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Boy Great. And where are you from, Nozomi?

Elementary Workbook Girl I’m from Japan.

audio scripts
1.03 Lesson IA, Exercise 4
Introduction 1
This car is a Volvo XC60.
1.02 Lesson IA, Exercise 3
1 2

Boy Hi! What’s your name? This phone is an LG G3.

Girl Viktoria. 3
Boy How do you spell that? This aircraft is a B52.
Girl With a K . V–I–K–T–O–R–I–A.
Boy Great. Thanks. And where are you from,
Viktoria? This road is the M62 in England.

Girl I’m from Hungary. 5

2 This motorbike is a KTM 1190.

Girl Hi! What’s your name? 6

Boy Emin. This is an HP 15 n230us laptop.
Girl How do you spell that?
Boy Emin? That’s easy! E–M–I–N.
Girl Thanks. And where are you from?
Boy I’m from Turkey.
Boy Hi! What’s your name?
Girl Mariana.
Boy How do you spell that?
Girl M–A–R–I–A–N–A.
Boy OK. And where are you from, Mariana?
Girl I’m from Brazil.
Girl Hi! What’s your name?
Boy Dominik.
Girl How do you spell that?
Boy D–O–M–I–N–I–K.
Girl Thanks. Where are you from?
Boy I’m from Ukraine.
Boy Hi! What’s your name?
Girl Nozomi.
Boy How do you spell that?
Girl N–O–Z–O–M–I.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

Mum Now, Anna, that isn’t very nice. This isn’t about
Elementary Workbook Luke. I want you to help me in the kitchen. I’m
audio scripts busy and I’m tired and I need your help. I cook
dinner every day, and I hate cooking!
Anna OK. Sorry, Mum. I’m just worried about my

Unit 1  Mum
maths homework. I can’t do it.
Well, let me cook dinner first, then I can help
you with your homework. Or Luke can help you
1.04 Lesson 1A, Exercises 6 and 7 this evening. He’s good at maths.
Tim That's a nice photo. Is that your dad? Anna OK. But where is Luke?
Carrie No, it isn't. That's Zak, my uncle. He’s my Mum He’s with Dad.
mum’s brother. And that’s his son, Ben.
Anna And where’s Dad?
Tim So Ben is your cousin?
Mum At the supermarket!
Carrie That’s right. And Ben has got a sister, Grace.
Tim And is that Grace in the photo? 1.07 Lesson 1G, Exercise 2
Carrie No, that’s me! But that isn’t my mum, it’s my
Photo C
aunt, Emma. She’s Zak’s wife.
Tim Where are your brother and sister? 1

Carrie My brother isn’t there. Ellie is behind She’s got dark hair.

the camera.

1.05 Lesson 1C, Exercise 4 She’s got long hair.

1 3

end She’s got curly hair.

2 Photo D

match 1

3 She’s got medium-length hair.

park 2

4 She’s got straight hair.

late 3

5 She’s got dark hair.

1.08 Lesson 1G, Exercise 4
1.06 Lesson 1C, Exercise 5 Boy Where’s Marcus?
Girl I don’t know. Who is Marcus?
Anna What’s for dinner, mum?
Boy Oh, you don’t know him.
Mum Steak, chips and peas … Anna, can you unload
the dishwasher, please? Girl No.

Anna Oh, Mum, can you ask Luke? I’m busy with my Boy Oh, there he is.
maths homework. It’s very difficult. Girl Where?
Mum Anna, it’s your job to unload the dishwasher Boy Over there, at the table.
every day. You know Luke loads it after dinner. Girl With curly dark hair?
Anna I know, but I tidy my bedroom every day. But is Boy No, with short dark hair and a white T-shirt.
Luke’s bedroom tidy? No, it isn’t! And I clean
Girl Oh, yes. I see him. He looks nice.
the bathroom. But where are Luke’s clothes?
On the bathroom floor! Boy He is. He’s in my class at school. Do you want
to meet him?

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

Girl Maybe. Later. So, who’s the boy with curly dark
Boy That’s George.
Girl And who’s that next to Marcus? The girl with
long dark hair.
Boy There are two girls with long dark hair. The girl
on his right is Camilla. And the girl on the other
side, next to George, is Zoe.

1.09 Exam Skills trainer 1, Exercise 4

Speaker 1 People often say I’m like my grandfather. They
say we’ve got the same walk. My grandfather
always puts his hands in his pockets when he
walks, and so do I. Apart from that, I can’t see
the similarity.
Speaker 2 I look more like my mum than my dad. Her hair
is grey now, but it’s still curly, like mine. We’ve
both got the same blue eyes and the same
nose, too. People say I look like her when she
was young.
Speaker 3 Yeah, I think I’m most like my dad. He’s very
patient, and so am I. We don’t often get angry
about things – we try to laugh instead. We’re
both very tall – and very good-looking, of
Speaker 4 I often go out with my cousin, Sarah, and most
people think that we’re sisters. We look quite
similar, I suppose, because we’re both quite
small and thin. She doesn’t like sport though,
and I do.
Speaker 5 I’ve got an older brother, but we don’t look
anything like each other. He’s got fair hair and
I’m dark, and we’ve got completely different
personalities. But we both love playing chess!
Speaker 6 I’m more like my aunt than my mum, really. My
aunt’s a fantastic cook, and I like cooking, too. I
often watch her when she’s in the kitchen and
then I make the same thing at home – delicious!

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Elementary Workbook
Tyler Oh no, I haven’t got my books.
audio scripts Teacher Don’t worry. Today, we’ve got a video.
Tyler Oh, good.

Unit 2 Teacher It’s about the festival of Diwali. Which religion is

Diwali part of?
Teacher Come on! Is it Christianity? Hinduism?
1.10 Lesson 2A, Exercise 3 Buddhism?
It’s quarter to seven.
Teacher So, what happens at the end of Shakespeare’s
2 Romeo and Juliet? Tyler?

It’s four o’clock. Tyler I’m not sure. Do they get married?
Teacher Er … well, yes. They get married. But that isn’t
the end of the play. What happens at the end?
It’s ten past eleven. Do they live happily ever after?

