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Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
Hingna Road, Wanadongri, Nagpur - 441 110

Bachelor of Engineering
SoE & Syllabus 2014
5 Semester
Information Technology

Update on Nov. 2017

it Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)


Information Technology
Sr. %Weightage
Course Code Course Title Total Credits Duration
No. L
Contact MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Hrs.
1 GE1312 Fundamental of Economics 3 0 0 3 3 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
2 IT1303 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
3 IT1304 Lab: Operating Systems 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
4 IT1305 Software Engineering 4 0 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
5 IT1306 Lab: Software Engineering 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
6 IT1316 Data Base Management Systems 3 1 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
7 IT1317 Lab: Data Base Management Systems 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
Professional Elective I
IT1307 PE I :Computer Graphics
IT1309 PE I :Embedded System
8 4 0 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
IT1326 PE I :Digital Signal Processing
IT1327 PE I :Web Programming
IT1328 PE I : Data Analysis & Statistics
Open Elective I
9 IT1322 OE I: Web Technology 3 0 0 3 3 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
IT1325 OE I: Object oriented programming (Java)
10 IT1313 Seminar 0 0 2 2 1 100
Total 20 2 8 30 26

1 GE1311 Fundamental of Management 3 0 0 3 3 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
2 IT1338 Computer Networks 3 1 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
3 IT1339 Lab: Computer Networks 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
4 IT1330 Business Intelligence 4 0 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
5 IT1331 Lab: Business Intelligence 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
6 IT1318 Design & Analysis of Algorithms 3 1 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
7 IT1332 Lab: Design & Analysis of Algorithms 0 0 2 2 1 40 60
Professional Elective II
IT1311 PE II: Artificial Intelligence
IT1320 PE II: Digital Image Processing
IT1308 PE II: Mobile Communication
8 3 1 0 4 4 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
IT1333 PE II: Information Systems
IT1334 PE II: Internet of Things
PE II: Distributed and Object Oriented
Open Elective II
9 IT1336 OE II: Introduction to E-Commerce 3 0 0 3 3 15 15 10 60 3 Hrs
IT1337 OE II:Information Security
10 IT1324 Mini Project 0 0 2 2 1 100
Total 19 3 8 30 26

Chairperson Version 1.00

Applicable for AY 2016-17
Dean (Acad. Matters) Date of Release May 2016
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5th Semester
GE1312 Fundamentals of Economics L= 3 T=0 P=0 Credits=3

MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration

Evaluation Scheme
15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs

Sr. Course Objectives Course outcomes Mapped

No. Program
1 It introduced the concept of economics and It will helps for rational selection of goods 12
provides knowledge about consumer‟s rational and services.
2 This introduced various factors of production and It helps to prepare students being a 12
its role in production process, gives idea about businessman how to deal with various
short run and long run production constraint, types production constrain.
of cost and depreciation.
3 It provide knowledge to the students about various To make use of these concepts while 12
market structure, demand and revenue curves in performing the entrepreneurial
it, How price and output determine in various operations.
forms of market and how price discriminate for
consumer to consumer.
4 It gives knowledge about various national Provide idea about national income 12,7
products, its counting with respect to various accounting.
factors and factors causes to economic growth
and development.
5 Provide knowledge of functioning of money, Helps to create awareness about 12,7
financial institution and various sources of public functioning of financial institutions and
finance/revenue and its types. taxation system.
6 To provide knowledge about international It provides knowledge about international 12
economics, foreign trade and its agreement, economics.
export, foreign exchange and the various
international financial institution.

UNIT-1: Introduction to Economics and Consumers’ Behaviors:

Definitions, meaning and importance of economics Utility analysis: concept and measurement (cardinal and ordinal),
Law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi-marginal utility, Indifference curve analysis: Meaning and properties of
indifference curve, marginal rate of substitution, budget constraint, Complement and substitute goods, Consumer‟s
equilibrium. Demand Analysis: Meaning and determinants of demand, law of demand, Elasticity of Demand-price,
cross and income elasticity, measurement of elasticity of demand. Concept of supply, Supply curve, elasticity of
supply-determinants and measurement, time element in determination of supply.

UNIT-2: Production and Costs

Factors of Production: Land, Labour, Capital, Enterprise and their peculiarities, Importance of Capital in production
process. Entrepreneur and Innovations, Product and Process innovations, Concepts and types of costs: Fixed vs
variable, total, average and marginal costs, Short run and long run cost curves. Law of Variable proportions (Law of
diminishing marginal returns) and Return to Scale (Increasing, constant and decreasing), Economies and
diseconomies of scale. Depreciation: Meaning and various method of calculating depreciation.

UNIT-3: Market structures - equilibrium output and price

Forms of market structures: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, duolpoly and monopoly, Demand
and revenue curves for firm and industry in various forms of market structure, Total, average and marginal revenue
curves, equilibrium of firms and industries under various forms of market structures, Price discrimination - Degrees
and conditions of discrimination.

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 30
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology

5th Semester
GE1312 Fundamentals of Economics L= 3 T=0 P=0 Credits=3

MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration

Evaluation Scheme
15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs

UNIT-4: National income accounting:

Concepts of GDP and GNP, Estimation of GDP and GDP at factor and market prices, at constant and current prices,
difference between GDP and NDP, GNP and NNP, per capita income as a measure of economic well-being, concepts
of economic growth and development, Factors affecting economic growth and development. Capital formation and

UNIT-5: Money, Banking and Public Finance

Money: definition, functions and role, Evolution of money, Banking- reserve ratios and credit creation by commercial
banks, Functions of a central bank and instruments of credit control, Functions of money market. Inflation: Meaning,
types, causes and consequences, measures to control inflation, Concepts of deflation and Stagflation. Sources of
public revenue and forms of government expenditure, Taxation: Cannons of taxation. Classification of taxes-Direct
(Income tax, Wealth tax, Corporation tax, tax on capital, capital gains, etc) and Indirect Taxes (Expenditure tax,
Import duties, Excise duties), Revenue and capital expenditure.

UNIT-6: International Trade and Institutions

Definitions of closed vs open economy, small open economy, Concept of exchange rate- Fixed, flexible and managed,
Role of Multilateral institutions, viz., IMF, World Bank, WTO (GATT) in promoting, Trade, growth and international
financial transactions.

