Word Order and Subordinate Clauses: HAD Would

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!!! Atentie sa nu confundati HAD cu WOULD pentru ca ambele fac prescurtarea in'D, dar dupa HAD se foloseste Verb III sau
cu - ed si dupa WOULD se foloseste Verb la Infinitiv:

I’d left already, hadn’t I? (I had left) had + vb.III/-ed (Eu plecasem deja, , nu-i asa?)

I’d like to see her, wouldn’t I? (I would like) would +vb. Inf. (Mi-ar place sa o vad, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca avem somebody (cineva), someone (cineva), everybody (toata lumea), everyone (toata lumea), nobody
(nimeni), no-one (nimeni) (care se folosesc cu verb la singular) atunci se foloseste pronumelethey in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Somebody told you the answer, didn't they? (Cineva ti-a spus raspunsul, nu-i asa?)

Somebody tells you how to do it, don't they? (Cineva iti spune cum sa faci asta, nu-i asa?)

No-one called while I was out, did they? (Nimeni nu a sunat cat timp am fost placat, nu-i asa?)

Everyone has a dreadful day, don't they? (Toata lumea are o zi groaznica, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca avem nothing sau that/this, atunci se foloseste pronumele it in intrebarea disjunctiva:

Nothing is wrong, is it? (Nimic nu e gresit, nu-i asa?)

That was a nice show, wasn’t it? (Acela a fost un spectacol frumos, nu-i asa?)

!!! Daca folosim there is (exista/ se afla/ se gaseste), there are (exista/ se afla/ se gasesc), there was (exista/ se afla/ se
gasea), there were (existau/ se aflau/ se gaseau) etc, pronumele este there:

There are two TV's, aren't there? (Exista doua televizoare, nu-i asa?)

There is a man in the garden, isn’t there? (Se afla un barbat in gradina, nu-i asa?)

There was little (-) milk left, (+) was there? (Este putin lapte ramas, nu-i asa?)

The noun is replaced by a pronoun in Tag Questions (Substantivul este inlocuit de un pronume in intrebarile disjunctive):

Mary was cleaning the room, wasn’t she? (Maria curata camera, nu-i asa?)

22. Word Order and Subordinate Clauses


(Adv.Time) + S +Adv.Frequency + P + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv.of Time

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(Yesterday) He worked with his father hard in the garden yesterday.

S + Adv.Frequency + P (vb of movement) + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Manner + Adv.of Time (if we have a verb of movement
then the place comes before the manner)

She usually goes to school on foot in the morning.

Adverbs of manner are very flexible and can stay in various positions in the sentence:

- Solemnly the minister addressed her congregation. (at the beginning)

- The minister solemnly addressed her congregation. (before the verb)

- The minister addressed her congregation solemnly. (after the verb and the Direct Object)


Wh-word + Aux + S + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Time + Preposition?

Why did I see her with her father in the garden yesterday morning?

What are you looking at?

Aux + S + + Adv. of Frequency + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Time +


Does she usually work hard in the morning?


What + A/AN + Adjective + Noun + S + P!

What a wonderful day it is! (Ce zi frumoasa este azi!)

What a cute dog you have! (Ce caine dragut ai!)

What + Adjective + A/An + Noun + S + P!

What interesting a story she told! (Ce poveste interesanta a spus ea!)

How + Adjective + S+ P!

How interesting she is! (Cat este de interesanta!)

How wonderful the day has been! (Ce minunata a fost ziua!)


Adverb +Aux + S + Vb + DO + IO + Adv. of Manner + Adv. of Place + Adv. of Time

Never have I seen her in the park before.

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Seldom do we talk with strangers in the street.


A sentence is made of main and subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses can be:

Relative Clauses: e.g. Give me the book which you took.

Adverbial clauses:

Of time: e.g. I will see you when you arrive tomorrow. (O sa te vad cand sosesc maine.)

Of manner: She treats me as if she were my mother. (Ma trateaza de parca as fi mama ei.)

Of reason: e.g. I didn’t go there because I was afraid of him. (Nu m-am dus acolo pentru ca imi era teama de el.)

Of result: e.g. It is such a nice dress that I’d like to buy it. (Este o rochie atat de frumoasa incat as vrea sa o cumpar.)