4 Tyler Yes.
Teacher Really?
It’s five to eight.
Tyler I mean, no. Er … they die.
Teacher That’s right! They die.
It’s half past one. Teacher OK, that’s lunch.
1.12 Lesson 2C, Exercise 2
It’s twenty-five past three.
quarter to eleven
It’s quarter past five.
ten to twelve in the morning
It’s twenty to twelve.
1.11 Lesson 2A, Exercise 6 half past six
1 4
Teacher Come in, sit down. Open your books – page 56. twenty-five to eight
Tyler What’s the topic today?
Girl I don’t know. Let’s see …
the twenty-second of April twenty ten
Teacher Today’s topic is World War 1. What are the
dates of World War 1?Anyone? 6
Tyler Ooh ooh … 1939 to 1945. the fifth of September twenty twenty
Teacher No, that’s World War 2.
July the thirty-first two thousand and two
Teacher Now, write this in your notebooks:
x + 36 = y + 7.
Tyler x + 36 = y + 7. February the sixteenth twenty sixteen

Teacher And now write this …

Tyler This is really difficult! When’s break time?
Girl At ten o’clock.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

1.13 Lesson 2C, Exercise 4 Interviewer You have to get up early! What time do you
leave school?
Student At quarter to five. We work hard.
one thousand three hundred and forty-five Interviewer How many lessons do you have?
2 Student I have three lessons in the morning. Each
lesson is 50 minutes long. Lunch is at five to
three hundred and fifty
one for an hour. Then we have three more
3 lessons after lunch. After that I do music or
sport. Everybody has to learn a musical
four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
instrument in our school. And I’m in the
4 hockey team. Then I go home – finally!
a hundred and twenty-two Interviewer That’s a long day.
Student Yes, I’m home at 6 o’clock. I always do
homework for an hour. Then we have dinner. I
ten thousand six hundred and seventeen go to bed at 9 p.m. I’m usually very tired!
1.16 Lesson 2G, Exercise 4
seven hundred and twenty-five
Boy Hi! How are you?
one thousand and forty-seven
Girl Not great.
8 Boy Oh dear.
five hundred and one Girl Can I ask your advice about something?
Boy Yes, of course. What is it?
1.14 Lesson 2C, Exercise 5 Girl Well, I’m really angry with my brother. He never
1 helps with the housework at home.
Boy Oh dear!
My date of birth is the eleventh of July 2002.
Girl So I have to do more housework.
Boy That’s not fair.
School starts at quarter to nine. Girl So what should I do? When I talk to him, he
3 just laughs.
Boy You should talk to your parents.
This term ends on the twenty-second of December.
Girl Really?
Boy Yes. Tell them how you feel.
There are 1,350 students in my school. Girl You’re right. Thanks.
5 2
I usually have breakfast at half past seven. Girl Hi! How are you?
6 Boy I’m OK. But I'm worried about the school show.
My mum’s birthday is on the 18th May. Girl Oh dear. Why?
Boy Because I don’t know my words! And the show
1.15 Lesson 2C, Exercises 6 and 7 is next week!
Girl You should learn them!
Interviewer This is Anna Willis. She’s a student at the
West London Free School. The school Boy I can’t learn them. My memory isn’t very good.
opened in 2011. How old are you, Anna? Girl I know. You should practise your words
Student I’m fourteen. I’m in Year 10. with me.
Interviewer Anna, this school has got a lot of rules. Do Boy What do you mean?
you enjoy it here? Girl You should say your words to me. And I can do
Student Yes, I do. It’s a great school. I like the rules! all the other parts.
They help me to learn and study. Boy Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks very much!
Interviewer Tell me about your school day. Girl No problem. Let’s start today, after school!
Student I wake up at 6 o’clock, and I have to arrive at
school at twenty to nine.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Boy Hello! Are you OK?
Girl Not really.
Boy What’s the problem?
Girl I’m not in the school volleyball team this year.
Boy Oh no!
Girl I’m really sad about it. I’m usually the captain!
Boy So why aren’t you in the team?
Girl I don’t know. Perhaps the new sports teacher
doesn’t like me.
Boy I think you should talk to her.
Girl Really? Are you sure?
Boy Yes. Perhaps it’s a mistake.
Girl Yes, that’s possible. Hey, thanks.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 3 Audio scripts

Elementary Workbook
unload trainers
audio scripts
1.19 Lesson 3C, Exercise 5

Unit 3 Millie Hey, Tanya, where are you? We’re all here at
the party. We’re waiting for you!
Tanya I’m still at home!
1.17 Lesson 3A, Exercises 4 and 5
Millie It’s seven twenty-five. Why are you so late?
1 Ava
Tanya Because I can’t decide what outfit to wear! I’m
Ava has got a jacket. She’s got a skirt and boots. sitting in my bedroom and all my clothes are on
the floor, on the bed, everywhere. But I’ve got
2 Ethan
nothing to wear!
Ethan has got a T-shirt and shorts. He’s got trainers too. Millie Tanya, don’t be silly. You’ve got lots of nice
3 Zoe clothes. Come on, hurry up.
Tanya What kind of party is it? What’s everybody
Zoe has got a jumper and black trousers.
wearing? What are you wearing?
4 Logan Millie Well, I’m wearing a new dress. It’s short and
Logan has got a scarf. He’s got a sweatshirt and jeans. blue, but it isn’t smart. I’m wearing my brown
boots with it.
5 Mia Tanya Well, that sounds nice. Are people wearing
Mia has got a dress and a cardigan. casual or smart clothes?
Millie Well, it’s a mixture. Anna and Denise are
6 Lucas
wearing jeans with black tops and smart shoes.
Lucas has got a cap and a tracksuit. Jake is wearing a white shirt with his black
jacket. They look fantastic together – except
1.18 Lesson 3C, Exercise 3 he’s wearing purple shorts! You know the crazy
clothes he wears.
Tanya I do.
leggings guitar
Milly Greg is wearing a sweatshirt – the same as he
2 wears every day. Oh, and Amy’s wearing
a patterned pink and green dress. She thinks
repeat complete
it’s attractive, but it’s horrible. So, stop worrying.
3 It doesn’t matter what you wear. Just get
dressed and come to Lucy’s house now! You’ve
remember together
got 15 minutes. I want to dance!
4 Tanya Ok, Ok. Look, help me. You know my clothes.
brother moustache Just tell me what to choose.
Milly Right. Wear your blue jeans and trainers …
Tanya I always wear jeans and trainers. I can’t wear
exercise already them again!
6 Milly OK, wear a black skirt, boots and your silver
parent borrow
Tanya Thanks! Wonderful idea!
Milly OK. Just hurry up!
kangaroo referee
8 1.20 Lesson 3G, Exercises 5 and 6
Lottie Hi, Sam.
afternoon evening
Sam Hi, Lottie.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

Lottie Fred and I are going ice skating on Friday a new uniform! Where better to buy it than at Uniforms 4U.
evening. Do you want to come, too? We’ve got a special offer of two-for-the-price-of-one on all
Sam No, thanks. I don’t really enjoy ice skating. our skirts and trousers. So come and get your uniform at
Uniforms 4U – you won’t regret it!
Lottie Well, what are you doing on Saturday evening?
Shall we go out then?
Sam I’m afraid I can’t. We’ve got relatives staying.
But I’m free on Saturday morning. The new
Bradley Cooper film is out. Do you fancy going
to the cinema?
Lottie Yes, I’d love to.
Sam OK, let’s meet at the cinema at 10.30.
Lottie Cool.
Sam And we can have lunch in a café after.
Lottie That sounds fun.
Sam OK. See you on Saturday.
Lottie See you.

