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Magic Girl Character Class

Class Skills: Choose 4 + Intelligence Modifier From:

Acrobatics (Dex)
Athletics (Str)
Craft (Int)
Deception (Cha)
Drive (Dex)
Gather Information (Cha)
Initiative (Dex)
Knowledge (Int) (Various appropriate to setting.)
Perception (Wis)
Performance (Cha)
Persuasion (Cha)
Treat Injury (Wis)
Skills Page

Base Attack: Magical Girls gain 3 base attack every four levels.

+1 Reflex
+2 Will

Hit points: Magic girls have 24+constitution modifier hit points at first level.
At each additional level they gain d8+ constitution modifier.

Magic girls gain a talent at every odd level and a bonus feat at every
even level.

Bonus Feat List

Careful Shot, Deadeye, Deadly Aim, Double Attack (Personal
Panopoly), Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon
Mastery III, Martial Arts I, Martial Arts II, Martial Arts III, Melee Defense,
Personal Panopoly, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,
Rapidstrike, Skill Training, Skill Focus, Triple Attack (Personal Panopoly),
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Personal Panopoly), Whirlwind Attack

Starting Feats:
Radiant Lore Radiant Lore Folder
One key characteristic of Magic Girls is that they’re, well, magical.
This feat grants a magic girl (1 + Intelligence Modifier) radiant powers in
their Radiant Power Pool. Note that the Radiant Power Pool may only be
used when transformed. It may be taken additional times with general
feats, and the effects stack!

Henshin Wand
You have somehow gained possession of a magical talisman that
allows you to transform into a Magic Girl.
Transformation requires four consecutive swift actions to accomplish.
(This means that it takes place over the course of two rounds.)
--Activation Phrase: You are required to recite a phrase to activate
the transforman. The phrase is usually cheesy, however the fact that it is
always spoken in a foreign language makes it sound cool. Japanese
magic girls usually use English. American magic girls usually use
--Your normal clothing vanishes.
--Radiant energy washes over your naked body as you are filled with
--Your magic girl costume replaces this clothing.
Though you are flat footed during your transformation sequence,
anytime you are attacked during the sequence you may reflexively and as a
free action make an attack against the attackers will defense. The roll is
d20+Level +Charisma Modifier. If the attack is successful, the attacker is
overwhelmed by your magnificence, ceases his attack, and stares in awe,
flat footed ‘til the beginning of his next action.
While transformed, your identity is concealed beneath an illusion
effect that conceals your identity with a natural 20 on a bluff check made to
disguise you. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma and 5+ your
level phantom hit points.
While transformed, you may make use of Radiant Power Spells.

Skill Training
Most magic girls have one skill that illustrations their personality. This
skill is not necessarily one normally available to magic girls.

Personal Panopoly: Magic Weapons Modern Anime Weapons

Magic Girls are not, by default, skilled in a wide variety of weapons.
This feat grants a Magic Girl a number of magical weapons equal to 1 + her
dexterity modifier that appear and disappear when the girl performs her
transformation sequence. She retains proficiency in these specific
weapons upon leaving the transformation sequence and may use their
mundane equivalents--should such exist.
See Magical Weapons in the Items Folder.

Accessories talent tree: Along with your henshin wand, you have
acquired other magical tokens that give supernatural boons--even when in
your mundane form!

Animal Guide Talent Tree: You're accompanied by a small animal who is

wiser and more mature than you, and probably knows more about the
supernatural world, too.
Animal Guide: Your guide has revealed herself to you. She
reveals secret lore about the nature of the threats you face and helps
you find your panoply. You gain an extra Hero Point every day.
Crucial Advice: You have learned to heed your animal guides
advice. Once per encounter, when you fail a skill check, you can
reroll the check with a +2 Circumstance Bonus.
--Prerequisite: Animal Guide
Daring Guide: Though not a battle-pet, your Guide joins you
on the battlefield. Her assistance grants a +2 Morale bonus on attack
rolls, Perform Checks, and Will Defense. She can harry one
opponent as well, causing that opponent to suffer -2 to attack and to
will defense.
If the enemy strikes your guide successfully, she is wounded
and retreats from battle for the day. Your guide’s reflex defense is
equal to yours, but with an appropriate size bonus. To coax her to
return to the battlefield without a full day or rest and recovery, you
must either get her an hour of veterinary attention (Treat Injury DC
20) or spend a Hero Point.
--Prerequisite: Animal Guide
Vital Encouragement: Once per encounter your Guide offers
you vital encouragement. You gain 10 + ½ level phantom hit points.
--Prerequisite: Animal Guide

