,arg3,………..);

Where the control string refers to a string certain required formatting

information, arg1, arg2,………..arg n are arguments that represent the individual data
int n;

Here the scanf function gets the value from user and store the value in the address
of the variable ‘n’, which is represented as &n. Hence, when we use ‘&’ symbol we

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

refers to the address of the variable. scanf() has got its own limitations. Though both
scanf() & gets are used for inputting a string, scanf() will not allow to input a string with
blank spaces.


C supports two types control statements, they are

1. Non-iterative statements:
The following are the non-iterative statements
a) Simple if statements
b) If else statement
c) Nested if-else statement
d) else-if statement
e) Ternary operator
f) Switch statement.

2. Iterative statements: The iterative statements allow a set of instruction to be performed

until a certain condition is reached. C provides three different types of loops namely.
a) while loop
b) do-while loop
c) for loop

Non-iterative statements:
i) Simple If statements:
The if statements is used to specify conditional execution of program statements, or
a group of statements enclosed in braces
The general format is:
If (condition)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

/* Program to print absolute value of the given integer*/

main ()
int x;
printf (“enter any integer number :”);
scanf (“%d”, &x);
printf (“absolute value of the given number is :%d\n”, x);
Output: Enter any integer number:-10
Absolute value of the given number is: 10
ii) if – else statements:
The if statement allows conditional execution of a group of statements .However,
there are situations when there are two groups of statements and it is desired that one o
them executed if some condition is true and the other be executed if the condition is false
.in such situation we make use of if-else statement.
The general format:
if (condition )
statement 1;
statements 2;

/* Program to find out the accepted number is positive or negative*/

#include <stdio.h>
int x;

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Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“enter any integer number”);

printf(“the given number is positive :”);
printf(“the given number is negative:”);
Enter any integer number:-12
The given number is negative.

iii) Nested if –else statements:

when a series of decisions are involved we may have to use more than open if else
statements in nested from as follows:
The general format:
if (condition 1)
if (condition 2)
statement 1;
statement 2;
if (condition 3)
statement 3;

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Subject: C and Data Structures

statement 4;

/* Program to find out the maximum number from the given three numbers*/
int x,y,z max;
printf(“enter first number”);
printf(“enter second number”);
printf(“enter third number”);
{ if (y<z)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“max number of %d%d%d is :%d \n”,x,y,z,max);
Enter first number:8
Enter second number:23
Enter third number:9
Max number of 8 23 9 is :23

iv) else – if ladder :

Here the conditions are evaluated from the top(of the ladder), down wards .As
soon as a true condition is found the statements associated with it is executed and the rest
of the ladder is bypassed . The last else handles the defaults case.
The general format
if (condition)
statement 1;
else if(condituion)
statement 2;
else if (condition)
statement 3;
statement 4;

Example program for else-if ladder:

int e;
printf(“enter any character”);

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Subject: C and Data Structures

printf( “the given character is lowercase character\n”);
else if(c>=’0’&&c<=’9’)
printf(“the given character is uppercase character\n”);
printf(“the given character is special character\n”);
Enter any character:7
The given character is DIGIT
Ternary operator:
C provides condition evaluation operator called the ternary operator in the from of
the? Symbol
The general format
exp1? exp1: exp2;
The ? Operator evaluates the expression1, if it is true it returns exp1 and returns exp2

Ex :-
N=n>0?n+10:-n; (or) n+=10;

/* program to find out the maximum number from the given two numbers by using
ternary operator */
int x,y,max;
printf(“enter a first number”);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“enter a second number”);
printf(“max number of %d%d is :%d\n”, x, y, max);
Enter first number: 43
Enter second number: 12
Enter third number: 43

Switch statement:
“switch” statement works in same way as “if else – if” but it is more elegant.
The switch statement is a special multi-way decision maker that tests whether an
expression matches one of a number of constancy values, and branches accordingly.
Switch differs from if else – if because switch can test for only equality, whether if can
evaluate logical expression. The ‘switch’ statement is often used to process keyboard
commands like menu options.
The general format:
Switch (expression)
case ‘constant exp 1’:
Statement 1;
case ‘constant exp2’:
statement 2;
case ‘constant exp3’:
statement 3;

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Subject: C and Data Structures

statement n;

Note that in the above structure switch, case, break and default are C keywords.

/*Program to demo on Switch statement*/
main ()
{int i, j,rst;
char opt;
printf (“enter first number: ”) ;
scanf (“%d”,&x);
printf(“enter second number: “);
scanf (“%d”,&y);
printf (“enter your option + - * / % : “);
scanf (“%c”,&opt);
switch (opt)
case ‘+’:printf(“%d + %d = %d \n”,x,y,x+y);
case ‘-’: printf (“%d - %d = %d \n”,x,y,x-y);
case ‘*’: printf (“%d * %d = %d \n”,x,y,x*y);
case ‘/’:printf (“%d / %d = %d \n”,x,y,x/y);
case ‘%’: printf (“%d % %d = %d \n”,x,y,x%y);

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Subject: C and Data Structures

default: printf (“no operation” );


Enter first number: 12
Enter second number: 8
Enter your option + - * / % : +
12+8 =20
while Loop:
The while loop in the C starts with the keyword while, followed by a
parenthesized Boolean condition has a set of statements which constitute the body of the
The general format:
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement 3;

Statement n;
After executing whatever statements are prior to the while loop, you arrive at the
while loop, As soon as execution reaches the while loop, the condition specified is
tested. It is found to be true, you enter the body of the loop, execute the body through out
and once you reached the closing brace of the body you automatically loop back to the
top, test the condition freshly now, and if it is true re-enter the body and so on. When the
controlling condition of the while loop becomes false, you Break out of the while loop
and start executing whatever statement are subsequent to that.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

/*Factorial of the given number by using while loop*/

main ()
int i,j,rst=1;
printf(“enter any integer number”);
scanf (“%d”,&x);
while (i<=x)
printf (“factorial of %d is: %d”,x,rst);
Enter any integer number: 5
Factorial of 5 is: 120
do while loop:
The do-while loop performs the test at the bottom rather than at the top. The do-
while loop start with the keyboard do, followed by the body of the loop.
The general format:
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement 3;

Statement n;

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Subject: C and Data Structures

As soon as execution reaches the do-while loop you enter the body of the loop and
executes the statements present in the body. Once you reach the while, the expression
specified is evaluated. If it is found to be true, you automatically loop back to the top and
re-enter the body of the loop. If at the time of testing the condition evaluates as false, you
Break out the do-while loop
/*Factorial of the given number by using the do-while loop*/
int x,i=1,rst=1;
printf (“Enter any integer number \n “);
scanf (“%d”,&x);
for loop:
This is used when the statements are to be executed more than once .This is the
most widely used iteration construct.The for loop supported by C is much more powerful
than its counterpart in other high level languages.
The general format:
for (initialization; expression;increment)
Statement n;

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The for loop starts with the keyword for. The keyword for is followed by a
parenthesized, what is called header. This is followed by the body of loop which typically
is a set of statements enclosed between braces. The header of the for loop consists of 3
portions; a set of statements to be executed initially before actually entering the loop, an
expression that will acts as the controlling condition of the loop and finally incrementing
or decrementing.
/*Factorial of the given number by using for loop*/

main ()
int x,i,rst=1;
printf(“Enter any integer number:”);
for (i=1;i<=x;i++)
printf(“Factorial of %d is:%d”,x,rst);
Enter any integer number :5
Factorial of 5 is :120

Comma operator: Comma operators are basically used in for loops to have more than
initialization and increment statements.
The general format:

