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1. —– relates the rate of elimination to the plasma concentration? Clearance

2. Half life is the property of —- order elimination? First
3. Fraction of administered drug that reaches circulation is called ? Bioavailability
4. Drugs give IV have —–percent bioavailability? 100%
5. Frequency of dosing Is affected by —-? Half life
6. Constant amount of drug eliminated per unit time indicates which order elimination
?? Zero order elimination
7. Phase I metabolism of drugs usually yields? Slightly polar , water soluble
8. Maximal effect a drug can produce is called ? Efficacy
9. Amount of drug needed for a given effect is called? Potency
10. Therapeutic index is—>? Measurement of drug safety
11. Partial action of morphine is at which opioid receptor? mu
12. Adrenal medulla are part of which nervous system? Sympathetic nervous system
13. Botulinum toxins blocks release of neurotransmitter at which terminals ?
14. Mydriasis is the action of which receptors? a1
15. Dec heart rate and contractility of atria is the action of which receptors? M2
16. Inc gastric secretion is the action which receptors? H2
17. Dec uterine Is the action of which receptor? B2
18. Which vasopressin receptor involve in inc vascular smooth muscle contraction?
19. Challenge test for diagnosis of asthma? Methacholine
20. Which drug activate bowel and bladder?? Bethanecol
21. Clinical application of donePezil? Alzheimer’s disease
22. Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis done by? Edrophonium
23. In chronic myasthenia gravis , drug of choice is? Pyridostigmine
24. Antidote of cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning? Pralidoxime
25. Adrenal medulla is innervated by which fibres? Cholinergic fibres
26. Potent stimulator of sweat, tests and saliva? Pilocarpine
26. Atropine effect on eye is? Mydriasis and cycloplegia
27. Isoproterenol action is on which receptors? b1 and b2
28. Dobutamine mainly effects on which receptor? b1
29. Drug used to reduce premature uterine contraction? Terbutaline
30. Attention deficit disorder can be treated by? Amphetamine
31. Ne centrally acting a2 agonists? Clonidine and methyl dopa
32. Toxicity of phenoxybenzamine is? Orthoststic hypotension , reflex tachycardia
33. Name selective b-antagonist? Pindolol, acebutalol
34. Drugs used in urinary retention in BPH? Prazosin, terazosin and doxasozin
35. What is the effect of b-blocker in angina pectoris? Dec heart rate and contractility
36. Antidote of opioid poisoning is? Naloxone/ naltrexone
37. Atropine toxicity antidote? Physostigmine salicylate
38. Antidote for benzodiapzipine? Flumazinil
39. Drugs causing dialated cardiomyopathy? Doxorubicin and daunoeubicin
40. Direct Coombs positive hemolytic anemia is caused by which drug? Methyl dopa
41. Chloremphinicol causes which syndrome? Gray baby syndrome
42. ACE inhibitors main side effect ? Cough and angodema
43. Drug causing pseudo membranous colitis? Clindamycin
44. Vitamin causing hyperglycemia? Niacin
45. Name drugs causing SLE-like syndrome? Hydralazine, INH, Procainamide and
46. Tardive dyskinesia is side effect of??? Antipsychotics
47. Name ATT drug which is P-450 inducer? Rifampin
48. Antidote for warfarin toxicity? Vit K , FFP
49. Side effect of isoniazid ? Neurotoxicity and hepatotoxicity
50. Drug which decreases triglycerides ?fibrates
51. Drug protective against diabetx nephropathy? ACE inhibitors
52. Drug which can cause cyanide toxicity ? Nitroprusside
53. Hydralazine dec ? Afterload/preload
54. Action of glitazone? Inc insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissue
55. Sulfonyureas closes which channels in b-cells? K+channe l
56. First line therapy of Type 2 DM? Metformin
57. Which drug is teratogen ? Carbimazole/ methemazole/ propyl thiouracil
58. Drug used in SIADH? Demeclocycline
59. Mechanism of PPI? Irreversibly inhibit H+/K+ATPase in stomach parietal cells
60. Carcinoid tumor is treated by? Octreoride
61. Name antacids causes diarrhea? Magnesium hydroxide
62. The powerful centrally acting antiemetic is? Ondansetron
63. Metaclopromide is which receptor antagonist ? D2
64. Myeloaupression caused by methotrexate is rescued by whih drug? Leucovori
65. Anti Breast cancer drug having endometrial antagonist action is? Raloxifene
66. Myelosuppresion cause by 5 florouracil is rescued by? Thymidine
67. Hemorrhagic cystitis is side effect of ? Cyclophosphamide
68. Nephrotoxicity caused by cisplatin is prevented by? Amifostine
69. Name the drug which is Philadelphia chromosome tyrosine kinase inhibitor ?
70. Monoclonal antibody against CD20 is ? Rituximab
71. Probenecid inhibits reabsorption of Uric acid in which part of nephron? Proximal
convulated tubule
72. Febuxostat inhibits? Xanthine oxidase
73. Antidote of acetaminophen ? N-acetylecystiene
74. Name anti-TNF antibody commonly used in crohn disease? Infliximab
75. Mechanism of aspirin? Irreversibly inhibit both COX 1 and COX 2
76. Warfarin effects which pathway ? Extrinsic pathway
77. Site of action of heparin? Blood
78. Heparin toxicity is treated by? Protamin sulphate
79. Clopidogrel toxicity cause which hematological deficiency? Neutropenia
