Inversions and Emphatic Structures: Sleeping Studying

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a) Whatever you should say, I won’t help you.

b) Whatever you may say, I won’t help you.

c) Whatever you must say, I won’t help you.

d) Whatever you say, I won’t help you.

I prefer sleeping to studying in general. (Vb.-ING + TO + Vb. -ING) (aceasta structura se foloseste atunci cand ne
referim in general)

(Prefer sa dorm decat sa invat./ Prefer dormitul invatatului.)

I’d prefer to sleep rather than study today. (Vb. Long Inf. + RATHER THAN + Vb. Short Inf.) (aceasta structura se
foloseste atunci cand ne referim in particular)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat azi.)

I’d rather sleep than study. (referire la prezent) (Vb. Short Inf. + THAN + Vb. Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa dorm decat sa invat.)

I would rather have slept than (have) studied yesterday. (referire la trecut) (Vb. Perfect Short Inf. + THAN + Vb.
Perfect Short Inf.)

(As prefera sa fi dormit decat sa fi invatat ieri.)

13. Inversions and Emphatic Structures

Inversiunile se folosesc atunci cand vrem sa accentuam o idee sau o actiune.

Intr-o propozitie afirmativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

S + Aux + Adv + Vb. + ... : e.g. I have never seen her. (Eu nu am vazut-o pe ea niciodata.)

Intr-o propozitie interogativa ordinea cuvintelor este:

Wh-word + Aux + S + Vb. + ...?: e.g. Where have I seen her? (Unde am vazut-o?)

Intr-o inversiune ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este:

Adv + Aux + S + Vb. + ... : e.g. Never have I seen her. (Eu nu am vazut-o pe ea NICIODATA.)

Dupa cum observam topica intr-o inversiune este aceeasi ca cea din intrebari cu singura diferenta ca o inversiune incepe cu un
adverb iar o intrebare incepe cu un cuvant cu WH-.

Inversiunile se pot forma numai cu anumite adverbe si constructii:

Little: He knows little about her. (El stie putin despre ea.) => Little does he know about her. (Putin stie el despre ea.)

Seldom: She seldom spoke. (Ea rareori vorbea.) => Seldom did she speak. (Rareori vorbea ea.)

Rarely: They rarely help us. (Ei rareori ne ajuta.) => Rarely do they help us. (Rareori ne ajuta ei.)

Never: I have never lied in my life. (Eu nu am mintit niciodata in viata mea.) => Never have I lied in my life. (Niciodata nu
am mintit eu in viata mea.)

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In vain: We had tried to help her in vain. (Noi incercasem sa o ajutam in zadar.) => In vain had we tried to help her. (In zadar
incercasem sa o ajutam.)

Hardly + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had hardly left when the phone rang. => Hardly had
she left when the phone rang.

Scarcely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had scarcely left when the phone rang. => Scarcely
had she left when the phone rang.

Barely + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + WHEN + S + P (Past Simple): She had barely left when the phone rang. => Barely had
she left when the phone rang.

No sooner + HAD + S + Vb.III/-ed + THAN + S + P (Past Simple): She had no sooner left than the phone rang. => No sooner
had she left than the phone rang.

(Abia a plecat ea ca a sunat telefonul.)

e.g. Little ... during the party. (A vorbit putin in timpul petrecerii.)

a) did she speak (avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) she spoke (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) she did speak (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

d) she is speaking (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

She had barely finished writing her letter when a storm broke out. (Abia a terminat de scris scrisoarea ca a izbucnit o furtuna.)

a) Barely she had finished her letter when a storm broke out. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) No sooner she had finished her letter than a storm broke out. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) Barely had she finished her letter than a storm broke out. (barely se foloseste cu when si nu cu than)

d) No sooner had she finished her letter than a storm broke out. (este corect pentru ca avem inversiune si no sooner se foloseste
cu than)

So + adj./adv. + Aux + S + Vb.:

She is so nice that everybody likes her. (Ea este atat de draguta ca toata lumea o place.) => So nice is she that everybody likes
her. (Atat de draguta este ea ca toata lumea o place.)