1.21 Exam Skills Trainer 2, Exercise 4

Now, I have a number of announcements today. The first is
about your uniforms. I know we usually say you have to
wear your long-sleeved shirts until 1st May, but this year it’s
getting hot already. So, from Monday – that’s this Monday,
15th April – you can wear your short-sleeved shirts to
school. I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable with those.
Moving on …
Sean Mum, have you seen my jumper?
Mum Which jumper’s that, Sean?
Sean My school jumper. I can’t find it anywhere!
Mum Well, is it in your bedroom?
Sean No, I’ve looked there.
Mum How about on the chair in the bathroom?
Sean No! It isn’t there, either!
Mum What about your bag? Is it in your schoolbag?
Sean I’ll have a look. Yes, great! Thanks a lot, Mum.
See you later.
Mum Bye, then. Have a good day at school.
Karl Rita, what do you think about school uniforms?
Do you think they’re necessary?
Rita Um, yes I do, Karl. The idea is that all the
students are the same with a uniform. I think
that’s a good thing.
Karl Hmmm, I’m not so sure. The students in my
class really don’t like it. They want to choose
their own clothes. I kind of understand
them, really.
With only two weeks of the summer holidays left, it’s time to
think about going back to school. And you probably need

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

4 Finley and Amber
Elementary Workbook
Amber What do we need for the barbecue?
audio scripts Finley We need chicken. It’s here, look.
Amber And what about some other meat?

Unit 4 Finley
This beef looks nice.
OK. We have to get some peppers too, one of
each colour.
1.22 Lesson 4A, Exercises 3 and 4
Finley And we have to buy prawns. I love prawns on
1 Jack and Mary a barbecue!
Jack Come on, hurry up. We need to buy some Amber Me too.
lunch quickly. Finley We need lemons, of course. You can’t have
Mary I know, I know. Where are the snacks? prawns without lemons.
Jack Over here, come on. So, here are Amber OK, where are the lemons?
the sandwiches. Finley The fruit is over there, by the door. Come on!
Mary OK. Two sandwiches. And some crisps?
Jack Yes, great. Ooh … and olives. 1.23 Lesson 4A, Exercise 5
Mary I don’t like olives. Waiter Can I help you?
Jack Well I do. You can choose something different. Guest Oh, hello. Can I order some breakfast, please?
Mary Strawberries! They look really nice. Waiter Of course. What can I get for you?
Jack OK! Let’s go! Guest Some cereal, please. With milk.
2 Leo and Darcy Waiter Certainly. Anything else?

Leo What do we need? What’s for dinner? Guest Yes. Can I have some toast?

Darcy We need fish. It’s over here. Waiter Toast. Yes. With butter and jam?

Leo What else? Potatoes? Guest Yes, please.

Darcy Yes, potatoes. And we need a vegetable. Waiter Any eggs?

Leo Potatoes are a vegetable! Guest Eggs? No thank you. Just cereal and toast.

Darcy A green vegetable! Waiter And would you like some tea or some coffee?

Leo OK. Peas? Guest No, thanks. Just orange juice.

Darcy Fine. Get some peas. Oh, and we need

cheese too. 1.24 Lesson 4C, Exercise 2
Leo Cheese? With fish? 1
Darcy No. The cheese is for your Steve is in the bathroom.
sandwiches tomorrow.
3 Arthur and Megan
Where is the milk?
Megan What are you planning for dinner?
Arthur Curry, I think. I need lamb – and beef.
When’s your birthday?
Megan Lamb AND beef?
Arthur For two different dishes, yes. 4
Megan Is that all? Give me a sandwich.
Arthur No, I need mushrooms too. 5
Megan OK. They’re over there, with the vegetables.
Go to bed!
Arthur And rice.
Megan OK, let’s get the rice first. Then the mushrooms.
Kate can ride a bike.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

1.25 Lesson 4C, Exercise 3 Stacey No, you can’t go to nature reserves and you
can’t collect special plants. And we never
1 collect too many plants. That’s bad for
Liam can swim. the environment.
Interviewer Do your friends and family like your wild food?
Stacey Of course they do – it’s tasty, it’s good for you
Put them on the table. and it’s free!
Where’s the salt?
1.27 Lesson 4G, Exercises 4 and 6
Waiter Is everything OK for you?
That’s an apple.
Man Yes, it’s fine, thanks. This chicken curry is
5 delicious!
Juan’s from Spain. Waiter Good. Can I get you anything else?

6 Man No, I'm fine, thanks. Oh, there is one thing …

Waiter Sir?
Here’s some water.
Man Can I have some water, please?

1.26 Lesson 4C, Exercise 4 Waiter Yes, of course, sir. One moment.

Man Thank you!
Interviewer Stacey, you are a wild forager. What exactly
do you do? Waiter No problem.
Stacey I go with my friends and we look for food in 2
the forest.
Waiter Good evening.
Interviewer Why do you do that?
Man Can we have a table for two, please?
Stacey Well, we believe that we can eat what is
Waiter Certainly, sir. Follow me.
already there. We grow too much food and it
isn’t good for the environment. We study Man Thank you.
plants and find food that is good to eat in Waiter This is your table.
the wild. Woman Thanks. It’s perfect!
Interviewer Is that a safe thing to do? Waiter Would you like to order some drinks?
Stacey Yes, it is, if you are careful. You can’t eat it if Man Yes, please.
you don’t know what it is. We study all of the
Waiter What would you like? Or would you like to see
plants very carefully first. Then we taste them.
the drinks menu?
And we learn how to cook them too. It’s easy,
and it’s fun! Woman I’d like to see the menu, please.
Interviewer And how often do you collect this kind of Waiter Certainly. One moment.
food? 3
Stacey We go to the countryside most weekends in
Woman Excuse me?
spring, summer and autumn.
Waiter Yes, madam. How can I help you?
Interviewer And what kind of food do you like?
Woman Can we have the bill, please?
Stacey Lots of things … I love mushrooms. There are
so many different kinds of mushrooms and Waiter Certainly. One moment.
they are delicious! I also love the different Man What a nice restaurant.
leaves and fruit of some plants. They are very Woman Yes, I want to come here again. Ah, here’s
healthy. And you can’t buy any of them in the the bill.
Man £89. That isn’t too bad.
Interviewer Do you do any shopping for food?
Woman Excuse me. Does it include service?
Stacey Yes, of course. All the time. You can’t find
Waiter No, it doesn’t.
everything in the countryside. But we eat lots
of wild salads in the summer! Man We have to leave a tip. The waiters are very
friendly here!
Interviewer Can you go anywhere to collect food?
Woman I agree. Let’s pay a hundred.
Man OK.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 3 Audio scripts
3 Milla
Elementary Workbook
It’s always busy, especially at the weekends. I like it like
audio scripts that. There’s always something to see or do. My friends and
I go there by bus as often as possible in our free time. But
it’s easy to spend too much money on shopping and pizza!
Unit 5
1.30 Lesson 5C, Exercises 3 and 4
1.28 Unit 5, Lesson 5A, Exercise 3 Speaker 1
1a I love museums and art galleries. I like history and beautiful
The hospital is between the car park and the cinema. True buildings. I’ve got a few days off work, and my plan is to go
or false? to Barcelona with a friend. I can also speak the language
and I especially love the food, so I can’t wait!
Speaker 2
The park is behind the hospital. True or false?
Look out of the window on your right and you can see
c a large lake between the trees and flowers of our beautiful
The car park is next to the cinema. True or false? park. In a moment, on your left you can see the main street
with the town hall at the end. Now we’re going to the centre
2a where you can see the famous library. It’s one of the oldest
The man with the hat is in front of the hotel. True or false? buildings here.

