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and his initiation


Pierre de Lasenic



A mysterious creature, encircled by countless myths, which the Egyptians millennia ago
they worshiped under the name Ezhovtej, Thovt, Thovt, Toth or Thot, who performs
in the Phoenician mythology as Taautes and worshiped by the ancient Samothrace, it was called Greek
Hermes, and identified later with the Lord of the Gods - Mercury.
We call the philosophy Hermes or Thot called hermetic philosophy, and
followers of his doctrine of hermetics.
Hermetic philosophy then, based on absolute and uncompromising theism,
of trinity and idealism, has undoubtedly had a fundamental impact on human culture since the early days
from the beginning of Egypt to our days, correcting materialistic aberrations from time to time by wars, hunger
and other disasters of wild mankind, at least to the point where the disaffected civilizations could have
in moments of temporary calm to realize what they are obliged to humanity, history and tradition of this
Of course, the teachings of noble Hermes were not always known under their true
in the name and not to forget the science of the absolute Truth, Power and Beauty that this
the prophet preached, it is not possible to invent or create, but merely to trade in a way that it may be human
understood; all true cults, great philosophy and religion, including Christianity, her
contain and contain.
Hermeticism has always been and will always be a fundamental contradiction and a counterweight
materialistic atheism, and will always be a thorn in the eye of those who want to prove the absolute
an emptiness outside the world that we can use with our senses - either directly or through our instruments,
Today's official scientific view of Hermeticism can be defined as unreasonable
bias condemning before judgment. Why our time judges is not difficult to explain, but
it is more than mathematically certain that the crucibles of modern soufflers who weld explosives
cannons looking for destructive rays, people will rise up once to see how blind and petty they were,
and wasting their precious time. He parodied the modern scientific fever
the savvy Frenchman Jules de Goncourt, in two short sentences: “Balloons ascended
high up to the black sky where nothing is visible. And this sky is where
in the end our science will reach ... ”



His brother, Lord Shema,

To the Unknown of Memphis,
And the Royal Tarut,
Whose black eyes see the light of noon
in the shadow of the pyramids ...


Hermes in history and tradition

According to the Oriental myths, there were three individuals. who carried the name Hermes, three as well
ingenious people to be attributed to tradition, philosophy and hermetic teaching: Thovt,
Henoch and Thot, or Hermes Trismegistos.
The first was Egyptian Ezhovtej, Ezhovte, or Thovt, divinized prophet
of this nation; was originally worshiped in Chmunev, the capital of the XV. Upper Egyptian counties,
in the present Eshmun, apparently as the god of the moon. He was called the "Deputy of Re",
"The Bull of Stars" or "The Moon of Heaven", as we can read on the statue
He was symbolized by Ibis or a human figure with the head of an ibis. (Tab. I. a, b, d.)
Thovt's original name Dhuti, Zhuti (Tab. I. c) or Thuti refers to a being,
which is defined by or applies to the properties of Dhu. It is very
it is likely that the word originally meant the ibis itself. Later character (Tab.
I. e) - ibis, depicted on a divine mat and completed with the ending ti, ie, or tâ meant
God Thovto in the strict sense. However, the term dhu with the meaning of an ibis bird is not ours
I know Egyptology, and ceased to be used in this way probably the moment the ibis became
symbol of Thovt's divinity.
The Egyptian Thovt was the inventor of numbers, holy scripture, holy language and all knowledge.
The sculptural group Amenemopet, which is now located in the Berlin Museum under number 6910,
carries the inscription in which Thovt is called the Lord of Divine Speech, the Writer of the Nine
of the gods and the Prince determining the truth. Many of the older scholars derive the origin of the name
Thovt from Egyptian Thoyth (?) Which supposedly signifies a pillar; because then on stone columns
Egyptian temples were written, supposedly the pillar was an idea of knowledge, which personified God
Thovt. It goes without saying that this view, like many other philological-etymological
speculation is not justified today, and does not seem likely given that
the original name of this god was Ezhovtej, not Thovt.

Table I. Table II.

The same God was worshiped, as we have already mentioned, by the Phoenicians; they called it Taautus and built it
it immediately next to Kronos - Moloch, considering Taaut incarnate,
incarnated being. He was also the inventor of the Phoenicians of their scripture and knowledge and legend
He gave the law to the seven Kabiras (demigods, they are probably meant to be planetary
intelligence) on sacred tables, compiled the elements of the elements and established esoteric teachings.
In the mysteries of the Samothracians, the same god, Taautes, was called, and was worshiped as
an intermediary between two deities of Phoenician descent - Moloch and Astarté, that is
sun and moon.
The Greeks named Thovt Hermes. The original meaning of this name was
the operating or executive power of deities. The origin of the name Hermes derives from dr. Volmer od
Greek Eiro and Harmony; eiro means to operate, to perform, to add. Well
balanced expression or effect.
Hermes was the goddess of the oldest Greek tribe of the Pelasg, and since his character was
a direct, active, later Greek mythology gave him a series of myths so he could be
identified with the messenger of the gods - Mercury.
Marquis Saint Yves d'Alveydre proves that Vedha, Buddha and Hermes are synonymous.
Character 4 in the sacred language of the Red Atlantis, written down from above, is said to be Ki-va-t: Ki
- love, va - movement and t - general spirit.
So knowledge, knowledge in its cosmic nature. The word HRMHS is said to be a comment
of this sign and reads from left to right in its obvious sense, from right to left in its
meaning hidden.
Another analysis of the mercury hieroglyph is an analysis called alchemy: 2 suns, 3 months
and a + sign. Sun, fertilizing spiritual principle, moon, interesting, creative
female ability and cross, sacred T or tau, t , symbol of store, togetherness, unification and
T or tau also resembles the constellation of the Southern Cross, called the Pacific people
of the Tehua Islands, which is said to be the Polynesian name of Tahiti. Thor, the Nordic deity,
Tehua and Thovt seem to have an etymologically identical origin, though philological knowledge
in the ancient Egyptian language, they disagree.
A third explanation connects with Hermes fébickým and isidinským bull # , which controls four
elements; the sign of the bull in its hieroglyphic real form includes the characters of both
of balancing opposites - and this solution explains why Thovt was invited to
ancient Egyptian inscriptions Heavenly bull.
The idea that Thovt would be a lunar god for the ancient Egyptians, however, is a product
the exotic teachings of Egypt, arising from the need to personify abstract ideas at the level
perception. Modern Egyptology with a literal interpretation of exoterically edited Egyptian inscriptions
of course, she also took this view. One proof that Thovt was not regarded by the Gurus as
the moon god in the narrower sense, is the image of the solar disc (Table I. f) or
solar wings (Tab. I. h). that often accompanies his name and his symbol. Bull
stars or Celestial Moon point to an existing planet, but it is necessary
Considering that Thovt was considered an intermediary between gods, the executive power of THN, (Tab.
II. c) which means lightning, glistening, light, natural power in the broader sense. Note
about the moon is therefore probably not the celestial body itself - the moon used to be
always consecrated to the goddesses, be it Isis, Ishtar, or Astarté - but his lights that
it is truly an intermediary between the earth and the heavenly bodies and which it has, unlike the glow
solar, the advantage that it does not disturb the sight of stars and changes its power in regular periods
according to the source of his source. So Thovt was not the god of the moon, but the god of the light that shines
in the dark, the personified astral light in its purest essence, the light by which