She spoke so well that we were amazed. (Ea a vorbit atat de bine ca am fost uimiti.) =>So well did she speak that we were
amazed. (Atat de bine a vorbit ea ca am fost uimiti.)

Not only + Aux + S + Vb. , but also ... (nu numai... ci si ...)

She is not only nice but also beautiful. (Ea este nu numai draguta ci si frumoasa.) => Not only is she nice but also beautiful.
(Nu numai este ea draguta ci si frumoasa.)

e.g. They are so busy that they have no time for visits. (Ei sunt atat de ocupati ca nu au timp de vizite.)

a) So busy they are that they have no time for visits. (Nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) So busy were they that they have no time for visits. (Avem inversiune dar timpul verbului nu este bun)

c) So busy are they that they have no time for visits. (Atat de ocupati sunt ei ca nu au timp de vizite.) (avem inversiune intre
auxiliar si subiect iar verbul este la timpul prezent)

d) So busy have they been that they have no time for visits. (avem inversiune dar timpul verbului nu este bun)

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Gapol Theory
Expresiile: On no account (sub nici o forma), Under no circumstances (in nici un caz), In no way (in nici un fel) se pot pune in
fata propozitiei si sunt urmate de verbe modale (must, should, can, could, be to) + S + verb

You mustn’t lie under any circumstances. (Nu ai voie sa minti in nici un caz.) =>Under no circumstances must you lie. (In
nici un caz nu ai voie sa minti.)

She shouldn’t come on any account. (Ea nu ar trebui sa vina sub nici o forma.) =>On no account should she come. (Sub nici o
forma nu ar trebui sa vina.)

They should not steal in any way. (Ei nu ar trebui sa fure in nici un fel.) => In no way are they to steal. (In nici un fel nu
trebuie ei sa fure.)

e.g. He shouldn’t swear in front of her under any circumstances. (El nu ar trebui sa injure in fata ei in nici un caz.)

a) Under any circumstances should he swear in front of her.

b) Under no circumstances he should swear in front of her.

c) Under no circumstances should he swear in front of her.

d) Under no circumstances shouldn’t he swear in front of her.

!! Atentie: in propozitia initiala negatia este la verbul modal si expresiile au ANY in ele (e.g. under any circumstances) dar
cand punem expresia in fata, negatia de la verbul modal il inlocuieste pe ANY si astfel avem under NO circumstances, on
NO account, in NO way.

!!! Should poate fi folosit idiomatic cu: "who" (cine), "where" (unde), "what" (ce) in expresii care exprima surpriza:

e.g. I open the door and who should I see there but Tom. (Deschid usa si pe cine vad acolo, pe Tom.)

e.g. And in the middle of the forest … come across but this enormous bear. (Si in mijlocul padurii peste ce dau, peste un urs

a) what I should

b) what should I

c) what I might

d) what might I

SUCH urmat de verbul TO BE si apoi de Subiect (exprimat printr-un substantiv) poate fi folosit pentru a accentua pe o

S + TO BE + SO GREAT+THAT + Clause => SUCH + TO BE + NOUN + THAT + Clause

The power of the storm was so great that all the trees were down. (Puterea furtunii a fost asa de mare, ca toti
copacii erau cazuti.)

Such was the power of the storm that all the trees were down. (Atat de mare a fost puterea furtunii, ca toti
copacii erau cazuti.)

e.g. Her fear of darkness was so great that she always slept with the light on. (Frica ei de intuneric era atat de mare, ca dormea
intotdeauna cu lumina aprinsa.)