b Speaker 3

The hotel is behind the train station. True or false? Come in and come through here into the garden. It’s really
pretty, don’t you think? Now go through this door. Do you
c like it? It’s smaller than my last home but it’s more
comfortable and so much nicer. Look out of the window and
The bank is next to the train station. True or false?
you can see trees and fields. It’s a wonderful view!
Speaker 4
The swimming pool is in the park. True or false?
I really don’t like it here. It’s busy, noisy and dirty. I’d prefer
b to live somewhere more beautiful and more peaceful. I’d like
to see open spaces and green everywhere. I’d like to see
The town hall is behind the park. True or false?
hills, woods and fields. That’s my ideal place to live.
The bus station is behind the town hall. True or false? 1.31 Lesson 5G, Exercise 2
It’s opposite the bank.
1.29 Lesson 5C, Exercise 2
1 Jonnie
It’s next to the gym.
The noise starts at 7.30 outside my window. I can see
everyone going to work in the centre of town. It’s very busy 3
for two hours, then it gets quieter. At 5 o’clock the noise gets It’s on the corner opposite the café.
louder again with all the cars and buses with people
going home. 4

2 Ian It’s between the bus station and the swimming pool.

We go there every weekend, and we usually go in a big 5

group. We like to watch action films or comedies. We It’s next to the hotel.
sometimes buy sweets and fizzy drinks to eat and drink
during the film. 6
It’s on the corner, opposite the car park.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

1.32 Lesson 5G, Exercise 4 Gloria Well, they’re all cities that are more or less the
same size: not very big, but not very small,
1 either. Quite a lot of people live there, but they
Girl Excuse me. I’m new here. Where is the … ? aren’t very crowded. There are only two capital
cities at the top, for example.
Man Go straight on and turn left at the roundabout.
Go to the end of West Street and turn right. Go Presenter Which ones?
straight on, and it’s at the end of the road. You Gloria Vienna, capital of Austria, and the capital of
can’t miss it. Finland: Helsinki.
Girl Thank you. Presenter Are there any other European cities in the top
Man You’re welcome. ten, Gloria?
Gloria Yes, there’s one more: Zurich in Switzerland.
Zurich has the same number of points as
Girl Excuse me. Can you direct me to the … ? Helsinki, so they’re both tenth. That means
Man Yes, that’s easy. It isn’t far from here. Go we’re talking about the top eleven cities here,
straight on and take the first left. It’s on not the top ten.
your right. Presenter Right. So, where are the other cities in the top
Gloria We’ve got Auckland in New Zealand at number
Boy Excuse me. Can you direct me to the …, nine, and then the rest are either in Australia or
please? Canada. Australia has four in the top eleven
Woman Certainly. Go straight on, past the roundabout. and Canada has three.
Go to the end of William Street and turn right at Presenter How interesting! So, Gloria, the moment we’ve
the traffic lights. Then— all been waiting for: which is the best city to live
Boy Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please? in?
Woman Yes, sorry. Go straight on, along William Street. Gloria According to The Economist, it’s Melbourne,
Go past the roundabout. At the end of William Australia. The study says that Melbourne has
Street turn right. Then turn left at the fantastic schools and excellent medical care –
roundabout and go under the bridge. Take the the city got 100 out of 100 in these two
first left and it’s on your right, opposite the car categories.
park. Presenter Melbourne! Nice! Gloria Cooke, thanks for
Boy Thanks very much. joining us.
Woman You’re welcome.  
Boy Excuse me. Can you tell me where the … is,
Woman Yes, of course. Go straight on, along William
Street. Take the first right and go to the end of
the road. Turn left and go along South Street,
past the bank on your left. It’s on your right, on
the corner, opposite the supermarket.
Boy Could you repeat that, please?
Woman Yes, go straight along William Street. Take the
first right then turn left at the end of the road.
Go along South Street. It’s on your right,
opposite the supermarket. It’s on the corner.
Boy Great. Thanks very much.
Woman You’re welcome.

1.33 Exam Skills Trainer 3, Exercise 4

Presenter Every year, The Economist magazine makes
a list of the best cities in the world to live in.
Gloria Cooke is with us today to tell us about
the latest list. Gloria, what kind of cities are at
the top?

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Elementary Workbook 2.04 Lesson 6C, Exercise 4
audio scripts My friend Barry and I were in the countryside with our
cameras. We like watching birds and taking photos of them.

Unit 6 We were at the side of a river, eating a picnic. And we

watched a huge bird fly down to the water. It was an eagle!
We were amazed. We were so lucky! But do you know what
2.02 Lesson 6A, Exercise 4 wasn’t so lucky? We were too surprised to remember our
1 cameras!