knowledge, culture and beauty in general are light, without which we would not see and understand anything
in the dark depths of life.
The second Herma is considered to be Edris, or Enoch, Hebrew Hanoh, whom
the ancient Chaldeans called Duvanai, ie the "Great Wise", the Arabs of Uriai.
He said he lived a thousand years after Adam, he was a descendant of Seth, one of the ten Jewish
the forefathers before the Flood, Jared's son, and Methushalach's father (Methusal), and had
to be the greatest sage of his time on this planet.
The Jewish tradition considers Henocha to be the originator of script, mathematics and astrology and according to
Old Testament legends were taken alive in heaven at the age of 365.
Hermes the third was said to be an Egyptian living in Moses in Egypt. Published
partly the esoteric teachings and philosophy of Thovt and wrote works that are the pinnacle of everything man
at all can express. He is considered to be a teacher and initiator of the Jewish prophet Moses
and esoteric tradition claims that this Hermes gave the impetus and foundation to create a brilliant system
Jewish Kabbalah. The Arabs call it Hermes al Mothaleth. They gave this Herm to him
then the alchemists attribute Trismegistos, in Latin Termaximus, that is, "three times great."
Notwithstanding the quoted interpretation of Dr. Volmer, the emergence of the name Hermes is possible
derived from the name of the Egyptian god Hora, HR (Tab. II. g) and the spelling MS (Tab. II. h),
bear, bear, bear, or plant. Thus, the full name can be correctly rewritten hieroglyphically
as indicated in Tab. II. i. Mountains, in a sephirotic gradation, the symbol of contact of cause with physical
effect, the contact point of the metaphysical sphere with the material sphere, the image of the Truth, defined by force
MES: M - depth, cause, S - rectification. Thus, this key can describe the meaning
of the full name probably as follows: Rectifying the effect by acting on a known cause.
If we use the exotic meaning of the MES, we could name Hermes
interpreted as: "The revealing cause", "the Bearer of the Truth", or "He who
A large number of Egyptian inscriptions in the Middle and New Kingdoms are also referred to as Tech,
Techni, or Techu, which denotes the heart, or ibis, a symbol of the predominance of fateful weights.
Horapollon writes about this subject: “To write a 'heart', draw a picture
ibis, for this image is dedicated to Herm, Lord of all heart and understanding. ”
The origin of Herm's later attribute “Three Holy”, Trismegistos, explained
tends to be different; according to one author, this title arose from the first chapters of his work, which are discussed
of the Trinity, others think it is an allusion to the triple work of the Great Work. Paracelsus (Aurora
Ph.) Points to the triple office of the king, the prophet, and the priest, merged in the person of Hermes;
however, it is most likely that the attribute trismegistos originated from the sources of Egypt
esotericism, as can be proven by the original paintings of Thovt, who in most cases is
depicted with a triple, so-called thovt crown (Table II. d) alongside other crowns,
shown in Table II. e, k, which probably served to emphasize this symbol
corresponding properties; otherwise, the title can be explained as an allusion to three historical ones
people who called Hermes or Thot hermetic philosophy.
The question of the existence of Hermes is more than satisfactorily answered by indisputable evidence
old monuments and traditions of a series, separated from one another to a certain extent by cultures.
The problem of whether Hermes or Thovt was a person of one or several individuals living
in different periods of history, but cannot be overlooked by categorical opinion and must be confined to
simply citing basic hypotheses dealing with this topic:
Theory One: Thovt, Henoch, and Hermes were three different individuals of the genius spirit living
in various historical periods, initiation into the highest esoteric, man-accessible
problems and traditions of one and the same doctrine, which in its essence is with all cults and all
same religions. Manethon quotes an Egyptian legend according to which the first Thovt wrote