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Break &continue: C provides two statements –break and continue using which the
normal behavior of a loop can be altered. We already have used the break statement in
switch statement. It can be also be used inside a while loop, a for loop and do-while loop.
It causes control to break out the loop. Because of its nature a break will always be
conditional (attached to an if).
The general format:
/*do something*/
if(some condition)
/*do something*/
The continue statement whenever executed causes the rest of current iteration to
be skipped and causes the next iteration to begin, subjecting of course to the truth of the
controlling condition.
The general format:
/*do something*/
if(some condition)
/* do something*/
Exit() is a standard library function used to terminate the program execution.
The general format:
goto :
C supports the goto statement to branch unconditionally from one point to
another in the program. Although it may not be essential to use the goto statement in a

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

highly structured language like C, there may be occasions when the use of goto might be
The goto requires a label in order to identify the lace where the branch is to be
made. A label is any valid variable name, and must be followed by a colon. The label is
placed immediately before the statement where the control is to be transferred.
The general format:

goto label; label:

………………. ………………
………………. ………………
………………. ………………
label: ………………
………………. goto label:
The label :
Can be anywhere in the program either before or after the goto label; statement.
If the label: is before the statement goto label; a loop will be formed and some statements
will be executed repeatedly . Such a jump is known as backward jump. On the other
hand if the label: is placed after the goto label; some statements will b skipped and the
jump is known n as a forward jump.

Key words:
 if
 switch
 while
 do while
 for
 goto
 continue

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Sample theory questions:

1) Give and explain the structure of C program?

2) Write the various steps involved in executing a C program and illustrate with an
3) Explain the various types of operators?
4) Name the different data types and explain them in detail?
5) Explain about the control statements?
6) Explain about goto and return statements?
7) Explain about break and continue statements?

Sample objective questions:

1) Flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm.

2) Oval. symbol is used to indicate halt.
3) The process of detecting the errors in the program is called as Debugging.
4) A block is enclosed with a pair of { }
5) Symbol for 1’s compliment operator is ^
6) Number of operands in an expression involving unary operator is One.
7) Identify equality operator [b]
A) = B) = = C) eq D) : =

8) Identify logical operator [a ]

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

A) ! B) != C)~ D) ==

9) Identify relational operator [ a]

A) < B) && C) || D) None
10) While statement is called as Entry controlled loop.


The basics of C language are exposed in this unit. We now studied about
various operators and studied about the formatted functions and aware of decision
making, looping statements.



C programming language allows working with collection of data elements of same

data type called as an array. The elements of an array are stored sequentially in the
memory. This unit introduces arrays and describes array declaration, accessing array
elements, entering data, initializing arrays and multi-dimensional arrays. In C strings are
stored as an array of characters. This unit also covers a brief description of strings and
string handling functions, user defined function and recursive functions.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

C provides storage classes such as auto, extern, register and static. In this unit we
will discuss the concepts of functions and storage classes and also the C preprocessor,
header files.


Arrays are homogeneous data type, and a group of homogeneous data items that
shared a common name. The ability to use a single name to represent a collection of
items and to refer to an item by specifying the item number enables us to develop concise
and efficient programs.
A particular value is indicated by writing a number called index number or
subscript in brackets after the array name.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Array properties:
 The type of an array is the data type of its elements
 The location of an array is location of its first element
 The length of an array is the number of data elements in the array
 The size of an array is the length of the array times the size of an
Array whose element are specified by one subscript are called single
subscripted or single dimensional array. Analogous array whose elements are
specified by two and three subscripts are called two-dimensional or double
subscripted and three-dimensional or triple-subscripted arrays respectively.
One-dimensional array:
A list of items can be given one variable name using only one subscript and
such a variable is called a single-subscript and such a variable is called a single-
subscripted variable or a one-dimensional array.
If we want to represent a set of five numbers, say (45, 65, 10, 93, 50) an array
variable marks. We may declare the variable marks as follows
int marks[5];
The value to array elements is assigned and stored as follows
marks [0]=45
marks [1]=65
marks [2] = 10
marks [3] =93
marks [4] = 40
Array declaration:
In c an array variable is declared by specifying first the base type of the array ,
then the name of the array variable, and then the number of elements the array will
have should be specified between a pair square brackets ([]). Note that these values
cannot be a variable and has to be an integral constant.
int marks [100];
float salary [1000];

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Array initialization:
Elements of an array can be assigned initial values by following the array
definition with a list of initializes enclosed in braces and separated by comma.
int marks [5] = {65, 98, 62, 48, 57};
Defines the array marks to contain five integer elements and initializes marks [0]
to 65, marks [1] to 98, marks [2] to 62, marks [3] to 48 and marks [4] to 57.

If the number of initializes is less than the number of element in the array, the
remaining elements are set zero.
int m [5] = {3, 4, 8};
int m [5]= {3, 4, 8, 0, 0}; is equivalent to
If initializes have been provided for an array, it is not necessary to explicitly specify
the array length, in which case the length is derived from the initializers.
A character array may be initialized by a string constant, resulting in the first
element of the array being set to the first character in the string, the second element to the
second character, and so on. The array also receives the terminating ‘\0’ in the string

char name [10] =”COMPUTERS”;
char name[10] ={‘c’,’o’,’m’,’p’,’t’,’e’,’r’,’s’,’\0’};
Two-Dimensional arrays:
Till now we discussed the array of variables that can store a list of values.
There will be a situation where we need to store values. In that situation we will go
for two-dimensional arrays
Array Declaration:
The two-dimensional array can be declared by specifying first the base type of
the array, then the name of the array variable, and then the number of rows and

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

column elements the array will have should be specified between a pair square
brackets ([] []). Note that this value cannot be a variable and has to be an integer
Array initialization:
Elements of an array can be assigned initial values by following the array
definition with a list of initializes enclosed in braces and separated by comma.
int marks [2] [3] = {65, 98, 62, 48, 57, 40};
Defines the array marks to contain six integer elements and initializes marks [0] [3] to
62, marks [1] [1] to 48, marks [1] [2] to 57 and marks [1] [3] to 40.

A string as an array of characters. Any constant string defined between double
quotation marks.
Ex: “SHREETECH computers”
Declaration And Initialization:
A string variable is any valid C variable name and is always declared as an array.
General Format:
char variable_name[size]
The size determines the number of characters in string name.
char city [25];
char name [50];
When a compiler assigns a character string to a character array, it
automatically supplies a NULL character ‘\0’ at the end of the string. Therefore the
size should be equal to maximum number of characters in the string plus one.
Character array may be initializes when they are declared.
Static char name [10] = “SHEREETECH”

Reading as String:

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Subject: C and Data Structures

The input function scanf() can be used with %s format specification to read a
char city[20];

Printing a String:
The print function printf () can be used with %s format specification to print a
char city[20];
printf (“%s”,city);
String Operations:
1. Reading and writing of strings
2. concatenating of strings
3. copying one string into another
4. Comparing Strings.
5. Extracting a portion of a string.
6. Converting the string from lowercase to uppercase.

