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Beaconhouse School System

PECHS Campus- O’ Level



Pakistan Studies Paper 2 (2059/2)
Topic: Mineral Resources

Name: __________________________ Marks : ___/ 25

Class: X: ________ Time : 30 mins
Date: ____________________

Q1. Following is the map of Cotton Textile Industry.

(a) (i) Describe the location of Cotton processing centres.

_____________________________________________________________________________ [3]

(ii) Name the by-product of Cotton Textile Industry. Also mention where is it used.
________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(iii) Complete the table of Cotton Textile Processing:


Fabric Formation

(iv) Explain why is Fertilizer Industry facing challenges for its growth in Pakistan?

_________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Study the picture (Insert Paper).

(i) What raw material is used in the industry?

_________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) Mention two major reasons which have hindered the growth of the Sports goods industry?

_________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(iii) What steps can be taken to make ‘Small Scale Industry’ a more profitable sector for the economy
of Pakistan?
_____________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(iv) Complete the following passage with the help of the given options:

Gross National Product Remittance Export-oriented Labour-intensive

Skilled Import-oriented Gross Domestic Product

There are majorly two types of industrial sectors in Pakistan. The formal sector involves labour

which is more ___________ and trained and work on proper salary or wages. The informal sector

is mainly _______________ and does not have more mechanized work. It falls in informal

category as the products may not be of high standard of quality and are not _________________.

The formal sector is a major contributor in the tax circle of the country and thus share a major
portion of the _____________________________.


(c) Study the given Graph on the contributors of Gross Domestic Product in Pakistan.

(i) What average percentage of contribution did Agriculture have from 2014 till 2017?

_________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) What share of percentage does Industry have in the total GDP in the year 2017?

_________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iii) Explain two ways to increase the share of Industry in the GDP of the country?



_________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(d)Read the statements given below:

The government should focus on spending The government should lay more emphasis
more capital in establishing Industrial on the development of small and cottage
Estates in all major towns as they are the industries of the country as they largely
formal sector which contribute in the depend on local raw material and
economic development of the country. contribute for employment opportunities.

Which statement do you agree with more? Give your answer with reference to the examples you
have studied.



















_______________________________________________________________________________ [6]


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