Of purpose: e.g. They are studying so that they may pass the exam. (Ei invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

Of concession: e.g. She bought the car although it was expensive. (Ea a cumparat masina desi era scumpa.)

Of condition: e.g. I will give you money if you help me. (see If Clauses) (Iti voi da bani daca ma vei ajuta.)


Sunt introduse prin:

WHO (used for people): e.g. The man who helped me is here. (Barbatul care m-a ajutat este aici.)

WHOM (Objective): e.g. The man whom I love. (Barbatul pe care il iubesc.)

WHICH (used for objects, animals, etc but NOT people unless it’s a collective noun, or used to replace a whole

e.g. The dog which was lost has been found. (Cainele care a fost pierdut a fost gasit.)

The team, which played well, has returned. (Echipa, care a jucat bine, s-a intors.)

He invited us for dinner, which was very nice of him. (El ne-a invitat la cina, ceea ce a fost foarte dragut din
partea lui.)

THAT (used for both persons and things, it can replacewho, whom or which but it is never used after commas
or prepositions):

e.g. The woman that/who helped you is here. (Femeia care te-a ajutat este aici.)

This is the dog that/which bit me. (Acesta este cainele care m-a muscat.)

WHOSE (used for possession): This is the woman whose dog bit me. (Aceasta este femeia al carei caine m-a

WHEN (used for time): e.g. 1990 is the year when she was born. (1990 este anul cand ea s-a nascut.)

WHERE (used for place): e.g. That’s the house where she lived for a while. (Aceea este casa unde ea a locuit
pentru o vreme.)

WHAT (used to mean the thing which): e.g. I haven’t forgotten what you told me. (Nu am uitat ce mi-ai spus.)

WHY (used for reason): e.g. That’s the reason why I called you. (Acela este motivul pentru care te-am sunat.)

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- it gives necessary information (if left out of the sentence it does not make complete sense)

-It is NOT put between commas

-the pronoun can be omitted if it is in the objective case (Direct Object, Indirect Object):

e.g. The man [(that/ who) you spoke to] was my brother. (the information seems incomplete if you stop atto:
The man who you spoke to ...)

Barbatul [cu care (complement indirect) tu (Subiect) ai vorbit (Predicat)] era fratele meu.

!!! that/ who can be omitted because it is an Indirect Object: The man [you spoke to] was my brother.

The man [who/ that spoke with you] is special.(here who/that is the subject for spoke so it cannot be


- the ideas could be omitted and the rest of the sentence would still make sense

- they stay between commas

- the pronoun is NEVER omitted:

e.g. Shakespeare[, who that wrote many plays,] died in 1616. (the sentence still makes sense even if you
omit the Relative Clause) => Shakespeare died in 1616.

The dog[, which that bit my sister,] belongs to you.

Our garden, which that catches the morning sun, is delightful to look at.


Non-defining Realtive Clauses can also be formed as follows:












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There are many people in the house, all of whom I dislike. (Se afla multi in oameni in casa, dintre care toti imi displac.)

There were about twenty women, all of whom were gorgeous. (Erau in jur de 20 de femei, dintre care toate erau

The trees, several of which had apples, were a pleasant sight. (Copacii, dintre care cativa aveau mere, erau placuti la

Prepositions in Relative Clauses

!! Normally prepositions are not used before Relative Clauses:

The house in which she lives is downtown. (formal – not usual) (Casa in care ea locuieste este in centru.)

The house which she lives in is downtown. (Casa in care ea locuieste este in centru.)

The house she lives in is downtown. (Casa in care ea locuieste este in centru.)


They are introduced by:


I will call you AFTER I will finish/ have finished here.(Eu te voi suna dupa ce termin aici.)

AS (+Past C/ Present C)

I saw Mary AS I was crossing the street. (Am vazut-o pe Mary pe cand traversam strada.)


I will help you AS LONG AS you will help me. (Te voi ajuta atata timp cat ma ajuti si tu.)

JUST AS (+Past C/ Present C))

She called me JUST AS I was getting in the house. (Ea m-a sunat tocmai cand intram in casa.)


Do the laundry ONCE you have done the dishes. (Spala rufele odata ce ai treminat cu spalatul vaselor.)


