SoccerNASA 1.4c Beta - Interactive Soccer Kick

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ans ‘SoccerNASA 1c beta -Iteactive Soccer Kick NATIONAL AERONAUTICS Hesensee mS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION + Cone enn EC ; Glenn SoccerNASA Version 1.4¢ Research Conter ‘Ths is @bota 1.4 version ofthe SoecerNASA program. and you are invted to participate in the beta testing. you rd ear in the program ar would ike to suggest improvements, please send an email to Thomas, SoccerNASA Mary students enjoy playing and watching the game of soccer (wich is known as “tba” in svery county inthe warld except the United States). With tis sofhare you can investigate how a kicked soccer ball "bonds" as I tls though the a. A soccer ball encounters acrocynamic forces as it fles and you can ‘ary the volves of ho facts that affect the sizeof the forces on the bal, These are the same forces that generate the lit and ag of an aplane wing and produce a big taague cu bal, You can study ara wings with the ElSi= Il sofware andthe aerodyramies of baseball wih the Cura rogram ‘ailable a ths sie. The tight ofa soccer balls a fay complox physies problem. The ght path is desesbod by intogmating Netwers second iw of motion, The extemal forces ‘onthe ball are the weit, the aerodynamic side free, andthe aerodynamic daa. The weight is constant, bu the magnitude of the aeredynamic forces ‘depend onthe air density, which isa incton oflection and local weather condions, andthe square ofthe elon, which ehanges curing the Night. Te resuling tight paths thee cimensional, so you mist spect several parameters to define the intial conditions when the ball kicked. Ths web pace describes the variables required forthe calculation ang haw to set the values forthe variables sing the graphical user interlace for tne commuter program. Ir you fo that all ofthe input parameters are to confusing, we recommend that you fst try the student version of the baseball curve bal simulation. The student version only modals the aeodynamc side ore acting on al. The mation Is two cimersional and the number ef input parameters is sfeatly reduced, Aler you acquire some experience, you can always rtum to this thres mensional problem to study the kicked soccer Bal This web page contains detaed intuctons onthe use ofthe ders, boxes, an btons for the soccer bal program. For very experienced users, we hae 2 web page that contains only the sofware and no instructions. That web page loadsa ile faster than this one. You can also downloga your om copy ofthe Progam to your computer y clicking on ths yellow sutton: Wit the cownloaded version, you can run the program oftine and do nt have to be connected tothe Intemet wn gresnasa.gonWWWIK- 2iirlanalsoccercede ml 18 ania ‘SoccerNASA 1c beta -Iteactive Soccer Kick Iryou see only a grey box atthe top ofthis page, be sure that vais erable in your browser. Java s enabled, and you are using the Windows XP ‘operating system, you need to get newer version of Jove, Go to this nk itp: wave comveninss isp, ty the “Qownlosd k Nev button, and then select "Yes" whan the download box fom Sun pope up. This program i designed tobe interactive, so you have to work with the program. There are a waiely of input “widgets” that ae used inthe graphical user Irterace. Thre ae sotral colored buttons used by he program. To operate a button, use the mouse to mow the cursor ovr the button, and click th lt ‘mouse buten. At any te, to rtum to te anginal default candtiong, click the orange Ress button atthe upper rig ofthe program. A choice box has 3 Gescriptve word displayed in a box with an ow tothe right ofthe box. To make a chica, cick onthe aw o splay the choices, move the cursor down the selection menu and cick to make your selection, Some vriable choices are made using round radio buttons. To make @ cnoice, move the cursor onto ‘he round button and fet click. smal black dot appears inthe chosen radio button. Curent values ofthe design vrables are presented fo you in toxt boxes. To change the value In an input box, select the box by mong the curr into the box and elcking te mau, then backspace ow the old rambo, fenter anew number, then hit the Enter Key on your keyboard, You mult hit Enter to send the new value tothe program. For most nputvaadles you ‘can also use aslider located next tothe input box. Click onthe slicer bar, holé down and drag the slider bar to change values, or you can click onthe rows ft ener end ofthe ser. Ifyou experience ditcuties when using the sliders to change vaable, simply elick away fom the slider and then back tit. the rows on the en ofthe slidrs disappear, clek inthe areas where the let and it arow images should appear, and they should reappear. These are known Java problems. ‘SCREEN LAYOUT ‘The program screen is cded int two main parts: 1. On the loft side ofthe screen isthe graphics window. The graphics window has four possible displays: a downfield Vow, top ew, side vow, and TV ‘ew. The TV vew sa perspective vew fom the sidelines. You choose your vew by cliking n the appropiate box atthe top ofthe graphic and the ‘cuent choice is by a yellow “ight. You can move the graphics side to side and up and dawn by moving your cursor into the window, bolding down the lef button on the mouse ara dragging the graphic. You can “zoom” into the raphe by using the slider tthe bottom ofthe window. Click on the Yellow vertical bar, hold down and erg the bar rom si to side. Fyou lose the picture, click onthe “Fi btton atthe upper righ to restore the ‘etal graphis location and size, Above the graphics window isa picture ofa spining soccer bal. The spin axis ofthe balls shown on tho ball and you can adjust the axis using the input devces described below. By adjusting the spin axis, you can make the aerodynamic fice cause the ball o bend, IR, of de, the spin axis s vertical, the bal