I think this is a great photo of a … . It’s standing in a river 2

and it’s eating a salmon. It’s holding the fish in it’s big paws. I was in the kitchen with my sister. Mum carried the
I imagine this is in the USA or Canada, maybe – that’s shopping bags in and my sister and I helped Mum put the
where they live, isn’t it? food away. My sister opened a bag of fruit and shouted
2 ‘Help! Spider! Spider!’ On the bananas, there was a huge,
black spider and we were terrified. Mum closed the bag and
I like this photo. You can see the … flying high above the called the vet. When the vet arrived, he explained that it was
mountains. Its wings are really huge – about two metres, I a very dangerous spider.
think. It’s looking down at the ground. It’s looking for food, I
guess! 3

3 My friends and I visited the zoo last weekend. It was great

fun. We walked around in the sun and looked at all the wild
This photo of a … is amazing, I think – because it looks so animals. But the funniest bit was at the monkey house. My
human! It’s holding a leaf in its hand and eating it. I know friend Simon likes wearing caps, and a small monkey
they’re much bigger and stronger than humans, but it noticed Simon’s red cap. It reached a hand through the
doesn’t look frightening at all. It looks very gentle, with cage, quickly taking it, and then it climbed up a tree with the
kind eyes. cap on its head! Simon needs to buy a new cap now…
4 4
This is an interesting photo of a … . Its body is yellow and My family and I were in the north of Scotland last summer.
black and it’s on a flower. They work hard and I think they’re We stayed with our cousins for two weeks on an island in
amazing. the North Sea. It’s cold there but beautiful. On our last day
we travelled by boat back to the airport. Suddenly, someone
2.03 Lesson 6C, Exercise 3 shouted, ‘I can see whales!’ We all watched as three whales
moved slowly past us in the water. It was a wonderful thing
to see.
I phoned an old friend.
2 2.05 Lesson 6G, Exercises 2 and 3
Student 1
We watched TV.
In the centre, there’s a bear. It’s standing next to a tent. And
there’s a man in the tent. The bear is facing the man and the
Harry jumped into the river. man is looking at the bear. There are some trees in the
background, so they’re probably in a forest. The man is
probably frightened, but you can’t really see that in his face.
I usually walk to school on Fridays. The bear walked up to the tent. It probably wanted food, or
something like that.
Student 2
Sam and Mary cooked dinner.
This photo shows two people – a man and a woman – in the
sea near a tropical island. They’re probably on holiday: they
The bus slowed down and stopped. look happy and relaxed. The sky is completely clear – there
aren’t any clouds. And it’s probably really warm. At the top of
the photo are two dolphins. They’re jumping out of the

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

water. But the man and the woman can’t see them, because
they’re facing the camera.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Boy The ones with Amy in them?
Elementary Workbook Girl That’s right.
audio scripts Boy Oh, I see!

Unit 7 Boy What are you typing?

Girl I’m not saying.
2.06 Lesson 7A, Exercises 4 and 5 Boy Oh please. Can I see?

1 Girl Oh OK.
Boy Whose page are you looking at?
Boy Look, this is the one.
Girl My aunt’s. She shared some new photos.
Girl Is it?
Boy ‘I love your new hairstyle. You look like a movie
Boy Yes. It’s from his new album. You just need to
star’. That’s nice.
click on the link.
Girl Yes. It isn’t true – but it’s nice!
Girl It costs nearly £10. That’s too expensive!
Boy No, it’s only 99p. £10 is for the whole album.
2.07 Lesson 7C, Exercises 3 and 4
Girl Oh, OK. That’s fine then. I’ll click on the link.
Girl Dan, can you help me?
Girl What are you doing?
Boy Sure, what’s the problem.
Boy I’m sharing these pictures from the weekend.
Girl I can’t log on to my Amazon account.
Girl What pictures?
Boy OK, first enter your username and password.
Boy Oh, just a few pictures from the party. I’m
Girl Yes, OK. … There. Look. I can’t log on. There’s
putting them onto my website.
an error message. It says my password or my
Girl OK. username is wrong.
Boy But it’s taking a long time. The Wi-Fi connection Boy Well, if your password is right, your username is
isn’t very good. wrong.
Girl Hey! That's a photo of me! Girl My username is the same as my email:
Boy Don’t worry. I'm not sharing that one!
Girl Oh. Why not? Boy Ah, I see the problem. You’ve put
‘’, not ‘blueeyes’. Type
it again.
Boy This is no good. Look – you can’t see the date Girl Oh, yes, you’re right. Silly me. That’s better.
at the top. Thanks!
Girl Oh, OK. Let’s try again.
Boy Hold on. I’ll move it up a little bit.
Boy I hate this laptop!
Girl Why are we doing this anyway?
Girl Why? What’s wrong?
Boy I need to email it to the Chinese Embassy. It’s
part of my visa application. Boy It crashes all the time and I lose my work.

Girl Oh yes. Girl Have you got a back up of your work? You
should make one.
Boy No, how do I do that?
Girl I don’t want that one. Or that one. Girl Save all your documents to a DVD or to
Boy Hey! What are you doing? an external hard drive.
Girl Don’t worry. They’re my pictures, not yours. Boy I haven’t got any DVDs or an external
Boy But why are you doing that? Is the memory full hard drive.
on your tablet? Girl I’ve got a spare DVD here. You can use it, if
Girl No, it isn’t. But I don’t want these ones. you like.
Boy OK. Thanks. What do I do?

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

Girl It’s really easy. To start off with, put the disk into 8
the computer. Next double-click on the disk to
fifteen pounds fifty
open it.
Boy OK. It’s open.
2.09 Lesson 7G, Exercise 5
Girl After that drag your folder of work to the disk.
Sales assistant Can I help you?
Boy There. It says ‘copying 57 files’. … There.
Finished. Boy Yes, I’m looking for a tablet.

Girl Good. Finally, eject the disk. Sales assistant Tablets are over here.

Boy Brilliant. Thanks. Boy This one is nice. How much is it?
Sales assistant £250.
Boy That’s quite a lot. Have you got anything
Girl Tom, this website is taking ages to load. It’s so cheaper?
Sales assistant Yes, the Spiral 4 is £150 and the Spiral 5
Boy Are you using a Wi-Fi network? is £175.
Girl Yes, I am. Boy Has the Spiral 4 got built in 4G?
Boy Where is the router? Sales assistant No, it hasn’t. But the Spiral 5 has. And it’s
Girl In the living room. got excellent battery life too.
Boy Well, first of all go into the living room. The Wi- Boy OK, I’d like the Spiral 5, please.
Fi signal is stronger there. Sales assistant Could you come over to the till, then,
Girl OK … mmm, it isn’t better. It’s still very slow. please? … That’s £175. …
Boy OK, next disconnect the router from the Boy Oh, can I have a case for it, please?
power source. Sales assistant Of course. These black cases are £25 or
Girl OK. Now what? we’ve also got coloured cases for £30.
Boy Now connect it again. Boy The black one is fine. Thanks.
Girl OK … it’s just the same. Very slow. Sales assistant That’s £200 in total, please.
Boy Is someone else in the house online? Boy Can I pay by debit card?
Girl My little brother is playing computer games with Sales assistant Yes, of course. Please enter your PIN. ….
his friends in his bedroom. And I think my sister Thank you. … Here’s your receipt.
is uploading videos onto YouTube. Boy Thanks very much. Goodbye.
Boy Ah, that’s probably the problem. Wait until Sales assistant Thank you. Goodbye.
they finish.
2.10 Exam Skills Trainer 4, Exercise 4
2.08 Lesson 7G, Exercise 3
Celeste Hi Tony. Did you have a good weekend?
Tony Yes, I did. I went to the zoo on Sunday.
thirty three pence Celeste Did you? Who with?
2 Tony My mum and dad, and my brother. My sister
couldn’t come because she had to study.
one pound fifty-six
Celeste Oh. Did you have a good time at the zoo?
Tony Yes, it was great! I love animals, so I really
a hundred and twenty-seven pounds enjoyed it.