I will give you the money WHEN you ask for it. (Iti voi da baniii cand ii vei cere.)


S + P (Present Perfect) + (EVER) SINCE + S + P (Past Simple – the action happened once in the past)

I haven’t eaten SINCE I left home. (Nu am mancat de cand am plecat de acasa.)

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SINCE I left home, I haven’t eaten. (De cand am plecat de acasa, nu am mancat.)

S + P (Present Perfect) + (EVER) SINCE + S + P (Present Perfect – the action is still happening)

I have liked him SINCE I have known him. (Il plac pe el de cand il cunosc.)

SINCE he has had this car, he has liked it. (De cand are masina asta, ii place de ea.)

BEFORE (+ Past Perfect S)

WILL/ WOULD They had already left BEFORE we arrived. (Ei deja plecasera inainte ca noi sa sosim.)

BY THE TIME (+ Future Perfect)

He will have finished his work BY THE TIME we visit him. (El va fi terminat munca pana il vom vizita noi.)

WHILE (+Past C/ Present C)

He was listening to music WHILE he was driving. (El asculta muzica in timp ce conducea.)


I won’t come to your placeUNTIL I have finished here. (Nu voi veni la tine pana nu termin aici.)


I will jump into action THE MOMENT you tell me. (Voi actiona in momentul in care imi vei spune.)


She is going to ask for money WHENEVER she sees you. (Ea o sa ceara bani oricand te va vedea.)


I will give you money EVERY TIME you ask for it. (Iti voi da bani de fiecare data cand imi vei cere.)


I talked to her IMMEDIATELY I saw her. (Am vorbit cu ea imediat ce am vazut-o.)


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!!!!!!! (EVER) SINCE is always used with Present Perfect Simple or Continuous/ Past Perfect Simple or Continuousin the
Main Clause

e.g. I have known him (ever) since he moved here.

I have been waiting here since you left.

They had known each other (ever) since they were kids.

She had been watching TV since her parents left for work.

!!!!!! BY THE TIME is always used with Future Perfect for future reference

e.g. I will have finished here by the time you call. (Eu voi fi terminat aici pana cand tu vei suna.)

By the time you arrive, they will have left. (Pana cand tu vei sosi, ei vor fi plecat.)

OR Future-in-the-Past Perfect for past reference in the Main Clause

She said /that he would have left /by the time they arrived./ (Ea a spus ca el va fi plecat pana sosesc ei.)

OR Past Perfect Simple or Continuous for past reference in the Main Clause

They had left by the time we called. (Ei plecasera pana cand noi am sunat.)

They had been sleeping for three hours by the time the phone rang. (Ei dormeau de trei ore cand a sunat telefonul.)

!!!!!! AS, JUST AS, WHILE are used with verbs with continuous aspect (Past Continuous/ Present Continuous, Future

I saw a beautiful man as I was driving. (Am vazut un barbat frumos pe cand conduceam.)

The children were playing while their parents were having lunch. (Copiii se jucau in timp ce parintii luau pranzul.)

Just as I was entering the house, the earthquake started. (Tocmai cand intram in casa a inceput cutremurul.)

She is drinking while you are cleaning her room. (Ea bea in timp ce tu faci curatenie in camera ei.)

I will be drinking beer on the beach this time next weekwhile you are working/ will be working. (Eu voi bea bere pe plaja
saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta in timp ce tu vei lucra.)

!!!!!! WHEN

- can introduce a TIME CLAUSE + Present S/ Present C/ Present Perfect S/ Past S/ Past C/ Past Perfect SNEVER

e.g. I will be there when you will arrive. (Eu voi fi acolo cand vei sosi.)

They came when you had already left. (Ei au venit cand tu deja plecasesi.)

She was there when you were cleaning the house. (Ea era acolo cand tu curatai casa.)

-can introduce a DO. Clause (CD)(WILL or WOULD can be used after it then)

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e.g. I want to know when she will arrive here. (Vreau sa stiu cand ea va sosi aici.)

He wanted to be told when she would arrive. (Respect the Sequence of Tenses) (El a vrut sa i se spuna cand va sosi

-can introduce a direct question + WILL

e.g. When will she be here? (Cand va fi ea aici?)


