A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Conflict and Its Type: Prepared by

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Conflict and Its Type

Prepared by:

Anna C. Santos

Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Ms. Carmelita L. Dasalla

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Mrs. Mercedes L. Mallari

Dean, Education Department

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Define conflict and its types.
b. Identify the types of conflict presented in literary selections.
c. Value the importance of conflict as an element of narrative.
d. Perform a role play showcasing the different types of conflict.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Conflict and its Types
Materials: Visual aid, Movie clip, Power Point Presentation
Reference: https://www.literarydevices.com/conflict

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1) Prayer
2) Greetings
3) Checking of Attendance
4) Checking of Assignment

B. Review
Let us have a quick review about our
previous lesson. What was our lesson all
about? Yesterday we discussed about poem.

Very good! What is a poem? A poem is a type of literature that has

meter and rhyme. It is written in
It seems like you really understand
our discussion yesterday.

C. Motivation
Before we proceed to our new lesson
for today, let us have a short activity.
(The teacher will post something on
the board)

Class, kindly read what is posted on the

board. (The students will read in chorus)

For our activity, you are going to share in

front of the class the problems that you
encountered and gave the best lesson in your
life. Who wants to volunteer? (The students will do the activity)

Thank you for sharing. I hope that those

problems will serve as your inspiration and
motivation to keep going and to be
successful in the future.
D. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson
What do you think is the connection
of our activity to our new lesson? I think that our lesson for today has
something to do with problems.
Today, we will discuss what problem
or conflict is and its types.

1.1. Stating of Objectives

As we proceed to our new lesson
for today, may I ask someone to
read the goals that we need to
attain at the end of the lesson?
(One of the students will read the
At the end of the lesson, the student
should be able to:
a. define conflict and its types,
b. identify the types of conflict
presented in literary selections,
c. value the importance of
conflict as an element of
narrative and,
d. perform a role play showcasing
the different types of conflict.

E. Discussion
Earlier, some of your classmates shared
their problems that they overcome. Those
struggles are what we call conflict.
In your own words can you please define
what conflict is? Ma’am, conflict is the result of
competing desires or the presence of
obstacles that needed to be overcome.
Very good!
(the teacher will post the definition of
conflict on the board)
Who wants to read the definition of
conflict? (One of the students will read the
definition of conflict)
A conflict is a struggle between
people which may be physical,
or between conflicting ideas.

Thank you for reading.

The word conflict comes from Latin .

‘Conflingere”. It means to come together for
a battle.
Conflict can either be within one person, or
they can involve several people or groups.

(Visual aids will be posted on the board

showing the 5 types of conflict)


1. Man vs. Self

2. Man vs. Man

3. Man vs. Society

4. Man vs. Nature

5. Man vs. Circumstances

As you can see, on the board, those are the 5 Ma’am! Man Vs. Self: This conflict
types of conflict. develops from a protagonist’s inner or
What is Man vs. Self? struggles and may depend on a
character trying to decide between
Very Good! Kindly please get good and evil or overcome self-
your chip here. doubts. This conflict has both internal
and external aspects, as obstacles
outside the protagonist’s force the
Class, will you remember that protagonist’s deal with inner issues.
was shown in the interview?
Thank you ma’am.

Okay, Kindly please get your

chip here.

Class, will you cite instances of

what those bad times are.

Very Good! Kindly please get Ma’am! Man Vs. Man: In this type, a
your chip here. situation in which two characters have
opposing desires or interests. The
You know class, those struggles external typical scenario is a conflict
and problems are called what? between the protagonist’s and
antagonist. This is an external conflict.
Most thrillers and mysteries have this
Very Good! Kindly please get type of conflict.
your chip here.
Thank you ma’am.
And what is conflict?

Very Good! Kindly please get

your chip here.

Okay, class I will show to you

the different Types of Conflict
through watching the movie Ma’am! That is Man Vs. Man
clips, While you are watching Conflict.
please write on your own ¼
paper if what types of conflict
what did you saw/ noticed in the
clip. Ma’am! Man Vs. Society: This type
of conflict, a character must take on
And we will discuss further society, and not a single person. The
about each basic type of conflict. character stands at odds with societal
norms and realizes the necessary to
work against these norms. This is an
Types of Conflict external conflict.
1. “Aladdin” ( Man Vs. Self)
2. “ Hunger Games”( Man Vs. Man)
3. “ Frozen”( Man Vs. Society) Thank you! Ma’am.
4. “2012”( Man Vs. Nature)
5. “Nothing but the truth”( Man Vs.

And now you know the Types of

Conflict. We will discuss about each
basic type.
Okay, ma’am! Now we understand
F. Discussion about it.
Class, what is Man Vs. Self?
Kindly please read the definition
on the board.
Ma’am! Man Vs. Nature:This is a
conflict that we see in every story
because this is the conflict that can
cause to another conflict. It is a
conflict between the man character
and the situations and events that
happen in him.