String Handling Functions:

‘C’ provides string handling functions to perform the above specified operations. The
following are the string handling functions.
i) strcpy (): It is used to copy one string into another string
Syntax: strcpy (str1, str2)
ii) strcmp (): It is used to compare two strings character by character and returns -1
or 0 or 1.
Syntax: strcmp (str1, str2)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

If the ASCII value of the character of the first string is less than the second
string it returns –ve. If both strings are equal it returns 0. If the ASCII value of the
character of the first string is greater than a second string then it returns +ve.
iii) strcat (): It is used to concatenate two strings that is it appends one string to
other string
Syntax: strcat (str1, str2)
Here string str2 is appended to the end of the string str1.
iv)strlen (): It is used to count the number of characters in the string.
Syntax: strlen (str1);
v)strlwr (): It is used to convert any upper case letters into the its equivalent lower
case letters.
Syntax: strlwr (str1)
vi) strupr (): It is used to convert any lower case letters into the equivalent upper case
Syntax: strupr (str1)

‘C’ programs are compound of a set of functions. The functions are
normally used to divide a large program into smaller programs which are easier to
handle. Each functions normally performs a specific task. Every program must certain
one function named as main where the program always begins execution. The main
program may call other functions with in it may call still other functions .When a
function is called program execution is transferred to the first statement on the called
function. The function is completed when it executes the last statement in the function

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

or it executes a written function statement after a function returns to the calling

function. Execution continues with the evaluation of the expression in which the call
was made. A value can be written when a function completes and that written value
can be used as an operand on an expression.

USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS: We have used functions on every program that we

have discussed so far they are main,printf and scanf etc..
C functions can be classified into two categories namely library functions and
user defined functions. Main is an example of user defined function ,printf,
scanf,sqrtetc.. belongs to the category of library functions. The main difference
between these categories is that library functions are not required to be written by us
where as a user defined functions has to be developed by the user at the time of
writing a program. However a userdefined can later becomes a part of the “c”
program library.

1.To facilitates topdown modular programming as shown fig. In this programming
style, the high level logic of the over all problem is solved first while the details of the
each lower level function or addressed later.
2.The length of the source program is reduced by using functions at appropriate
places. This factor is particularly critical with microcomputers where memory space
is limited.
3.As mentioned earlier, it is easy to locate and isolate a faulty function for further
4.A function may be used by many other programs. This means that a c programmer
can build on what other have already done, instead of starting over, from scratch.

Main program

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Subject: C and Data Structures

Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 Function 4


type function_name(parameters declaration)
local variable declaration;
statement 1;
statement 2;
statement 3;
statement n;
Parameters are nothing but input information given to a function. By passing parameters
the caller can ask the function to process a set of values. Parameter passing allows you to run
generalized and reusable functions. What ever the parameters the caller passes are called the actual
parameters and what ever parameters the function is return to receive are called the formal
parameters. The actual parameters are copied to the formal parameters.


A function may or may not send back any value to the calling function. If it does, it is
done through the RETURN statement. While it is possible to pass to the called function any
number of values, the called function can only return one value per call. The return statement can
be any one of the following forms.

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Subject: C and Data Structures


The first plain return does not return any value, it acts much as the closing brace of the
function, when return is encountered the control is immediately passed back to the calling
VOID FUNCTION: A function need not have a type. If you do not care to return a value from a
function at all, you may specify the return as void. A void function doesn’t return any value and
cannot return any value.
LOCAL VARIABLES: A variable declared inside a function called a local variables. This name
derives from the fact that a variable declared inside a function can be used only inside that
GLOBAL VARIABLES: The variables you declare in the global variable section are called
Global variables or external variables. While the local variable can be used inside the function in
which it is declared. A global variable variable can be used any where in the program.
BLOCK VARIABLES: The variable declared inside any block such variables are called block
1. Local variables can be used only inside the function of the block in which they are declared. On
the other hand global variables are used through out the program.

2. All global variables, in the absence of explicit initialization, are automatically

initialized to zero. A global int variables starts up with the value 0, a global float gets
initialized to 0.0, a global char holds the ASCII null byte and the global pointer points to
NULL. Local variable do not get initialized to any specific value when you do not
provide any value. Thus a local variable starts up with an unknown value, which may be
different each time.

3. Global variables get initialized only once, typically just before the program starts
executing. But local variables get initialized each time the function or block containing
their declaration is entered.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

4. The initial that you supplied for a global variable must be a constant, where as a local
variable can contain variable in its initializer.

5. A local variables loses its value the movement the function/block containing it is
exited. So you cannot expect a local variable to retain the value deposited in it the
previous time the function/block was entered. Global variables retain there values
through the program’s execution.


The scope of local variables is limited to the functions in which they are declared,
or in other words these variables are inaccessible outside of the function .Like wise the
scope of the block variables is limited to the block in which they are declared. Global
have a scope that spans the entire source program, which is why they can be used in any
A function depending on whether arguments are present are not are whether a
value is returned or not, may belong to one of the following
1. Functions with no arguments and no return values.
2. Function with argument and no return values.
3. Function with arguments and return values.


main ( )
printline ( );
power ( );

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printline ( );

printline ( )
int i;
for (i=0; i<=50; i++)
printf (“_”);
printf (“\n”);
power ( );
int x,y,i,r;
printf(“enter the base value:”);
printf(“enter the power value”);
printf(“%d power%d is:%d\n”,x,y,r);

/* Functions with arguments and no return values*/

main( )
char c;
int x,y;
printf(“enter any character”);
c=getchar( );

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“the base value”);
printf(“enter the power value:”);
char ch;
int i;
int a,b;
int i,r;
printf(“ %d power %d is:%d\n”,a,b,r);



#include <stdio.h>

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

char c;
int x,y;
printf(“enter any character”);
printf(“enter the base value”);
printf(“enter the power value”);
printf(“%d power %d is: %d \n “,x,y,power(x,y));
char ch;
int i;
int a,b;
int i,r;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


To define a variable in C one needs to mention not only its but also its storage
class. In other words , not only do all variables have a data type, they also have a storage

If we do not specify the storage class of a variable in its declaration , the compiler
will resume a storage class dependent on the context in which the variable is used. Thus
C has got certain default storage classes.

The variables may also be categorized, depending on the place of their declaration
, as INTERNAL (local) or EXTERNAL (global). Internal variables are within a particular
function, while external variables are declared outside of any function.

From C compiler point of view, a variable name identifies some physical location
within the computer where the strings of bits representing the variables value stored .
There are some basically two kinds of locations in a computer where such a value may be
kept: memory and CPU register. It is the variables storage class which determines it
which of these two locations the value is stored.

Moreover, a variables storage class tells us:

 Where the variable would be stored.

 What will be the initial value of the variable , if the initial value is not
specifically assigned( i.e. the default initial value)
 What is the scope of the variable i.e in which function the value of the variable
would be available.
 What is the life of the variable, i.e. how long would the variable exist.

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Subject: C and Data Structures

a) Automatic storage class.

b) Register storage class.
c) Static storage class.
d) External storage class.

i) AUTOMATIC VARIABLES: Automatic variables are declared inside a

function in which they are used they are to be utilized. They are created when
the function is called and destroyed automatically when they are declared.
Because of this property, automatic variables are also referred to as local or
internal variables.
int n;
We may also use the key word auto to declare automatic variables explicitly.
auto int n;
One important feature of automatic variables is that their value changed accidentally by
what happens in some other functions in the program. This assures that we may declare
and use the same name variable name in different functions in the same program without
causing any confusion to the compiler.



prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

int m=1000;
printf(“%d \n”,m);
int m=10;
printf(“ %d\n”,m);
int m=100;

ii)EXTERNAL VARIABLES: Variables that are both alive and active throughout the
entire program are known as external variables. They are also known as global variables.
Unlike local variables, global variables can be accessed by any function in the program .
External variables are declared outside a function. A program to illustrate the properties
of global variables. Note that variable X is used in all functions. But none except
function2 has a definition for X. Because X has been declared above all the functions, it
is declared as global, any function can use it, and change its value. Then subsequent
function can reference only those new values.