the basics of all knowledge before the deluge on the stone slabs in sacred writing; second flood
Thot is said to translate everything that the albums contained into everyday language.
According to the second theory, Thovt, Henoch and Thot-Hermes are one and the same person,
manifest in different, chronologically closer to subsequent times.
According to the remarkable hypothesis t. Pan-Babylonian, Enoch was identical to the seventh
the king of Babylon, Enmeduranki, also mentioned by the priest of Babylon, Berosus,
in his "The Babylonian". Enmeduranki was said to have been entrusted with all knowledge by the gods
he traded them to his subjects as needed.
The ancient Babylonian magical writings, called Shurpa, speak of "boards" and abilities
"Seize the cedar sticks" that gave this "darling of gods" supernatural beings. The boards are
the analogy of Henoch, after the Thovt book, the stick-scepter resembles the magic stick of Hermes
or Thovt's. (For more see: Dr. O. Eliáš, Magic and Demonology in Ancient Babylon.)
The third theory claims that Thovt was only one and lived before the flood in the original
distribution center of basic world cultures. This center could be Atlantis, or
other natural disaster affected land. But then Ezhovite, Enoch and Hermes are
a mythological reminiscence of one and the same person who gave all the Flood simultaneously
in their common area, the cultural foundations of divine philosophy and speech.
Finally, according to the last, driest, theoretically simplest, practically, however
the most difficult and absurd, so-called "scientific" theories, emanating from the minds of the spirit
denying people, both Hermes and Thovt, are beings who are advocated, beings whose supposed
the existence of human fantasies suggests.
A lot of the most wonderful assumptions and legends were written about Herm. One
he was considered an incarnate devil, others explained his magical power to his divine
origin. Plutarch (de Iside et Osir.) Considers Hermes to be the creator of harmony, Diodorus attributes
the introduction of measures and weights, Plato and Clement of Alexandria give him the attribute of the father of mathematics and
astrology, Aelianus derives from Herm's teachings the entire world order and considers it to be the creator
all later science and art.
Seostris' cedar ship, which, according to Herodot's report, was overlaid with silver,
inside the gold plates, the historical fact that until the sixteenth century BC had gold
in Egypt so little worth that massive gold tools and containers were silvered, and immense
the riches of this land, where, as contemporary chroniclers write, was gold as sand in the sea, was
explained as a result of Herme's alchemical art. Homer, Philon, Jamblichos,
Eusebius and a number of other authors share this belief and himself Medieval Paracelsus poses
Hermes as the most renowned of men and the father of all philosophers and sages, the alchemist who grew up
to the highest art of philosophical stone and knew the center and origin of all things.
To write countless number of comments and remarks by contemporary and later authors,
not dealing with Herme's problem, he is not even in the power of one man; therefore the conclusion to
In the chapter on the person of Hermes, we have given only a short quote of ancient Egyptian, the words by which God
Re, abandoned and abused by the human race, among whom he has dwelt until now, constitutes his government
over this land into the hands of the Thovts before he left this land:

“I make you my representative, for I am going to shine souls into the soul.
Rule all who live here on earth, and our enemies. ”
“I appoint you my representative, and I will do well if you are here
rule. Tell my will to my people, and your hand to the gods of prehistoric times
it may be stretched out, even if they are greater for you ... ”


“I make you my representative: I will give you my light and your beauty
to cover both heavens, and the eyes of all who see you shall be opened upon
ages. " *
And this text, more than three thousand years old, does not recall the words of Christ from the New
“I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven: whatever you will loose on earth
will be untied in heaven ... ”
The legendary "Mystery of the Three" is hidden in the problem of two trigons, which are the only one
the key to the mathematical solution of all esoteric mysteries: Trigon Knowledge and Trigon Feeling.
Both compose a sacred hexagram, an ancient symbol of balance, life in death and death
in life.
Two trigons: the first is the three Toths - Hermes Trismegistos, the top of the knower
humanity, whose main purpose is life by knowledge;
The second trigon realizes life on earth with love.
The myth of the birth of Egypt's mountain comes alive again in the nativity scene and the three wise men,
following the star of the prophet of love, they are an old image of three times the powerful Hermes.
The three knowing go to the three loving to sacrifice the treasures of their wisdom
to love and to shine a star of ancient prophecy, a star whose light will not go out or the extinction of all
of existing cosmos ...
Secrets of the Three: The Unchangeable Absolute Beauty, Knowledge and Power, Universal Religion
thousands of creatures, yet the same everywhere, the tone that sounds in all the melodies of being, the Truth
trembles the space above human sobs and the ruins of his greatness to weave the thread of destiny,
bearing the burden of the Eternal Causals' intentions, the Kabbalistic En Sof - the One who is not ...

* v. eg from inscriptions of the tombs of Pharaohs XIX. to XX. dynasty.



Hermetic philosophy

The teaching of the three mentioned Hermes as a whole is called hermetism or philosophy
hermetic. Analogously, according to the three prophets who preached it, it could be divided into three
separate sections complementary.
The philosophy of Hermes First, Ezhovteje or Thovta, draws a brilliant plan for the whole work,
it begins with genesis, establishes the basic laws of affairs, and forms the idea of isiasm into which they are embedded
aesthetic and moral elements of such depth that, until now, all newly formed religions
from them without being able to fully appreciate them.
The second Hermes - Henoch - treats his predecessor's work in the social and social spheres
develops Thovt in God the personified transition of cause to effect in allegorical
legends to remarkable details.
Hermes Trismegistos, the "second Uriai" of the Arabs then codifies the works of his predecessors and
applies their giddy ideas to man and all physical being.
The three kings of the biblical legend brought three symbolic gifts to the newborn messiah:
Incense, myrrh and gold. The first is the source of the fragrance of the gods, the symbol of Thovt, which has turned human
He looked to the heavens and gave man the doctrine of the Maker of the Universe. myrrh, the drug of death, the ointment he eats
balsam the elders of their dead before the gate of the unknown world, recalls Henoch for whom
death is the birth and birth of death, Gold - Hermes Trismegistos - the synthesis is three
an allegory of the crown of the knowing man, the maga, who projected his knowledge into the earthly being.
Direct, written material for the study of hermetic philosophy has not been preserved until our time
none of its authors.
The teachings of Hermes First, Thovt, are relatively easy to reconstruct from esotericism
Ancient Egyptian, because Ezhovtej was considered the creator of all religious i
scientific esotericism of this country.
The philosophy of Henoch - the second Herm - hidden in allegorical legends,
It was redesigned in the second century BC and seems to be original except for some
apocryphal inserts.
Hermes third, to whom tradition attributes the writing of a number of works, is the most inaccessible, and
many of the fake, later published writings can be recognized as proven
only a few scientific aphorisms are true, but they are the true quintessence of the vast

If the existence of the first Hermes does not extend back to the Atlantic era, the creation of his teachings is ancient
and it begins in times that until recently our science has not counted as historical.
Already the oldest hieroglyphic inscriptions speak of Thovt's book, the content of which would be said
can enchant heaven and earth, understand the speech and thoughts of all living things,

