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Debate points.

Topic: Freedom of Speech.

In Favour.
1- Freedom of speech can bring a positive change in the society by allowing people to
express their thoughts and opinions.
Example: Women spoke up about their rights and feminism was born as a result of freedom
of speech.
2- Freedom of speech has the power of creating awareness about certain topic.
Example: Recently, the issue of child abuse was highlighted in the society because the
victims shared their experiences and that created awareness among the parents and the
society about how child abuse is so common these days.
3- Freedom of speech saves us from exploitation.
Example: During the government of PMLN in Pakistan, civil disobedience was the result of
freedom of speech.
4- Freedom of speech can expose the immoral activities.
Example: the me-too movement on social media was the result of freedom of speech and it
exposed several predators who were involved in immoral activities.
5- Freedom of speech can break stereotypes.
Example: Feminism broke the stereotypes of considering girls as inferior when compared to
6- Freedom of speech encourages other people to speak up too.
Example: The social media sensation – Julie used freedom of speech to address certain issues
in the society.
7- Freedom of speech challenges hate.
Example: Feminism was a challenge to the patriarchy of society.
8- Freedom of speech can be used to express your opinions.
Example: Many women expressed their opinion on the Kashmir issue by using freedom of
9- Freedom of speech can save you!
Example: People from war zones like Syria and Kashmir use freedom of speech to address
the ongoing brutality that makes the world aware about their situation and many people send
them help in form of donations.
10- Freedom of speech can be revolutionary.
Example: The Black Lives Matter movement and its impact.
1- Freedom of speech can be a threat to your life. Speaking up about sensitive issues can get
you in trouble.
Example: The tweets of Hamza Ali Abbasi often become a threat for him.
2- Freedom of speech can lead to lies. Many people use freedom of speech for their own
benefit by lying.
Example: women often use the female card in the name of feminism.
3- Freedom of speech can spread false information.
Example: The recent case of a kitten abuse on the internet was made viral by freedom of
speech and it later turned out to be false news.
4- Freedom of speech can cause hatred among people.
Example: The sectarian conflicts are often caused by the use of freedom of speech.
5- Freedom of speech can create confusion for people.
Example: Blunt statements and questions about religious topics can create confusion.
6- Freedom of speech can cause terrorism.
Example: Many terrorists use freedom of speech to brainwash people and create mobs.
7- Freedom of speech reduces the tolerance level among people. When people are allowed to
say whatever they want to say, it can be dangerous.
Example: People misinterpreting statements on religious issues.
8- Freedom of speech can lead to misuse of laws.
Example: The speech of Allama Tahir ul Qadri got him arrested under the case of blasphemy
9- Freedom of speech can lead to violence.
Example: The looting during the Black Lives Matter movement.
10- Freedom of speech can offend people – even the ones close to you.
Example: If you speak up on a controversial topic like the formation of LGBT societies, it
might offend people.

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