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République du Sénégal

Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

Université virtuelle du Sénégal
Direction de la Formation et de l’Ingénierie pédagogique (DFIP)
Filière AES

Promotion_5_Licence_1 / Semestre_1 / 2018

UE Cours Transversaux : EC Anglais

Chapitre_1: Peer Pressure: Tax competition and developing economies

Consignes  : A traiter et déposer dans le courant de la semaine_3 (OBLIGATOIRE)

TD_1 (Fiche_1) : Activité pratique

I. Reading Comprehension

A/ True or false statements: Read the text and Say whether the following
sentences are true or false. Justify by quoting a relevant passage from the text [6

1. According to economists, competition is insignificant as far as the economy market

is concerned.
2. Revenues of developing countries mainly come from corporate income tax.
3. Countries tax things that don’t deserve to be taxed
B. Vocabulary in context: Find in the indicated paragraphs of the text the
synonyms of the following groups of words. [3 marks].
1. Being in battle or in rivalry with another for the same thing or position (par 1) =
________________________ (par 1)
2. a person or organization that buys stocks or shares, or pays money into a bank in
order to receive a profit. (par 1) =__________________ (par 1)
3. A company which has branches or owns companies in many different countries
(par 4) =____________________ (par 4)

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Enseignant : M. A. NDIAYE Tuteur relais : Ndrao FAYE / Alioune NIANG

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