“See Rea shining in the sky with his ten gods and the shining moon and
glittering stars in their true form, ”
and the dead to resurrect, as did Neferkeptah mentioned in the demotic legend of Chamus. Book
the dead, especially chapters 68 and 94, refer in their ceremonial formulas directly to
the book of Thovt as the most sacred and most valuable property of the forefathers and gods, the relic of the
so impressive that it would be hard to find an analogous comparison in others today
religious systems.
The most important values of Thovt's esoteric philosophy are eight
basic theorems, which at the end of this book we will define in more detail:



1. Impersonal God.
2. Cosmological genesis.
3. Evolutionary law of polarization.
4. Law on the power of words and ideas.
5. The law of love.
6. Law of sacrifice.
7. Law of analogies.
8. Law of periodicity.
The Egyptian genesis is based on Thovt's sephirotic division by number nine. Nine
the emanation of the Divine Causal goes through the stages before the creation of man.
These nine basic stages personify Thovt with nine gods - the so-called divine
devaterem. Nine, according to ternary key, symbol of knowledge, numerical value of Hebrew
the letter teth, that is, Toth, and the sacred name Tehor, is not a randomly chosen number:
not only later esotericism Greek (nine mus, nine archons) and Christian (nine times
revelation of Jesus after his death), but also old Mexican legends, chronologically to Ancient Egypt
not too distant, they confirm the universal meaning of this value in an analogous case:
Ancient Atastic legends King Acolhuacan Nezahualiojotl built on top
a nine-degree pyramid temple without image, which he dedicated to the nameless god Tloque
Nahnaque, or "He who is not and everything is in himself ..." Then the king commanded his sons to
they worshiped only this impersonal being, “instead of the gods of the human form that created need
limited people ... "
Unlike geocentric genesis, such as the ancient Tibetan, Aztec and others, genesis
Thovt's is constructed cosmologically.
As the first assumption puts Egyptian esoterism into an impersonal, unimaginable being,
standing outside space, time and matter and calling it Nun, The Truth, imaginatively identical to Indian
From this Truth, the first god emerged - Atum - Extinction, being trivial and
Atum, fertilizing himself, caused the first premise of our understanding of being and
Life, Space Tefnut and gaseous matter - ether - Shovel.
Ether, the gas, fertilized by the space that defined it, then collided into a compact mass,
which Shov divided into celestial bodies - Nut and Earth - Geb. Physically expressed, the threshold,
flying space shattered with a gas explosion that contained a number of smaller bodies -
planets, and thus life was born as it is today: hermaphrodite has become fertile
elements attracting each other: positive, masculine and negative, feminine.
The Earth, united with the negative planet, received its fruits from it: from the stellar space
Nature, Isis and Nebthet descended on earth, Life - Usire in death - Set. Nature,
analogous to positive life and positive death is double in its negativity: Genetic (Isis)
and receptive (Nebthet).
Just as life feeds on death, nature maintains itself through an eternal cycle or circulation
in a way that still receives back what she was on the other hand once released.
The physical life of an individual is extinguished by death, and perhaps it would have ceased completely if it were not for nature
in the narrower sense. (The Spirit of Nature.) But nature can also resurrect where death has come
perfectly their government. Thovt's legend clearly describes this law, communicating it to the initiates
in the form of a remarkable allegory:
“Usir - life was murdered and torn by Set - death. But nature - Isis
found all the parts of his body, put them together, descended on them in the form of an innocent dove, and
she conceived and bore the Mountain. ”



And so came the crown of the earth's creation, the image of the divine trinity, Cheprer-Re-Atum,
man as an idea. He, too, is often compared to the sun, like his god - and after all
right: it has its exits of birth, it has noon of lives, and it has the west of death ...
His father was a dead god, but his mother was immortal, eternal nature, shining Isis ...
Would nature die if life disappeared? "No!" Replied the great Thovt over
the oceans of the day: “Nature blends with life and death, but she is more than life, more than death, and
more than all of you, foolish ones, who unwittingly receive the gifts of this land from her hands ... "
So what is nature?
Nature is intangible and intangible Eternity, Nature is Motherhood and Nature is

The cited cosmological genesis, defined by the Nine, basically establishes the concept
impersonal god, cosmic events, the law of polarization, Being and Non-being. Nine adored phenomena,
through which the divine Thovt gives mankind a glimpse into the level of causes, which can be interpreted from all over
number of other
called respects,
the Great, he calls
which Egyptian
is already esotericism
the extension of the
the Little Nine,
previous unlike
sphere to the Mountain as an idea and the Mountain
as being human. The history of a man who sacrifices himself as a shining symbol begins with a mountain
the incarnate love of divine Isida, the image that our time personifies with Mary at its highest,
the purest and most noble mission of a loving mother.
The legend of Isida hides a triple arcana of love, revoked by Christian
Messiah: Love that begets, Love that sustains and Love that raises. Then Mythus shows Horus
man's path to welfare - an ideal high on Golgotha's sacrifice; the fight disgusts
evil - Set, which fixes the affairs of the earth and the creation of the earth in the supreme focus of creation
of this planet - man. By sacrifice, Hor buys his existence and resurrects the father who begat him. And this,
who is his father is only our God - the only one that we can perfectly understand is
condition of our being and Being conditioned by us in eternity, personified ideal
of heart and reason, life and immortality.
The most difficult, and for every esotericism, problem is the most difficult to define
the secret of Being, the eleventh plan out of a total of twelve to define the morale of that
which religion. The Semitic and Aryan culture simply omits the last two points as
unattainable, contenting only with a decalogical system, ie. desaterem.
Thovt, however, does not avoid this question and responds to it by personifying Sutech, so
just like none of the great initiates so far; Egyptian name "nuk pu nuk" -
"I am who I am", which God repeats Israel to Moses at the burning bush, is the definition of Usirva,
the god of life and the god of life. But there is also the second way, the Way of Non-existence, the way he implanted
Hor. And this is Thovt's Set. It is not evil in the abstract sense - it is negative
of the life that we people, conditioned by the positive, must consider as evil.
"I am Set, Not being among the gods,"
says the eighth chapter of the Book of the Dead; and there Usir said in his vengeful son,
“Stop Up! Set is added to the gods! ”
How noble, pure and true is this view alongside fanatical demonstration
For anyone who can understand the philosophy of the first Herm, it is an inexhaustible well
possibilities and hides within itself the solution of almost all esoteric problems of later times. To her
in-depth analysis is not enough for human life; Can't write about the sea of sand so that every grain of it
- jewel - could be considered separately.



