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blast simulation

evaluation and

User Manual
JKSimBlast is a suite of powerful modular tools for the simulation and
management of blasting data. 2DBench and StockView are stand-alone
modules of JKSimBlast: 2DBench is used for the design of blasts in bench
mining applications; and StockView is for the storage of the specifications of
explosives and accessories. As the program developers do not control data
creation, collection, analysis or interpretation, it is the sole responsibility of the
user to verify that input data are accurate and appropriate, and that all
conditions and outputs are reasonable and comply with any statutory

In no event will JKTech be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental

or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the
software or documentation.

Copyright © 1998 JKTech

All rights reserved.
Both the software and documentation of JKSimBlast, 2DBench and
StockView are copyright.

Isles Road
Australia 4068

Telephone: (+61 7) 3365 5842

Facsimile: (+61 7) 3365 5900
Overview............................................................................. i

Chapter 1
1. General Functions ......................................................... 1
2. The Design Area ........................................................... 2
2.1. Screen Layout ................................................... 2
2.2 Design Option Layout ....................................... 3
3. Global Construction Tools............................................ 6
3.1 Selection Box ......................................................... 6
3.2 Selection Mask....................................................... 6
3.3 Goto Position dialog .............................................. 6
3.4 Anchor.................................................................... 7
3.5 Specify Zoom ......................................................... 7
3.6 Zoom in, Zoom out and Centre Design.................. 7
3.7 Selecting Closest Object ........................................ 7
3.8 Marking Holes........................................................ 7
3.9 Redraw ................................................................... 8
4. Query Options............................................................... 9
4.1 Object Query .......................................................... 9
4.2 Design Totals ....................................................... 10
4.3 Blast Parameters and Design Factors ................... 11
5. Loading , Saving & Exporting Designs ...................... 13
6. Reporting .................................................................... 15
6.1 Printing the design ............................................... 15
6.2 Reporting options via text files ............................ 16
Chapter 2
7. 2DBench - Design Input ............................................. 19
8. Area to be blasted........................................................ 20
8.1 String Creation to Define Blast Regions .............. 20
8.2 Importation of general string files ........................ 21
8.3 Editing Strings...................................................... 23
8.4 Setting options for lines and polygons. ................ 24
9. Blast Holes .................................................................. 25
9.1 Parameters ............................................................ 25
9.2 Drilling Holes and Patterns .................................. 25
9.3 Hole Editing ......................................................... 26
9.4 Labelling Holes .................................................... 27
9.5 Cut, Copy, Paste and Modify Holes ..................... 28
10. Loading Explosives and other decks......................... 29
10.1 Parameters .......................................................... 29
10.2 Loading Decks.................................................... 30
10.3 Editing Explosive Charges................................. 30
11. Downhole Delays...................................................... 31
11.1 Parameters .......................................................... 31
11.2 Inserting downhole delays.................................. 31
11.3 Editing Downhole Delays .................................. 32
12. Surface delays ........................................................... 33
12.1 Parameters .......................................................... 33
12.2 Tying holes......................................................... 33
12.3 Editing Surface Ties........................................... 34
13. Detonation Simulation .............................................. 35
13.1 Parameters .......................................................... 35
13.2 Run the simulation ............................................. 36
2DBench – Preface

2DBench is a graphical software program for the design and editing of

bench blast designs. It gives engineers and blasting personnel the ability
to design and optimise the layout and initiation sequence of almost any
type of bench blast, as most commonly used in open cut mining. It
allows the designer to:

• layout a pattern of blastholes

• load explosive decks and other materials in the holes

• install downhole and surface delays, with primer and connection


• simulate the detonation on screen

• import and export data and print the design

Individual elements of the design are defined by the user, including hole
dimensions, explosives, delays, connectors and boosters, and can be
combined in a variety of design scenarios.

2DBench is a module of JKSimBlast, which is a framework for a suite of

programs for data management in blasting, including design and
simulation, analysis, data collection and referencing, performance
evaluation, prediction and optimisation. Integration of the modules is
achieved through data sharing via Microsoft Access databases. The open
framework allows for other third party applications to be developed and
incorporated into JKSimBlast, using the same databases for their own
purposes. This approach provides the user with a mechanism to
maximise the use of the data.

More detail on JKSimBlast and its modules is contained in the various

sections of this manual.

2DBench – Preface

2DBench - Open Cut
Blast Design Editor

1. General Functions
2DBench incorporates several major functions:

• Design Functions which include grid size and grid orientation settings,
definition of areas with strings functions, drilling mode functions, charging
mode functions, tie up functions and detonation simulation.

• Editing Functions include the selection of objects (eg. marking functions),

deleting objects (eg. holes, charge etc.), deleting strings, changing the
attributes of objects (eg. visibility, colour etc.).

