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FOR CY 2020
Region: III Total Budget of LGU: 388,576,049.86
Province: Nueva Ecija GAD Budget 35,983,504.77
Municipality: Talavera
GAD Budget (6)
Relevant LGU Programs or Lead or
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target
Project PS MOOE CO TOTAL Responsible Office

1 2 3 4 5 7
> Limited access of women > To provide opportunities for women >Practical Skills Training >organization of women and OSY > 3 groups of women and 3 groups of OSY 14,641.13 14,641.13 MSWDO
and youth women to training and and OSY to acquire knowledge and become self-employed/employed by the 6,077.97 6,077.97
employment opportunities skills for possible employment >conduct of needs assessment end of December, 2020.

> To increase income/improve > Self-Employment >group meetings/social preparation > 10 families become self-sufficient/ 14,641.13 50,000.00 64,641.13 MSWDO
economic condition of families Assistance Program >preparation of project proposals improved living condition by end of
belonging to low income groups >conduct of skills training December, 2020
>feasibility study
>release of capital assistance
>project monitoring
> To provide training for income > Establishment & > Establish and maintain RIC thru >number of RIC established and MAO
generating projects to 60% members Maintenance of Rural capability development maintained by the end of Dec., 2020
of Rural Improvement Club (RIC) Improvement Club (RIC) > 50 active and functional Rural 103,031.35 5,000.00 108,031.35
Improvement Club by end of 2020.
>120 women members become self-

> Extension Education >Conduct of skills training, seminars > 2 capability training for officers and mem 81,760.58 10,000.00 91,760.58 MAO
Trainings; Seminars & and provision of financial assistace bers and 12 hands on demo on income
hands- on demo on IGP to RIC income generating project generating project by end of 2020.

> Monitoring of livelihood

> To strengthen farmer >Seminars/Skills Training > Conduct of skills trainings and >4 hands-on demo for reformist 10,000.00 10,000.00 MAO
vegetable growers, seed hands-on demo for seminar on new package of >4 x a year
growers and associations reformists technology
as cores group for > social preparation
multiflier effect >meetings

Page 1
GAD Budget
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective Relevant LGU Programs or Project GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target Lead or Responsible

>Increasing incidence of animal >To decrease incidence of rabies >Rabies Control and >conduct IEC/provide materials for >% with
of affected with rabies were
vaccines/treatment provided
by the end of
bites and exposure among women infection among women and children Preventive Program advocacy 2020 1,055,190.76 1,055,190.76 MHO
and children >To provide treatment to rabies >Procurement of anti-rabies > actual number of affected women/
infected women and children vaccines and other supplies children treated by the end of Dece mber
>Provision of animal bite 2020

>Female students outnumbered >To provide equal access to education by >Educational Student > conduct assessment >no. of deserving indigent students 3,925.00 2,525,000.00 2,528,925.00 MO
male students in pursuing their providing scholarship program to deserving Assistance Program >Conduct qualifying examination
high school and college indigent bebeficiaries >conduct orientation to qualified
education due to poverty students
Male Female

High School - 344 654

College - 59 96 >Free College Scholarship >assessment Male ---------------1,002 1,337.45 1,337.45 MO
SPED - 59 96 Program -NEUST-MGT >enrollment activities Female------------ 1,410
Off Campus Total--------------- 2,412


Section 9 (d) MCW - Establishment of > To reduce the incidence of violence > Information Education > conduct Symposium 100% of women-girl children victims of vio 30,840.16 10,000.00 40,840.16 MSWDO
of VAWC desk in every barangay against women and their children Campaign (IEC) on RA 9262 > meetings with parents have provided with protection against 2,000.00 2,000.00
by 20% at the end of December, 2020 > Marriage counselling > counseling gender-based offensses and attained
> Pre-Marriage counseling > referral to PJG/PNP justice and healing by the end of 2020 48,689.00 48,689.00
> Referral > counseling 20 women-girl children 9,416.16 9,416.16
> Issuance of child custody 100 would be couples
agreement 20 couples with marital conflict
1 symposium with 100 women-girl 9,416.16 9,416.16
children attended
Section 10 MCW- Establishment of > To provide protection and security to >psycho social support >interview/counseling 100% of women-girl children affected 26,858.17 27,641.00 54,499.17 MSWDO
Women friendly space in all women-girl children in times of (counseling) >distribution of food packs by disaster provided with basic
evacuation centers disaster, calamities and other > livelihood support (relief >physiscal check-up and services 122,269.46 50,000.00 172,269.46
crisis situation assistance) distribution of medicines actual number of victims
> health services

Page 2
GAD Budget
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective Relevant LGU Programs or Project GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target Lead or Responsible

Section 22 (b)(2) MCW To provide substitute motherhood, Day Care Service >Early childhood care and >100% of 3-4 years old girls and boys 2,871,527.69 1,558,740.00 4,430,267.69 MSWDO
Establishment of Day Care Center/ comfort and safety to 3-4 years old development activities become socially adjusted at the end of
Breast Feeding Stations girls and boys. December,substitute
>Provided 2020 mothering to all 3-4
years old children enrolled in DCC
To provide space for breast feeding space for >breastfeeding of mothers to their 1710 3-4 years old girls and boys served by
lactating mothers Breast feeding station/corner children the end of December, 2020 MHO