They are introduced by:

AS (deoarece)/ SINCE (din moment ce)/ BECAUSE (pentru ca/ deoarece)/ FOR (pentru ca)/ THE REASON FOR (motivul
pentru care)/ THE REASON (WHY) (motivul pentru care)/ ON THE GROUNDS THAT (pe motiv ca)


e.g. He got a taxi as he was late for work. (El a luat un taxi deoarece era in intarziere la lucru.)

I was there because I wanted to discuss with her. (Eram acolo deoarece voiam sa discut cu ea.)

I didn’t tell him the truth, for I didn’t trust him. (FOR is always used after a comma) (Nu i-am spus adevarul, pentru ca
nu aveam incredere in el.)

Because he is rich, he can buy whatever he wishes. (Pentru ca este bogat, el poate sa cumpere orice isi doreste.)

THE REASON FOR/ FOR + NOUN/ -ing form:

e.g. The reason for his behaviour was unknown. (Motivul pentru comportamentul lui era necunoscut.)

He was punished for being late. (El a fost pedepsit pentru ca a intarziat.)

BECAUSE OF/ DUE TO + NOUN/ -ing form:

e.g. She was late because of heavy traffic. (Ea era in intarziere din cauza traficului aglomerat.)

BECAUSE OF/ DUE TO + THE FACT THAT + S + P (din cauza faptului ca):

All roads were closed because of the fact that it had been snowing all day. (Toate drumurile erau inchise din cauza
faptului ca ninsese toata ziua.)

They are introduced by:

Such/ so ... that , (and) as a result, (and) as a consequence, consequently, so

e.g. The sea is so cold that they can’t swim in it.


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SUCH A(AN) + adjective + sg. countable noun + THAT:

e.g. She had such a beautiful dress that I envied her. (Ea avea o rochie atat de frumoasa incat am invidiat-o.)

SUCH + adjective + uncountable noun/ pl. noun + THAT:

e.g. It was such a horrible weather that we postponed the trip. (Era o vreme asa de urata incat noi am amanat excursia.)

SUCH + A LOT OF + noun:

e.g. There were such a lot of students that I couldn’t find you. (Erau atat de multi studenti incat nu am putut sa te

SO + adjective/adverb:

e.g. She runs so fast that no one can catch her. (Ea alearga asa de repede incat nimeni nu o poate prinde.)


e.g. She has so much money that she doesn’t know what to do with it. (Ea are atat de multi bani incat nu stie ce sa faca
cu ei.)

SO + adjective + A/AN + noun:

e.g. It was so beautiful a dress that I had to buy it. (Eara o rochie asa de/ atat de frumoasa incat a trebuit sa o cumpar.)

As a result (ca rezultat)/ therefore (prin urmare)/ consequently (in consecinta)/ so (astfel)+ clause:

e.g. I didn’t have any money and as a result I couldn’t buy anything. (Nu aveam nici un ban si ca rezultat nu am putut sa
cumpar nimic.)

They did not study enough therefore they failed the test. (Ei nu au invatat destul, prin urmare ei au picat testul.)

She killed him, and consequently she went to prison. (Ea l-a ucis si in consecinta s-a dus la inchisoare.)

PURPOSE CLAUSES / expressing purpose

Purpose is expressed with:

So as to + Vb. Short Inf.

She is studying so as to pass the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

She is studying so as not to fail the exam.

In order to + Vb. Short. Inf.

She is studying in order to pass the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

She is studying in order not to fail the exam. (Ea invata ca sa nu pice examenul.)

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Verb Long Inf.

She is studying to pass the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

She is studying not to fail the exam. (Ea invata ca sa nu pice examenul.)

For + -ing vb.

She is studying for passing the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

For + noun

She is studying for the exam. (Ea invata pentru examen.)

With a view to + vb. –ing

She is studying with a view to passing the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

With the aim of + vb-ing

She is studying with the aim of passing the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

Prevent + noun/ pronoun + (from) + vb. –ing

She put her hat on to prevent the rain from ruining her hair. (Ea si-a pus palaria ca sa impiedice ploaia sa ii strice parul.)

Avoid + vb.-ing

She took a cab to avoid being late. (Ea a luat un taxi ca sa evite sa fie in intarziere.)