cures om sige a sie, when soccer payers call "bend", the spin axis is horzontl, the all Its or dive depending onthe rection ofthe spin. the axis Is between vertical and Rerzontal, you get aie bt ofboth eects. You can ace the ‘fects of pin and graviy onthe vertical gt path by choosing the side view. Vou can see the side to side eect onthe horizontal side path by using ‘the top view. You can see the comiined efects of aerodynamics and weight n the downfield view an the TV view. We have craum the goal and net in oach of tho vow windows so hal you can adjust the input parametars to score a goal, For tho camer kick, tho object isnot o score a geal but to put the ballin font ofthe goal with sufcient height so that a teammate can “head” the ball into the goal. So fort comer kik, ble target, bx wil appear in font ofthe gol and your jb is to get the bal nto the target box 2, The input parameters forthe kick are specifed onthe right sid ofthe screen. Beginning athe top, we have fur buttons that nate the kick an ‘control the graphics, Th green °KICK™ button begins the solution af Newton's equation fo daterine the trajectory. When you clek on the "KIGK™ button, the boxes below the bustons dspay the ime, speed, and magnitude ofthe ores during the fight ofthe Bal. The ve "Saw" button can be used to feaze the graphics ofa complete kick for comparison wit alate Kcks. The white "Clr button erases all he graphics and prepares you fr the next kick. Tho arange "Reset” button can be used at anytime to retur the program fos intl contions Immeatly below the colored bustons are some radio buttons to choose the type of kek. Fora penalty kick the bal Is placed Inthe mide ofthe fil, 36 feet fom the goal line. You cannot change the location ofthe bal fora penalty Kick. You ean change the angle at which the ball Keked using the boxes and sliders atthe lower right. The vertical angle i the angle farmed batween the dvecton cf tne kek and the ground, while the side langle is measured from tha downstream (towards the goal ine) direction. Fora free kick, the balls inal placed 60 fet fom tho goal Ine and 30 {at fom tho centerine ofthe goa. Fara oa kick, you can change the lcalin using the input boxes or sidarslocaod a tho bollom righ. Y- sido is ‘measvre om the centertine ofthe goal, and X - stan is measured fom the goal line. Fora comer kick the balls placed inthe comer formed by the siting and the goat ‘You can kick wih ether your right foot or your lft fot by clicking onthe round ras buttons locate below tha type selection. The cretion af rollin is reversed between right foot and let foot. The Spin AxIs angle (degrees) andthe Spin -rpm (rvalutions per minute) are set by using the input boxes and sliders atthe lower right Iisted under Kick Input. As mentioned above ifthe spin axis s wrtical (angle equals zero), the se oe Is purely norizontal an th the ball mows lo or right dopending on the actin of tation. the axis orzortalfangle equal to 1-90 dogroos), te Eide fore is verical ane Iits er dives the ball depending on tne deton of rotation (+ wale of pin. The amount ofthe fore and igh rjectory also ‘depend on the inital spse¢ of ne bal. You st the speed using the box and sderin the Kiek Input Final the value ofthe side frce depends on an ‘ficiency factor cal the If coofic‘ont Cl. The default value fora spinning soccer tall is 25. You can change the value of Clas described below. Besides th side force, there ie an aerodyanmic drag gonerated on tn ball wtsch opposes the mation, The size ofthe force depend on the equare of the speed, the sans ofthe air and the value ofthe drag casliciant Ca. The default salu ofthe crag coeticont for a soccer ball is about 28. To allo you fo study the elects of and drag onthe tight of he ba, you can selec to input ai and drag coefficient by using the radio buttons athe Upper nh. Select inp" and then enter inthe value n te input boxes labeled Cd and Cl Below the fight data boxes aro some choice buttons to select the stadium location and the weather cantons. Changing the stadium location ‘changes the aimasohusic condtions because the almosphetc conditions depend on alitude. We have included a ofthe stadium locations used ‘lrg vie 2010 Werts Cup a that you can study how atude elects the Right ef the bal. The default weather conditions ave an Average Day atthe selected stadsum. The awrage is based on an NASA model of he atmospete and how the pressure and temperature change with atude. For the ‘average day, ws have the lomperaiure set to 69 dagrees at each stadum. A Hot Day seta the temperature {o 8 degrees, and a Cold Day sets the {temperate to 39 degrees. The Hot, Humid Day includes the efects of relate hums. The program calculates the alr density that coresponds to the temperature and pressure tough the xualion a tae, ‘The object ofthe comer kik sto put the bal nt the target box. The objective of the panaly kick and fe kik sto put the bal nt the goal. Try setting Up a kick that scores a goal and then change the staclum locaton. What happers to the trajectory? (In soccer. scoring 's much harder than i looks) Have fn! NEW FEATURES ‘The NASA Glenn Educational Programs Ofice wil contin to improve and update Socce/NASA based on user Input. Changes fom previous versions ofthe wn gre.nasa.goMWWYWIK-12irplanalsoccercode tml 2 ans ‘SoccerNASA 4c beta -Iteactive Soccer Kick program include 4. On 25 Aug 10, version 1.40 was released, This version of SaccerNASA allows you to default or input both if and crag coecens. 2 On 16 Aug 10, version 1.4 was released. This i the rst release version for Socce*NASA. Earlier versions of SoccerNASA were developmertl versions and not released to the publi Activities: Guided Tours Navigation. Ped [Beginners Gude to Aeronaities 1 Roe Penents Manageme end wn gre.nasa.goMWWWWK- 2iirlanalsoccercede tml

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