• Viewing functions include zoom in and out, specify zoom, go to position,

centre design, redraw, query functions.

• The reporting functions include printer set up, print the design window
and turning object text on/off for printing more information.

• Data organisation functions include Microsoft Access1 database storage

plus exportation and importation of data via 3x3o-Pro2 files.

Microsoft Access is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation
3x3o-Pro is an open pit blast design, Analysis and Optimisation Program, superseded by
2DBench. Copyright JKTech.

2. The Design Area

2.1. Screen Layout

Figure 1 shows the screen layout (ie. working area) of 2DBench. The main
window consists of a drawing area, title bar (which has some status
information), menu bar, tool bar, status bar and scroll bar.

This main window or drawing area is a plan view of a 3D world defined by

grid coordinates (ie. Easting and Northing in metres). This coordinate system is
symbolised by the grid lines shown.

The menu bar contains all the functions available in 2DBench and it is divided
into six items (ie. File, Edit, Mode, Parameters, View and Help) (see Appendix
A for a description of these items).

The tool bar consists of four items, the major design mode buttons which are
associated with mode functions in the main menu bar; the parameters setting
button which allow the user to set the properties of a design mode (ie. drilling,
loading etc); the construction mode buttons which give the user some
construction options available for design and the information mode buttons
which allow the user to query a design.

The status bar gives the user an indication of the current design mode and
construction option as well as design properties such as current location,
current construction line properties, current anchor line properties and design

Title Bar

Menu Bar

Tool Bar Parameter Information Bar

Parameters Information
Button Construction Mode Buttons
Major Mode Mode Buttons
Selection Box
2D Cursor
Scroll Bar

Construction Line
Anchor Line

Drawing Area

Grid Lines

Grid Coordinates

Status Bar

Major Mode Current Action Current Easting Achor Bearing Current Construction Scale
Text Text and Northing and Distance Line Bearing and

Figure 1 Layout of the Main Window

The cursor is used to set the position for design actions or to select objects.
The mouse is used to control movement of the cursor, and the left and right
buttons are then used to determine the actions.

Normally, the pointer is visible, and acts similar to a pointer in any other
program. To access the cursor, press the spacebar, or move the pointer over the
design area and click the left mouse button or press “Enter”. Moving the cursor
now will show a change in the coordinates at the bottom right corner of the
status bar. To exit the design area (change the cursor to the pointer) press the
spacebar or click the right mouse button. Also, the cursor will temporarily
change to the pointer if the mouse is moved outside the design area, so that
toolbars, menus and dialog boxes can still be accessed. For example, this
allows changes to be made in dialog boxes, perform an action and make further
changes without actually leaving the design area.

Unless otherwise specified, to perform an action while the cursor is active,

press Enter or click the left mouse button.

2.2 Design Area Appearance

The appearance of the design area can be modified to the user’s preferences
(i.e. setting mine coordinates, global coordinates, grid size, grid orientation
etc.). A number of tools are available in 2DBench for this purpose and these are
accessed via the View+Options…menu item (see Figure 2 )

Figure 2 Change options dialog

The Change options dialog allows the user to set up and modify the drawing
area in which a design is to be created. This dialog contains nine options
describing different aspects of the design layout as outlined in Table 1 .

Option Description
Grid Size Activates the Grid and defines the size of grid
intervals; East/West and North/South.
Text Position Selects where object text is positioned in the design
Object Colour Selects the colour of the object type
Object Visibility Selects object type to make visible or invisible
Selection Box Activates selection box or selection mask
Grid Appearance Selects the appearance of the grid lines
Grid Origin Selects the new centre position of the grid
Grid North Selects where North is pointing
Adjust Text Size Adjusts some text sizes by a percentage
Table 1 Change options dialog description

The Text position option contains dialog boxes which allow the user to
interactively select and position text around an object as shown in Figure 3.
Note that the text will not appear until the relevant object visibility is turned on.

Figure 3 Text position dialog and options

The Object colour option allows the user to change the colour of all objects in
the design layout. The standard colour palette dialog is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Colour palette dialog

3. Global Construction Tools

3.1 Selection Box

Selection Box The selection box allows the user to quickly select a square or rectangular
On/off region within the design area. It is toggled (ie. turned on/off) by clicking on the
selection box icon in the tool bar or alternatively by accessing the options
dialog via the View menu item.

3.2 Selection Mask

Selection The selection mask allows the user to select irregular regions (ie. polygons of
Mask On/off up to 10 vertices) within the design area. It is toggled (ie. turned on/off) by
clicking on the selection mask icon in the tool bar or alternatively by accessing
the options dialog via the View menu item.