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Gapol Theory
a) Such her fear of darkness was that she always slept with the light on. (nu avem inversiune, trebuie TO BE imediat dupa

b) Such great her fear of darkness was that she always slept with the light on. (nu se punesuch great ci numai SUCH)

c) Such was her fear of darkness that she always slept with the light on. (Atat de mare era frica ei de intuneric, ca dormea
intotdeauna cu lumina aprinsa.)

d) Such was she afraid of darkness that she always slept with the light on. (nu se foloseste subiect si predicat ci TO BE +

Uneori se schimba topica in fraza si propozitia secundara trece inaintea propozitiei principale. In acest caz propozitia
secundara introdusa prin: only when (doar cand)/ only then (doar atunci)/ only after (doar dupa)/ only by + vb.-ing (doar
facand ceva)/ only if (doar daca)/ not until (pana cand) este urmata de o virgula iar INVERSIUNEA apare in PROPIZITIA
PRINCIPALA, adica in a doua parte a frazei.

Main Clause / Secondary Clause Secondary Clause / Main Clause

I will not come /until you ask me to. => Not until you ask me to,/ will I come.

(Nu o sa vin pana nu ma rogi.) -> (Pana nu ma rogi, nu o sa vin.)

They will not leave /if you don’t help them. => Only if you help them, /will they leave.

(Ei nu vor pleca daca nu ii ajuti.) -> (Doar daca ii ajuti, vor pleca ei.)

e.g. You can pass the exam only by studying hard. (Poti trece examenul doar studiind din greu.)

a) Only by studying hard you can pass the exam. (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

b) Only by studying hard can you pass the exam. (Doar studiind din greu, poti trece examenul.)

c) Only by studying hard can’t you pass the exam. (avem negatie la can)

d) Only by study hard can you pass the exam. (only by este urmat de un verb cu -ing)

AS (ca) este urmat de Verb Auxiliar, care trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala, si Subiect:

S + P + AS + Aux. + S

She was very happy /as were all the others. (Ea era foarte fericita, asa cum erau toti ceilalti.)

He lied to me /as did you. (El m-a mintit, asa cum ai facut-o si tu./ El m-a mintit, ca si tine.)

e.g. She will help you with your homework as ... . (Ea te va ajuta cu tema ca si mine.)

a) Can I (auxiliarul nu este acelasi ca cel al verbului din propozitia principala)

b) I will (nu avem inversiune intre auxiliar si subiect)

c) Would I (auxiliarul nu este acelasi ca cel al verbului din propozitia principala)

d) Will I (avem inversiune si acelasi auxiliar ca cel din PP)

SO (si) este urmat de Verb Auxiliar, care trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala, si Subiect:

S + P + SO + Aux + S
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Gapol Theory

I love her and so do you. (Eu o iubesc si la fel si tu.)

They have left early and so has she. (Ei au plecat devreme si la fel si ea.)

He hated me and so did his parents. (El ma ura si la fel si parintii lui.)

!!!!! Atentie: daca dupa SO nu avem inversiune ci avem S + P atunci se schimba sensul si inseamna ca esti de acord cu
ceea ce s-a spus.

You are sitting on my hat. (Stai pe palaria mea.)

So am I. (Si eu la fel.) (daca facem inversiune, spunem ca si noi facem acelasi lucru)

So I am. (Asa este, ai dreptate) (daca nu facem inversiune, inseamna ca suntem de acord cu ceea ce s-a spus)

In expresiile cu either si neither ordinea in propozitie este urmatoarea:

S + P + AND + NEITHER + AUX Positive + S (si nici ...)

They didn’t like him and neither did I. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)

S + P + AND + S + AUX NEG. + EITHER (si nici ...)

They didn’t like him and I didn’t either. (Ei nu il placeau pe el si nici eu.)

!! Atentie: Verbul Auxiliar, trebuie sa fie la acelasi timp cu verbul din propozitia principala.

In Conditionale inversiunea se face inlocuind IF cu SHOULD la tipul I si WERE la tipul II si III. Tipul III mai poate inlocui IF
cu HAD.

Type 1. IF + S + SHOULD + VB. INF. ... => SHOULD + S + Vb. INF. ...

If I should meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.) =>

Should I meet him, I will tell him the news. (Daca se intampla sa il intalnesc, ii voi spune vestile.)

Type 2. IF + S + PAST SIMPLE + ... => WERE + S + LONG INFINITIVE + ...