int x;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“x=%d \n “,x);
printf(“x=%d \n”,function 1());
printf(“x= %d \n”,function2());
printf(“x=%d \n”, function3());
int x;



prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

iii)Static Variable: As the name suggests, the value of static variables persists until the
end of the program. A variable can be declared static using the keyword static.
A static variables may be either an internal type or an external type, depending on the
place of declaration. Internal static variable are those which are declared inside a
function. The scope of internal static variable extend up to the end of the function.
Therefore internal static variables are similar to auto variables, except that they remain in
existence(alive)throughout the remainder of the program.
program to illustration of properties of static variables:
int i;
static int x=5;
printf(“x=%d\n”, x);
A static variable is initialized only once, when the program is compiled, it is never
initialized again. During the first call to fun, x is incremented to 3.Because x is static, this

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

value persists and therefore, the next call adds another 3 to x giving it a value of 11. The
value of x becomes 14 when the third call is made.
An external static variable is declared outside of all functions and is available to all
functions in that program. The difference between a static external variable and a simple
external variable is that the static external variable is available only within the file where
it is defined while the simple external variable can be accessed by other files.
iv) Register Variables: We can tell the compiler that a variable should be kept in one of
the machine’s register, instead of keeping in the memory. Since a register access is much
faster than a memory access. Keeping the frequently accessed variables in the register
will lead to faster execution of programs. This is done as follows:
register int i;
Most compilers allow only int or char variables to be placed in the register. Since only a
few variables can be placed in the register. However C will automatically convert register
variables into non-register variables once the limit is reached.
Introduction to Recursion:
The function called by itself is called recursive function and this process often referred as
printf(“welcome to SHREETECH\N”);
Important conditions: There are two important conditions that must be satisfied by any
recursive procedure.
1.Each time a procedure calls itself, it must be nearer to a solution.
2.There must be a decision criterion for stopping the computation.
Types of recursion:
There are two types of recursions.
1.The first type concerns recursively defined functions. Example of this kind is the
Factorial function.
2.The second type of recursion is the recursive use of a procedure.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Factorial of a Given Number:

fact(n)= {1,if n=0
{n * fact(n-1),otherwise
Here fact(n) is defined in terms of fact(n-1), which in turn is defined in terms of fact(n-
2).etc.,until fact(0) is reached, whose value is given as “one”.
Fibonacci Number:
Fib(n)={1, if n=0
1, if n=1
fib(n-1)+fib(n-2), otherwise
Here fib(0) is 1 and fib(1) is also 1 and fib(n) is defined in terms of fib(n-1)+fib(n-2),
fib(0)= 1
fib(1)= 1
fib(2)= fib(1)+fib(0)
fib(3)= fib(2)+fib(1)
fib(4)= fib(3)+fib(2)
GCD of two number:
gcd(a,b)={a, if b=0

Key points:

 Array index starts from 0.

 Function that returns no value the type of function is treated as void.
 Every string must be terminated with a null character
 The size of string must be the total number of characters plus null character.

Key words:
 Array
 String
 Actual parameter

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

 Formal parameter
 Function
 Recursive Function
 Storage class

Sample theory questions:

1) Write about arrays? How arrays can be initialized and declared? Illustrate with
2) Explain the various operations performed on string and explain the various string
handling functions?
3) What is meant by function? Explain the types of functions?
4) Explain recursive functions with an example?
5) Explain the storage classes in C and also explain the scope rules in detail?

Sample Objective questions:

1) Array is used to represent a list of data items of same data type.

2) One dimensional array is known as Vector
3) Array subscripts in C always start with 0
4) The value within the [] in an array declaration specifies the Size of an array
5) Strcpy is used to copy a string into another.
6) When two strings are equal then strcmp() return 0.
7) The default return data type in function is int
8) Register storage class may help in faster execution.
9) External variables declaration uses the keyword Extern
10) The typedef statement is used to create a new data type.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



One of the powerful features of C is its ability to access the memory variables
by their memory addresses. A pointer data type is mainly used to hold memory address.
Pointers are useful to work with memory addresses, to pass values as arguments to
functions, to allocate memory dynamically and to effectively represent complex data
structures. Since arrays store data sequentially in memory, pointers allow a convenient
and powerful manipulation of array elements. This unit introduces pointers and covers
the basic features to work with pointers.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

A pointer is a derived data type in C, it is built from one of the fundamental data
types available in C. Pointers contain memory address as their values. Pointers are
one of the most distinct and exciting features of C language. It has added power and
flexibility to the language. Pointers are used frequently in C.

Need of pointers:
 Basically arrays are static. It means that the maximum possible size of the array
has to be declared before it’s use (i.e., at compile time). It is not always possible
to guess the maximum size of an array, because for some applications we need the
size of an array to be changed during the program execution. This can be achieved
by using the pointers. Pointers allows memory allocation and de-allocation
 Pointers are used for establishing links between data elements or objects for some
complex data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees and
Benefits to the programmers with pointers:
 Pointers are more efficient in handling arrays and data tables.
 Pointers can be used to written multiple values from a function via
function arguments.
 Pointers permit reference to functions and there by facilitating passing of
functions as arguments to other functions.
 The use of pointer arrays to character string results in saving of data storage space
in memory.
 Pointers allow C to support dynamic memory management.
 Pointers provide an efficient tool for manipulating dynamic data structures such
as structures, linked lists, queues, stacks and trees.
 Pointers reduce length and complexity of programs.
 They increase the execution speed and reduce the program execution time.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

 With the help of pointers, variables can be swapped without physically moving
A pointer is a variable which contains the address of another variable.
Note: both pointer variable data types are same.
data-type *Pointer_ Name:
Here the * tells that variable Pointer _Name is pointer type variable. i.e. it holds the
address of another variable specified by the data-type. Pointer_ Name needs a memory
location .Pointer_ Name points to a variable of type data_ Type.
Consider the following declaration.
int n =20;
This declaration tells the C compiler to:
1. Reserve space in memory to hold the integer value.
2. Associate the name with this memory location.
3. Store the value 20 at this location.

We may represent n’s location in the memory by the following memory map:

n Location Name

Value at Location

2000 Location Address


#include< stdio.h>

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Subject: C and Data Structures

main ()
int n=20;
printf (“address of n is: %u \n “, &n);
printf (“value of n is: %d \n”, n);
printf (“value of n is: %d”,*(&n));

Address of n is: 2000
Value of n is: 20
Value of n is: 20
In the first printf ( ) statement ‘&’ is used it is C’s address of operator.
The expression &n returns the address of the variable n, which in this it are 2000. The
third printf ( ) statement we used other pointer operator ‘*’ called ‘value at address’
operator. It returns the value stored at a particular address. The ‘value at address’
operator is also called as‘indirection’ operator. The above program says the value of
*(&n) is same as n.