3.3 Goto Position dialog

The “Move 2D cursor to location” dialog (Figure 5) is activated via the View
menu item. The position dialog allows the user to move the 2D cursor to a
specific grid position. The user may move the 2D cursor to an absolute
coordinate or to a position relative to the 2D cursor's current position. The
relative move can be in Cartesian coordinates (eg. Easting, Northing and RL) or
in spherical coordinates (eg. Bearing and length). To move to a location, click
on the “Move 2D cursor” button.

Note that this dialog also allows the user to carry out a design action at a
specific location by clicking on the “do Action” button.

Figure 5 Cursor Location Dialog

3.4 Anchor
The Anchor is a measuring tool that allows the user to obtain bearings and Anchor
distances from a start point to an end point. It is toggled by clicking on the
Anchor icon in the tool bar.

3.5 Specify Zoom

This option is accessed via the View menu item. The new scale dialog is
activated and it is shown in Figure 6. The user may change the scale and click
on the apply button for the change to take place.

Figure 6 New scale option dialog

The user may also change the current scale by double clicking the scale shown
in the status bar (see Figure 1).

3.6 Zoom in, Zoom out and Centre Design

These options are also accessed via the View menu item (e.g. View+Zoom in...
). The default value for both zooming in and out is “twice” of the current scale.
(e.g. for a scale 1:750 ; 1:(750/2) for zooming in and 1:(750x2) for zooming

If the selection or masking box is on, then the zoom in option will automatically
zoom into the selected region.

The user may also quickly zoom in and out of a region by using the shortcut
keys [Z] and [Alt+Z] respectively.

The centre design option is used to automatically centre on the screen all the
objects of a design.

3.7 Selecting Closest Object

Pressing the [Home] key will move the cursor to the nearest object, depending
on the current mode: either the closest point on a string, the centre of a hole, or
the closest point on a surface tie.

3.8 Marking Holes

Applying changes to holes can be easily done with 2DBench editing functions.
For changes to occur, holes should be selected, or “marked”. To mark holes, the
following options are available in the Edit menu item:

− Marked all holes in the selection box or selection mask

− Unmarked all holes in the selection box or selection mask

− Swap marked state of holes

Marked holes are shown with an “M” in the centre (see Figure 7 below)

Unmarked holes

Marked holes
Figure 7 View of marked and unmarked holes


The hole nearest to the 2D cursor can be individually marked or

unmarked by pressing the “M” and “U” keystroke buttons

3.9 Redraw
Redraw is used to update the current screen. This option is accessed via the
View menu item.

4. Query Options
2DBench incorporates information functions that allow the user to check the
properties and components of a design (e.g. hole lengths, hole diameters,
explosive charges, in-hole delays, etc). These functions are divided into the
individual object query function and the design totals function.

4.1 Object Query

The individual object query function is activated by clicking on the Information
Information mode icon in the tool bar. This option allows the user to obtain mode
information about the design for the different design modes available (e.g. area,
holes, decks, in-hole delays, surface delays etc.). Move the cursor in the design
area to show information on different objects; also, the mode can be changed
while the information box is active.

The information box is shown in Figure 8 below. In this case the user is
inquiring about the deck information of particular holes.

The information
mode icon is active

Figure 8 Design Information dialog


For multiple decks or in-hole delays in a hole, clicking the left

mouse button will cycle through the individual items in the hole.

2DBench also displays a view of the hole section when querying decks and in-
hole delay information. Figure 9 shows a typical example.

Figure 9 Deck material information

4.2 Design Totals

The design totals information is activated via the View menu item (i.e.
View+Object totals…). This option allows the user to obtain a quick
information summary of a complete design (See Figure 10). Click the tabs for
summary information about the relevant objects for each mode. The “Details”
button will give further information on selected objects on each tab.

Figure 10 Object totals dialog

4.3 Blast Parameters and Design Factors
The user is also able to quickly view a summary of the current design blast
parameters (Figure 11) and to calculate design factors, such as powder factor
(Figure 12). These two options can be accessed via the View+Current blast
parameters & View+Design Factors menu item.

Figure 11 Blast Design Parameters

Figure 12 Design Factors

The Design Factors are calculated for the design based on the current Blast
Parameters, marked holes and the nearest polygon to the cursor. The
parameters must first be accepted or saved via the “Save…” button on the Hole

Drilling Parameters dialog. To calculate powder or energy factors, the program
uses the bench height and the polygon area to calculate the blast volume, then
the rock density to calculate the tonnage, and finally the mass and energy of
explosives in the marked holes to calculate the factors. Thus, new factors can
be calculated by changing the hole marking or placing the cursor close to a
different polygon.

5. Loading, Saving & Exporting Designs
Designs can be loaded and saved via the File menu item.. The corresponding
dialog boxes are shown in Figures 13 and 14.