Section 17 (a)(1,2,3,5,6,7,10) MCW To provide comprehensive, culture- >I.Safe Motherhood and

Comprehensive Health Services sensitive and gender responsive Women Health Health
health services and programs Program
covering all stages of woman's life a. Pre-natal and post natal >Masterlisting of all pregnant >no. of pregnant and post partum 1,470,523.08 872,333.33 2,342,856.41
cycle which addresses major causes care women women served by the end of
of women's mortality and morbidity >Reproduction and distribution of December, 2020
by the end of December, 2020 IEC materials on safe pregnancy 3,380 pregnant women MHO
(Mother and Child booklet,
Birth plan)
>Mothers Class/Parenting class/
Buntis Class/Congress
>Regular pre-natal, post partum
b. Perinatal and Post Partum >Purchase of medical supplies >no. of lactating women served by the 1,470,523.08 2,737,478.31 4,208,001.39
Care and medicines for birthing end of December, 2020
>Distribution of Ferrous Sulfate to all 3,380 lactating mothers
pregnant and lactating mothers

>To provide right information on >Family Planning Program > conduct training and seminar >no. of couples of reproductive age 1,470,523.08 994,033.33 2,464,556.41 MHO
birth spacing and proper maternal care for Family Planning informed and accepted family planning
for all women of reproductive age by the method
end of December, 2020

>Identification and masterlisting

of potential FP clients and users in 1,000 couplesionformed and
need of FP services (permannet accepted family planning method
and temporary method)
>Purchase of family planning
>Conduct Usapan Family Planning
to every barangay
>Conduct IEC on Family Planning
Program through Mother's class,
Radio Program on FP services,
Pre-marriage counseling

Page 3
GAD Budget
Lead or Responsible
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective Relevant LGU Programs or Project GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target Office

>II. Child Care Program

> To reduce the morbidity and mortality a. EPI (Expanded Program on >conduct IEC on the importance of >no. of children 1 year old and below 1,270,142.91 5,850.00 1,275,992.91 MHO
among children against the most common Immunization) immunization to children >no. of fully immunized children
vaccine preventable diseases by at >Conduct immunization to all children >no. of partially immunized children
least 10% at the end of December, below 1 year old >no. of parents become aware on the
2020 importance of immunization
700 female children
700 male children

>To decrease infant and under 5 b. CARI (Control of Acute >Provision of medicines for sick >No. of CARI cases served at the end 844,152.61 505,816.00 1,349,968.61 MHO
morbidity and mortality rate by Respiratory Infection) children of December, 2020
at least 10% at the end of c. CDD (Control of Diarrheal >IEC through Parents' Class on >no. of sick children provided with
December, 2020 Disease) Integrated Management on medicines at the end of December, 2020
Comnmon Illness - actual number of cases
>no. of CDD cases served 844,152.61 40,500.00 884,652.61
- actual number of cases

>To decrease incidence of TB >National TB Program >Early diagnosis with DSSM and >no. of diagnosed patients provided 1,899,343.37 737,755.00 2,637,098.37 MHO
infections among women, children treatment with TB treatment by the end of Dec., 2020
and men by at least 20% by the end of >Determination of MDR-TB for - 400 patients provided with proper
December, 2020 re-treatment cases treatment at the end of December, 2020

>To increase awareness on how to >National Breast and >conduct papsmear or Visual >no. of women undergone papsmear 1,055,190.76 53,500.00 1,000.00 1,109,690.76 MHO
prevent breast and cervical cancer Cervical Cancer Early Inspection with Acetic Acid or Visual inspection with acetic acid
among women Detection Program >Provision of vaccine for anti- - 3,300 women

cervical carcinoma (Gardasil) >No. of women provided vaccine for

>conduct IEC/materials for anti-cervical carcinoma
advocacy - 1,500 women
>conduct Symposium on breast >no. of women attended symposium
and cervical cancer awareness - 1,500 women
and other women health
>To improve and sustain the >Nutrition Program >Nutrition Education for mothers >no. of mothers attended mothers class 861,095.60 2,644,136.00 3,200.00 3,508,431.60 MHO/MNAO
nutritional status of 0-71 months old -27 mothers of SUW and UW pre-
children by the end of December school children
2020 >no. of mothers of day care children
attended nutrition education

Page 4
GAD Budget
Lead or Responsible
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective Relevant LGU Programs or Project GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target Office

>To improve attitude and practices of >Parent Effectiveness >conduct 10 sessions of PES with >No. of parents attended PES sessions 94,937.42 94,937.42 MSWDO
children, parents and caregivers Service parents of day care children - 600 parents of day care children
through intensified nutrition and
health education

