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PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR, RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, ETC. - 2015 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY (PAPER-1) TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any FIVE questions.all questions carry equal marks. (2.1. Explain the DEBYE HUCKLE Theory of intronic attraction wtile Keeping inthe mind the cricsms of Arhinius Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation, b), Name the Factors on mtch electrolytic conductance depen. Q.2. a). Describe Gibbs-Helmholtz free energy equation and give its applications 2), Calculate the Entropy change of an Ideal gas in terms of temperature and volume, (23. Descibe the IUPAC system for naming the Transition Metal Compounds withthe help of examples at ech step. (QA. 8). Describe the various types of Orbital Hybridizations, How VSEPR Theory is applied for prelcting the shapes of Molecules, b), What is the electrode potential? Describe Measurement of electrode potential, 5.2 ). What ae the quantum potential? State thelr Sigiinace . 6), Write note onthe degeneracy and tunnel effect. Q.6. a), Describe the manufacture of urea from Ammonia and carbon dioxide as gaseous raw material with the help of flow sheet diagram. b), Discuss merits of constact process over LEAD CHAMBER process for manufacture of sufuric acd. 7, 2). What is Schrodinger’s wave equation? Explain the sigficance of v and ¥2 b), Derive an expression for decay constant for disintegration of aratoactve substance, PUNJAB PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT 10 THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, ETC. - 2015 ‘SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY (PAPER-ID) TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS: 100 Note: Attempt any FIVE questions.Write answers in English, (2.1. 2). Explain the term" Inductive effect and dstuss its Yale inthe reactivity of organic compounds, 6). Explain (i).Why,a mélectle having plane symmetry does not show optical activity ? Java is Huckel Rule for Aromaticity? (i) Why phenal show acidic behavior ? (iv). What Is importance of finger print region in IR-Spectrum? (v).What is Oppenauer oxidation? (2.2). Discuss acid and base catalyzed aol condensation reaction of carbonyl compounds? What sits synthetic application? 6). Explain with examples: (ipResonance effect (i-orertation in substituted naphthalene. 3. a). What is conformational isomerism? Discuss conformational analysis of cyclohexane b). Discus any four methods of resolution of a racemic mixture. QA. a). Discuss different types of molecular transitions which are brought about by absorption of (i).Uteravclet Radiation (i).nfrated Ratiation 6). Define following terms: i), Bathochromie Shift |, Hypochromic Shift ) Lamberts Law of Absorption (iv). Overtones (v). Fermi Resonance 5. a). What is thn ayer chromatography? Wiy itis advisable to aply TLC toa mixture before Proceeding fr Column chromatography? 2). Explain the followin terms: (i). Gradient elution (i), Retention Factor (il) Adsorption and partion chromatography (iv). Condensation polymerization (). Mordanting in dying process 6. a). What are liquid crystals? Discuss their types and applications. b). Define detergents, Discus their chemical classification and major applications. Q.7. a). What are semi-conductors ? discuss role of doping in the preparation of n-type and p-type semi-conductors, b), What are liquids ? Discuss their classification and role in living organism, To sueceed look at things not as they are,but as they can be.:)

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