Figure 13 Open Design Dialog

Figure 14 Save Design and more information dialog

When saving or opening a project, first select the database for the blast design.
Click the Browse button, and then search for the folder and select the database
file. To save a design to a new database. Select the folder and enter the name
of the new database file in the file name.

The overall blast design name and the names of the relevant design components
should be specified to save the design. (Note: by pressing Enter after entering
the overall design name, the relevant design option names are automatically
added). The blast name can be any title for the blast, such as “Bench A Shot
B”. The option names for Area, Holes, etc, can be the same as the blast name,
or different to describe various options, particularly when used in combination
in different scenarios.

It is important to note that if no names are specified to the relevant design

information combo boxes (ie. Area design name, Hole design name etc.), then
that information will not be saved.

A scenario is a combination of design options under a blast name. It is possible

to have several scenarios for a single blast, which may have small or large
differences between options used in the blast design. For example, a first blast
scenario may contain a design for a V1 timing layout; a second scenario may
contain the same area, holes and decks design options, but have a timing layout
for row by row firing with different downhole and surface delays options.

The user may also specify a new blasting scenario for the same overall design
by choosing the item labelled “new” before saving. Selecting an existing
scenario number will replace all design options associated with that scenario.
Alternatively, a design can be opened as a combination of design options from
other designs and databases.

The more information button (Figure 14) allows the user to insert extra
information about the overall design and individual blasting scenarios.

For previous users of 3x3o-PRO, 2DBench allows designs to be exported to

3x3o-PRO for analysis. This is done via the File+Export menu item which
activates the File Export dialog shown in Figure 15. Note that 3x3o-Pro project
(*.gen) file extension is the default export file type for analysis in 3x3o-PRO.

Figure 15 Export data dialog

6. Reporting

6.1 Printing the design

The blast design can be printed as shown on the screen, at the set scale,
including any visible view options such as hole numbering or surface delays.
Before printing a design, set the required options and position the design on the

Figure 16 Print Design dialog.

Select Print Design Window… from the File menu (Figure 16), and then
select the printer from the list of available printers. If required, set the margins
for the design on the page (these are in addition to the unprintable area around
the edges of the paper).

A logo and a comment box can be printed in any of the corners of the page.
The logo is a bitmap file in the Auxfiles folder called Printlogo.bmp. This file
can be replaced with any bitmap, such as the user’s company logo. The bitmap
is printed at full size.

The comment box can contain any text information to accompany the printed
design, such as the blast name or the designer’s name, scale, etc.

The configuration for a printer can be saved for further use at a later time.
Click the save button, and then enter a descriptive name for the configuration

(see Figure 17). Click OK to save the configuration. An existing setup can be
recalled from the list of available configurations on the Print Design dialog.

All printer configurations are saved in the file 2DBPrnConfigs.ini in the

2DBench folder. Different sets of options can be created for the same printer
or different printers and stored in the file for later use.

Figure 17 Save printer configuration dialog.

6.2 Reporting options via text files

This option allows the user to export text files with particular information about
the current design , namely:

• Drilling report

• Loading report

• Downhole summary

• Surface summary

This option is available by accessing the Export Data dialog (Figure 18) via the
File+Export menu item.

Only data attached to marked holes will be exported. This allows the user to
select which holes will be included in the reports. To report on the entire
design, mark all holes via the Edit+Mark all holes menu item.

Figure 18 Export data dialog.

The report files contain some information about the relevant blast design
option, and then a table of data values for that option. The values are tab
separated, and the files are suitable for uploading to a word processor or
spreadsheet program for further processing, formatting and printing.

7. 2DBench - Design Input
Within 2DBench, the creation of a design follows a systematic engineering approach,
which can be divided into the following steps:

• Definition of the region to be blasted.

• Location of blast holes.

• Selection and loading of explosives.

• Selection and loading of downhole delays, connectors and


• Selection and placement of surface delays and connectors.

• Simulation of the detonation sequence.

8. Area to be blasted
2DBench allows the user to define the blast design region with a number of
CAD (computer aided design) functions. The procedure for defining the
geometry of a blast design in 2DBench includes creating strings and polygons,
and placing text labels on the design area.

8.1 String Creation to Define Blast Design

Area Mode Regions
The boundaries of a drilling region or the outline of a particular bench can be
defined using the “Area Mode” function. This option is accessed via the
Mode+Area menu item or alternatively by clicking on the Area Mode Icon
(see left margin).

The area mode function allows the user to create a string outline. A string is a
collection of two or more points joined together by lines. Strings may either be
opened or closed. A closed string is defined as starting and ending at a common
point. An open string can consist of one or multiple line segments.

There are two ways of creating a string outline to define the geometry of the
area to be blasted, namely:

• Single line segment drawing: This method allows the user to draw single
line segments to define a single line or a polygon. It is activated by clicking
Single Line on the single line mode icon
To draw a line, place the cursor at the position of the start of the line, click
the mouse or press [Enter], move the cursor to the position of the end of the
line and click again or press [Enter].