Text Books:
1. Modern Economics: H. L. Ahuja, 13th Edition, S. Chand Publisher, 2009.
2. Modern Economic Theory: K. K. Devett, 3rd edition, S. Chand Publisher, 2007

Reference Books:
1. Advance Economic Theory: H. L. Ahuja, 17th Edition, S. Chand Publisher, 2009.
2. International Trade: M. L. Zingan, 12 edition, Vindra Publication, 2007.
3. Macro Economics: M. L. Zingan, 11 edition, Vindra Publication, 2007.
4. Economics: Samuelson,
5. Monitory Economics: M. L. Sheth, 1 Edition, Himayalaya Publisher, 1995.
6. Economics of Development and Planning: S. K. Misra and V. K. Puri, 12 edition, Himalaya Publishing House,

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 31
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1303 Operating System L=3 T=1 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

Student will : After completion of the course:

1. To understand the role, components, history and 1. Students will be able to describe the main components of
designing issues associated with operating systems. a computer system and how these are managed by the
2. Evaluate processes and/or threads its representation, operating system; identify the services provided by
synchronization mechanisms and process management operating systems.
concepts including various scheduling methods. 2. Students will be able to describe the need for scheduling
3. To know the types of process and to manage its the resources like CPU time and Disk and evaluate and
synchronization with available resources while compare the performance of scheduling algorithms for a
communication. given workload.
4. Master concepts of memory management including virtual 3. Students will be able to understand the problems
memory. involving process control, mutual exclusion, deadlock and
5. Master issues related to file system interface and synchronization.
implementation, disk management. 4. Students will be able to list and differentiate various
6. Be familiar with protection and security mechanisms. memory management techniques and understand the need
for virtual memory management.
5. Students will be able to understand the organization of
the file system and disk scheduling algorithms.
6. Students will become familiar with protection and
security mechanisms used by OS.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1303.1 Students will be able to describe 3 2
the main components of a
computer system and how
these are managed by the
operating system; Identify the
services provided by operating
IT1303.2 Students will be able to 3 3 2
describe the need for
scheduling the resources like
CPU time and Disk and
evaluate and compare the
performance of scheduling
algorithms for a given
IT1303.3 Students will be able to 3 2 2
understand the problems
involving process control,
mutual exclusion, deadlock and
IT1303.4 Students will be able to list 3 2 2
and differentiate various
memory management
techniques and Understand the
need for virtual memory
IT1303.5 Students will be able to 3 3
understand the organization of
the file system and disk
scheduling algorithms

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 32
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1303 Operating System L=3 T=1 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

IT1303.6 Students will become familiar 2 3 3

with protection and security
mechanisms used by OS.
IT1303 2.8 2.3 3.0 2.3

UNIT I [05 Hrs.]

Introduction to OS, evolution of OS, basic hardware support necessary for modern operating systems, Layered
Structural of OS, Services provided by OS, system calls, Dual mode of operation.
Input-output Management : Basics of I/O hardware, Polling, Interrupts and DMA

UNIT II [06 Hrs.]

Process management-introduction, process control block, process states, process context switch, and threads: user
level and kernel level, CPU scheduling, goals of scheduling, Algorithmic evaluation of CPU scheduling algorithms.

UNIT III [10 Hrs.]

Interposes communication: process cooperation and synchronization, race condition, critical region, mutual
exclusion and implementation, semaphores, classic problems of Synchronization, monitors.

UNIT IV [10 Hrs.]

File systems-introduction, Access methods, Directory Structure disk space management and space allocation
strategies, disk arm scheduling strategies: FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSACN, LOOK, CLOOK, Selecting a disk
scheduling algorithm.
UNIT V [12 Hrs.]

Memory management techniques-contiguous and non-contiguous, paging and segmentation, translation look aside
buffer (TLB) and overheads, virtual memory and demand paging, page replacement algorithms, thrashing, working
set model.

UNIT VI [07 Hrs.]

Deadlocks: necessary conditions, deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention, recovery from
Protection and security: Goal of protection, Mechanism and policies, Domain of protection, access list Capability list
access matrix and its implementation, dynamic protection structures, revocation.
Security: authentication, program and system threats

Text books:
Operating system concepts 8 Edition Silberchatz & galvin Wiley
th prentice hall
Operating System 5 Edition William Staling
Reference books:
nd McGraw-Hill
Modern operating systems 2 Edition A.S. Tanenbaum
nd McGraw-Hill
Operating system concepts 2 Edition Milan MilenKovic
McMillan publication
st S.R. Sathe ,
Operating system 1 Edition
A.S. Mokhade

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 33
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1304 Lab: Operating System L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits =1
Evaluation Scheme CA ESE Total ESE Duration
40 60 100 3 Hrs

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

Students will study : After completion of the course :
1. To make learn students how to make simple 1. Students will be able to understand working of
programs in LINUX and administrative task of processes practically in Linux and Windows.
LINUX 2. Students will be able to learn process creation
2. To familiarize the students with the Operating and process control practically.
System. 3. Students will be able to apply the knowledge of
3. To demonstrate the process, memory, file and CPU scheduling algorithms to simulate them by
directory management issues under the UNIX/ writing programs.
LINUX operating system 4. Students will be able to learn interposes
communication and synchronization practically.
5. Students will be able to apply the knowledge of
memory management algorithms to simulate them
by writing programs.
6. Students will be able to study deadlocks and
implement deadlock avoidance algorithm.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1304.1 Students will be able to 3
understand working of
processes practically in
Linux and Windows.
IT1304.2 Students will be able to learn 3 3
process creation and process
control practically.