The deepest and most comprehensive of philosophical doctrines always contain answers to
the least anticipated questions, even if these philosophies were not created to answer them.
The codified text of the Egyptian Book of the Dead contains more than four hundred names of gods. AND
yet the Egyptian religion remains strictly monotheistic, and each of these ideas
it points to the center of the vast circular region whose circumference is composed. But the center is the only one
a true God that can be understood and invoked in so many imaginations. It is very
it is likely that the figure does not exhaust the actual number of anthropomorphic beings,
which we call the Egyptian gods; but we believe that a number of ideological aspects
that this figure can beget in the field of esoteric philosophy goes far beyond what we can
to introduce and contain elements of all philosophical-religious movements later, up to
our time. Fundamentals of Platonic, Gnostic, Kabbalistic, Buddhist and
Christian and many others, they can be identified precisely at individual points
of this miraculous “boomer circle”, and the genetic and messianic legend of our faith is destined
only Thovt's nine, whose legends had already traded three thousand years before St. John
then the old doctrine of the "Word they create", telling of Re, whose every word he realizes
without delay his idea on earth and becomes an incarnate being.
The time of glory of Ancient Egypt has passed, the flowers have disappeared from the temple gardens, and where
once a proud palace, a timid jackal howls his funeral song at night ...
But the Word remained.
The Word of Thovt, the manifestation of God, the Word that is the Way, the Word of Knowledge.
By his power, Egypt, cursed in ruins, becomes an open book to those who can
Then he speaks to the people of the silent Sfinx who plunge into the sand on the brink of the desert of death, waiting for
dawn of New Morning.
And when in the middle of Egyptian nights the wind in the desert is quiet, when the jackals are silent and
the air vibrates in the moonlight, a quiet whisper of ages penetrates the heart of man
without words - a prayer that the sons of Khemi personalized their Father a long time ago

“I am who I am; I am the time in Time, in which is what His is, I am one
in one."
"My is yesterday and the Ever-sighted is my name."
"I am the Source in the Waste of Life:"
“I am sealed for him who speaks, and I open my gates silently
wisdom. ”
"I am Thovt, Knowledge and Life, and the Light I shine in the wastelands ..."

The philosophy of the second Herme has been preserved in the Book of Henoch, edited
probably in the last century before Christ from ancient sources. The original text was about
Aramaic, from there the work was translated into Ethiopian. In 1773, Bruce discovered this book
in Abyssinia and transported her to England. The texts were translated for the first time in 1838 by Laurenc under
"Libri Enoch versio Aethiopica", followed by a series of translations into all
cultural languages. *

Henoch's book has not yet been translated into Czech. - It is no longer true; see Books

mystery and wisdom I. , Prague 1995 - publ. Vyšehrad



The whole work consists of 108 chapters, of which modern criticism considers chapters 1 to 36
and 72 to 105 as the original, others as the apocrypha of later origin. Whereas the
the book of Henoch deviates from the basic biblical texts, it was not
put into the collection of recognized canonical books and declared an apocrypha.
The style of this work is heavy, dense, apocalyptic, reminiscent
New Testament text of the revelation of St. John. Extensive descriptions and makeup charged with deep
With symbolism they bind their unusual ties to the esoteric plan with the outside so masterfully that totally
rightfully, German professor Kautsch Henocha calls Old Testament Dante.
Henoch, like all Hermes, worshiped impersonal, unimaginable and
an indefinable god whose appointment he avoided with a broad description. This is where a new,
The term “henotheism” introduced by modern researcher Max Müller, unlike
monotheism - monotheism, which is mistakenly regarded as a sign of the more advanced
religion, where the idea of God is linked to a certain concept, definition, and eventually image.
The book of Henoch is divided into twenty volumes by exoteric content, the first of which includes
within itself chapters 1-5, second 6-11, third 12-16, fourth 17-21, fifth 22-36, sixth chapter 37,
seventh 38-44, eighth 45-57, ninth 58-59, tenth 60-64, eleventh 65-69, twelfth 70-71,
thirteenth 72, fourteenth 73-75, fifteenth 76-82, sixteenth 83-84. seventeenth 85-90, eighteenth 91,
nineteenth 92 to 105 and twentieth chapter 106 to 108.
The first volume of the book of Henoch is an introduction in which Henoch speaks of his vision,
in which the fate of future humanity is revealed.
The second episode describes the fall of the angels who mixed with the daughters of men,
they have begun to create monstrous giants with them, they have taught people the hidden art and thus caused the creation
wickedness, pride and moral decline on earth. The complaint of the four righteous angels
God decides to destroy the seducer and gives the four spirits various tasks to be performed
judgment enforced.
Episode 3: In Heaven-Believing Enoch, the "Scriber of Justice," is sent by the Lord to the earth to
he sentenced the offenders to the verdict. These beg the Supreme Power for mercy, but are rejected and God
instructing Henoch in the vision that only the intercession of the seducers as seduced could have an effect,
but not the intercession of the seducers. Shortly and forever punished are fallen angels and
Giants begotten by humans become evil spirits wandering the earth until next judgment.
In two other episodes he depicts the paths of Henoch, who is led by the highest spirits
the secrets of nature, the universe, good and evil.
The sixth part is the preface to the three subsequent figurative depictions contained in the work
seventh to twelfth:
Picture One: (Chapters 38–44): Henna crosses the worlds of the righteous and sees endless crowds
beings before God's face. He recognizes the power of the Lord, personified by the four angels, and recognizes the power
words and names to which all planets and elements hear.
The second picture (Chap. 45-57) is the Messianic prophecy and prediction of the chosen Son
Human; it depicts the fate of those who deny the name of the Lord and the Ghosts.
The third image (58-71) describes the effect of the Last Judgment and the mystery of the thunder and fire of God.
The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth parts contain astronomical treatises and the doctrine of circulation
of heavenly bodies, to Henoch told by the angel Uriel. Chapter 61, verse 1,
quotes the title of this work by saying:

“The book on the circulation of the heavenly lights and their state according to their classes, according to theirs
government and their time, their names and origins, and their months. "
In the work of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth, there are two visions of Henoch
from the time before his wandering. They are written in direct speech, in which Enoch speaks to his own



the son of Methushalah, and in his eighteenth work to all his offspring, to warn them
future events.
Part nineteenth and twentieth (92-108) includes:
a) a treatise on ten world "weeks" or periods,
b) warnings and threats of Henno;
(c) two additions, the first to the forefathers of Noah and the Flood, and the second to the
eternal punishment and reward.
In the first part of this book, we noted that he applied the philosophy of Henoch
hermetic laws in the social sphere. According to the esoteric meaning of numbers 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 and 21, they could
we would define the axis of social hermeticism by three basic and three secondary terms:
Law, Truth and Birth - Fate, Knowledge and Reward.
The first three, the basic, could be called causal, the second resulting; in both
the secret of moral responsibility is hidden.
Although the exotic face of Henoch's book is made of colorful mosaics
anthropomorphic images and personifications, and Henoch speaks with angels, elements and even
With God alone, this work brings with its esoteric content to the one who led him perfectly after
understand this side, to the opposite pole - which is unintentional, disciplined and regular
fate automatism. Because according to the hermetic, in the narrower sense of Henoch
philosophy the responsibility of each being is directly proportional to its knowledge, it appears
in Henoch's book, the legend of the first sin in a much brighter light and in a robe entirely
different from the usual type of biblical: knowledge deprives the first people, a more noticeable difference between
good and evil, of paradise bliss, for it automatically evokes the opposite - responsibility and
increases temptation by aggravating life problems:
"This is the Tree of Knowledge,"
explains Henoch Rufael,

“From which your grandparents ate, and so they came to wisdom, and their eyes were
open and they knew they were naked and were driven out of the garden ... ”
(KH, Volume V., Chapter 32, v.6.)
The curse of responsibility, which entails knowledge, is also hidden in symbolic description,
contained in the second and third parts of the book of Henoch, dealing with the fall of the angels:

VI. 1. “When the children of men multiplied, they were born beautiful and beautiful in those days
love daughters. "
2. And when the angels the children of heaven saw them, they longed for them and said
among ourselves, “Well, let us choose women among the daughters of men, and let us beget
3. “But their master, Semiah, said to them, 'I fear that you will not have the courage,
to do this, and only I will be responsible for your fall! '”
4. “All of them answered him, saying, 'We all want to swear
we will not give up this intention and we will all realize our intention; '”
5. “All of them swore and undertook each other by incantation. There were them
a total of two hundred, ”
6. "who descended to the summit of Hermon in the days of Jared. They called this
the Hermon Mountains, because they swore on it and pledged each other. ”

15 Dec


7. “These are the names of their leaders: Semjâzâ, their supreme, Urâkîbarâmêêl,
Akibel, Tâmiel, Rammuel, Dânel, Ezêqel, Sarâquijal, Asâel, Armers Batraal,
Anânî, Zaqêbê, Samsâvêêl, Sartaeêl, Turel, Jomjâêl, Arâzjâl. ”
8. "These are the leaders of the two hundred angels, and all others were with them."
VII. 1. “And they took women, and each of them chose one, and conceived with them
enter and become polluted; they taught them spells, invocations and rooting
and wood, and revealed to them herbs. ”
2. "And they conceived and bore giants three thousand cubits high,"
3. “who have spent all the result of human labor. When people do nothing
they could not give, ”
4. "The giants turned against them to devour them."
5. And they began to sin on the birds, the beasts, the reptiles, and the fish, and the flesh
to eat between themselves and drink blood. ”
6. "The land sued the earth for these unjust."
VIII. l. “Azazel taught people to make swords, weapons, shields, armor, and showed
they use metals, and how to process them and bracelets and jewelry, using eye makeup and
adorn the eyelids, the most expensive and finest stones and all the dyes. ”
2. “And there was much wickedness, and they committed fornication, and came upon
and all their actions were wrong. ”
3. “Amêzârâk taught incantation and root-cutting, Armârôs unleashing oaths
and incantation, Baraqâl stargazing, Kôkâbêl characters, Temêl astrology and
Asrâdêl on the movement of the Moon ... ”
Apart from the mystery of the fatefulness of the sexual law hidden in this legend,
we can literally quote the esoteric interpretation of Eliphas Lévi as written in his
"History of Magic":
This account of the Kabbalah book of Henoch is the account of the same shame
the mystery of science that we otherwise see in the history of Adam's sin.
The angels, the sons of God, spoken of by Enoch, were initiates of magic and after
in their fall they were taught to the common people by simple speech. Their pitfalls were
pleasure. They fell in love with women and were fooled by the secrets of royalty and
Primitive civilization collapsed, giants, that is, representatives of brute force and
of unbridled lust, they struggled for a world that could not escape them other than
delve into the waves of the flood in which all traces of the past have disappeared.
This flood was a general confusion to which it necessarily falls
humanity, because it raped and abused the harmony of nature.
The sins of Samyas (Semiah) and Adam are similar. Both are
ravaged by the weakness of heart, they both profan the tree of science and are far from repudiated
of the Tree of Life ... "
The stars of our cosmos are Henoch's symbol of Fate, which is the result
offenses against the Law:



"... And the stars that revolve over the fire are the ones who broke the law
because they did not come at the time appointed for them. And His anger
he tied them up to the time when her offenses would end in the Year of Secrets ... ”
(KH, Volume IV., Chapter 18, verse 15–16.)
The destruction or transformation of fatality is, according to Henko
directly dependent on the transformation or extinction of being; planets, symbols of fatality
Henoch often describes the mountains or metals in question, in order to express the benefits he has
their effects or correlations bring to man; The Angel of Peace instructs Enoch about the law

"And the mountains you saw, an iron mountain, a copper mountain, silver, gold,
tin and lead, they shall stand before the Chosen, as they are before the fire, and as
the water that flows from above over the hills, and the faint under his feet. AND
there will come a day when neither gold nor silver nor salvation can be saved
save or escape. And there will be no iron for war or armor; copper and tin will be
useless, and lead will not be mined. All these things will disappear and will be destroyed on
until the chosen one appears before the Lord of the Ghosts. ”
Thus we briefly outlined the basic thesaurus of the esoteric philosophy of the second Hermes, “The Scriber
Righteousness ”, a being who will live until the end of time, being the personification of true knowledge, and
the warning voice of the human race.
Everyone can hear him, but who understands his words?
There are no children today who rejoice in Fairy Tales, and few are those who have grown to wisdom that
penetrates their hidden content ...