• Multiple line segment drawing: This method allows the user to draw
polygons by joining multiple lines. It is activated by clicking on the multiple
Multiple Line
line mode icon.
To draw a polygon, place the cursor at the position of the start of the first
side (the first point), click the mouse or press [Enter], move the cursor to the
position of the end of the side (next point) and click again or press [Enter].
Repeat this for each succeeding point, and close the polygon by crossing any


To stop the line creation, press the Esc Key or if a closed polygon
needs to be created, then cross any of the earlier line segments
with the current segment.

Before and while a line or polygon is drawn, the user may specify a default
level (i.e. Z value) via the Edit+Modify Default Level menu item. Figure 19
shows the corresponding dialog box.

Figure 19 Assign default level for area mode

All strings are assigned a label or number as they are created. To set the
label, open the Line Properties dialog, Figure 20, from the Parameters menu
or the current mode parameter button. Either select or enter a label to be
Current mode
assigned to the next string to be created, or select “autonumber” to use the
sequence number (note: all strings are assigned a sequence number). Labels
can be added to a list that can be saved in a parameters file, or a list can be
retrieved from any parameters file and used in the current session.

Figure 20 Assign string labels

8.2 Importation of general string files

The program can also read general string files. A sample format is shown in
Figure 21.

The file consists of a number of comment lines and followed by four columns
of information namely : Line ID, X, Y and Z coordinate.

This format has been found to be the most general, and a number of mine
design software packages are able to export string files (ASCII files) very
similar to this or requiring very little modification.

Figure 21 General string file format

A general string file can be imported by accessing the “Import other data
formats” dialog via the File+Import … menu item.

Figure 22 Import data dialog

Once a file has been selected, 2DBench invokes the general string file format
dialog to specify the correct location of data (i.e. Column 1 is the Line ID,
remaining columns are the Easting etc..) Figure 23.

Figure 23 General string file format dialog.

The last dialog shows the strings that have been found in the file, and allows
the user to select the strings to be imported and to change the line labels and
colours to suit particular requirements (Figure 24).

Figure 24 General string import dialog

8.3 Editing Strings

2DBench allows the user to cut, copy, paste, delete and modify lines and
polygons. These functions are available in the Edit menu item.

To cut/copy, and paste a line or polygon , move the cursor near the object and
go to the Edit+cut/copy nearest line menu item; to paste the object, select
either Paste Absolute to place it in its original position, or Paste Relative to
place it with respect to the cursor.

When copying a line or a label, the offset between the cursor and the object is
taken into account. Therefore, before copying objects for Paste Relative, place
the cursor at an identifiable point on one of the objects, such as the end of a
line. Use the [Home] key to accurately place the cursor. Then, before pasting,
place the cursor at the new position of that point.

The objects can also be copied to an external application , such as a

spreadsheet. First, copy the object in 2DBench. Then start the application and
paste the data, which will appear as a text and numeric description of the
object. This data can then be modified or replaced, and copied back to
2DBench. The reference point in the data should be taken into account when
positioning the cursor before pasting.

Lines and polygons may be deleted by using the Backspace key nearer the
object, or alternatively by choosing the Edit+delete all lines menu item.

To modify a line and/or a polygon, move the cursor nearer the object in
question, then activate the “change nearest line dialog box” via the
Edit+modify nearest line menu item (Figure 25). This dialog allows the user
to make specific changes about line segments or polygons; for example the user
can select a point near the cursor and delete it or change its coordinates. Click
“Change Line” to enter any new changes, “Prev…” or “Next…” to select the
next available point or line, and “NEW Point…” to select a new point or line
close to the cursor. “Delete Point” will remove the current point from the line.

Figure 25 Change nearest line dialog

8.4 Setting options for lines and polygons.

This option allows the user the specify the colour of a line or polygon to be
drawn. Colour changes before drawing are carried out in the Change options
dialog shown in Figure 26, and can be accessed via the View+Options menu

Figure 26 Change options dialog

String labels can also be made visible from the Options dialog and names
changed via the Edit+Modify nearest line menu item.

9. Blast Holes
The creation and positioning of blast holes is carried out by accessing the
drilling mode function available in the Mode+drill menu item or alternatively
by clicking on the drilling mode icon.
9.1 Parameters
Before holes are created, it is essential to establish the geometry of the pattern
and properties of holes by accessing the hole drilling option dialog (Figure 27)
via the Parameters+drilling menu item or alternatively by clicking on the Current mode
current mode parameter icon. parameter

Figure 27 Hole drilling dialog

9.2 Drilling Holes and Patterns

The drilling mode allows the user to position individual holes or insert groups
of holes from pre-defined drilling patterns (e.g. staggered or square).