IT1304.3 Students will be able to apply 3 2

the knowledge of CPU
scheduling algorithms to
simulate them by writing
IT1304.4 Students will be able to learn 3
interposes communication and
synchronization practically

IT1304.5 Students will be able to apply 3 3

the knowledge of memory
management algorithms to
them by writing
IT1304.6 Students will be able to study 2 2
deadlocks and
implement deadlock avoidance
IT1304 2.3 2.3

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 34
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1304 Lab: Operating System L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits =1
Evaluation Scheme CA ESE Total ESE Duration
40 60 100 3 Hrs

Expt. No. Name of Experiment / Problem Statement Topic

1 Study of Advanced Linux shell commands (Process management, Memory
management, Networking, etc.) Linux Shell Commands
2 Study of Window task manager (about its applications, processes, services, Windows Task
networking etc.) Manager
3 i) Write a program that illustrates the creation of child process using fork
system call. Each child and parent Processes perform different
Linux Process Control
ii) Write a program to implement a given process hierarchy using fork()
4 Write a multithreaded program to multiply two given matrices. Linux Threads
5 Simulate any two of the following CPU Scheduling Algorithms (One each from CPU Scheduling
preemptive and non-preemptive types)
b. SJF
c. Round Robin
d. Preemptive priority
e. Non-preemptive priority
6 i) Write a program to simulate Banker's Deadlock avoidance algorithm. Deadlock
ii) Write a program for simulating detecting deadlock algorithm
7 Write a program that solves two process Producer-Consumer problem with Semaphore
i) bounded buffer using semaphores.
i) Write a program that gives a deadlock and starvation free solution to the
Dining philosophers problem using semaphores
8 Write a program to perform Inter-Process-Communication using shared memory Inter-Process
OR, pipes OR message queues. Communication
9 Simulate any one of the following Dynamic Memory allocation algorithms First Memory Allocation
Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit. algorithms
10 Simulate any one of the following Page replacement algorithms: Page Replacement
FIFO, LRU, Optimal Algorithms

1.01 May-2017
NOV. 2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18
Applicable for AY
Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards
2017-18 Onwards

P a g e | 35
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1305 Software Engineering L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

Student will study : After completion of the course:
1. To learn the complete Software life cycle and 1. Students will be able to understand various process
differentiate between various models. models and it‟s utility in real world, and able to
2. To learn various aspects of effective and efficient design and prepare SRS documents.
system design and to understand various design 2. Students will be able to understand different design
approaches and models. models, software architecture and designs.
3. To differentiate between various testing methods. 3. Students will be able to understand and apply
4. Comprehending the various techniques of different testing methods for software testing and
software cost estimation and risk assessment able to write good test cases.
metrics. 4. Students will be able to understand Project
5. To understand UML Components management and use proper methods for project
6. To understand various case studies for learning management.
new trends of software engineering. 5. Students will be able to analyze and design various
UML diagrams for the problem statements.
6. Students will be able to understand and design case
studies for the development and management of

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1305.1 Students will be 3 3 3 3
able to differentiate
various process models
and its utility in real world.
Able to write proper SRS
IT1305.2 Able to Understand 3 3
different design models,
software architecture and
IT1305.3 To understand and apply 3 3 3
different testing methods
for software testing and
able to write good test
IT1305.4 To understand Project
management and use
proper methods for project
IT1305.5 Analyze and design 3 3 3 3
various UML diagrams for the
problem statements.
IT1305.6 To understand and design 3 3 3 3 3
case studies for the
development and
management of software.
IT1305 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 36
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
IT1305 Software Engineering L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [08 Hrs.]

Introduction to Software Engineering .A Generic View of process, and project management, Process model, CMM,
Requirement Engineering : Eliciting Requirement ,Developing Use Case ,Analysis Model, Negotiation, Validation ,
Building the Analysis model : Requirement Analysis ,Analysis Modeling Approaches, Data Modeling

UNIT II [08 Hrs.]

Design Engineering: Design Concept, Design Model, Pattern Based Software Design, Architectural Design: Software
Architecture., Data Design, Architectural style, Architectural design , Mapping Data Flow into a Software Architecture
,Component Level Design , User Interface Analysis and Design ,Interface Analysis ,Interface Design steps, Design
[06 Hrs.]
Testing Strategies: Strategic Approach, Strategic issues, Strategies for conventional Software, Validation Testing,
Testing Tactics: White Box Testing, basic Path testing, Control Structure Testing, Black Box Testing, Object Oriented
Testing Method, Testing Method applicable at class Level, Interclass Test Case Design. Metrics: Software Quality.

UNIT IV [06 Hrs.]

Project Management, KPES for project management, Metrics for Process and Projects, Project Estimation, Project
Scheduling, Risk Management, Quality Management and Change Management

UNIT V [07 Hrs.]

Overview of UML, Conceptual Models of the UML, UML and Design Patterns, Applying the UML, UML Diagrams for
Payroll processing systems, ATMS, small companies etc

UNIT VI [05 Hrs.]

Advanced Topics in Software Engineering: Case studies based on recent Trends, Reengineering, and CASE tools,
client server software Engineering. CORBA

Text books:
1 Software Engineering -A Practitioner‟s Seventh Roger S. McGraw Hill
Approach Edition Pressman
2 Object Oriented Software Engineering 1st Lethbridge and Pearson Education
Edition,2004 Pearson
3 Object Oriented Software Engineering 2 Lethbridge and Pearson Education
Edition,2005 Pearson
Reference books:
1 Software engineering university press 10 Edition, I. Somerville Oxford university
2014 press
2 An integrated approach to software 3 Edition, Dr. PankajJalota Narosa Pub
Engineering‟ 1991
3 The Unified Modeling Language user guide 2 Booch, Addison Wesley
Edition(2005) Rambaugh,

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

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Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology

5 Semester
IT 1306 Lab: Software Engineering L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits =1
Evaluation Scheme CA ESE Total ESE Duration
40 60 100 3 Hrs

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

Students will study : After completion of the course:
1. To develop skills to perform analysis of a real world 1. Students will be able to analyze and design
problem and identify the requirements. SRS Document for Problem definition using
2. To strengthen the ability to identify and draw suitable knowledge of SRS elements and Software
diagrams for given real world problem. Development Life Cycle.
3. To Gain knowledge in practical applications of 2. Students will be able to analyze and design
software engineering. /Develop Different UML Diagrams using
Rational Rose Tool.

Course Statement 5.
Mapped PO PSO
Outcomes 6. Be able to write proper SRS document by
1 2 3 4 5 6 identifying
7 8 the9requirements.
10 11 12 1 2
IT1306.1 Analyze and design 2 2 3 7. Be able to create3 designs for the software.
SRS Document for 8. Have practical knowledge on the application of
Problem Software engineering.
definition using
of SRS elements and
Software Development
Life Cycle.
IT1306.2 Analyze and design / 2 3 3 3 3 3
Develop Different UML
Diagrams using
Rational Rose Tool.
IT1306 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Sr. Name of Practical

1 Identify the elements of Software Requirement Specification Document and prepare SRS document for
any one of the following statements.
2 Draw Use Case Diagram for the given problem statements.
3 Draw Data Flow Diagram for a problem Statement.
4 Design an Interface for a problem Statement.
5 Design Test Cases for a problem Statement.
6 Study Project Estimation & scheduling also, design a timeline Chart for a problem Statement.
7 Draw Class Diagram for a Problem Statement.
8 Sequence Diagram and Collaboration Diagram for ATM Transaction.
9 Draw State Diagram and Activity Diagram for a problem statements.
10 Study and Implement any of the following problem statement in CASE tools.
1. Draw Component Diagram for a problem statements
2. Deployment and Package diagram for a problem statements.