4 Celeste I love animals too, but I don’t like zoos! I don’t

think we need them any more.
forty one p
Tony Really? I don’t agree with you. I think we can
5 learn a lot from zoos. You can see animals from
all over the world – lions, tigers, elephants – it’s
two hundred and fifty pounds
really interesting.
6 Celeste But do you have to go to a zoo to see those
nine ninety-nine animals? I look on the internet when I want to
see an elephant.
Tony That’s not the same as seeing them in real life.
sixty seven pounds and thirty-eight pence Celeste But a zoo isn’t their real life. I prefer seeing
animals in the wild.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Tony There aren’t any elephants in the wild here in
the UK.
Celeste No, but you can watch programmes about
elephants on TV.
Tony I love those programmes! I watch them
every day.
Celeste Me, too. Did you see the one about sharks
Tony Yes, I did. It was great, wasn’t it?
Celeste I really enjoyed it. And I learned a lot, too.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 3 Audio scripts

Elementary Workbook
I can’t do this calculation. I’m very bad at …
audio scripts 6
We’d like to pay. Could we please have the … ?
Unit 8 7
Let’s go and see the new James Bond film at the …
2.11 Lesson 8A, Exercises 4 and 5
1 2.13 Lesson 8C, Exercise 4
I really enjoy ball games. My favourite is basketball. I play 1
that every weekend with a big group of friends in the park.
And a few months ago, I started a new sport: table tennis. I’m not going out because I’ve got a bad …
They taught us the rules in P.E. at school. I loved it! Now I 2
play it at the sports centre every Wednesday.
He’s wearing jeans and a baggy …
I love sport, but I'm not keen on ball games. I prefer
individual activities. Maybe I just don't enjoy competing. Mum went to the supermarket and …
Anyway, it's important to be active. I do gymnastics twice 4
a week at the local sports centre. And I do yoga at home,
with my mum. We've got a DVD. We do it in the living room, We’re going to France to …
in front of the TV! 5
3 I want to make a cake. Have we …
I'm not a big fan of sport, but we have to do it at school.
Fortunately, there's a big choice of different sports. Last 2.14 Lesson 8C, Exercises 5 and 6
year, I chose climbing. I'm good at that, because I Ueli Steck is a free solo climber. He climbs mountains on his
sometimes go with my dad at weekends. This year, I'm own, and without ropes! Not only that, Ueli also climbs very
doing karate. I don't really enjoy it, but I'm good at it - fast. In fact, he is the fastest climber in the world. On 28
because I'm strong! December 2008, Ueli, who is from Switzerland, decided to
4 try and set a new world record. He planned to climb the
Grandes Jorasses face of Mont Blanc in France, in less than
I was born in Canada. Maybe that's why I like winter sports. three hours. The 1,220 metre climb usually takes three or
I'm really good at skiing, because we go every year. And four days! Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe,
when I was five, I started ice-skating. I really want to go to and the Grandes Jorasses face is one of the most difficult
the Winter Olympics one year – just to watch. I'm not good routes to the top. He trained a lot before the climb and he
enough to take part! also lost eight kilogrammes, so that he was much lighter.
The amazing thing is that he didn’t use ropes. So a fall
2.12 Lesson 8C, Exercise 2 meant certain death. But for Ueli, there was no fear “I was
1 too busy with my goal of reaching the top,” he explained.
Another danger was the weather. It is very dangerous if the
My mum works in a clothes … weather changes and it suddenly becomes windy and rainy.
2 But luckily, the weather stayed fine. After climbing for just 2
hours and 21 minutes, Steck arrived at the top. That’s
I’m having a party on Friday. I hope you can … an average of nine metres per minute! The story appeared
3 in newspapers and on the TV all around the world. Ueli
Steck is now probably the most famous free solo climber in
Shall we go to a restaurant or eat at … ? the world!
2.15 Lesson 8G, Exercise 2
Liam ate an enormous pizza but he was still …
Sam Hi, Kylie. It’s Sam. Are you going to the activity
camp next week?

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

Kylie Yes, I am. And I need to choose my activities. Maya Oh yes. But I don't really fancy doing that. It's
Sam Me too. Why don’t we choose the same ones? too similar to aerobics.
Kylie Great idea! Do you fancy playing water polo? Toby I suppose so.
Sam I’d rather not. I’m not very good at swimming. I Maya Let's choose a sport. What about football?
think hockey would be better. Toby I don't think that's a very good idea. I'd prefer to
Kylie I don’t really fancy doing that. I’d prefer to play badminton.
do athletics. Maya OK. I like badminton. Let's do that.
Sam OK. I like athletics too. What about our second Toby Great!
activity? Would you like to try climbing?
Kylie I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m scared of
heights! Do you fancy doing judo instead?
Sam OK. Good idea!

2.16 Lesson 8G, Exercises 4 and 6

Lily Hello, Jack.
Jack Hi, Lily.
Lily Are you choosing your activities for the camp
next week?
Jack Yes, I am. Hey, let's choose the same activities.
Then we can be together.
Lily That's a good idea. Shall we play table tennis?
Jack I don't really fancy doing that. I play it all the
time at home. I'd rather choose something else.
What about athletics?
Lily I’d rather not. Athletics is too tiring!
Jack Do you think so? OK, then. What do you
Lily Why don't we play volleyball? That's really
good fun.
Jack You're right. Volleyball is a good choice. I'm
happy with that.
Lily And what about hockey?
Jack I don't think that's a very good idea. I don't really
enjoy hockey. I think tennis would be better.
Lily OK, that's fine with me.
Toby Hey, Maya. Let's choose our activities for
the camp.
Maya Good idea, Toby. I really want to do aerobics.
Toby Me too.
Maya Really?
Toby Yes.
Maya Are you sure?
Toby Yes! Why are you so surprised?
Maya Oh, no reason. Now, we need to find a second
activity. Do you fancy doing karate?
Toby I'd rather not. I did karate last year and I didn't
really enjoy it. What about dancing?
Maya Is that on the list?
Toby Yes, it is. Look.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Agent Yes, there is. The wardrobe is behind the door.
Elementary Workbook Customer Oh, yes. I didn’t see it.
audio scripts Agent So, what do you think?
Customer I love it. When can I move in?