In the above example &n returns the address of n, if we desire this address can be
collected in a variable by saying
But remember that m is not an ordinary variable like any other integer variable. It is a
variable which contains the address of another variable (n in this case). The following
memory map would illustrate the contents of n and m.

n m
20 65498

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Subject: C and Data Structures

65498 65500
As you can see n’s value is 20 and m’s value is n’s address. Here we can’t use m
in a program with out declaring it. And since m is a variable which contains the address
of n, it is declared as
Int * m;
This declaration tells compiler that m will be used to store the address of an
integer value. In other words m points to an integer.


main ()
int n=20;
int *m;
clrscr ( );
printf (“address of n is: %u \n”, &n);
printf (“address of n m is:” %u\n”, m);
printf (“address of m is: %u\n”, &m);
printf (“value of m is: %u \n”, m);
printf (“value of n is: %d\n “, n);
printf (“value of n is: %d\n”,*(&n));
printf (“value of n is: %d”,*m);

Address of n is: 65498
Address of n is: 65498

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Address of m is: 65500

Value of m is: 65498
Value of n is: 20
Value of n is: 20
Value of n is: 20

The concept of pointer can be further extended. Pointer we know is a variable which
contains address of another variable. Now this variable itself could be another pointer.
Thus we have a pointer which contains another pointer’s address.


main ()
int n=20;
int *m;
int **p;
clrscr ( );
printf (“address of n is: %u \n “, &n);
printf (“address of n is: %u \n”, m);
printf (“address of n is: %u \n”, *p)’
printf ( “address of m is :%u \n”, &m);
printf (“address of m is: %u \n”, p);
printf (“address of p is: %u \n” &p);
printf (“value of m is: %u \n”, m);
printf (“value of p is: %u \n”, p);
printf (“value of n is: %d \n”, n);
printf (“value of n is: %d \n”,*(&n));

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf (“value of n is %d\n “, *m);

printf (“value of n is: %d \n”, **p);
address of n is: 65496
address of n is: 65496
address of n is: 65496
address of m is: 65496
address of m is: 65498
address of p is: 65500
value of m is: 65496
value of p is: 65498
value of n is: 20
value of n is: 20
value of n is: 20
value of n is: 20

The Following memory map would help you in tracing out how the program prints
the above output

n m p

20 65496 65498

65496 65498 65500


In this method the value of each argument in the calling function is copied into
corresponding formal arguments of the called function. With this method changes made

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

to the formal arguments in the called function have no effect on the values of the actual
arguments in the calling function.


main ()
int x, y;
printf (“enter the first value i. e x is :”);
scanf (“%d”, &x);
printf (“enter the second value i.e. y is:”);
scanf (“%d”, &y);
swap(x, y);
printf (“in the main program:\n”);
printf (“x =%d\n”, x);
printf (“y=%d\n”, y);
swap (int a, int b)
int t;
printf (“in the swap function:\n “);
printf (“x=a=%d\n “, a);
printf (“y =b=%d\n”, b);
printf (“after interchanging:\n”);
printf (“x=a=%d\n”, a);
printf (“y=b=%d\n”, b);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

enter first value i.e. x: 43
enter second value i.e. y: 94
after interchanging:
in the main program:
In this method the address of the actual arguments in the calling function are
copied into formal arguments of the called function. This means that using the formal
arguments in the called function we can make changes in the actual arguments of the
calling function.


main ()
int x, y;
printf (“enter the first value i.e. x is :”);
scanf (“%d”, &x);
printf (“enter the second value i.e. y is :”);
scanf (“%d”, &y);
swap(x, y);
printf (“in the main program:\n”);
printf (“x =%d\n”, x);
printf (“y=%d\n”, y);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

swap (int *a, int *b)

int t;
printf (“in the swap function:\n “);
printf (“x=a=%d\n “,*a);
printf (“y =b=%d\n”,*b);
printf (“after interchanging: \n”);
printf (“x=a=%d\n”,*a);
printf (“y=b=%d\n”,*b);
enter first value i.e. x: 33
enter second value i.e. y: 64
after interchanging:
in the main program:

PASSING ARRAY ELEMENTS TO A FUNCTION: Array elements can be passed to

a function by calling the function:
1. By value i.e. by passing values of array elements to the function.
2. by reference i.e. passing addresses of array elements to the function

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


main ()
int i;
int a [5] = {33, 44, 55, 66, 77}
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
write (a[i])
write (int n)
printf (“%d\n”, n);



main ( )
int i;
int a[5]={33, 44, 55, 66, 77}
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
write (&a[i])
write (int *n)
printf (“%d\n”, n);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



main ( )
int i=5,*i1;
float j=5.8,*j1;
char k=’z’,*k1;
printf (“value of i=%d\n”, i);
printf (“value of j=%f\n”, j);
printf (“value of k=%c\n”, k);
printf (“the original value of i1 =%u\n”, i1);
printf (“the original value of j1=%u\n”, j1);
printf (“the original value of k1=%u\n”, k1);
printf (“new value in i1=%u\n”, i1);
printf (“new value in j1=%u\n”j1);
printf (“new value in k1=%u\n”, k1);

Suppose i, j, k are stored in memory at address 65490, 65492 &65497 the output
would be
Value of i= 5
Value of j= 5.800000
Value of k= z

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

The original value of i1=65490

The original value of j1=65492
The original value of k1=65497
New value in i1=65492
New value in j1= 65496
New value in k1= 65498
Observe last three lines of the output 65492 is original value in i1 plus 2, 65496 is
original value in j1 plus 4 & 65498 is original value in k1 plus 1. This so happens
because every time a pointer is incremented its points to the immediately next location of
this type. That is why; when the integer pointer i1 is incremented it points to an address
two locations after current location, since an int is always two bits long. Similarly j1
points to an address four locations after current location and k1 point’s one location after
the current location.
The following operation do not work on pointers
1. Addition of two pointers.
2. Multiplying a pointer with a number.
3. Dividing a pointer with a number.
1. Array elements are always stored in contagious memory locations.
2. A pointer when incremented always points to an immediately next location of its
main ()
int a [] = {32, 43, 54, 65, 78},i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
printf (“address=%u”, &a[i]);
printf (“element= %d \n”, a[i]);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

main ()
int a [] = {32, 43, 54, 65, 78}, i, *j;
j=&a [0];
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
printf (“address = %u”, j);
printf (“element = %d \n”,*j);

In the second ex program instead printing address of any location we are stored base
address i.e. a [0] stored in pointer j.
Let us now see how to pass the entire array to a function rather individual elements.
Consider the following ex:
main (_)
int a [] =p {32, 43, 54, 65, 78};
display (&a [0], 5);
display (int *i, int x)
int j;
for (j=0; j<5;j++)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf (“address=%u”, i);

printf (“element=%d\n”,*i);

Here the display ( ) function is needed to print the array elements. Note that
address of the zeroth element is being passed to the display ( ).
Consider an array num contains {12, 23, 34, 45, 56} elements.
Here we can access the ith element from the array by following notations:
Num [i], * (num + i),*(i+ num), i[num]
main ( )
int num [] = {12, 23, 34, 45, 56};
int i;
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
printf (“address=%u”, &num[i]);
printf (“element=%d”, num[i]);
printf (“%d”, *(num + i));
printf (“%d”,*(i+ num));
printf (“%d\n” i[num]);
Address=65490 Element=12 12 12 12
Address= 65492 Element =23 23 23 23

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Address=65494 Element=34 34 34 34
Address=65496 Element=45 45 45 45
Address=65498 Element=56 56 56 56

Program to accept a string and print it by using pointers.



main ( )
char city [100];
int i, l;
printf (“enter any city name :”);
scanf (“%s”, city);
printf (the given string is :”);
printf (“city”);
printf(char *city)
while (*city! =’\0’)
printf (“%c”,*city);
Enter any city name: Hyderabad
The given string is: Hyderabad

Program to calculate the length of the given string by using pointers.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



main ()
char city [100];
int i, l;
printf (“enter any city name:” );
scanf (“%s”, city);
l=len (city);
printf (“the length of the given string is: %d \n”, l);
len (char*city)
int l1=0;
while (*city! =’\0’)
return (l1);
Enter any city name: Bangalore
The length of the given string is: 9

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Structure pointers:-
The way we can have a pointer pointing to an int, or a pointer pointing to a char ,
similarly we can have a pointer pointing to the struct. Such pointers are known as
‘structure pointers’.