1.01 May-2017
NOV. 2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18
Applicable for AY
Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards
2017-18 Onwards

P a g e | 38
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1316 Database Management System L=3 T=1 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.
Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes
1. To understand the different issues involved in After completion of the course:
the design and implementation of a database 1. Students will be able to understand the concepts of Data
system Abstraction, Data Independence, construction of ER-
2. 2A. To Study physical and logical database model, and different issues involved in the designing.
designs, database modelling. 2. Students will be able to understand the concept of
2B. To use SQL to create database objects, Relational model ling with the help of Relational algebra
populate tables, and retrieve data and calculus also can populate a database query using
3. To design and build a simple database DDL, DML and DCL commands.
system and demonstrate competence with 3. Students will be able to understand the relational
the fundamental task involved with modelling, database design with the concept of functional
designing, and implementing a database. dependency and normalization.
4. Learn to maintain work concurrently and 4. Students will be able to understand the Query
maintain Data robustness at the same time. processing.
5. Understand and explain the terms like 5. Students will be able to understand the working and
Deadlocks, Transaction Processing and implementation of transaction with concurrency control
Concurrency Control. protocol.
6. Learn how to provide security and database 6. Students will be able to implement secure and robust
recovery by using different protocols. database with the help of application based security and
database auditing concept.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1316.1 To be Able to understand 3 2 3 2
the concepts of Data
Abstraction ,Data
Independence, construction
of ER-model, and different
issues involved in the
IT1316.2 To be Able to understand 2 3 3
the concept of Relational
model ling with the help of
Relational algebra and
calculus, Also can populate
a database query using DDL
,DML and DCL commands.
IT1316.3 To be able to understand the 2 3 3
relational database design
with the concept of
functional dependency and
IT1316.4 Able to understand the 2
Query processing.
IT1316.5 Able to understand the 2 2
working and implementation of
transaction with concurrency
control protocol.
IT1316.6 Able to implement secure 2 2
and robust database with the
help of application based
security and database
auditing concept.
IT1316 2.2 2.5 3.0 2.0 2.0

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

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Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1316 Database Management System L=3 T=1 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [08 Hrs.]

Introduction to Database Management System: General File System vs. DBMS, Relational Model, Abstraction &
Different Levels of Data Abstraction, Data Independence: Logical & Physical Independence. Entity-Relationship
Model: Entities and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Attributes, Mapping Constraints, Keys, Entity
Relationship Diagram, Reducing E-R Diagrams to Tables, Generalization, Aggregation

UNIT II [10 Hrs.]

Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, The Relational Algebra, The Tuple Relational Calculus, The
domain Relational Calculus.
Relational Commercial Languages: SQL (DDL, DML, DCL), Query-by-Example.
Integrity Constraints: Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, Assertions

UNIT III [08 Hrs.]

Relational Database Design: Pitfalls in Relational Database Design, Normalization using Functional Dependencies,
Normalization from 1NF to 5NF, Domain-Key Normal Form, Normalization using Multivalued Dependencies,
Normalization Using Join Dependencies,.

UNIT IV [10 Hrs.]

Query Processing: overview, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Sorting, Join Operation, Other
Operations, and Evaluation of Expressions.

UNIT V [06 Hrs.]

Transactions: Transactions, Transaction model, ACID Properties, Implementation of ACID Properties, Schedules,
Testing of Serializability.
Concurrency Control Protocol: Two phase locking protocol, TimeStamp Based Ordering Protocols, Multiple

UNIT VI [06 Hrs.]

Database Security, Application based security, Controlling resource usage, Database auditing, Various Auditing
Levels, Triggers, views

Text books:
1 Database System Concepts 6 Edition Avi Silberschatz Mcgraw-Hill
Henry F. Korth
S. Sudarshan
2 Fundamentals of Database 5 Edition ShamkantB.Navathe Addison Wesley Publishing
System ,Elmasri Company
Reference books:
1 Principles Of Databases 2nd Edition, Jeffrey D. Ullman W. H. Freeman & Co,2nd
2 An Introduction To Database 6 Edition, C.J. Date Adison Wesley-Nerosa
3 Database systems A practical 5 Edition Thomas Connolly, Pearson education
approach to design, Carolyn Begg
implementation and

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Information Technology

5 Semester
IT1317 Lab: Database Management System L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits =1 1
Evaluation Scheme CA ESE Total ESE Duration
40 60 100 3 Hrs

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

1. Review the theory concepts of database and basics of After completion of the course:
oracle. 1. Students will be able to understand the basics of
2. Hands on experience on DDL Commands Database designing and construct the ER diagram
3. Hands on experience on DML Commands for Real world Enterprise.
4. Learn how to provide security tools by using the queries 2. Students will be able to :
related to security and protection. I. Learn to create table, enforce integrity constraints
5. To perform various database operation using SQL for on a database.
different tasks. II. Populate database query using DDL, DML,
TCL commands.
3. Students will be able to perform practical using DCL
commands to create a secure and protected

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1317.1 To understand the basics 2 3 3 3
of Database designing
and construct the ER
diagram for Real world
IT1317.2 I. Learn to create 3 3 2
table,enforce integrity
constraints on a database.
II. Populate database
query using
DDL,DML,TCL commands
IT1317.3 Perform practical using 2 2 2
DCL commands to create
a secure and protected
IT1317 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.3

Sr.No. Experiments Base On

1 Database design using E-R Model for:
Payroll processing system,
Banking system
Library Information System
Student Information System, etc.
2 Mapping of E-R model to relational Schema and creation of Tables using DDL (Data Definition
3 Modification of Database objects using DDL and DML (Data Manipulation Language).
4 Querying the Database based on Set, Arithmetic and Logical operator.
5 Querying the Database based on Mathematical, character and Date Based Queries.
6 Querying the Database based on sorting and Restricting data.
7 Querying the Database based on aggregate function and various Clauses.
8 Querying the Database based on Join operation. (it covers all types of Join)
9 Implementation of VIEWS.
10 Implementation of Grant and Revoke Command.