Single Pattern Polygon Line

Hole Drilling Fill Drilling

Individual holes can be positioned using the single hole mode which is
activated by clicking on the single hole icon in the tool bar.

Predefined patterns are inserted by either using the pattern drilling mode, the
polygon fill mode or the line drilling mode. These options are activated by
clicking on the respective icons.

To drill a single hole, place the cursor at the hole position and click or press

To drill a pattern, place the cursor at the position of the first hole in the first
row and click (or press [Enter]). Then, move the cursor in the direction of the
row (the bearing is shown on the status bar) and click again. Finally, move the
cursor to the side of the line for the burden direction and click to create the

To drill a pattern in a polygon, place the cursor near a side and click. The holes
will be drilled at the burden and spacing within the polygon, with a row of
holes on that side and with a hole at the end of that side closest to the cursor.

To drill a pattern along a line, place the cursor near the end of the line for the
first hole and click. Then select the direction along the line and click again.
Finally, indicate the burden direction and click to create the pattern.

9.3 Hole Editing

Applying changes to holes can be easily done with 2DBench editing functions.
For changes to occur, holes should be marked (see Section 3.8).

Once the user has identified holes to which changes are to be applied, then the
user may recall the drilling parameters dialog (Figure 27) and make appropriate
changes with the “changed marked” button.

Holes can also be deleted by the functions available under the Edit menu item :

− Delete all holes

− Delete marked holes

− Delete unmarked holes

Alternatively holes can be deleted by using the backspace key on the nearest
hole to the 2D cursor; an individual hole can be added at any time using the
single hole mode option.

Modifying individual holes or nodes can be carried out by accessing the

“Change nearest hole” dialog via the Edit+Modify nearest hole/node menu
item. (Figure 28).

Figure 28 Change nearest hole/node dialog

This dialog allows the user to change the properties of a hole nearest to the 2D
cursor. Changes to properties such as hole label, diameter, length, dip, bearing,
location etc. can be quickly carried out with this option. Click “Change Hole”
to make any changes, “Prev…” or Next…” to select the next hole in the design,
and “New…” to select the nearest hole to the cursor.

9.4 Labeling Holes

2DBench allows the user to change the numbering label of holes to comply
with any mine specific requirement.

This feature is accessed by clicking on the renumbering hole icon in the drill
design mode.

The holes to be renumbered must be marked. When selecting the hole renumber
icon the cursor is activated for the selection of a particular row of marked
holes. The holes must be selected by clicking the left mouse button on the first
and last hole along the line of holes. Once the holes are selected, the hole
renumbering and labeling dialog is activated (Figure 29). The
View+Tolerances menu option can be used to set the width of the search path
along the line of holes.

Figure 29 Hole Renumbering and Labeling Dialog

The user can manipulate the new row information section and the hole in row
information to suit the labeling and numbering requirements. Note that the
example box allows the user to preview the changes.

9.5 Cut, Copy, Paste and Modify Holes

2DBench allows the user to cut, copy and paste marked holes and all associated
data, such as decks, delays and ties. To Copy/Cut marked holes choose the
menu item Edit+Cut/Copy marked holes. To paste the selected holes, either
use Edit+Paste Absolute to place them at the original defined coordinate
positions, or move the cursor to the desire position and choose the Edit+Paste
Relative menu item.

For Paste Relative, the offset between the cursor and the holes when copying is
taken into account when pasting. Therefore, before copying the holes, place the
cursor at an identifiable point in relation to the holes, such as the first hole of
the first row. Use the [Home] key to accurately place the cursor. Then, before
pasting, place the cursor at the new position of that hole.

The holes can also be copied to an external application , such as a spreadsheet.

First, mark and copy the holes in 2DBench. Then start the application and paste
the data, which will appear as tables of text and numeric descriptions of the
objects. This data can then be modified or replaced, and copied back to
2DBench. The reference point in the data should be taken into account when
positioning the cursor before pasting.

10. Loading Explosives and other decks
The loading of blast holes – explosives, stemming, air decks, or any other
material - is carried out with the loading mode function. This function is
activated via the Mode+load menu item or alternatively by clicking on the Loading
loading mode icon. Mode

10.1 Parameters
Before holes are charged, the user must select the type of explosive or non-
explosive material to be used. This is done by accessing the loading decks Current Mode
dialog (Figure 30) via the Parameters+Loading menu item or alternatively by Parameter
clicking on the current mode parameter icon. This dialog also allows the user to
edit some of the explosive properties as well as charging characteristics.