If I saw her there, I would be surprised. (Daca as vedea-o aici, as fi surprins.)

If I were to see her there, I would be surprised. (PAST SIMPLE se transforma in WERE + Long Inf.)

Were I to see her there, I would be surprised.

Tipul 3 de conditionala face inversiunea in doua feluri:

Type 3. IF + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => HAD + S + Vb. III/ -ED + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

Had I seen him, I would have talked with him.

If + S + PAST PERFECT + ... => WERE + S + PERFECT INFINITIVE (to have + Vb. III/ -ed) + ...

If I had seen him, I would have talked with him. (Daca l-as fi vazut, as fi vorbit cu el.)

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Gapol Theory
If I were to have seen him, I would have talked with him. (Past Perfect se transforma in WERE + TO HAVE + Vb. III/ -

Were I to have seen him, I would have talked with him.

In limba engleza ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este fixa si nu se poate schimba. De aceea atunci cand se produce o
schimbare de topica in propozitie, aceasta suna diferit acest lucru fiind folosit pentru accentuarea pe idee.

Daca incepem propozitia cu un adverb de loc urmat de predicat si subiect (lucru numitfronting in limba engleza) atunci
se accentueaza pe idee:

S + P + Adv. de loc => Adv. de loc + P + S

Three policemen came into the room. (Trei politisti au intrat in camera.) => Into the room came three policemen. (In camera
au intrat trei politisti.)

Adverbele se pot folosi pentru accentuare in felul urmator:

Adverbele: in/ out/ up/ down/ round/ over/ back/ forward/ away sunt urmate de Pronume + Predicat

e.g. Away you go! (Du-te!/ Pleaca!)

Off you go! (Du-te!/ Pleaca!)

In he came. (Inauntru a intrat!)

He got tired of the misery in his town, /soaway he went to find a better future. (El s-a saturat de nefericirea din orasul lui asa ca
dus a fost sa gaseasca un viitor mai bun.)

Adverbele: in/ out/ up/ down/ round/ over/ back/ forward/ away sunt urmate de Predicat + Substantiv

e.g. Away went the dog! (Dus a fost cainele!)

In came Tim. (Inauntru a intrat Tim!)

Down fell the apples. (Jos au cazut merele!)

Emphatic Structures

Propozitiile emfatice in limba engleza se folosesc pentru a scoate in evidenta partea de propozitie pe care vrei sa accentuezi. O
propozitie normala cu un subiect si un predicat se divide in doua propozitii, fiecare cu subiectul si predicatul ei.

O propozitie - Doua propozitii

Mary broke the vase. – It was Mary /who broke the vase./

(Mary a spart vaza.) - (A fost Mary cea care a spart vaza.)

!!! Atentie:

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Gapol Theory
Who (care/ cine) se foloseste pentru oameni

Which (care) se foloseste pentru animale, plante sau lucruri

That (care) se foloseste pentru animale, plante, lucruri sau oameni

Whose (a/ al caruia, careia/ ale carora - genitiv) se foloseste pentru posesie

Where (unde) se foloseste pentru locatie

When (cand) se foloseste pentru timp

Propozitiile emfatice incep intotdeauna cu IT si sunt urmate de verbul TO BE + partea de propozitie pe care vrei sa accentuezi +
who/ which/ whose/ that/ where/ when + restul propozitiei.

IT + TO BE + Cuvant accentuat +THAT/ WHO/ WHICH/ WHOSE/ WHERE/ WHOM + ...

Tim took his sister to a party on Sunday. (Tim a dus-o pe sora lui la o petrecere duminica.)


Accentuare pe Subiect: It was Tim that/who took his sister to a party on Sunday. (A fost Tim cel care a dus-
o pe sora lui la o petrecere duminica.)

Accentuare pe complementul indirect: It was his sister that/who Tim took to a party on Sunday. (A fost sora lui cea pe care Tim
a dus-o la o petrecere duminica.)

Accentuare pe adverbul de loc: It was to a party that/where Tim took his sister on Sunday. (A fost la o petrecere unde
Tim a dus-o pe sora lui duminica.)

