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(Đề thi gồm 07 trang, tổng điểm 100) Thờigian: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: 02/04/2019)


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Chú ý: - Thí sinh làm bài vào đề thi này.

- Thí sinh không sử dụng bất kỳ tài liệu gì, kể cả từ điển.
- Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.

I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from the others in each group.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (5 pts)
1. A. costly B. fastener C. portable D. smartphone
2. A. determine B. profile C. science D. versatile
3. A. considerate B. candidate C. associate D. adequate
4. A. look B. pull C. fool D. good
5. A. months B. paths C. wreaths D. youths
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Choose the word whose main stress position is different from the others in each group.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (5 pts)
1. A. export B. decrease C. present D. belief
2. A. contrast B. object C. rebel D. support
3. A. abandon B. dependent C. preference D. exhausted
4. A. unequal B. enrolment C. encourage D. minimum
5. A. physically B. equality C. remarkably D. discriminate
1 2 3 4 5


1. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.(10 pts)
1. Brunch is combined from ____.
A. break and bunch B. breakfast and lunch C. break and lunch D. breakfast and bunch
2. ____ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning.
A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to
3. Give me your telephone number ____ I need your help.
A. in case B. so that C. unless D. whether
4. He didn’t ____ to help her even though she was very ill.
A. shake a leg B. open an eye C. bend his arm D. lift a finger

5. The social services are chiefly ____ with the poor, the old and the sick.
A. influenced B. related C. suffered D. concerned
6. I’m sorry, but I ____ seeing the manager at once.
A. arrange for B. look for C. agree with D. insist on
7. I would rather you ____ to school on time.
A. to go B. go C. going D. went
8. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth ____.
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
9. While southern California is densely populated, ____ live in the northern part of the state.
A. many people B. a few of people C. a number of people D. few people
10. The house possesses extensive ____ with gardens, tennis courts and an orchard.
A. surroundings B. ground C. property D. fields
11. Diamonds are often found in rock formations called pipes, ____ the throats of extinct volcanoes.
A. they resemble B. there is a resemble to C. in which they resemble D. which resemble
12. The girl who found the ring received a generous ____ of $5.
A. cash B. allowance C. reward D. prize
13. ____ can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing, back slapping,
a pat on the shoulder, and brushing an arm.
A. Touches B. Eye contact C. Facial expressions D. Wink
14. I will back you up in whatever you do.
A. support you B. help you C. sue you D. disturb you
15. Housing construction and ____ have rapidly changed the face of this town. It has become more and
more beautiful.
A. overpopulation B. deforestation C. modernization D. environmental pollution
16. Many scientists are sure there is ____ on other planets.
A. creature B. life C. people D. existence
17. When I mentioned the party, he was all ears.
A. deaf B. partially deaf C. listening neglectfully D. listening attentively
18. “____ detective stories?”
A. How about B. Are you fond of
C. What do you think about D. What do people feel about
19. ____ for your help, I wouldn’t have completed the course.
A. It had not been B. It had been C. Hadn’t it been D. Wouldn’t it be
20. “How kind, you really shouldn’t have bothered.” – “____.”
A. It was nothing, really B. Don’t worry, I didn’t better
C. Why not? I was happy D. It was a very good thing

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2. Put each verb in brackets in the correct tense or form. (10 pts)
1. I hope you (not/ wait) ____________________________________ too long. I’m afraid the lift
(break down) _________________________. I (must) __________________________ walk down the
stairs from the 24th floor.
2. I (work) _________________________________ hard on my novel all day and when this page
(finish) _________________________________, I (write) _________________________________
three whole chapters.

3. We (buy) ____________________________________ tickets for the film in advance, but as the
cinema is half empty, we (not/ need/ do) ____________________________________ so.
4. It was extraordinary! In fact, if I (not/ see) ____________________________________ it with my
own eyes, I (never/ believe) ____________________________________ it.
5. I’d rather you (not/ smoke) _________________________________ if you (not mind)
___________________________. Cigarette smoke (always/ make) ____________________________
me feel ill.
6. The aeroplane in which the football team (travel) ____________________________________
crashed soon after taking off.
7. It is essential that he (arrive) ____________________________________ before seven.
8. We regret (inform) ____________________________________ you that your application (turn)
____________________________________ down.
9. She spoke about her daughter, then she went on (talk) ___________________________________
about her son.
10. In a few minutes’ time, when the clock (strike) ____________________________________ six, I
(wait) ____________________________________ here three-quarters of an hour.

3. Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces that follow. (10pts)
1. The man's ________________________________of the crime only made matters worse. (DENY)
2. Most of the area has been ___________________________________________. (ELECTRICITY)
3. You should use it as a study room. It's ________________________________ quiet. (COMPARE)
4. At the moment there is no __________________________ of the Prime Minister resigning. (LIKE)
5. The _________________of natural resources by artificial products is not always possible. (PLACE)
6. His boss told him off because he had behaved ___________________________. (RESPONSIBLE)
7. The ______________________ accused the government of an evasion of responsibility. (OPPOSE)
8. Our city has some open spaces, but they are not very ___________________________. (ACCESS)
9. Is it possible to _______________________between a hobby and an interest? (DISTINCT)
10. Carol's new catering business turned out to be very ____________________. (BENEFIT)

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.

4. 9.
5. 10.

4. Complete each sentence with a suitable particle or preposition.(10pts)

1. My grandfather used to be a soldier; he was lived _____________________ two wars.
2. I’m sorry but my hearing is not very good. Could you please speak _____________________?
3. There were a few things I don’t like about Professor Wong’s class, but _____________________
and large I enjoyed it.
4. – “Will the concert start soon?”
– “It should get _____________________ way any minute now.”
5. – “Oh, you bought the new book by Richard Stone.”
– “Yes, but that book is hard to come _____________________ .I looked for it in three or four
6. The company may lose some money now, but _____________________ the long run this is a good
7. They’re going to tear down those old warehouses to make way _____________________ a big new
8. – “I like that painting you bought. Did it cost much?”
– “No, the artist sold it to me for next _____________________ nothing.”
9. Max and Martha are good friends but sometimes they fall _____________________.
10. Last Sunday, I went to Saigon _____________________ my uncle’s car.
1. 2. 3 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

5. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.(5 pts)
1. A lot of people think that marriage women shouldn’t pursue a career.
2. We must stop discrimination on people coming from the rural area.
3. Women in rural areas might be forced to work both at home but on the fields.
4. Gender discrimination should be eliminated for create equal opportunities in education for everyone.
5. Those want to improve their English can download free digital lessons from the Internet to study.

Error Correction

1. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.(10pts)
Learning to make a perfect pizza

According to the European Pizza-Makers’ Association, making a good pizza is not a
straightforward skill to learn. The ingredients seem very simple: flour, yeast, water and a bit of salt. (1)
____, water and flour can easily (2) ____ a rather unappetizing gluey mix, and anyone who has eaten a
(3) ____ quality pizza will know how bad it can make your stomach (4) ____.
'In Italy, 70 per cent of pizza makers could improve on their product, not to (5) ____ all the
pizza makers around the world who (6) ____ uneatable meals', says Antonio Primiceri, the
Association's founder. He has now started a pizza school in an attempt to (7) ____ the reputation of
this traditional dish. As part of an (8) ____ course, the students at MrPrimiceri's school are taught to
(9) ____ common mistakes, produce a good basic mixture, add a tasty topping and cook the pizza
properly. 'Test the finished pizza by breaking the crust', advises MrPrimiceri. ' If the soft (10) ____
inside the pizza is white, clean and dry, it's a good pizza. If it is not like this, the pizza will upset your
stomach. You will feel uncomfortable full and also thirsty.'

1. A. However B. Despite C. Although D. Conversely

2. A. make out B. take up C. put out D. turn into
3. A. sad B. poor C. short D. weak
4. A. sense B. do C. feel D. be
5. A. state B. mention C. remark D. tell
6. A. submit B. give C. provide D. deal
7. A. save B. hold C. deliver D. return
8. A. extensive B. extreme C. intensive D. intentional
9. A. pass B. escape C. miss D. avoid
10. A. spot B. part C. side D. slice