Figure 30 Loading decks dialog

Explosive types and properties are stored in a standard Microsoft database file
with a default name of Stock.mdb. This file can be accessed and modified with
the use of Microsoft Access3 Database Software or the StockView4 data base
viewer module (StockView is a program for editing explosives and non-

Microsoft Access is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation
StockView is copyright JKMRC (Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre).

explosives, delays, primers and connectors that will soon be available with

10.2 Loading Decks

The loading mode allows the user to load one hole at a time, all holes at once, a
group of marked holes or a group of unmarked holes. These options can be
accessed via the loading mode icon selection in the tool bar and shown below:

Single All Marked Unmarked

Hole holes holes holes

To load a single hole, place the cursor over the hole and click. For other
modes, just click or press [Enter] anywhere in the design area. Any number of
decks can be loaded in a hole until the hole is filled to the collar.

10.3 Editing Explosive Charges

Changes to explosive charges can be performed on marked and unmarked
holes. Once the user has identified charged holes to which changes are to be
applied, then the user may recall the loading decks dialog (Figure 30) and make
the appropriate changes.

Decks may also be unloaded (deleted) by the functions available under the Edit
menu item.

The top deck in the nearest hole to the cursor can be removed by pressing the
“Backspace” key.

Alternatively, decks can be selectively deleted by pressing the “Del” key . A

dialog is activated (Figure 31) allowing the user a choice of decks to delete.
(i.e. 1st deck in hole, 2nd deck in hole, etc.) in marked or unmarked holes.

Figure 31 Delete decks dialog

11. Downhole Delays
The placement of downhole delays is carried out by activating the downhole
delay mode function via the Mode+downhole delay menu item or alternatively
by clicking on the downhole delay mode icon.
delay mode

11.1 Parameters
Before holes are primed and down-hole delays inserted, it is essential to select
the type of delay element, connector and primer to be used. This is done by
accessing the downhole delays dialog (Figure 32) via the Current mode
Parameters+downhole delays menu item or alternatively by clicking on the parameter
current mode parameter icon.

Figure 32 Downhole delays dialog

The downhole delays dialog also allows the user to later edit some of the delay
connector and primer properties.

11.2 Inserting downhole delays

The downhole delay mode allows the user to insert downhole delays one hole at
a time, all holes at once, a group of marked holes or a group of unmarked holes.
These options can be accessed via the downhole delay mode icon selection in
the tool bar and shown below:

Single All Marked Unmarked

Hole holes holes holes

To load a single hole, place the cursor over the hole and click. For other
modes, just click or press [Enter] anywhere in the design area. Any number of
downhole delays can be inserted in a hole.

11.3 Editing Downhole Delays

Changes to downhole delays can be performed with the same functions used in
hole editing. As mentioned earlier, for changes to take place, holes should be

Once the user has identified the holes to which changes are to be applied, then
the user may recall the downhole delay parameters dialog (Figure 32) and make
the appropriate changes by selecting the appropriate checkbox and clicking on
the “Change Existing” button.

Downhole delays may be deleted by the functions available under the Edit
menu item.

The top downhole delay (closest to the collar) in the nearest hole to the cursor
can be removed by pressing the “Backspace” key.

Alternatively, the delays can be selectively deleted by pressing the “Del” key.
A dialog is activated (Figure 33) allowing the user a choice of the delay type to

Figure 33 Delete down-hole dialog

12. Surface delays
Once holes are primed and downhole delays inserted, the next step is to place
surface ties between hole collars. The placement of surface ties is carried out by
activating the surface delay mode function via the Mode+surface delay menu
Surface delay
item or alternatively by clicking on the surface delay mode icon.

12.1 Parameters
Before tying begins, the user must select the type of surface delay element and
the type of connection to be used. This is done by accessing the surface delay Current mode
dialog via the Parameters+surface delays menu item or alternatively by parameter
clicking on the current mode parameter icon (Figure 34).

Depending on the application of the design, surface delays are referred to as

inter-row ties or inter-hole ties, in addition the connection of each surface delay
can be specified to be bi-directional or uni-directional (Figure 34). Also, the
connector must be of sufficient length (or undefined) for the distance between
hole collars.

Figure 34 Surface delays dialog

12.2 Tying holes

The surface delay mode allows the user to tie up the design hole to hole or by
multiple holes. These options can be accessed via the surface delay mode icon
selection in the tool bar and shown below:

Hole by Multiple
hole tie Tie up

In hole by hole tie mode, a delay and connector is placed between any two
selected holes. Place the cursor over the first hole, and click the left mouse
button (or press Enter) to tie to that hole. Move the cursor, and a straight line
will appear between the cursor and the hole, while the closest hole for
connection will be selected and the position of the surface tie will be indicated.
Click the left mouse button to place the cursor and move the tie position to the
new hole. Continuing clicking holes to place ties. To stop the process, press
“Esc” or click the mouse with the cursor over the last hole (no tie indicated).

