Added Letters 1p

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Rhythmic: Melodic:
St. Gall: St. Gall:
: celeriter quickly : sursum higher
: tenére hold : altius higher
: exspécta wait : levare raise
: frangor, fastigium high point : ne leves not raise
Laon: : equaliter same
: celeriter quickly : iusum vel inferius lower
: tenére hold : parvum a little bit
: deprimatur lower
: augére lengthen
: nectum connected : sursum higher
: non tenére not hold : humiliter lower
: frangor, fastigium high point : ne leves not raise
: equaliter same
: supra higher
: subjice lower

Modifying Letters: Melodic and Expressive in Laon:

: mediocriter moderately subjice celeriter lower quickly

: valde strongly multum, quam mox lower quickly as possible
: bene done well
: non not supra celeriter quam mox higher quickly as possible

Saint Gall:

: strictim, statim immediately

: conjungatur connected

: simul refers to unison

: leniter sweetly
: volubiter fluidly
: molliter sweetly, gracefully
: paratim resolutely
: perfecte perfectly

: gutture in the throat

: clangor emphatically
: fideliter surely, faithfully

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