80. Abciximab binds to which glycoproteins receptor? IIb/IIIa
81. Which drug is used or maintenance programe for opioid addicts? Methadone
82. Opioid used as cough suppressant ? Dextromethorphan
83. Drug of choice for absence siezures? Ethosuxemide
84. 1st line treatment of eclampsia? Mgso4
85. 1st line of treatment for acute epilepsy? Diazepam
86. Fetal hydantoin syndrome is teratogenicity caused by? Phenytoin
87. Neural tube defects caused by which drug? Valproic acid
88. Barbiturates facilitate GABA action by——of Cl channel ? Duration
89. Which inhaled anesthetic is hepatotoxic? Halothane
90. Most common drug used for endoscopy? Midazolam
91. IV anesthetic used for rapid and short procedures? Propofol
92. Main complication of succinylcholine ? Hypercalcemia and hyperkalemia
93. Malignant hyperthermia is treated hyperthermia ? Dantrolene
94. Benztropin improves——in parkinson disease ? Tremors and rigidity
95. Carbidopa is converted to —- in CNS? Dopamine
96. Selegiline selectively inhibits ??? MAO-B
97. Half life of sumatriptan ?? <2 hours
98. Marked respiratory depression is caused by which depressants ? Barbiturates
99. Maurijuana can be detected in urine upto ——- months of last use? 1 month
100. Treatment of wernickie korsakoff syndrome is? IV Vitamin B1
101. Treatment of delerium tremens?? Benzodiazepines
102. Drug of choice for ADHD? Methylphenidate
103. Social phobias are treated with ? SSRI
104. Drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder is ? Clomipramine
105. All typical antipsychotics block which receptors? D2 receptors
106. Corneal deposits is side effect of which antipsychotics ? Chlorpromazine
107. Treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Dantrolene
108. Which atypical antipsychotic May cause agranulocytosis ? Clozapine
109. Teratogenicity caused by lithium ? Ebstein anomaly
110. Generalized anxiety disorder is treated by? Buspirone
111. Drug of choice of bedwetting patient is? Imipramine
112. Main toxicity of tricyclics antidepressants? Convulsion , coma and cardio
113. How much time antidepressant need to have its effect? 4-8weeks
114. Antidepressant used for diabetic peripheral neuropathy is? Duloxetine
115. Drug used for altitude sickness? Acetazolamide
116. Name osmotic diuretic ? Mannitol
117. What is the effect of loop diuretic on calcium in the blood? Hypocalcemia
118. Gout is side effect of which diuretic? Loo diuretic
119. Idiopathic hypercalciuria is treated with? Thiazide diuretics
120. While using ACE inhibitor what will be the effect on renin??? Renin level
121. Drug inhibits steroid synthesis ? Ketoconazole .
122. Contraindications of estrogens??? ER positive breast cancer and history of
123. a1-agonist used to treat BPH ? Tamsulosin
124. Mechanism of action of sildenafil? Inhibit cyclic GMP phosphodiesterse
125. Name 2 drugs of 2nd generation of H1 blockers?? Fexofenadine, citrizine ,
loratidine, desloratidine
126. What is the action of b2- agonist on bronchial muscle? Bronchial smooth muscle
127. Name the mast cell stabilizer? Cromolyn
128. Drug that blocks conversion of arachidonic acid to leukotrienes? Zileuton
129. Drug that can loosen mucous plug in Cystic fibrosis patient is? N-acetylcystiene
130. Brochoconstriction is mediated by——and——-? Inflammatory and sympathetic
131. Bipolar disorder is treated with? Lithium
132. Drug of choice for cytomegalovirus? Ganciclovir
133. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3) treated by? All-trans retinoids acid
134. Common treatment of buergers disease? Smoke cessation
135. Prophylaxis for Hemophilus influenza (B)? Rifampin
136. Treatment if hemorrhagic cystitis is ? Mesna
137. Medical abortion is done by? Mifepristone
138. Drug of choice for migraine? Sumatriptan
139. Treatment of Neisseria gonorrhea? Ceftriaxone
140. Neural tube defect prevention done by? Folic aid ( folate)
141. Drug of choice for PDA? Indomethacin
142. Prostate carcinoma is treated with? Flutamide
143. Drug used in pulmonary hypertension? Bonestan
144. Breast cancer in postmenopausal woman is treated by? Aromatase inhibitor
145. First line drug for depression? SSRIs
146. Imipenem always administered with ? Cilastatin
147. Red man syndrome is side effect of? Vancomycin
148. Main side effects of aminoglycoside ?? Nephrotoxicity , ototoxicity and
149. Trimethoprim inhibits bacterial? Dihydrofolate reductase
150. Fluoroquinolones damages to cartilage
151. Metallic taste is by which anti microbial drug? Metronidazole
152. Optic neuropathy is side effect? Ethambutol
153. Endocarditis with surgical or dental procedure —-prophylaxis? Penicillins
154. Empiric Therapy for community acquired pneumonia of outdoor patient setting?
155. Drug of choice Cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS patient? Fluconazole
156. Drug which inhibit cell wall synthesis by inhibiting synthesis of b-glucan?
157. Terbinafine used to treat ??? Onchomycosis
158. Leishmaniasis is treated by sodium stibogluconate
159. CMV retinitis in immuno compromised patient when ganciclovir fails? Foscarnet
160. Orange body fluids is side effect of? Rifampin

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