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 Circle the picture.





Edhi"6hhZhhbZci .,

Name: Date:





.- Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

 Listen to the story. Then, circle the correct answer.



Edhi"6hhZhhbZci ..

Name: Date:




&%% Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

 Circle the correct answer.


a. b. c. d.

&'# a.




&(# a.




&)# a.




Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &%&

Name: Date:

 Circle the word that completes the sentence.


He reads a .
curious book school

1. He began his as an apprentice.

career journey heading

'# It is hard to with all this smoke.

breathe like be

(# She followed a through the forest.

mood horizon path

&%' Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

)# The artistÕs subject for three hours.

painted posed pigment

*# They didnÕt want to driving in the rain.

smell watch risk

+# The doctor was able to my disease.

cure curious cured

,# The teacher the attention of the whole class.

determines styles demands

Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &%(

Name: Date:

 Circle the correct answer.

A group of explorers ventured through thick forests. They had read that
there was a vast kingdom in this area, but no one knew if the stories were
true. So far, their journey had led them through an uncharted wilderness.
Sometimes they found trails, but the trails disappeared and led the explorers
nowhere. The explorers were discouraged. Then, one day a trail they were
following in the forest led them to an ancient temple that rose above the trees.
As they entered the temple, the explorers saw mysterious writing on the walls.
They saw portraits of ancient emperors. In one room, they found a tomb. In
their journals, they recorded all that they saw. They measured the rooms and
the pottery that they found in them. They tried to figure out the language
written on the walls, but it was different from any language they had seen.


 Who is the story about?

 V# An ancient emperor

 W# A group of explorers
X# An ancient temple
 Y# Trails in the forest

-# What were the explorers looking for?

 V# Portraits of ancient emperors

 W# A vast kingdom
X# Something to write in their journals
 Y# Ancient pottery

&%) Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

.# Where were the explorers looking?

 V# In an ancient cave

 W# In an ancient map

X# In a goddessÕs tomb

 Y# In an uncharted wilderness

&%# What did the writing on the temple walls tell them?

 V# It told them the age of the temple.

 W# It told them the names of all the emperors.

X# It told them what the temple was used for.

 Y# The explorers could not understand the writing.

&&# How did the explorers find the temple?

 V# By following a guide

 W# By using a map

X# By following a trail

 Y# By reading a book

Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &%*

Name: Date:

&'# Why did the explorers record, in their journals, what they saw?

 V# So that they could share their discoveries with others

 W# So that they could keep the temple a secret

X# So that they could build another temple

 Y# So that they could find new treasures

&(# Why did the explorers want to read what was on the walls?

 V# Because they wanted to find other temples

 W# Because they wanted to find out where they were in the forest

X# Because they wanted to learn about the people who built the temple

 Y# Because they wanted to build a temple

&)# Why did the explorers have trouble finding the temple?

 V# Because they lost their maps

 W# Because no one knew if it existed

X# Because they were looking for new roads

 Y# Because they couldnÕt read

&%+ Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

 Complete the sentence.


When we recycle

&# The farmer harvests


'# The movement of


(# My relationship with


)# When the suspicious


Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &%,

Name: Date:

*# Fractions are


+# What is the benefit


,# I like the vivid


-# She painted


.# Atoms are


&%- Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Name: Date:

 Use the blank lines to write three paragraphs.

:mVbeaZ# Write three paragraphs describing a trip into outer space.

The astronaut got into the spacecraft. He waited for the countdown.
When the countdown got to zero, he felt the spacecraft shake. He felt the
powerful jets push him up into the air. He flew past the clouds. Soon he was
in outer space.

When the astronaut was in outer space, he floated through the

spacecraft. There was no gravity. He looked out the window, and he could
see planet Earth very far away. He looked out the other window, and he
could see the moon very close.

It was time to go home. The astronaut was nervous. Reentering EarthÕs

atmosphere is dangerous. The spacecraft started falling toward Earth.
It went faster and faster. It started shaking. The astronaut felt a jolt as the
spacecraft hit the water. He climbed up and opened the hatch. He looked
out over the ocean as he waited for someone to come pick him up.

&%# Write three paragraphs describing a real or an imaginary trip you took.

Paragraph 1 _______________________________________________________





Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &%.

Name: Date:

Paragraph 2 ________________________________________________________________





Paragraph 3 ________________________________________________________________





&&% Edhi"6hhZhhbZci

Now close your booklet.

Edhi"6hhZhhbZci &&&

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