For multiple tie mode, first mark the holes to be connected. Then place the
cursor over the first hole in the line, and click – the hole will be selected. Move
the cursor to the last hole in the line, and all of the marked holes found between
the first hole and the cursor position within the search path (shown by the
straight line) will be selected and the new ties indicated. Click again to place
the ties. Repeat the process as desired from the current hole, or click again over
the hole (or press “Esc”) to end the process. Change the width of the search
path in the menu option View+Tolerances.

It is important to note that surface ties can also be connected to nodes, which
can be used as ignition points or to help on the positioning of ties. Nodes can be
added to a pattern in two ways: by activating the single hole drilling mode and
selecting “create node” in the dialog box, then position the node where
required; or, while placing a tie between two holes, place the cursor at the
position of the node and click while pressing the [Ctrl] key.

12.3 Editing Surface Ties

Changes to surface ties can be performed with the same functions used in hole
editing. For changes to occur, holes should be marked. To apply changes, the
user may recall the surface delay dialog (Figure 34) and make the appropriate
changes by selecting the appropriate checkbox and clicking on the “Change
Existing” button.

Surface delays may be deleted by the functions available under the Edit menu

The closest surface delay to the cursor can be removed by pressing the
backspace key.

Alternatively by pressing the “Del” key , a dialog is activated allowing the user
a choice of surface delay types to delete.

13. Detonation Simulation
Simulation of the blast detonation sequence can be carried out in 2Dbench and
allows the user to visualise the detonation sequence. This function is activated
via the Mode+detonate menu option or by clicking on the detonation mode

13.1 Parameters
The characteristics of the simulation can be established in the detonation
simulation dialog (Figure 35), which is activated via the Current mode
Parameters+detonation simulation menu item or alternatively by clicking on parameter
the current mode parameter icon.

• show all events as they occur: each event in the simulation is

displayed as it occurs

• show all events in a time frame: events are grouped in successive time
intervals, specified in the frame time step

• Monte Carlo: repeat the simulation for the number of runs, with new
random timing values (calculated within scatter parameters) – only the
first simulation is displayed

• pausing at each event: step through the events

• apply delay scatter factors: multiply the defined scatter values for
each detonator by these amounts for the simulation (zero = no scatter)

• pausing between events: slow the simulation display by this amount

between events

Figure 35 Detonation simulation dialog

13.2 Run the simulation

Start Once the detonation mode is activated, the detonation simulation is performed
Detonation by clicking the cursor in the design area.
from Nearest
hole/node The position of the ignition point can be chosen and changed by activating the
“start detonation from nearest hole” icon. This option will be automatically
selected for the first simulation. Place the cursor at the ignition point (generally
one of the holes in the design) and click. The detonation simulation will run,
showing the elapsed time in the left corner of the status bar. The surface and
downhole delays will be initiated, shown as gray as each initiation occurs, and
then the detonation of the explosives in each hole will be indicated. Any holes
that do not successfully detonate will not be indicated.

After the simulation is complete, the initiation and firing times can be queried
via the information mode.
“Start Detonation from current ignition point” can be used to run a new
simulation, without having to place the cursor over the ignition point. This is
Start useful if the design has been zoomed and the ignition point is not visible.
from Current
Ignition Point

2DBench – New Features

DXF and 2DBench

2DBench can import a DXF file consisting of blast holes and strings, where the
blast hole symbol has been designated as either a “+” or a “o”.

from the File menu, select Import DXF…

on the Read DXF form, click the [Browse] button, then find and select the
.dxf file to import

each layer in the file is scanned for strings (POLYLINE), designed holes
(LINE = +) and drilled holes (CIRCLE = o) – the data is separated onto
each of the tabs in the form

on each tab, a tick in the box means that the data will be imported

select the layer (as shown above) to modify the string properties

click the [Change Display…] button to change the colour, style and
thickness of all strings in the layer

for holes, select the layer and enter the values to be used for each hole –
otherwise, the default values from the current hole parameters will be used

click [OK] to import the selected data – the data will be added to any
existing data in the design area

strings are labelled according to their source layer - select View / Options /
Visibility / Area labels to display

holes have a comment attached according to their source layers, shown by a

+ inside the hole - click the [Comment Information] button on the toolbar to
see the text

designed holes (+) are automatically marked (an M inside the hole) - drilled
holes are unmarked

all data can now be edited as for any other data in 2DBench

DXF and 2DBench

from the File menu, select Export DFX…

use the form to determine which data is to be exported

click the […] button – select the folder and then either enter a new file
name or select an existing file – note: existing files will be overwritten !

for strings, you can either export the nearest string to the cursor, or all
strings – these will be created in a single layer

holes can be exported as either designed (+) or drilled (o), as determined by

the marking – enter a name for the layer and a size for the symbol

click [OK] to create the file


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