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1307 PE I : Computer Graphics L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

Student will study : After completion of the course:

1. To introduce basic concepts of computer graphics. 1. Students will be able to understand basics of
2. To understand various algorithms of object computer graphics.
drawing and various transformation and apply 2. Students will be able to apply basic algorithms for
them. line, circle and, apply polygon filling algorithms, and
3. To camphene the basic operations on segments, 2D transformation.
windowing and viewing transformations. 3. Students will be able to effectively use methods of
4. Understand some classic 3D graphics algorithms. segmentation and windowing and clipping.
5. To understand the basic knowledge of curves and 4. Students will be able to understand and apply 3D
splines. graphics algorithms.
6. To understand the basic functions of animation. 5. Students will be able to draw curve and splines.
6. Students will be able to understand various tools
and apply it to design the animation.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1307.1 Understand basics of 3
computer graphics.

IT1307.2 Apply basic algorithms 3 3

for line, circle and, Apply
polygon filling
algorithms. and 2D
IT1307.3 Effectively use methods 3 3
of segmentation and
windowing and clipping
IT1307.4 Understand and apply 3 3
3D graphics algorithms.
IT1307.5 To draw curve and 3 3
IT1307.6 Understand various 3 3 3
tools and apply it to
design the animation.
IT1307 3.0 3.0 3.0

UNIT I [08 Hrs.]

Geometry and line generation: points, lines, pixels, planes and frame buffers, types of display devices: Raster Scan
display, Flat Panel, LCD, LED Display, 3D Viewing devices, Virtual Reality Systems.Introduction of GPU.Illumination

UNIT II [08 Hrs.]

DDA and Bresenham‟s line algorithms, Bresenham‟s algorithm for circle generation, algorithm for ellipse
generation.Algorithms for polygon generation, polygon filling algorithms, NDC (normalized device co-ordinates),
pattern filing, 2D transformation: scaling, rotation, translation, rotation about arbitrary point reflection, zooming.

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1307 PE I : Computer Graphics L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT III [08 Hrs.]

3D Graphics: 3D primitives, projection, parallel perspective, isometric, viewing transformations, hidden surfaces and
line removal, painter‟s algorithm, Z-buffers, Warnock‟s algorithm.

UNIT IV [08 Hrs.]

Graphics primitives: displays file, Segment tables, operations on segments, Graphics file formats (jpeg, Tiff, Bmp,
etc). Windowing and clipping: Window, view port, viewing transformation, clipping, line and polygon clipping.

UNIT V [08 Hrs.]

Bezier and B-spline, sweeping, method of interpolation, Cubic Splines.

UNIT VI [08 Hrs.]

Animation: Definition & introduction to animation, Basics: Animation target objects, Types, animation timings. Design
of an animation sequence, general computer animation functions, raster animation, computer animation language.

1 Computer Graphics C Version Second Edition (1997) Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker

2 Computer Graphics Principles and Practice 2nd edition,1996 Foley, Vandam, Feiner and Huges

Reference Books:
1 Procedural Elements for Computer 1998 David F. Rogers
2 Computer Graphics, A Programming 2 edition, 1987 Steven Harrington

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1309 PE I : Embedded System L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

After completion of the course students will be able to:
1. To understand the basic functions of 1. Students will be able to understand the differences between the
embedded system general computing system and the embedded system also
2. To understand the requirements & the recognize the classification of embedded systems with its
general structure of a real time applications and challenges.
system. 2. Students will be able to understand and design of embedded
3. To define the unique design problems systems for different applications.
and challenges of real-time systems. 3. Students will be able to study of Real time system Environment.
4. To understand the development of 4. Students will be able to understand and use the different
embedded software. software and debugging tools for embedded system
5. To introduce different peripheral 5. Students will be able to understand the 8051 architecture and
interfaces to embedded systems. basics of the ARM processors.
6. To Understand and design embedded 6. Students will be able to understand the 8051 interfacing and
systems and real-time systems. define the unique design problems and challenges of real time

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1309.1 Understand the 3 2 3
differences between
the general computing
system and the
embedded system
also recognize the
classification of
embedded systems
with its applications
and challenges..
IT1309.2 Understand and design 3 2 3 2
of embedded systems
for different
IT1309.3 Study of real time 1 2
system environment
IT1309.4 Understand and use 3 3 2 3 3
the different software
and debugging tools
for embedded system
IT1309.5 Understand the 8051 3 2
architecture and basics
of the ARM processors
IT1309.6 Understand the 8051 2 2 3 3 2
interfacing and Define
the unique design
problems and
challenges of real time
IT1309 2.5 2.3 2.7 3.0 2.3

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1309 PE I : Embedded System L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [08 Hrs.]

Introduction: Definitions of embedded systems, Real time operating Systems and embedded computing platform.
Applications of embedded system. Challenges for embedded system design, Debugging tools: Use of assemblers,
debugger kernels, Cross compilers.

UNIT II [07 Hrs.]

Embedded system design: Requirement analysis, Hardware and software design co-design, I/O Interface co-design
for distributed systems, Examples of embedded system.

UNIT III [09 Hrs.]

Real Time Environment : Real time I/O, R/T Multitasking and multithreading, processes, O/S, RTOS task
scheduling models Use of Semaphores for a task or for Critical section of code use of message queues,
mailboxes, pipes, Events, Memory management.

UNIT IV [08 Hrs.]

Embedded software development tools & debugging technologies, Host & Target machines, Linker/Loader for
embedded software, Study and use of simulators, EPROM emulator, In circuit emulator, getting embedded software
into target system.

UNIT V [09 Hrs.]

Architecture of micro controller 8051. Introduction, architecture, memory organization, pin definitions and functions
timing parallel ports, timers/counters, and serial port interrupt system, introduction to ARM Processors.

UNIT VI [07 Hrs.]

Interfacing 8051 with analog circuits, digital circuits and personal computer, Instruction set & programming 8051.
Networking: Routing interfacing with OS. Wireless Communication Protocols. Queuing model for networking traffic
management, Routing methodologies.