#include <stdio.h>
Struct book

char title[25];
char author[25];
int no;
struct book b={“SHREETECH C Notes”,”srinivas”,102};
struct book *ptr;
printf(“%s %s %d\n”,b.tittle,,;
printf(“%s %s %d\n”, ptr->tittle,ptr->author,ptr->no);
SHREETECH C Notes Srinivas 102
SHREETECH C Notes Srinivas 102

The first printf() is as usual.The second printf() however is peculiar.We cannot use
ptr.tittle, and because ptr is not a structure variable but a pointer to a
structure, and the dot operator requires a structure variable on its left.In such cases C
provides an operator -> called an arrow operator to refers the structure elements.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Example program to passing address of a structure variable

{ char title[25];
char author[25];
int no;
struct book b={“SHREETECH C Notes”,”srinivas”,102};
Struct book *B;
Printf(%s %s %d\n”,b->tittle,b->author,b->no);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

SHREETECH C notes srinivas 102


Consider an array int m [100];

Such a declaration would typically be used 100 student’s marks are to be

stored in memory. The moment we make declaration 200 bytes are reserved in memory
for storing 100 integers in it. How ever it may so happens that when we actually run the
program we might be interested in string only 30 students’ marks, which would result in
wastage of memory.

Other way round there always exists a possibility that when you run the
program you need to store more than 100 students’ marks, in this case the array would
fall short in size. Moreover there is no way to increase or decrease the array size during
execution, this is done by malloc () and calloc ().


# include <stdio.h>

main ()

int n, i, sum=0, avg,*marks;

clrscr ();

printf (“enter how many students are there: “);

scanf (“%d”, &n);

marks= (int *) malloc (n*2);

if (marks==null)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf (“memory allocation unsuccessful\n”);

exit ();

for (i=0; i<n;i++)

printf (“enter marks [%d]=”,i);

scanf (“%d”,(marks +i));


printf (“the students marks are: \n”);

for (i=0;i<n;i++)

printf (“marks [%d]=%d\n”,i,*(marks+i));


printf (“sum of all student marks is: %d\n”, sum);

printf (“average marks is: %d \n”, avg);

Here we first ask for the no of students whose marks are to be entered and then
allocate only as much memory as is really required to these marks not byte more , not a
byte a less.The allocation job is done by malloc() function.if it returns NULL the memory
allocation is not at done. If it is successful it returns the address of memory.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

This address we collected is an integer pointer marks. The expression (int*) is used to
typecast being returned as the address is an integer. This typecasting is necessary for
malloc(),by default it returns a pointer to a void.

The calloc() function works exactly similar to the malloc().

int *marks;

Here 2 indicates that we wish to allocate memory for sorting integers,since an integer is a
2 byte entry. And 10 indicates that we want to reserve space for storing 10 integers.

Another minor difference between malloc() and calloc() is that by default the memory is
allocated by malloc() contains garbage values, where as that allocates by calloc() contains
all zeros.while using these function to include the file’alloc.h’ at the beginning of the

Points to remember:

 Pointers contains garbage until it is initialized.

 Abundance of C operators is another cause of confusion leads to errors.
 If we define an array in function, with auto class, we cannot pass the address of
that array back to the main for subsequent work.
 A very common error is to use the address operator(&)d the indirection
operator(*) certain places. The compiler may not warn you of such mistakes.

Key words:

 Address operator

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

 Indirection operator
 Call by reference

Sample theory questions:

1) How to use pointers as arguments in a function? Explain through an example?

2) Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using pointers?
3) What is a pointer? List out reasons for using pointers?
4) Explain the process of declaring and initializing pointers?

Sample objective questions:

1) Pointers are supported in [d]

A) Fortran B) Pascal C) C D) Both B& C

2) Pointer variable may be assigned [c]

A) An address value represented in octal.
B) An address value represented in hexadecimal.
C) The address of another variable.
D) None.

3) A pointer value refers to [ c]

A) An integer constant.
B) Float value.
C) Any valid address in memory.
D) None.

4) Identify the invalid pointer operator [ c]

A) & B) * C) >> D) None.

5) Identify the invalid expression [d]

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

A) &275
B) &a+b
C) &(a*b)
D) All of the above.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



Structures provide a way to organize related data. Unlike arrays, structures

allow organization of collection of variables. With different data types structures are very
useful in creating data structures. Unions also provide a way to organize related data, but
only one item within the union can be used at any time. The structures and unions in C
are dealt in this unit.

We have seen arrays can be used to represent a group of data items that belong to the
same type, such as int or float. However we cannot use an array if we want to represent a
collection of data items of different types using the single name. C supports the constructed
data type known as structures, a mechanism for packing data of different types. The concept of
a structure is analogous to that of a record in many other languages.
Time Seconds(int),Minutes(int),Hours(float)
Date Day (int),Month(string),Year(int)
Book Author(string),Title(string),Price(float)
Address Name(string),Doornumber(string),Street(string),City(string)
Structures help to organize complex data in a more meaningful way. It is a
powerful concept that we may often need to use in our program design.

A structure in C is heterogeneous compound data type, similar to the records of
data base and PASCAL. It is collection of logically related data items grouped together
under a single name called structure tag. The data items that make up a structure are
known as its members, components, or fields and can be of different type.
struct tag

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

type var1;
type var2;
type var3;
type varn;


Ex: struct book_bank

char title[25];
char author[20];
int pages;
float price;
Ex: struct book_bank
char title[25];
char author[20];
int pages;
float price;


The members of structure themselves are not variable.They should be linked
to the structure variable in order to make them meaningful members .The link between a

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

member and a variable are established using a number operator “.” which is also known
as dot operator or period operator. For example , book2.price is the variable
representing the price of book2 and can be treated like any other ordinary variables.



struct personal
char name[20];
int day;
char month;
int year;
float salary;
struct personal person;
printf(“ Enter a person details:\n\n”);
printf(“ Enter person name : “);
printf(“Enter a person joining day : “);
printf(“Enter a person joining month: “);
printf(“Enter a person joining year: “);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“Enter a person salary: “);

printf(“\n\n person’s name is : %s\n”,;
printf(“\n\n person’s joining day is : %s\n”,;
printf(“\n\n person’s joining month is : %s\n”,person.month);
printf(“\n\n person’s joining year is : %s\n”,person.year);
printf(“\n\n person’s salary is : %s\n”,person.salary);
Enter a person details:
Enter a person name : Srinivas
Enter a person joining day: 9
Enter a person joining month: November
Enter a person salary: 5260.97
Enter a person joining year: 1997
Person’s name is : Srinivas
Person’s joining day is :9
Person’s joining month is : November
Person’s joining year is : 1997
Person’s salary is :5260.970215
Like other data types a structure variable can be initialized. However a structure
must be declared as static.

static struct
int age;
float height;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


This assigns the value 20 to student.age and 180.75 to student.height.
Suppose you want to initialize more than one structure variable:
struct st_record
int age;
float height;
static struct st_record student1={20,180,75};
static struct st_record student2={22,177,25};
Another method is to initialize a structure variable outside the function
struct st_record
int age;
float height;
static struct st_record student2={22,177,25};

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


Two variables of the same structure type can be compared the same way as ordinary


struct class
int no;
char name[20];
float per;
int x;
static struct class stu1={111,”Ramu”,72.50};
static struct class stu2={222,”Reddy”,67.00};
struct class stu3;
printf(“\n student2 and student3 are same\n”);
printf(“\n student2 and student3 are different\n”);

We may declare an array as structures , each element of the array
representing a structure variable. For example

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

struct class student[100];

Defines an array called ‘student’ that consists of 100 elements. Each element is
defined to be of the type struct class. Consider the following declaration
struct marks
int eng;
int tel;
int sci;
static struct marks student[3]={45,76,87},{78,68,79},{34,23,14};
struct marks
int tot;
int eng;
int tel;
int sci;
int i;
static struct marks student[3]={{45,67,81,0},{75,53,69,0},{57,36,71,0};
static struct marks t;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

printf(“ STUDENT TOTAL \n\n”);
printf(“ stu[%d] : %d\n”,i+1,stu[i].tot);
printf(“ SUBJECT TOTAL\n\n”);
printf(“English : %d\n Telugu : %d\n Science : %d\n”,t.eng,,t.sci);
printf(“\n Grand total : %d\n”,t.tot);
C permits the use of array as structure member. We can use single or multi-
dimensional array of type int or float.
struct marks
int no;
int sub[5];
float fee;
Structures within structures means nesting of structures .
struct employee
char name[30];
int age;

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

int day;
char month[20];
int year;
float sal;
Unions are a concept borrowed from structures and therefore follow the same
syntax as structures . However there is major distinction between them in terms of
storage. In structures each member has its own storage location, whereas all the members
of a union use the same location. It can handle only one member at a time.
General format:
union name
type var1;
type var2;
union item
int m;
float x;
char c;
This declares a variable code of type union item. The union contains three
members each with a different data type.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

However we can use only one of them at a time. This is due to the fact that only
one location is allocated for a union variable, irrespective of its size.