Battle pet talent tree: While transformed, you may call upon the services
of a supernatural creature that joins you in battle.
You may summon your battle pet. This is a beast of size
medium or smaller with ¾ as many Beast levels as your class level.
Your first level in a heroic class counts as three levels for this
purpose, so a magic girl’s level 1 battle pet is a 2 hit dice beast.
Your Battle Pet has a natural armor bonus equal to his Beast
Each time you take this talent, your battle pet gains a size
category with appropriate adjustments to ability scores. This may be
taken a second time at level 6--maximum size huge. It may be taken
again at level 12, maximum Size Gargantuan. . It may be taken again
at level 18 for maximum size colossal.
Prerequisite: Materialize.
Elemental Might
Your battle pet’s natural attacks become charged with a specific
element. When they do not suppress this power, the Battle Pet’s
natural attacks do an extra dice of damage with the appropriate
element descriptor.
Prerequisite: Materialize.
Dragon’s Suspire
Your battle pet gains a ranged attack. For each level of beast
that the battle pet has, the ranged attack deals 1d6 damage of the
battle pet’s element to a single target. This attack has the range
increment of a rifle.
Alternatively, your battle pet may deal ¾ that many damage
dice in an area of effect. This could be a cone with a radius of 2” per
damage dice, or a sphere with a radius of 1” per damage centered on
a point within pistol range.
After using this attack, your battle pet moves down one step on
the condition track. They may recover this condition normally.
Prerequisite: Elemental Might, Materialize.

Fuku Talent Tree: The magic girl’s costume provides supernatural armor.
Protective Fuku
The magic girl’s fuku provides her +1 fortitude and reflex
defense. This talent may be taken once, + one time for each 5 levels
the magic girl has in this class, or in a prestige class that builds off of
Resistant Fuku
Choose an energy type. When transformed, your fuku allows
you to ignore the first ten points of damage suffered from that
damage type from any given source.
For every time after the first that you take Resistant Fuku, your
resistance increases by 5 and applies to an additional energy type.
Prerequisite: Protective Fuku

Healer Talent Tree

Dreamspun Herbs and Stitches
A magic girl with this talent may substitute her innate magic for
mundane materials for all uses of the Treat Injury skill. If she takes Skill
Focus: Perform she gains Skill Focus: Treat Injury as a conditional bonus
Furthermore, all feats that require training in the Treat Injury skill are
added to the magic girl class skill list as bonus feats.
Master Healer’s Techniques
Each time a magic girl takes this talent she learns 1 + (½ wisdom
modifier) Medical Secrets.
Prerequisite: Dreamspun Herbs and Stitches
Breath of Life
As a standard action, a magic girl may bring a character back from
the dead by the expenditure of a hero point. She must touch the character,
and the character may not have been dead for a number of rounds longer
than ([wisdom or charisma modifier] x Level).
Prerequisite: Dreamspun Herbs and Stitches
Art of Purification
Radiant Purity
A Healer’s Rage
“When a true healer turns her wrath against death itself..”
The ultimate talent of Healers, a magic girl may use the Radiant
Healing power on two touched people simultaneously. They only take ½
the damage healed to the most injured.
By spending a hero point, a magic girl may heal every injured being
within 1 square/level radius. They only take ½ the damage healed to the 2
most injured.
By spending a destiny point, a magic girl may use radiant healing
simultaneously on every being within 100 squares/level. They only take the
damage healed to the 5 most injured. This effect also triggers Breath of
Prerequisite: Art of Purification, Dreamspun Herbs and Stitches

Metamagic Talent Tree

Dramatic Declaration
When activating a radiant power with an activation of a
standard action or less, you may activate the power as a full round
action. Doing so grants you the option to reroll the performance
check, but you must take the result of the reroll even if it is worse.
Harmonic Recall
Once per scene you may spend a standard action returning one
or more powers to your radiant power suite. Roll Performance DC 20
to regain one power. Each aditional degree of sucess adds another
Lore Focus
The Magic Girl gains +2 to perform checks when activating
powers from a specific Lore.
Lore Specialization
The magic girl adds her charisma modifier to hit point damage
dealt by powers from a specific lore.
Prequisitte: Lore Focus in the same lore.
Power Focus
Choose a Power. When successfully using that power, gain +1
effect level.
Once per scene you may spend a swift action to return a spent
use of that spell to your Radiant Power Suite
Power Mastery
Choose a power. When you successfully cast that power, you
may add the additional effect that normally requires a hero point
without paying a hero point.
Once per scene you may spend a swift action to return a spent
use of that spell to your Radiant Power Suite.

Mount Talent Tree: When you henshin, you also summon a supernatural
creature to ride into battle.

Panopoly Talent Tree: You've practiced extensively with the martial skills
behind your panoply weapons.
Devastating Panoply:
Attacks with your panoply weapons treat the target’s damage
threshold as 5 lower.
Incantation Attack!
By spending 1 swift action and loudly intoning the name of your
technique, you may cause an attack with a panoply weapon to deal
an extra dice of damage.
Panopoly Focus
All attack rolls with panopoly weapons are at +1 to hit.
Panopoly Specialization
All damage rolls with Panopoly weapons are at +2.
Prerequisite: Panopoly Focus or Weapon Focus: Panopoly.

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