Text books:
1 An Embedded Software Primer 2006 David E. Simon Pearson Edu.
2 Computers as Components: 1st edition, 2000 Wayne Wolf PHI pub
Principles Embedded
Computing System Design
Reference books:
1 Time Systems: Design 1 edition,1997 Kopetz,‟Real Springer
Principles for Distributed
Embedded Applications
Design Fundamentals
2 Embedded Systems, 1 edition,2006 Rajkamal McGraw-Hill
Architecture, Programming &

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1328 PE I : Data Analysis & Statistics L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

After completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Provide a basic understanding of data analysis 1. Demonstrate the ability to apply fundamental concepts in
using statistics and probability, and types of exploratory data analysis and concepts of probability
probability distribution. distribution.
2. Understand the concept of the sampling 2. Differentiate between sample and population, Recall the
distribution of a statistic, and in particular sampling distribution of the mean of a sample from a Normal
describe the behaviour of the sample mean. distribution and Apply the Central Limit Theorem to problems
3. Understand the foundations for hypothesis involving sums and averages of variables from arbitrary
testing. distributions
4. Learn non-parametric test such as the Chi- 3. Perform Test of Hypothesis as well as calculate confidence
Square test for Independence as well as interval for a population parameter for single sample and two
Goodness of Fit sample cases. Understand the concept of p-values and also
5. Understand correlation and regression analysis. perform ANOVA and F-test
6. Understand various components of time series. 4. Perform Chi-Square test for Independence as well as
And concepts and utility of Index numbers Goodness of Fit
5. Compute and interpret the results of Regression and
Correlation Analysis, for forecasting
6. Identify components of time series and perform time series
analysis and discuss how indices are used to monitor changes
in levels over time

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1328.1 Students will able to 3 2
demonstrate the ability to
apply fundamental concepts in
exploratory data analysis and
concepts of probability
IT1328.2 Students will able to 3 2 2
differentiate between sample
and population,
Recall the sampling
distribution of the mean of a
sample from a Normal
distribution and Apply the
Central Limit Theorem to
problems involving sums and
averages of variables from
arbitrary distributions.
IT1328.3 Students will able to perform 3 2 2 2
Test of Hypothesis as well as
calculate confidence interval
for a population parameter for
single sample and two sample
cases. Understand
the concept of p-values and
also perform ANOVA and
IT1328.4 Students will able to perform 3 2 2
Chi-Square test for
Independence as well as
Goodness of Fit.

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1328 PE I : Data Analysis & Statistics L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

IT1328.5 Students will able to compute 3 2 2

and interpret the results of
Regression and Correlation
Analysis, for forecasting.
IT1328.6 Students will able to identify 3 2 2
components of time series
and perform time series
analysis and discuss how
indices are used in practical
IT1328 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0


Statistics,–Definition, Types. Types of variables– organizing data, Descriptive Measures. Basic definitions and rules
for probability, conditional probability independence of events, Baye‟s theorem, and random variables, Probability
distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Uniform and Normal distributions.


Introduction to sampling distributions, sampling distribution of mean and proportion, application of central limit
theorem, sampling techniques. Estimation: Point and Interval estimates for population parameters of large sample and
small samples, determining the sample size


Hypothesis testing: one sample and two sample tests for means and proportions of large samples (z-test), one
sample and two sample tests for means of small samples (t-test), F-test for two sample standard deviations. ANOVA
one and two way –Design of experiments.


Chi-square test for single sample standard deviation. Chi-square tests for independence of attributes and goodness of
fit. Sign test for paired data. Rank sum test. Kolmogorov-
Smirnov –test for goodness of fit, comparing two populations. Mann –Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis test. One
sample run test, rank correlation
Correlation analysis, estimation of regression line, multivariate regression, nonlinear regression


Time series analysis: Variations in time series, trend analysis, cyclical variations, seasonal variations and irregular
variations, ARIMA model, Index Numbers –Laspeyre‟s, Paasche‟s and Fisher‟s Ideal index

Text books:
Statistics for Management 7 edition, Levin R.I. and Rubin D.S Prentice Hall India Pvt
Ltd., New Delhi, 2001
Business forecasting 8 Edition John Hanke, Dean W. Prentice Hall India

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1326 PE I : Digital Signal Processing L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

1. To Classify signals and systems and to describe sampling After completion of the course:
theory and various operations on discrete time signals such as 1. Students will be able to understand digital to analog (D/A) and
convolution, correlation etc. analog to digital (A/D) conversion and to operate on a signal
2. To interpret discrete time signals and systems in frequency and model these operations mathematically.
domain and to summarize properties of Fourier transform. 2. Students will be able to apply DSP techniques to real-world
3. Understanding the Z-transform and its application to identify signal acquisition, spectral analysis and signal filtering.
system properties, solving difference equations and 3. Students will be able to analyze and characterize the signals
determining the frequency response of a system to predict the and system through Z-transform.
stability of the system through pole-zero analysis. 4. Students will be able to understand system characterization
4. To analyze the frequency response of LTI system and block and able to classify and design it.
diagram representation and signal flow graph representation 5. Students will be able to design digital IIR filters by designing
of IIR and FIR systems. prototypical analog filters and then applying analog to digital
5. To design Digital FIR filters by designing prototypical analog conversion techniques such as the bilinear transformation.
filters and then applying analog to digital conversion 6. Students will be able to understand Discrete Fourier
techniques such as the bilinear transformation. Design digital Transform and improved algorithms for fast DFT calculation.
FIR filters using the window method.
6. To analyze signals using discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
Understand circular convolution, its relationship to linear
convolution and how linear convolution can be achieved via
the discrete Fourier transform. To develop the Decimation in
time and frequency FFT algorithms for efficient computation of
the DFT.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

IT1326.1 Students will able to 3 2

understand digital to analog
(D/A) and analog to digital
(A/D) conversion and to
operate on a signal and
model these operations
IT1326.2 Students will able to apply 3 2
DSP techniques to real-
world signal acquisition,
spectral analysis and signal
IT1326.3 Students will able to analyze 3 2
and characterize the signals
and system through Z-
IT1326.4 Students will able to 3 2
understand system
characterization and able to
classify and design it.

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1326 PE I : Digital Signal Processing L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

IT1326.5 Students will able to design 3 2 3

digital IIR filters by
designing prototypical
Analog filters and then
applying analog to digital
conversion techniques such
as the bilinear
IT1326.6 Students will able to 3 2
understand Discrete Fourier
Transform and improved
algorithms for
Fast DFT calculation.
IT1326 3.0 2.0 3.0

UNIT I [08 Hrs.]