65497 65498 65499 65500

The compiler allocates a piece of storage that is large enough to hold the largest
variable type in the union.
In the declaration above the member x requires 4 bytes which is the largest
among the members. The above figure shows how all the three variables share the same
To access a union member we can use the same syntax that we used in the
structure members.

Pointers to remember:

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

 Struct is a key word which shows the start of a structure.

 A structure can be passed to as a single variable to function.
 A union can also be stored as a member of the structure.
 Pointers can also store the address of heterogeneous types of elements i.e.,

Key words:

 Self referential structure.

 Structure.
 Union.
 Typedef.

Sample theory questions:

1) Distinguish between structure and union/

2) When an array of structures is used? Declare a variable as array of structure as
initialize it?
3) Write about passing of structures as arguments to functions?

Sample objective questions:

1) A bit field is of type integer.
2) C provides a facility for user defined new data type using typedef.
3) Structure is a derived data type derived.
4) Keyword used to represent a structure data type is Structure.
5) Structure is a data type in which each element that has different Data type.
6) The member variable of structure are accessed by using dot operator.
7) Union holds one object at a time.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



Files handles large amounts of data as before it became cumbersome and time
consuming to handle large volumes of data through terminals. The entire data is lost
when either the program is terminated or the computer is turned off. Thus the files drives
away all of those limitations of using ordinary data. Hence here in this unit we will learn
about the handling of files.
Till now we have been using the functions such that scanf and printf to read
and print data. There are console Oriented I/O functions which always use the terminals
(Key board and monitor) as the target place. This works fine as long as the data is small.
However many real life problems involves large volume of data and in such situations the
console oriented I/O operations pose two major problems.

1. It becomes cumbersome and time consuming to handle large volume of data

through terminal.
2. The entire data is lost when the program is terminated or the computer is turned
It is therefore necessary to have amore flexible approach where data can be
stored on the disk and read whenever necessary, without destroying the data. This method
employs the concept of file to store data. A file is a place on the disk where a group of
related data is stored. Like most other language C supports a number of functions that
have the ability to perform basic file operations.
1. Naming a file
2. Opening a file
3. Reading data from a file
4. Writing data to the file

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

5. Closing a file
There are two distinct ways to perform the file operations in C. The first one is
known as the low level I/O and uses UNIX system calls. The second method is referred
to as the high level I/O operations and uses functions in C’s standard I/O library.
If we want to store data in a file in the secondary memory, we must specify
certain things about the file, to the operating system. They include
1. Filename
2. Data structure
3. Purpose
Filename is a string of characters that make up a valid filename. Data structure of
a file is defined as FILE in the library of standard I/O function definition. Therefore all
files should be declared as type before they are used. FILE is a defined data type.
When we open a file we must specify what we want to do with the file. For
example we may write data to the file or read the already existing data.
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen(“filename”,mode);

The first statement declares the variable fp as a pointer to the data type FILE. The
second statement opens the file, named file name and assigns an identifier to the FILE
type pointer fp. This pointer which contains all the information about the file is
subsequently used as a communication link between the system and the program.
The second statement also specifies the purpose of opening this file. The mode does
this job. Mode can be one of the following
r opening the file for reading only.
w opening the file for writing only
a opening the file for appending (or adding) data to it.
Both the filename and mode are specified as string. They should be enclosed in
double quotation marks.
When trying to open the file of the following things may happen,

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

1. When the mode is writing a file with the specified name is created if the file does
not exist. The contents are deleted if the file already exist
2. When the purpose is appending the file is opened with the current contents safe. A
file with the specified name is created if the file does not exist.
3. If the purpose is reading and if it exists then the file is opened with the current
contents safe. Otherwise an error occurs.
Many recent compilers include additional modes of operations they are:
r+ The existing file is opened to the beginning for both reading & writing.
w+ same as w except both for reading & writing.
a+ Same as a except both for reading & writing.
CLOSING A FILE: A file must be closed as soon as all operations on it have been
completed. We have to close a file is when we want to reopen the same file in a different
mode. The I/O library supports the functions to do this
fclose (file_pointer)
EX: FILE *x1,*x2;
x1 = fopen(“salary”,r);
x2 = fopen(“employee”,w);
fclose (x1);
fclose (x2);
All files are closed automatically whenever a program terminates. However
closing a file as soon as you are done with it is good programming habit.
The getc and putc functions: the simplest file i/o functions are getc and
putc.these are analogous to getchar and putchar functions and handle one character at a
time. Assume that a file is opened with mode W and file pointer fp then the statement is
Putc(c, fp);
Writes the character contained in the character variable c to the file associated
with file pointer,fp.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

similarly getc is used to read a character from a file that has been opened in read mode,
the statement is
C= getc(fp);
The file pointer moves by one character position for every operation of getc or
putc. The getc will return an end-of-file marker EOF, when end of the file has been
reached. Therefore the reading should be terminated when EOF is encountered.
/*write a program to read data form the keyboard , write it to a file called INPUT ,
again reqad the same data form the INPUT file and display it on the screen*/
main ( )
file *f1;
char c;
clrscr ( );
printf (“data into \n\n”);
f1=fopen (“input”,”w”);
while ((c=getchar ()! =eof)
putc(c, f1);
fclose (f1);
printf (“\n data output\n\n”);
f1=fopen (“input”,”r”);
while ((c=getc (f1))! =eof)
printf (“%c”, c);
fclose (f1);


The getw and putw are integer oriented functions. they are similar the getc and putc
functions, are used to read and write integer values. These functions would be useful
when we deal with only integer data. The general form is

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Putw (integer, fp);

Getw (fp);

/*A file name DATA contains a series of integer numbers. Code a program to read
these numbers and then write all the odd numbers to the file to be called ODD and
all even numbers to a file to be called EVEN.*/

main ( )
file *f1,*f2,*f3;
int num, i;

clrscr ( );
printf (“contents of data file:\n”);
f1=fopen (“data”,”w”);
for (i=1;i<=30;i ++)
scanf (“%d”, &num);
if (num==-1)
putw (num, f1);
fclose (f1);
f1=fopen (“data”,”r”);
f2=fopen (“odd”,”w”);
f3=fopen (“even”,”w”);
while (num==getw (f1))! =eof)
if (num%2= =0)