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2.Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).(10 pts)
0 T
Is your school just as you want (0) __it__ to be? Or are there things you and your classmates
(1) ____ change, given the opportunity? This is your chance to express your ideas about (2) ____ the
ideal school is like. Our competition is open to (3) ____ student between the ages of twelve and
eighteen. You can enter (4) ____ an individual or your whole class can work together on a team entry.
Your entry can take any form - a piece of writing, a picture, or even architectural plans. It is
completely (5) ____ to you. What we are looking for is evidence (6) ____ originality, imagination and,
above (7) ____ the genuine views of young people. 
By (8) ____ part in this, you will help in a study being carried out at a leading university. All
work entered for the competition will be kept at the university and used in research. Entries cannot be
returned because of this. But it also means that, even (9) ____ you do not win, your views will still be
heard and will remain for future educationalists to study.
Entries must reach us no later (10) ____ Friday 30 April. Winners will receive valuable prizes
of computer equipment and software for their schools. 
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

3.Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.(5 pts)

Countries around the world have growing mountains of trash because people are throwing out more
trash than ever before. How did we become a throwaway society?
First of all, it is now easier to replace an item than to spend time and money to repair it. Thanks to
modern manufacturing and technology, companies are able to produce items quickly and
inexpensively. Products are plentiful and prices are low, so we would rather buy something new than
repair it. Even if we did want to repair something, many items are almost impossible to repair. These
products contain many tiny, complicated parts. Some even contain small computer chips. It's easier to
throw these items away and buy new ones than to fix them.
Another contributing factor is our love of disposable products. As busy people, we are always looking
for ways to save time and make our lives easier. Why should we use cloth kitchen towels? It's easier to
use paper towel once and toss it out. Companies manufacture thousands of different kinds of
disposable items: paper plates, plastic cups, cameras, and razors for shaving, to name a few. The
problem is that disposable products also contribute to our trash problem.
Our appetite for new products also contributes to the problem. We are addicted to buying things. As
consumers, we want the latest clothes, the best TVs, and cellphones with west features. Companies tell
us to buy, buy, and buy. Advertisements persuade us wer is better. The result is that we throw away
useful possessions to make room for new ones.
1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for people to replace a broken item?
A. Products are now mass produced at affordable prices.
B. It takes almost no time to fix broken items.
C. Many items are too complicated to repair.
D. Some products contain tiny, complicated chips.
2. All of the following are disposable products, EXCEPT ____.
A. cloth kitchen towels B. paper plates C. plastic cups D. razors for shaving
3. The word “disposable" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. convenient B. inexpensive C. throwaway D. single-use
4. Why are we hooked on buying new things?
A. We throw the old items to make room for the new ones.
B. We have more money than ever before.
C. We want to own as many things as possible.
D. We are made to believe that the new is the better.
5. The word “appetite” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by ____.
A. need B. demand C. desire D. taste

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given. Here is an example (0).(10 pts)
0 You must do exactly what the manager tells you. CARRY
You must ______________________________________ instructions exactly.
The gap can be filled by the words ‘ carry out the manager’s ’, so you write:

1. Marcella left home very early because she wanted to be sure of catching the train. ORDER
àMarcella left home very early __________________________________________miss the train.
2. You must show your student card as you enter the library. REQUIRED

àYou ___________________________________________ student card as you enter the library.
3. On arriving at an airport, I usually go straight to the check-in desk. SOON
àI usually go straight to the check-in desk as ________________________________ to an airport.
4. Patrick hadn’t heard from his uncle in Australia for over five years. MORE
àIt was ____________________________________Patrick had heard from his uncle in Australia.
5. On business trips, I prefer driving home to staying in a hotel overnight. RATHER
àOn business trips, I’d ________________________________________ in a hotel overnight.
6. Jack found it difficult to control his skis on the steep slope.  UNDER 
àJack found it difficult to _________________________________________ on the steep slope. 
7. They say the fashion model was discovered by her agent while working at a restaurant.  SAID 
àThe fashion model is _________________discovered by her agent while working at a restaurant. 
8. Such success has not been achieved by many players in the world of ice hockey.  FEW 
àOnly ________________________________________ such success in the world of ice hockey.
9.We played tennis despite the cold weather. EVEN 
àWe played tennis _____________________________________________________ cold.
10. The manager had the respect of everyone in the office. UP 
àEveryone in the office___________________________________________________ the

2.Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning. ( 10pts)
1. The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road.
àThe gate is closed so that ________________________________________________________
2. He looks nothing like his father.
àHe doesn’t take _______________________________________________________________
3. “I’m sorry, Peter” said Mary, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car.”
àMary apologized _______________________________________________________________
4. She finds it easy to study Maths.
àShe has no ____________________________________________________________________
5. You can only get dishes and bowls with this design in Poland.
àOnly ________________________________________________________________________

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