Basics of Signals & Systems, Discrete time signals and systems, linearity, time variance, causality, stability properties
of LTI casual system, response of LTI system to various input, convolutions.
UNIT II [08 Hrs.]
Frequency Domain description of signals & systems, Fourier Transform of Discrete time signal, Properties of DFT,
DFT‟s of typical discrete time signals.

UNIT III [07 Hrs.]

The Z-Transform properties, ROC‟s relation with Fourier Transform, System function, Inverse Z-Transform, solution
of difference equation using unilateral Z-transform.

UNIT IV [07 Hrs.]

Introduction to FFT algorithms: Decimation in time- FFT algorithms, decimation in frequency FFT algorithms

UNIT V [07 Hrs.]

Digital filter design techniques: Design of FIR Filters based on Windows, Design of IIR digital filters from analog filters
UNIT VI [06 Hrs.]
Introduction to 2-D signal processing, 2-D transforms: DFT, FFT, DCT, Wavelet

Text books:
Digital Signal Processing 2003 Alen V. Oppenheim, W. Schaffer PHI

Digital Signal Processing 4th Edition (2007) John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Pearson Prentice Hall
Reference books:
Theory & Application of 1975 Rabiner& Gold Prentice-Hall
Signal Processing‟
Digital Filter Design & 1993 Andreas Antoniou McGraw-Hill

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1327 PE I : Web Programming L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

After completion of the course:
1. Students will study the Non-programming technologies 1. Students will be able to understand the internet
that are fundamental to understanding communication communication technologies & Web browser
between web browsers and servers as well as how tools.
information is displayed by browser 2. Students will be able to understand the html and
2. Students will study & learn to design web pages Design & develop of web sites by using html.
3. Students will study the basic information about 3. Students will be able to design & develop
cascading style sheets (CSS), a style sheet dynamic web sites by using DHTML.
technology designed to work with HTML and XML 4. Students will be able to develop to design
documents. JavaScript Webpages through HTML.
4. Students will study the JavaScript as a programming 5. Students will be able to understand markup
language, largely independently of how it might relate languages and create an XML application.
to a web browser. 6. Students will be able to understand ASP.NET
5. Students will study the different technologies related to used to Design interactive websites & promote it
XML as presentation script. online.
6. Students will study the fundamentals of ASP.NET and
how all of them work.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1327.1 Understand the internet 3 3 1
technologies & Web
browser tools
IT1327.2 Understand the html and 3 2 2 2
Design & develop of web
sites by using html

IT1327.3 Design & develop 3 2 3 3

dynamic web sites by
using DHTML
IT1327.4 Develop to design 2 3 3 2
JavaScript WebPages
through HTML
IT1327.5 Understand markup 2 3 2 3
languages and Create an
XML application.
IT1327.6 Understand ASP.NET 3 3 2 3
usedto Design interactive
websites & Promote it
IT1327 2.7 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.3

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1327 PE I : Web Programming L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [07 Hrs.]

History of the internet, internet address and domains, Basic tools of internet access, Domain name system (DNS),
email, ftp, TELNET(Remote Login),news, Introduction to World Wide Web(WWW):The basics of www and browsing
working of web browser and web server, Web browser Architecture, Web server and its deployment

UNIT II [08 Hrs.]

Web Page Designing: Standard use for www documents on internet, HTTP, MIME, SGML, DTD, MTNL, URL, Static
and Dynamic Web sites, Creation of web pages: HTML tags, special characters, images, tables, forms, the hyperlinks,

UNIT III [07 Hrs.]

Dynamic HTML (DHTML):
Introduction, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), DHTML Document Object Model and Collections

UNIT IV [07 Hrs.]

Scripting Languages:- Java Script objects and forms, server side and client side scripting languages

UNIT V [07 Hrs.]

XML:XML basics, understanding mark-up languages, structures and syntax, valid Vs. Well formed XML, DTD
(document type Definitions) classes, Element Type Declaration, Attribute Declarations, Limitations of DTDs, XML
processor, Introduction to Schema, Complex Types, Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations (XSLT),Basics
of Parsing

UNIT VI [07 Hrs.]

ASP.NET-An Overview: Introduction, Popular Web Technologies, What is ASP. NET, An overview of the .NET
Framework,ASP.NET Details, Server Controls and Web Controls, Validation Controls, Database Processing, ActiveX

1 Web Technology A Developer‟s
N.P.Gopalan and
Perspective Eastern Economy Edition PHI Pub
2 made simple 1 Edition BPB editorial board BPB Pub
3 XML in action web technology
Eastern Economy Edition William J. Pardi PHI Pub
4 The Complete Reference HTML th McGraw Hill
4 Edition Thomas A.Powell
and XHTML Pub
Reference Books
1 Designing Interactive Web sites 2 edition James I. Mohler& John Thomson
M. Duff Learning
2 Step by Step XML 2 Edition Michael J. Young PHI

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Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1322 OE I : Web Technology L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits=3
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

1. Non-programming technologies that are After completion of the course:

fundamental to understanding communication 1. Students will be able to understand the internet
between web browsers and servers as well as how communication technologies & Web browser tools.
information is displayed by browser 2. Students will be able to understand the html and
2. To understand & learn to design web pages Design & develop of web sites by using html.
3. Presents basic information about cascading style 3. Students will be able to design & develop dynamic
sheets (CSS), a style sheet technology designed web sites by using DHTML.
to work with HTML and XML documents. 4. Students will be able to develop to design
4. Study of JavaScript as a programming language, JavaScript WebPages through HTML.
largely independently of how it might relate to a 5. Students will be able to understand mark-up
web browser. languages and create an XML application.
5. Considers several different technologies related to 6. Students will be able to understand ASP.NET used
XML as presentation script. to Design interactive websites & promote it online.
6. Understand the fundamentals of ASP.NET and
how all of them work.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1322.1 Understand the internet 3 3 1
technologies & Web
browser tools.
IT1322.2 Understand the html and 3 2 2 2
Design & develop of web
sites by using html
IT1322.3 Design & develop dynamic 3 2 3 3
web sites by using DHTML
IT1322.4 Develop to design 2 3 3 2
JavaScript Web Pages
through HTML
IT1322.5 Understand markup 2 3 2 3
languages and Create an
XML application.
IT1322.6 Understand ASP.NET 3 3 2 3
to Design interactive
websites & Promote it
IT1322 2.7 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.3

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 52
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1322 OE I : Web Technology L=3 T=0 P=0 Credits=3
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [07 Hrs.]