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

putw (num, f3);

putw (num, f2);
fclose (f1);
fclose (f2);
fclose (f3);
f2=fopen (“odd”,”r”);
f3=fopen (“even”,”r”);
printf (“\n\n contents oof odd file:\n\n”);
while ((num=getw (f2))! =eof)
printf (“%4d”, num);
printf (“\n\ncontents of even file:\n\n”);
while ((num=getw (f3))! =eof)
printf (“%4d”, num);
fclose (f2);
fclose (f3);
So far we have seen functions which can handle only one character or integer
at a time. Most of the compilers support two other functions namely fprintf and fscanf
functions that can handle a group of mixed data simultaneously.
The functions fprintf and fscanf perform I/O operations that are identical to the
familiar printf and scanf functions .The first argument of these function is a filepointer
which specifies file to be used.
fprintf (fp,”control string”, list);
The list may include variables, constants and strings.
fscanf (f1,”%d%f”, &age, &sal);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures



Item name number price quantity

IV 111 25000.75 15
VCP 113 42000.00 3
VCR 123 50000.35 10

Extend the program to read this data from the file INVENTORY and display the
inventory table with the value of each item.

main ( )
file *fp;
int num, qty, i;
float price, value;
char item [10], filename [20];
printf (“enter the name”);
scanf (“%s”, filename);
fp=fopen (filename,”w”);
printf (“input inventory data”);
printf (“itemname number price quantity”);
for (i=1; i<=3; i ++)
fscanf (stdin.”%s%d%f%d”, item, &num, &price, &qty);
fclose (fp);
fprintf (stdout,”\n”);
fp=fopen (filename,”r”);
printf (“itemname number price quantity value”);

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

for (i=1; i< =3; i++)

fscanf (fp,”%s%d%f%d”, item, &num, &price, &qty);
fprintf (stdout,”%s %d %f %d %f\n”, item, num, price, qty, value);
fclose (fp);

Key points to remember:

 We should not read beyond the end of the file mark.

 We should not try to use a file that has not been opened.
 We should not perform a operation on a file, when the file is opened for another
type of operation.

Sample theory questions:

1) Describe the use of getc and putc functions?

2) What are the common uses of rewind and ftell functions?
3) Distinguish between the following functions?
a) getc and getn.
b) printf and fprintf.
c) feof and ferror.

4) Write a program to copy the content of one file into another?

Sample objective questions:

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

1) fopen() is the function name that creates a new file for use.
2) fopen() is the function name that opens an existing file for use.
3) getc() is the function that reads a character from the file.
4) fscanf() reads a set of values from a file.
5) ftell() function gives the current position in the file.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


This unit is designed to know how to program efficiently. There are no. of
ways to write programs; they must run correctly and efficiently; be easy to read and
understand; be easy to debug and; be easy to modify.


Data structure is representation of the logical relationship existing between individual
elements f data. In other words, a data structure is a way of organizing all data items that
considers not only the elements stored but also their relationship to each other.

Classification of data structures:

1. Primitive
2. Non-Primitive

A stack is a non primitive linear data structure. It is an ordered test in which addition of
new data items and deletion of already existing data item is done from only one end,
known as top of stack. As all insertions and deletions is done from one end (i.e., from top
of the stack), the element that is added last is deleted first. That is the reason why stack is
also called as last in first out (LIFO) type of list.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Operations on stack

Process of adding a new element to the top of stack is called PUSH operation. Pushing
an element in the stack invoke adding of element, as the new element will be inserted at
the top after every push operation the top is incremented by one. When the array is full,
the new element can be accommodated, it is called stack-full condition. This condition is
called as stack overflow.

The process of deleting an element from the top of stack is called Pop operation. After
every pop operation the stack is decremented by one. If these is no element on the stack
and the pop is performed then this will result into stack underflow condition.

Stack Terminology:

Top of the stack
Stack empty or underflow
Stack full or overflow

Algorithms for push and pop:

push(stack[MAXSIZE], item)
Let stack[MAXSIZE] is an array for implementing
a. check for stack overflow
if top=MAXSIZE-1 then print overflow and exit
b. set top=top+1
c. set stack[top]=item
d. exit.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures


a. if top<0 then print stack underflow and exit.

Else set item=stack[top]
b. decrement stack top. Set top=top-1
c. return deleted item from stack
d. exit.

Infix, Prefix and Postfix notations:

In general, simple arithmetic expressions can be represented in three ways, they are
Infix, Prefix, Postfix

Infix - A+B
Postfix- AB+ (reverse polish)
Prefix - +AB (polish)

Infix - operator is in between two operands

Prefix - operator is before the two operands
Postfix- operator is after the two operands
Infix to prefix
A+(B*C) => +A*BC
Infix to postfix
A+(B*C) => ABC*+
Infix operator precedence:

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

1. Parenthesis
2. exponent (R to L)
3. * & ? (L to R)
4. +,_ (L to R)

Infix prefix postfix

(A+B)*(C/D) *+AB/CD AB+CD/*(
A+(B*C)/D +/A*BCD ABC*D/+

Evaluation of postfix
1. Expression is scanned from left to right
2. If number is encountered, push onto stack.
3. If an operator is encountered apply it to the top two operands on stack. After it is
pushed onto the stack.
4. Above steps are repeated until the end of an expression

Scanned symbol Stack contents
2 2
5 2, 5
6 2,5,6
+ 2,5,6
* 2,11
2 22
^ 22,2
4 484,4
/ 121

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Conversion of infix to postfix:

1. Input is scanned from left to right
2. When left parenthesis is encountered, it is pushed onto stack.
3. When right parenthesis is encountered, pop the stack & append symbol to o/p till
left parenthesis is encountered. The left parenthesis is popped but not put to o/p
when an operator is encountered.
4. Repeat pop stack & add popped operator to o/p if it satisfies two conditions.
i. The stack top operator is same as higher precedence than
operator just encountered.
ii. Stack is not empty.
iii. Repeat above process until end of i/p.
iv. Finally pop stack & add to o/p string till stack is empty

A queue is an ordered collection of data such that data structure which holds collection of
items to be processed on first in first out basis

Representing a Queue:
One of the most common ways to implement a queue is using an array. Tqo variables are
used, rear and front.
Front- We can delete from this end
Rear- We can insert from this end.

The rules for manipulating these variables are simple.

1. Each time an item is added to queue, we increment rear.
2. Each time an item is deleted, we increment front.
3. When front== rear queue is empty.
4. The no. of items in queue is called size of the array.
If the no. of items in the queue is zero, an attempt to remove the operation produce
underflow error.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

Procedure for insertion into a Queue:

Procedure queue insert(Q, max,front, rear,item)
1. If rear>=max, then print queue overflow return
2. rear=rear+1
3. Q[rear]=item
4. if front=0-, then front<-1
5. return

Deletion from queue:

Procedure queuedelete(Q, front, rear)
1. if front = 0, then print queue underflow return
2. k<-Q[front]
3. if front==rear
4. return k.

Points to remember:
 Queue is called as FIFO structure .In contrast, a stack is called as LIFO
 A pop operation in the case of stack is destructive i.e once an item is popped
,it is no longer available.
 Arrays and lists are called as linear data structures .
 In prefix notation the operators are placed before the operands.

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

 Stack
 Queue
 Overflow
 Underflow
 Infix
 Postfix
 Prefix

Sample Objective Questions:

1. If Front=rear then queue contains only one item.
2. Queue is empty when rear<front.
3. In Queue the end from which item is deleted is called as front.
4. Queue follows FIFO mechanism.
5. The no. of elements in the queue will be equal to rear-(front-1).
6. The stack uses a single pointer to keep trace of information on stack. The pointer
is called as top of the stack.
7. LIFO mechanism is followed by stack.

Sample theory Questions:

1. Define data Structure?

2. Explain stacks & queues & also their applications?
3. What are the advantages of circular Queue?
4. Convert the given infix expression to postfix

prepared by :M V B REDDY
Subject: C and Data Structures

prepared by :M V B REDDY

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