If the Egyptian god Thot, whom the Greeks called Hermes, was identical to the first
Thovtem, it is not safe to detect. In any case, however, a hermetic philosophy as a whole
it must be regarded as the work of several sages of Egyptian culture whose collective is
designated by the single name Hermes Trismegistos.
From the work of the Last Hermes, which describe contemporary and ancient authors as very extensive,
only a few fragments have been preserved, from a number of apocryphs of later origin to him
attributed. Most likely it seems to be the third Hermes real
existed at the time of the captivity of the Jews in Egypt, that he had collected all the works of his predecessor, even the best
the fruits of Egyptian esotericism, and thus compiled a code that was the quintessence of everything
the secret teachings of this country. The authenticity of this theory seems to confirm several historical records
and the most important of which are the writings of Josef Flavius, who writes (Contra Apion I, 14),
that some Manethon, an Egyptian priest who lived in the third century BC, wrote in Greek
the history of their homeland, dating back to the earliest times. According to Syneklov's statement, Manethon used it
as sources, inscriptions that were preserved on the sacred pillars engraved by the first Thovt,
or Hermem, and then translated the son of Herma the second - Agathodaemon into folk speech.
The attribute "Second Uriai", which the Arabs gave to the other Herm, also points to
the existence of two individuals of this name in Egypt.
The number of Herm's books is uncertain; They are mentioned among others by Plutarch (de Is. Et
Osir. 61), Seleucus reports their number to twenty thousand, Manethon even thirty-six thousand,
five hundred twenty-five. However, it should be borne in mind that the “book” could have been labeled according to the term at that time
even a few-line inscription. The clement of Alexandria lists forty-two acquaintances
hermetic writings, ten of which relate to gods and laws, ten others are concerned



temple ritual, ten contains hierogrammatical science, that is, hieroglyphics,

cosmography, chronography, topography and prescriptions for the arrangement of temple tools, four are
astrological-astronomical content with instructions for counting so-called horoscopes: First
of these four books, it describes the arrangement of the stars, the second and third discuss the aspects of the sun and the moon, and
the second phase, the fourth about the movement of the other planets. Then there are two books of ritual anthems
and the last six writings contain pastoral knowledge and are devoted to medicine.
German Egyptologist, Heinrich Brugsch (Ägyptische Zeitung 1871, p. 43 et seq., And
Hierogl. Inschriften, p. 46 et seq) shows that these books are partially carved on the walls
the library of the Great Temple of Edfu in an uneven order. The most important of the titles of these inscriptions
we provide:

“A book of him that is in the temple;” “A book of every kind of scribe

"The prescription for painting on the walls and the canon of proportions;"
"A chapter on getting rid of what brings pain;" (medical file);
“A book about the people who belong to the temple;” “The science of regular return
sun and moon; "" The law of regular return (orbits) of stars; "" Calculation
all places and knowledge of what is in them; ”“ A collection of ordinances for the processions of God
Mountain from his temple about his festivities, ”etc.
At the time of the Ptolemaic manor, the modern hermetic literature it had
be an attempt to bring Egyptian philosophy closer to Greek. It is undisputed that the writings of this
of the species are directly related to Thot's books, although the basic ideas of Egypt are
greatly mixed views of Greek culture. Although hence a number of hermetic arises
writings, Thot or Herm directly attributed, such as "Poimandres" and others, cannot be
take good account of it simply because it is not possible to satisfactorily separate the original core
from later, non-native additions and additions.
Of the texts attributed to the last Thot, we cannot safely declare either
original; its content deserves to quote a single t. "Emerald Plate" - which -
though considered by many to be a forgery, it still points to the time of Thot.
According to legend, Alexander the Great managed to discover the grave of Thot and in his hands
Herm's mummy was found in an emerald plate on which was inscribed in the Czech
the translation reads as follows:

“It is true, it is certain, it is real that what is down is what

it is above, and that which is above is like that which is below, that they may be finished
wonders of one thing. ”
“And like all things, they were made from one, for the mediation of one,
so all things were born of this one thing by adaptation. ”
“The sun is his father, the moon is his mother, the wind carried him in his
in the bowels, the earth is his breadwinner. ”
"He is the father of the universal telescope of the world."
"His power is full when it was transformed into the earth."
"You will separate the earth from fire, gentle from coarse, cautiously and most wisely."
“He ascends from earth to heaven and again descends from heaven on earth and
it receives the power of things burning and mining. ”