Thank you! Kindly please get Thank you! Ma’am.

your chip here.

Class, These are the internal

battles that characters wage
within themselves and these are
the internal issues that affect
their actions, motivations, and Ma’am! This time we understand
interactions with other ManVs. Nature conflict.

What about Man Vs. Man

Kindly please read the definition
on the board.
Ma’am! Man Vs. Circumstances:
This is a conflict that we see in every
story because this is the conflict that
can cause to another conflict. It is a
conflict between the man character
and the situations and events that
happen in him.
Thank you! Kindly please get
your chip here.
Thank you! Ma’am.
Class, on this type of conflict it is
the sort of conflicts are the most
common. Your characters will be
opposed by or will oppose the
another character or characters.
As a writer you can choose to Okay, ma’am now we all understand
use this sort of conflict to the different types of conflict.
provide comic to your narrative.


Kindly please! read Man


Ma’am! We are portraying the

different types of conflict/s what we
Thank you! Kindly please get have faced in our lives and how did
your chip here. we resolve it.

Class, these are conflicts where

your characters’ firm beliefs are Ma’am! Conflict- is the result of
against norms that the entire competing desires or the presence of
society as a whole endorsers. It obstacle that need to be overcome.
could be social evils or
discrimination practiced by
society that is opposed by a Ma’am! The Different Types of
minority. Conflict are the following:

1.Man Vs. Self

Okay, now we are on Man 2.Man Vs. Man
Vs.Nature. Kindly please read 3.Man Vs. Society
our definition on the board. 4.Man Vs. Nature
5.Man Vs. Circumstances

Thank you! Ma’am.

Thank you! Kindly please get

your chip here. 1. Jerome and his family are
going to the beach. The water
Class, in this type of conflict is clear, the skies are blue, and
nature serves as the obstacle for the sand is clean. Suddenly,
characters. You could choose to when a rumble shakes
write a particular scene a natural Jerome’s sister off of her beach
or calamity such as a typhoon or chair, Jerome remembers that
tsunami. there is a typhoon coming.
Soon the beach releases its
Okay! wrath and the tsunami
threatens every person in the
And the last type of conflict is beach.
Man Vs. CircumstancesKindly
please read the definition on the Answer:Man Vs. Nature
2. Bryan is the most skilled
basketball player in town and
is praised by all until James
arrives from the city. Soon
Bryan’s fans are going to
James showing instead and
Bryan must compete with
Thank you! Kindly please get James in a contest of shooting
your chip here. in basketball to determine who
is the greatest and who will
Class, in this type of conflict that leave the town.
will unexpected happens
between the man and the Answer:Man Vs. Man
character, or else unaccidentally
happened. 3. Ever since Richard lost his
twin brother in a tragic car
Okay, Good! accident, Richard hasn’t been
the same. He has been
G. Application dragging his feet through life
Okay, Class I will divide you with a glazed look in his eyes.
into five groups. Each group will His grades have dropped, he
be assigned a type of conflict in a doesn’t want to hang out with
role play, and I will be given you his friends of family sons, so
five minutes to prepare a very she sends Richard to an
short role based on a TV intensive survival boot camp
program or telenovela that will program far away from home,
demonstrate your chosen type of will Richard learn that life
conflict. must go on?

Answer:Man Vs. Self

Yes! Good! 4. Baldo didn’t want to get

involved in the struggle for
H. Generalization civil rights. He just wanted to
To further check will you really go to school. Unfortunately,
understand the lesson. Again many people in the community
 What is Conflict? did not want Baldo to go to
their school because of his
AetaHeritage. A simple walk
to the school becomes a
 What are the Types of powerful march for right as
Conflict? Baldo, a group of civil rights
leaders, and millions of
supporters make Baldo’s case
the centerpiece in a heated
battle for equal rights.

Answer:Man Vs. Society

Very Good! Kindly please get

your chip here. 5. Anna and her friends are going
to swimming in a resort. There
IV. Evaluation are three pools in the resort,
Read the brief description of one is for children, one is for
each situation, determine the teen and the other one is for
types of conflict presented. adults, wherein adults the
depth of the pool is from 5ft.to
8ft. Anna decides to go to the
adults’ pool, she swims her
nearly drowning and they did
their best to save her.

Man Vs. Circumstances

This tells the story of a boy who accepted someone as his friend. It happened in
the Philippines. There is a boy named David in his school, people, including his
classmates often thinks harshly of him, saying he is a teacher’s pet or bootlicker.

He sits next to an acacia tree, watching his classmates in school. The package
contained a putoseko that was made by his grandma. His classmates eventually
accepted him.

They went swimming in the river one day. One of his classmates named
Pendong, who is an excellent swimmer, swam too faer and his life is nearly in

David saw Pendong struggling and never hesitated to save his life, after that,
people regarded David a hero and accepted him positively.

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