Unit 9 2.18 Lesson 9C, Exercise 2

2.17 Lesson 9A, Exercises 3 and 4
going to
Agent So let’s start here. And as you can see,
everything in this room is quite new. 2
Customer Yes. The cooker looks really modern. Is it do you
Agent Yes, it is. Everything is electric, actually.
Customer You mean, like, the fridge? did you

Agent Well of course. But look. The blinds are electric 4

want to
Customer That’s great! Er … is there a washing machine?
Agent Not in this room. But open this door, and …
Customer Oh, that’s really nice. can you

Agent It’s not a big room, but it’s got everything you 6
need. There are a few cupboards, there’s
don’t know
a washing machine …
Customer That sink is enormous!
2.19 Lesson 9C, Exercise 3
Agent Yes. It’s perfect for washing clothes. Shall we
see the other rooms now?
Customer Yes, please. What do you do?
Agent So, this is the next room. It’s got a table 2
and chairs.
What kind of car have you got?
Customer The mirror on the wall is beautiful.
Agent Yes. It makes the room look larger.
Customer I can imagine having dinner in here with There are lots of cups in the cupboard.
some friends. 4
Agent Yes, it’s perfect, isn’t it? And when you want to
Can I go out this evening?
relax before or after dinner, you can bring your
guests through to this other room … 5
Customer Oh, yes. Very nice. The sofa looks very Where are you going to go this evening?
comfortable. Er … the curtains are
an unusual colour. 6
Agent Yes. You’ll probably want to change those. I don’t want to do lots of homework at the weekend.
Anyway, let’s go upstairs. Follow me …
Customer Oh yes. I love this. Very modern. That light is
very attractive. Can you put your jacket in the wardrobe?
Agent Yes. And the bath and the shower are nice too. 8
Customer Yes. Very nice. And what’s through this door?
Are you going to have to get up early tomorrow?
Agent After you …
Customer Oh, this is a good size. It’s a big bed! And is
there a wardrobe? Teen Do you have to tidy your bedroom?

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

2.20 Lesson 9C, Exercises 4 and 5 look like natural rock. an American company built it in the
end, so it was very expensive.
Agent Good morning. How can I help you?
There’s a house for sale in Castle Rock, Colorado where
Student Good morning. I’m going to move to York in a famous baseball player once lived. When the player
October and I’m looking for a flat. bought the land, there were plans to build 39 houses there.
Agent We’ve got lots of flats. Do you want to live in the After he built his own house, he used the rest of the land for
town centre? a full-size baseball field. It’s surrounded by a fence with
Student I suppose the town centre is more expensive. trees behind it.
Agent Yes, it is. Finally, there’s a house for sale in Updown, near London,
which is perfect for sports fans who like more than one
Student I’m looking for somewhere cheap. Can you
sport. The $150 million home was the most expensive
show me some flats that are further out?
house in the world when builders finished it in 2006. It has
Agent Certainly. Do you want to share or are you a bowling alley, two squash courts, a full gym, stables with
looking for your own flat? five horses and a football pitch.
Student I’d like my own flat.
Agent These two are very nice, and not very
expensive. Would you like to see them?
Student Yes, please.
Agent I can show you them tomorrow. Can you come
to the office at ten?
Student Eleven is better for me. Is that OK?
Agent Yes, of course. See you tomorrow.

2.21 Lesson 9G, Exercise 3

Both photos show living rooms but the rooms are quite
different. Photo 1 shows an old-fashioned room, whereas
the room in photo 2 is much more modern.
The room in photo 1 is quite small and dark, but I think it’s
probably quite cosy. I can see two armchairs, a small table,
a fireplace, a lamp and I think there’s a cupboard in the
The room in photo 2 is large, bright and very comfortable. I
can see a sofa, chairs, a table, and pictures on the wall.
In the first photo there are four people, but in the second
photo there’s only one. The people in photo 1 are drinking
tea and chatting. They look quite old and their clothes are
very old-fashioned. Perhaps they are all from the same
family. In fact, I’d say that the older people in the armchairs
are the parents of the others. The man in photo 2 is sitting
on a sofa, I think, and looking at a tablet. It looks as if he is
reading a book. I like the room in photo 2 more than the one
in photo 1. It looks much brighter and more relaxing.

2.22 Exam Skills Trainer 5, Exercise 4

There are some great houses out there for sports fans, and
some of them spend a lot of money on their hobby.
Take for example, a basketball fan in Summerlin, Nevada.
The house has got an indoor basketball court and an area
for people to watch matches behind a glass wall. If his
guests prefer, they can follow the action on one of the video
monitors installed all over the house. He recently sold the
house for more than four million dollars.
The next house is in Ankara, Turkey. The climber who lives
there built a climbing wall on the side of the house. He
wanted it to be higher than anything in a gym and it had to

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Guest Well, at a winter wedding you have to look
Elementary Workbook good, but you don’t want to be cold. Women
audio scripts should wear a warm dress – deep colours like
red, blue or green are best. If you want to wear
boots, you should take some shoes with you
and change before the ceremony. Men should
Cumulative Review wear a dark suit, that’s a jacket and trousers of
the same colour. They can wear a jumper under
2.23 Cumulative Review 1, Exercise 2 the jacket, if necessary.

Ross Fatima, where are your parents from? Presenter I suppose there’s the opposite problem at
summer weddings, Emily?
Fatima Well, my mum’s German, and my dad’s from
India. Guest That’s right. In the summer, you want to look
good without being too hot. Women can wear
Ross Wow! Two completely different nationalities!
long or short dresses – it really doesn’t matter.
Fatima That’s right. But this time they should wear light colours.
Ross Do you know your German family? Men should wear a shirt and jacket, but they
Fatima Yes, I do. I’ve got an aunt and an uncle, and don’t have to wear a tie.
three cousins. They live in the south, near Presenter That makes sense. Now, Emily, some wedding
Munich. invitations say our clothes should be ‘casual’.
Ross What about your family in India? Does that mean we can wear what we want?