Accentuare pe adverbul de timp: It was on Sunday that/when Tim took his sister to a party. (A fost duminica cand Tim a
dus-o pe sora lui la o petrecere.)

!! Atentie: aceasta constructie merge pentru toate partile de propozitie mai putin pentru predicat.

!!Atentie: THAT se poate folosi pentru toate partile de propozitie

Pentru accentuarea pe actiune (predicat) se foloseste o structura care incepe intotdeauna cuWHAT urmat de Subiect si verbul TO
DO + TO BE + Verb Infinitiv (scurt sau lung)

WHAT + S + DO (do sta la acelasi timp cu verbul initial) +TO BE + Vb. INFINITIVE + ...

Accentuare pe predicat: What Tim did was (to) take his sister to a party on Sunday. (Ce a facut Tim a fost sa o duca pe sora lui la
o petrecere duminica.)


Alte cuvinte care se pot scoate in fata pentru accentuare suntwhat/ all/ this/ that/ the thing urmate de S + P + verbul TO BE:

What we are /is happy. (Ceea ce suntem noi e ca suntem fericiti.)

What she is /is stupid. (Ceea ce este ea e proasta.)

In aceste doua cazuri se intalnesc doua verbe TO BE. Primul este predicatul pentru prima propozitie care la randul ei devine
subiect pentru a doua propozitie. A doua propozitie are IS/ WAS ca predicat tot timpul.

All we need is love. (Tot ce avem nevoie este dragoste.)

What I want is money. (Ceea ce vreau sunt bani.)

The thing I need is love. (Lucrul de care am nevoie este dragoste.)

SAU: This/ That/ These/ Those + TO BE + WH-word/ the thing(s) + S + P:

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This is what I want. (Asta este ce vreau.)

That is where you fail. (Asta este unde gresesti.)

That is the thing which bothers me. (Acela este lucrul care me deranjeaza.)

Those are the things he loves. (Acelea sunt lucrurile pe care le iubeste.)

Urmatoarele cuvinte se pot folosi emfatic de asemenea: whatsoever (catusi de putin)/ whoever (oricine)/ whatever (orice)/
whyever (oare de ce)

e.g. Whatever happened to her, do you know? (Ce s-o fi intamplat cu ea, sti cumva?)

I am in no mood to help herwhatsoever. (Nu am chef sa o ajut catusi de putin.)

14. The Infinitive, The Gerund & the Participial Constructions


Formele Infinitivului sunt:

Diateza Activa:

Infinitiv: to ask (a intreba)

Infinitiv Continuu: to be asking (a intreba)

Infinitiv Perfect : to have asked (a fi intrebat)

Infinitiv Perfect Continuu: to have been asking (a fi intrebat)

Diateza Pasiva:

Infinitiv: to be asked (a fi intrebat)

Infinitiv Perfect: to have been asked (a fi fost intrebat)

Infinitivul este folosit:

- pentru a exprima un scop folosind: so as to/ in order to (ca sa), to Infinitiv: e.g. You are studying to pass/ so as to pass/ in
order to pass the exam. (Tu inveti ca sa treci examenul.)

- dupa: happy (fericit), glad (bucuros), sorry (scuze), good (bine), delighted (incantat), loath (potrivnic),etc. e.g. I am glad
to meet you. (Sunt bucuros sa te intalnesc.)

- dupa: would like (mi-ar placea)/ would love (as iubi)/ would prefer (as prefera)pentru a arata o preferinta specifica: eg. I
would prefer to watch TV tonight. (As prefera sa ma uit la televizor diseara.)

- dupa constructii cu too/enough: e.g. I haven’t studied enough to pass this exam. (Nu am invatat destul ca sa trec examenul.)/
This is too difficult to do. (Asta este prea dificil de facut.)

- in constructia: it+be+adjectiv (+ of + substantiv/ pronume): e.g. It was nice of you to help me. (A fost dragut din partea ta sa
ma ajuti.)

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