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Global Communication Competence

Competence is the ability of individuals that relates effectively to self and others in daily life. It
is an integration of various components based on thr individuals cognitive, affective, and
behavioral abilities chen (2005)conceptualized competence from three aspects

 It is the cognitive ability to understand situational and environmental requirements

 It is the motivation to demonstrate the ability to understand situational and
environmental requirements
 It is the effectivenessand appropriateness for accomplishing specific goals in interaction

Chen defines communication competence as an innate individual trait that is not related to
lersonal intellect or education

Chen (2005) developed a “model of global communication competence” that enables

individuals to search for the vision,shared understanding and sense of multiple identities that
lead to the unlocking of human potential intelligence, knowledge. The model contains four
dimensions with various components as shown in figure1

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