>To ensure that children accessed >Supplemental Feeding >conduct operation timbang >no. of pre-school children provided with
to any appropriate health unit >conduct feeding in school/brgy. hot meals in school/barangay
regarding their nutrition related - 19,879 pre-school ch (0-71 mos. Old)
problems including overweight and >Supplemental Feeding inside >Conduct operation timbang in DCC >no. of 3-4 years old children enrolled in 245,518.26 102,400.00 347,918.26 MSWDO
risk of malnutrition. Day Care >conduct feeding inside day care day care improved, maintained and
December, 2020
- 1710 3-4 years old children
>Weight and Height monitoring >no. of 0-71 mo.s old children monitored
of all 0-71 mos. Old children their weight and height at the end of
December, 2020
>Conduct Nutrition Month >Nutrition Month Celebration
Celebration conducted on July, 2020
>Search for Bright Child conducted 26,528.42 10,000.00 36,528.42 MSWDO

>Provision of micronutrient >no. of children provided with micro- 844,152.61 395,000.00 1,239,152.61 MHO
supplementation nutrient supplementation
-actual number provided with
micronutrient supplementation at the
end of December, 2020
To provide aid and preventive >Free eye cataract check-up >Assistscheck-ups,
during elderly women patients and
consultations >no. of elderly women benefitted 1,863.27 1,080.00 2,943.27 MHO
measure to elderly women in protecting and treatment treatment from eye protection program
their eyesight/vision >Encourageinelderly
the hospitals
women to have 146,000.00 146,000.00 MHO
>Free eye cataract operation regular eye examination - 100 elderly women provided with
>Free eye drops and medicines >Didtribution of free reading
>Free eye glassess/reading eye glasses

Section 27 (d) - Social Protection To provide Health Insurance to Philhealth ng Masa >Profiling of indigent bene- >no. of in digents provided with 18,600.00 300,000.00 318,600.00 MHO
Health Insurance program for indigent families ficiaries Philhealth insurance
indigents >homevisit/interview of target - 125 indigents

> processing of documents

>distribution of Philhealth >no. of indigent senior citizen provided with
Card social pension for the whole year on a
To provide Social Pension to indigent senior Social Pension to Indigent Senior quarterly release basis
citizens citizen (LGU funded) >profiling of indigent senior
> homevisit/interview
>processing of documents - 829 indigent senior citizens 1,745.45 4,974,000.00 4,975,745.45 MO/OSCA
>pay-out of social pension

SUB-TOTAL A 16,818,614.70 18,768,262.97 4,200.00 35,591,077.67

Page 5
GAD Budget
Gender Issue or GAD Mandate GAD Objective Relevant LGU Programs or Project GAD Activities Performance Indicator and Target Lead or Responsible



>Low level of knowledge of Municipal To capacitate both Municipal and Barangay >100% members of Municipal and Barangay 11,464.00 11,464.00 GFPS
GFPS and Barangay GFPS on GAD GFPS on Gender and Development Capacity Development Program >Attend Seminar workshop on GAD GFPS are capacitated by the end of
mainstreaming December, 2020
>Attend regular quarterly meeting on 4,284.87 20,000.00 24,284.87
Gender and Development
Review of GAD Plan and Budget >Provide technical assistance to barangay 6,778.24 6,778.24 MBO
GFPS on GAD mainstreaming, GAD
planning and budgeting


Section 36 (a)(b)(c) - Institutional To strenghten GAD Focal Point System GAD Focal Point System >attend regular meetings >with updated and functional GAD Focal 192,350.91 192,350.91 GFPS
Mechanism >attend GAD sensitivity seminars and Point System

To update GAD Code based on GAD issues Updated GAD Code >formulation of policies/ordinances >Updated GAD Code every 3 years
and concerns, and gender equality agenda of that address gender issues and concerns
the government.

>generation of data on women and girl-

To generate and maintain GAD Database GAD Database children > Mainatained updated GAD database

To prepare plan and budget for GAD GAD Plan and Budget for 2020 >preparation of GAD Plan and Budget for >GAD Plan and Budget 2020 submitted 4,284.87 4,284.87 GFPS
programs addressing gender issues and 2020 on time (before March 30, 2019)
concerns based on the mandate of local >Gad Annual Accomploishment Report
government units alocating at least 5% of the for 2018 submitted on time (before
LGU's total budget appropriations January 30, 2019)

To promote and fulfill the rights of National Women's Day >observe and conduct Women's >Women's Day Celebration conducted 13,264.21 100,000.00 113,264.21 MSWDO

women in all spheres, including Celebration Day Celebration on March, 2020

Symposium/forum conducted on March,
their rights to substantive equality and non- >conduct symposium/forum
>Participate on
on National conventions, 2020 leader attended/participated on
>2 women 20,000.00 20,000.00
discrimination women's right/diseases
consultative meetings National conventions/consulttive meetings 20,000.00 20,000.00 MAO

Sub-total B 232,427.10 160,000.00 392,427.10

Page 6
Attribute programs HFDG Design Total Annual Budget GAD Budget
Lead or Responsible

Title of LGU Program or Project Checklist Score of the Program

Sub Total C
Grand Total (A+B+C) 17,051,041.80 18,928,262.97 4,200.00 35,983,504.77

Prepared by: Approved by: Date:

March 26, 2019

Chair Person, GFPS TWG Local Chief Executive

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