“Thus shall you have the glory of the whole universe; all darkness will flee before
by you. "
“This is the power, the most powerful of all, to overcome every subtle thing and
every thing will penetrate firm. ”
"This is how the universe was created."
"From there come the wonderful adaptations, the way it is here."
“That's why I was called Hermes Trismegistos, having three parts of philosophy
the whole universe. ”
"What I said about the Sun Magisterium is complete."
It would be unnecessary to go into the interpretation of this truly hermetic revelation,
whose laconic and austere style conceals innumerable truths condensed in several lines;
the interpretation of this text is contained in almost every comprehensive hermetic work.
To understand hermetic philosophy in the broader sense of the word, it is sufficient to reproach six
principles of law, which the "Emerald Board" defines:
1. Law of analogies.
2. Law of universal equilibrium and its influence.
3. Law of induction.
4. Law of polarity (procreation).
5. Law of unity.
6. Law of circulation.
There are many assumptions about the origin of the Emerald Board; no matter what
To the cited legend, some have this relic for over four thousand years, others believe that the text
was written by some philosopher of the Alexandrian era, and there were even conjectures according to which
The emerald plate is an apocryphal from the fifth, even from the thirteenth century AD. As
then the original text of this manuscript is not preserved, but it remains to compare its content with
the basic principles and lessons of Egyptian esotericism:
The first two laws - by analogy and universal equilibrium, are already known to the philosophy of the Aonian and the
were incarnated into the Nine of Nine in the earliest times of Egypt, despite the fact that
XII. The dynasty has retained a remarkable symbol (Table II. a), which expresses the first
the sentence "Emerald boards": The sign PT, HRT, in the word meaning "heaven", HRJ, which is
delegated meaning for the term "up", HAJT, ie "hall", "room" or "space"
or the determinative for the meaning of "heaven" is drawn up and down; among them is the goddess
MAAT - which was the personification of the Truth to the Egyptians.
The Law of Polarity already defines the mythic plot of the Geb-Nut-Shov, a
Primacy is an analogy of the Truth-Nun. Induction and circulation results then essentially
logically from the assumptions of others.
Since the principles achieved in the text "Emerald boards" are present
proven already in ancient Egyptian esotericism, it is necessary to consider the assumptions of apocryphic
the origin of this monument in the Alexandrian era, for the absurd, undocumented and ill-considered. All that
could criticize the outermost skepticism of the originality of the "Emerald Plate,"
that its text was perhaps modified at a later time, even though it is not quite likely with regard
to her laconic accuracy of expressions.
The "Emerald Plate" is perhaps the only text of the third Herm that we can put into
some to be authentic. Otherwise, we rely on historical monuments from the Thot era in which
behind his series of symbols is his teaching; there are many; it is sufficient to mention two
basic: the pyramid, the gigantic legacy of Egypt and the small triangle with the divine eye in the middle,
carved on the wall of one of their galleries: the joining of the four elements creates a mass whose quality is governed by

19 Dec


their given ratio. Four triangles: - behold - the side walls of a colossus that converges at a point
the only - to the sky - "to fulfill the miracles of one thing ..."
And in the heart of this crushing giant stands Thot, and bears the sacrificial bread of conical shape.
- And the eye that is drawn in it is the eye of Horus, the eye of nature - the eye from whose tears arose
and there are people rising up, which is a symbol of sacrifice. For not passion, but pain produces perfect
work, not power, but tears created man ...
Tears and Sacrifice: the Sacrifice Risen by Man - the Horus of His Father, and the Sacrifice Redeems Humanity's Way
to the destination at which the peak of the pyramid is pointing over the sea of ages ...
20 May




Synthesis of hermetic laws

Ten reasons:

1. The beginning is in Praying.

2. Washing is intangible, unimaginable, invisible and uncountable
Unity standing outside space and time.
3. The cause arose from the revelation of Oneness in Prayer.
4. Being arose from the revelation of the pros and cons in the Cause.
5. Every being has its own analogy.
6. A positive consists of a negative and a negative positive: one condition the other.
7. Bipolarity is a condition and cause of time and life.
8. Each pole is doubly secondary.
9. Duality targets through triple to unity.
10. Quadrality is the effect of equilibrium.

The Ten Consequences:

1. Nature is the direct fruit of the cosmos.

2. Death is a condition of life, non-existence is a condition of being.
3. Death is not a boundary of nature.
4. The word is the living force that it creates.
5. Love has a threefold mission: to procreate, to sustain and to resurrect.
6. Fate is the fruit of misdeeds of being against the Law.
7. The extinction or conversion of fatalness is directly dependent on extinction
or the transformation of being.
8. Sacrifice is the evolutionary way of being.
9. The imaginable God is a being conditioned by human sacrifice.
10. The responsibility of each being is directly proportional to his knowledge.



Sephirotic Egyptian principles and their synthesis with other religious systems. (1.
Egypt, 2. Babylonia, 3. India, 4. Kabbala.)
1. NUN.
2. EL.
4. EN SOF.
1. TEFNUT. 1. ŠOV.
2. TIÁMAT. 2. ASARI. (Shilik-lu-Shar.)
l. NUT. 1. GEB.
2. ......... 2. .........
3. AUM. 3. MAJA.
2. NIN-ANNA. (Ahatu.)
4. HOD. 4. NECAH.
1. ESET.
2. BAAL. (Marduk.)



On several pages of this modest piece we tried to give a few

the basic ideas of a millennium-old philosophy.
We took a handful of water from the Sea of Knowledge, capturing a few words from the sacred book
the legendary Hermes Trismegist, whose holy face we recognize only as formations
in flashes of lightning crossing the dark skies of the present.
We believe that in the ancient temples of the sacred land of Khemi, the secret teachings of that time blossomed
it brought man to the edge of this world from which he sees the Eternal Sunrise of the Sun of Life and the new
the horizons into which we poor, unconscious mortals fall like blind people into the abyss when ours
the petty pilgrimage on this earth will end.
We do not regret that we have not been taken down by the pride of children of the twentieth age, and we admit that
we are so late that we believe the day will come when new generations will be forced to fully acknowledge their
a commitment to the legacy of the great culture of Ancient Egypt, and the philosophy of his high priest, three times saint
Thovta - Herma Trismegist.



Brugsch Heinrich: Religion and Mythology of the Aegypter - Leipzig 1891

Dillmann A., Das Buch Henoch - Leipzig 1853
Eliáš Dr. Oldřich: Magic and Demonology in Old Babylon - Prague 1923
Glauber: Miraculum mundi de mercurio philosophorum - Amstel 1653
Lasenic Pierre: Egyptian hieroglyphics - Prague 1935
Laurence: Libri Enoch versio Aethiopica - Oxford 1838
Lévi Eliphas: History of Magic - Prague 1935
Maspero G .: Les Inscriptions des Pyramides de Saqqarah - Paris 1894
Maspero G: Archeologie égyptienne - Paris 1887
Tiedemann Dietrich: Hermes Trismegists Poemander- Berlin 1781
Vollmer B .: Mythology Aller Völker - Stuttgart 1859
Wilkinson JG: Ancient Egyptians - London 1855
Zöckler Otto: Die Apokryphen des Alten Testaments - Munich 1891

Arabic authors:

El Makrizi (1421) ⎫
Abul Mahasin (1435) ⎬ writings
Abdellatif (1200) ⎭
and in the text.

published by Trigon in Prague in 1990 as a photoreprint of the first edition from 1936

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