History of the internet, internet address and domains, Basic tools of internet access, Domain name system (DNS),
email, ftp, TELNET(Remote Login),news, Introduction to World Wide Web(WWW):The basics of www and browsing
working of web browser and web server, Web browser Architecture, Web server and its deployment

UNIT II [08 Hrs.]

Web Page Designing: Standard use for www documents on internet, HTTP, MIME, SGML, DTD, MTNL, URL, Static
and Dynamic Web sites, Creation of web pages: HTML tags, special characters, images, tables, forms, the hyperlinks,

UNIT III [07 Hrs.]

Dynamic HTML (DHTML):
Introduction, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), DHTML Document Object Model and Collections

UNIT IV [07 Hrs.]

Scripting Languages:- Java Script objects and forms, server side and client side scripting languages

UNIT V [07 Hrs.]

XML: XML basics, understanding mark-up languages, structures and syntax, valid Vs. Well-formed XML, DTD
(document type Definitions) classes, Element Type Declaration, Attribute Declarations, Limitations of DTDs, XML
processor, Introduction to Schema, Complex Types, Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations (XSLT),Basics
of Parsing

UNIT VI [07 Hrs.]

ASP.NET-An Overview: Introduction, Popular Web Technologies, What is ASP. NET, An overview of the .NET
Framework,ASP.NET Details, Server Controls and Web Controls, Validation Controls, Database Processing, ActiveX

Web Technology A
N.P.Gopalan and
Developer‟s Perspective Eastern Economy Edition PHI Pub
J.Akilandeswari made simple First Indian Edition 2001 BPB editorial board BPB Pub
XML in action web
technology Eastern Economy Edition William J. Pardi PHI Pub

The Complete Reference th

4 Edition Thomas A.Powell McGraw Hill Pub
Reference Books:
Designing Interactive Web 2 edition James I. Mohler& John M. Thomson Learning
sites Duff
Step by Step XML 2 Edition Michael J. Young PHI

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 53
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology
5 Semester
IT1325 OE I : Object Oriented programming L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

Course Learning Objective Course Outcomes

1. Learn the Concepts of Java programming After completion of the course:
language 1. Students will be able to understand basic features of JAVA
2. Learn Java‟s syntax, idioms, patterns, and as an object oriented-programming language.
styles to write simple JAVA program. 2. Students will be able to write, compile, test and run simple
3. To develop object centric thinking and to use Java programs
object oriented features of JAVA to write 3. Students will be able to think write object based programs
complex programs. with object oriented features
4. Learn the essentials of the Java class library, 4. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to use simple
and learn how to learn about other parts of data structures like arrays in a Java program. Use and
the library when you need them in application explain the difference between a String and String Buffer
development object
5. Understand How to handle exceptions 5. Students will be able to demonstrate exceptions that can be
appropriately. recognized and handled by the Java programming language.
6. Become familiar with the concept of an I/O 6. Students will be able to understand stream classes, Use it to
stream. save and read the data in a file.

Course Statement Mapped PO PSO

Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
IT1325.1 Students will able to 1 2 2 1
understand basic features
of JAVA as an object
IT1325.2 Students will able to write, 2 3 2 2
compile, test and run
simple Java programs
IT1325.3 Students will able to 3 1 2 1
demonstrate exceptions
that can be recognized and
handled by the Java
programming language
IT1325.4 Students will able to 3 2 2 2
demonstrate the ability to
use simple data structures
like arrays in a Java
program. Use and explain
the difference between a
String and StringBuffer
IT1325.5 Students will able to 2 2 2 1
demonstrate exceptions
that can be recognized
and handled by the Java
programming language
IT1325.6 Students will able to 2 1 2 2
understand stream
classes, Use it to save and
read the data
in a file
IT1325 2.2 1.8 2.0 1.5

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 54
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology

5 Semester
IT1325 OE I : Object Oriented programming L=4 T=0 P=0 Credits=4
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme 15 15 10 60 100 3 Hrs.

UNIT I [07 Hrs.]

Introduction to Programming Methodologies, Introduction to Object oriented programming, Objects and Classes,
Characteristics of OOP, Encapsulation and data Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, Structured
Versus Object oriented programming, Merits and demerits of object oriented methodology, introduction to Java as
OOP language

UNIT II [08 Hrs.]

Building blocks of java: Data types, Variable declarations, operators and Assignments, control structures, Identifying
objects and classes, Declaring Classes and objects, Creating Classes and objects, methods, argument passing,
Recursion, this keyword, constructors ,Visibility control

UNIT III [07 Hrs.]

Java as OOP language, Other Class Modifiers: static, final, Abstract, Method overloading, Super keyword, Overriding
(polymorphism), nested inner classes, packages (encapsulation), Interfaces (multiple Inheritances

UNIT IV [07 Hrs.]

Arrays and Strings: Arrays, One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, variable size arrays, Strings and String
Buffer classes, Wrapper Classes

UNIT V [07 Hrs.]

Exception handling mechanism: Fundamentals exception types, uncaught exception, try-catch Block, displaying
description of an exception, multiple catch clauses, nested try-catch statements, throw, throws, finally, built in
exceptions, creating own exception subclasses

UNIT VI [07 Hrs.]

I/O Streams: Introduction to stream classes, use of stream classes, I/O stream, bytes stream, character stream, pre-
defined stream, reading console input, reading character, reading string, writing console output, the print write class,
reading & writing files ,transient and volatile modifiers

Text books:
1 Thinking in Java th Bruce Eckel Prentice Hall
4 Edition (2006)

Reference books:
1 Programming with Java 4th Edition Dec-2009 E. TATA McGraw-Hill
2 Java2 Complete Reference 5th Edition,sep-2002 Herbert Schildt McGraw-Hill

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 55
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
BE SoE and Syllabus 2014
Information Technology

5 Semester
IT1313 Seminar L=0 T=0 P=2 Credits=1
Evaluation MSE-I MSE-II TA ESE Total ESE Duration
Scheme - - 100 - 100 -

1.01 May-2017 Applicable for AY 2017-18

Chairperson Dean (Acad.Matters) Version Date of Release Onwards

P a g e | 56

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