Fatima Yes, I know them, too. I’ve got two aunts, Guest Not really, no. You don’t have to wear a long
an uncle and six cousins. Also, my grandmother dress or a suit, for example, but you shouldn’t
is still alive. She’s 80. wear jeans or shorts, either. You should wear
something you aren’t embarrassed to wear to
Ross Where do they live?
work. Women can wear a sundress with some
Fatima They all live in Mumbai. My grandmother lives nice shoes, and men are OK with smart
with one of my aunts. trousers and a jacket.
Ross What is your family in India like? Presenter Right. And what should we wear if the invitation
Fatima They’re all very friendly. They love having specifies ‘formal’ clothes?
visitors and there’s a big party when we go to Guest Formal for women usually means a long dress
India to see them. with high-heel shoes and a nice bag. Men
Ross What about your German family? should wear a black suit and tie with clean black
Fatima They’re friendly, too. But they’re different from shoes. It can be quite expensive to buy clothes
my family in India. In India, people spend most for a formal wedding!
of their free time with their families. In Germany, Presenter One last question, Emily. Apart from jeans or
people spend more time with friends than shorts, is there anything that we should never
with family. wear to a wedding?
Ross So, which country do you prefer? Guest Yes. Women should never wear white to
Fatima Oh, I like both of them. But there is one thing a wedding – that’s for the woman who is getting
that’s better in India. married. And neither men nor women should
wear trainers.
Ross Really? What’s that?
Presenter Thanks for that, Emily.
Fatima The food! My aunts are both very good cooks,
and they cook fantastic dinners! Guest My pleasure.

2.24 Cumulative Review 2, Exercise 1 2.25 Cumulative Review 3, Exercise 2

Presenter Now, it’s always nice to receive an invitation to 1
a wedding, but it’s often difficult to know what to Why not visit Brighton this weekend? At only 75 km from
wear. Our fashion expert, Emily Pepperday, is London, it’s the perfect place to go if you’re tired of the
here to give us some advice. Emily, let’s start crowds in the capital. Head for the beach and walk along the
with winter weddings. What should we wear? sea front, stopping for coffee at one of the many cafés.
Explore the centre, visiting the old markets and shops that

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 1 Audio scripts

are typical of the city. Brighton has got something for Speaker 3
everyone, so make it your next stop for a weekend away.
My phone’s really old – I’m hoping to get a new one for my
2 next birthday. Anyway, I can’t really do much with it except
use it for talking to people. I try not to use it too much,
Operator National Rail Enquiries. Can I help you?
because it can get expensive. The person I call most is my
Customer Um hello. Yes, I’d like to know the time of the best friend, who lives on the other side of town.
trains to Cardiff please.
Speaker 4
Operator Which station are you travelling from?
Customer Bristol. Bristol Parkway. I’ve got a job delivering meals in my car for a Chinese
restaurant. I don’t know my town that well, but my phone
Operator Bristol Parkway. And, when would you like to
takes me to all the houses. I just type in the address and it
tells me which way to go. Thanks to my phone, I hardly ever
Customer Tomorrow morning. At about 11 o’clock. get lost.
Operator 11 a.m. OK, there’s a train that leaves Bristol
Speaker 5
Parkway at 10.41 and arrives in Cardiff at
11.23. Is that any good? I have to travel a lot in my job, which makes it difficult when
Customer Yes, that’s perfect. Thanks a lot. people email me. I’m not often at my desk, so I can’t read
what they say on my computer. Now I’ve got a smartphone,
3 this isn’t a problem. I can read everything when I get to my
Ruth Adam, you know Edinburgh, don’t you? hotel and answer their questions.

Adam Yes, I do. My uncle lives there. Why? Speaker 6

Ruth I want to go there next weekend with my sister. I often use my phone when I’m bored. There are some
What should we see there? people I follow on YouTube who really make me laugh.
Adam Well, you have to see the castle, which is on the They’ve got webcams in their rooms, and they do lots of
hill. From there, you can walk down the Royal things in front of the screen: acting, telling jokes, all kinds of
Mile, the street that takes you to the Old Town. things. I think they’re really funny.
Apart from that, there’s a museum, and there
are a lot of parks and gardens, But it’s the 2.27 Cumulative Review 5, Exercise 1
castle that’s the most interesting.
Presenter Buckingham Palace is opening its doors to
Ruth Thanks.
tourists again tomorrow. We’ve invited Finley
4 Sparks to the show to tell us about the tour.
Finley, how much of the palace do people
Right, if I can have your attention, please. We’re standing at
actually see?
the Mayflower Steps, one of the most important places in
the history of the city of Plymouth. Now, the Mayflower was Guest Well, Buckingham Palace is very large – there
the ship that carried the first British people to America to are 775 rooms including the 19 State Rooms
start a new life. This happened in the year 1620 and it was and 78 bathrooms. On the tour, you can see all
here, at the Mayflower Steps, that the group got on the ship of the State Rooms. These are rooms where
ready to leave England for America. Now, if you look over the King or Queen meets important visitors to
here, you’ll see … the palace
Presenter Right. Can you tell us what the state rooms are
2.26 Cumulative Review 4, Exercise 1 like, Finley?
Guest Oh, they’re full of lovely furniture, beautiful
Speaker 1
carpets and impressive works of art. There are
I find my phone most useful when I’m on the underground in paintings by famous artists such as Rubens and
the morning. It takes me about 40 minutes to get to school. Rembrandt. But the thing I like best is the
The best way to travel is sitting down with my headphones Grand Staircase. The architect John Nash
on. I just put on my favourite band, turn up the volume and designed the staircase in the 1820s, and it
close my eyes until I have to get off the train. really is spectacular. There are two sets of
stairs that go from the ground floor to the first
Speaker 2
I use my phone a lot for meeting friends. We’ve got a group Presenter So what kind of rooms are the State Rooms?
together on Whatsapp, so when we want to meet, we just
post a place and time and everyone knows what to do. It
means that we don’t have to make a lot of phone calls every
time we want to see each other.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 2 Audio scripts

Guest There’s the Music Room and there are three
drawing rooms – these are like living rooms for
special occasions. Then there’s the Picture
Gallery and the Ballroom. In the past, this is
where the palace had dances, but today they
often use it as a large dining room. And then of
course, there’s the Throne Room.
Presenter The Throne Room?
Guest Yes. This room has some special chairs, where
kings and queens sit for official ceremonies and
for photographs. Prince William and his new
wife Kate Middleton sat in the Throne Room for
the photograph of their wedding in 2011.
Presenter Right, the Throne Room. Does the tour only
include the state rooms, Finley?
Guest No, you can also go outside to visit the gardens
if you pay a bit more. There are hundreds of
different trees and flowers and a very large
lake. You can also see the tennis courts where
King George VI played. And you can finish your
visit with a cup of tea in the Garden Café.
Presenter That sounds very pleasant. Finley Sparks,
thank you for joining us.
Guest My pleasure.

Solutions Third Edition Elementary 3 Audio scripts

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