Lest + should/ vb. Short Inf./ might (no negative after lest)

I am helping him lest he should get upset with me. (Eu il ajut pe el ca nu cumva sa se supere pe mine.)

For fear + might (should) (no negative after for fear)

I am whispering for fear I might wake her. (Eu soptesc de teama sa nu o trezesc.)

For fear of something/ doing something

She gave him all the money for fear of being beaten. (Ea i-a dat lui toti banii de teama sa nu fie batuta.)

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The clauses are introduced by:

So that

In order that + Clause

!!! They follow the rule of the Sequence of Tenses

Main Clause Purpose Clause

Present Simple/ Cont.


Imperative so that will/may/can + Vb. Inf.

She is studying so that she may pass the exam. (Ea invata ca sa treaca examenul.)

Past Tenses so that would/might/could +Vb. Inf.

She left early so that she might catch the bus. (A plecat devreme ca sa prinda autobuzul.)

They are expressed with:

Although/ even though/ though (desi) + Clause:

e.g. Although it was expensive, she bought the car. (Desi era scumpa, ea acumparat masina.)

Though + adjective

e.g. Though tired, they continued their journey. (Desi obositi, ei au continuat calatoria.)

While (in timp ce)/ whereas (pe cand)/ but (dar)/ on the other hand (pe de alta parte)/ yet (totusi) + Clause:

e.g. She was tired, yet she kept working. (Ea era obosita, totusi ea a continuat sa munceasca.)

Nevertheless/ nonetheless (cu toate acestea)/ however (totusi) + Clause:

e.g. He is intelligent; however, he is absent-minded. (El este inteligent, totusi este zapacit.)

However (totusi/ oricat de)/ no matter how (oricat) + adjective/ adverb + S + (may) + vb.:

e.g. However clever you are/ may be, you won’t trick me. (Oricat de destept esti, nu o sa ma pacalesti.)

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Whatever/ no matter what (orice) + Clause:

e.g. Whatever she may say, don’t believe her. (Orice ar spune ea, nu o crede.)

Adj./ adv. + THOUGH + S + vb. (may + Short Inf.):

e.g. Beautiful though she is, I won’t talk with her. (Desi este frumoasa, nu o sa vorbesc cu ea.)

Adj./ adv. + AS + S + vb.:

e.g. Tired as I was, I couldn’t disappoint her, so I went to the party. (Desi eram obosit, nu am putut sa o dezamagesc asa
ca m-am dus la petrecere.)

Despite/ in spite of (in ciuda) + noun/ vb.-ing + Clause:

e.g. Despite her fear, she entered the dark room. (In ciuda fricii ei, ea a intrat in camera intunecata.)

In spite of her fear, she entered the dark room. (In ciuda fricii ei, ea a intrat in camera intunecata.)

Despite being tired, I went to the party. (Desi eram obosit, m-am dus la petrecere.)

In spite of being tired, I went to the party. (Desi eram obosit, m-am dus la petrecere.)

Despite the fact that/ In spite of the fact that (in ciuda faptului ca) + S + P:

e.g. In spite of the fact that he has money, he has no friends. (In ciuda faptului ca el are bani, el nu are prieteni.)

Despite the fact that he has money, he has no friends. (In ciuda faptului ca el are bani, el nu are prieteni.)

!!!! A comma is used when the Clause of Concession either precedes or follows the Main Clause:

Whatever she says, he won’t believe her. (Orice ar spune ea, el nu o sa o creada.)

He won’t believe her, whatever she says. (El nu o sa o creada, orice ar spune ea.)

23. Confusing words/ expressions/ verbs/ constructions

Made of vs. Made from (facut din)

Made of is used when the material the subject consists of doesn't change during the process of making the
subject. (Made of este folosit cand materialul din care consta obiectul nu se schimba in timpul procesului de
facere a acestuia)

E.g. Chairs are made of wood. (Scaunele sunt facute din lemn.) (aici lemnul este inca lemn, nu se transforma in

The house is made of bricks. (Casa este facuta din caramizi.) (caramizile inca se vad, nu sunt transformate
in altceva)

Made from is used when the material changed its nature.(Made from se foloseste cand materialul si-a schimbat

E.g. Paper is made from wood. (Hartia este facuta din lemn.) (lemnul a fost transformat in hartie)

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