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JEZ 0836

46 J.Y. KWON

Masculinization of Genetic Female Nile Tilapia

(Oreochromis niloticus) by Dietary Administration
of an Aromatase Inhibitor During Sexual
The Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA,
Scotland, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT A series of experiments was carried out in which genetically female Nile tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus) fry were treated with Fadrozole, a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI),
in the diet during the period of sexual differentiation. Batches of tilapia fry treated with AI during
the first 30 days following yolk-sac resorption (7–37 days post hatch, dph) showed a dose-depen-
dent increase in the percentage of males from 0 to 200 mg · kg–1. The percentage of males re-
mained approximately constant (92.5–96.0%) from 200 to 500 mg · kg–1. Any continuous 2- or
3-week treatment with 500 mg · kg–1 AI in this 4-week period successfully masculinized the major-
ity of the treated fish (>80%). Treatments of 1 week duration revealed that the most sensitive
time to AI lies in the first week (between 7 and 14 dph). Progeny testing of males from AI-treated
groups gave results indicating that these were XX males, as expected. These experiments strongly
implicate aromatase activity as a key factor in sexual differentiation in the Nile tilapia. J. Exp.
Zool. 287:46–53, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Treating fish with exogenous sex steroid hor- those caused by androgens (e.g., in the bullfrog
mones during early developmental stages can Rana catesbeiana, Yu et al., ’93; in the chicken
cause sex-reversal against genotypic sex, or ste- Gallus domesticus, Elbrecht and Smith, ’92;
rility. It has been proved in many fish species that Wartenburg et al., ’92; and in chinook salmon
exogenous androgens generally cause masculin- Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Piferrer et al., ’94).
izing effects, while exogenous estrogens cause Aromatization in genetic females during early de-
feminizing effects (Yamazaki, ’83). However, the velopmental stages appears to be a key step in
mechanism of action of these steroids on sex dif- ovarian ontogeny. Thus, the investigation of
ferentiation is, so far, not well understood. The aromatase function in early developmental stages
exact nature of the role of the endogenous sex ste- should increase our understanding of sex deter-
roids in sex differentiation is not known (Rothbard mination in fish.
et al., ’87; Feist and Schreck, ’96), nor is it clear The Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is of
to what extent exogenous sex steroids mimic the major importance in aquaculture (FAO, ’97). As
role of endogenous sex steroids (Piferrer et al., ’94). the production of all male populations can elimi-
A detailed understanding of steroid metabolism nate unwanted reproduction during culture, the
during sexual differentiation would be advanta- sex determination system of this species has been
geous in furthering our knowledge of the role of investigated and various sex control techniques
steroids in this process. have been developed. These include treatment
Recently, the function of cytochrome P450
aromatase in sex determination has been exam- Grant sponsor: Overseas Research Student Award.
ined, because it is the enzyme responsible for the Vahid Haghpanah is deceased.
Luz Mary Kogson-Hurtado’s current address: Calle 66A, Nº11-138
aromatization of androstenedione into estrone and Barrio La Sultana, Manizales-Caldas, Colombia.
testosterone into estradiol-17β (Jeyasuria et al., *Correspondence to: Dr. David J. Penman, Institute of Aquacul-
ture, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland.
’96). In some species, inhibiting the action of this E-mail:
enzyme caused masculinizing effects similar to Received 7 July 1999; Accepted 17 November 1999



with exogenous sex steroids (McAndrew, ’93; male, XX, but phenotypically male through mas-
MacIntosh and Little, ’95) and genetic manipula- culinization by treatment with 17α-methyltes-
tion of the sex determination system (Mair et al., tosterone, MT, during sexual differentiation) were
’97). O. niloticus has an XX/XY chromosomal sex maintained in partitioned glass aquaria in a re-
determination mechanism (Jalabert et al., ’74; circulating system (26–27°C) and fed with com-
Mair et al., ’91; Carrasco et al., ’99), although it mercial floating trout pellets (BOCM PAULS Fish
has been shown that both environmental factors Feed Group, Renfrew, UK).
(Baroiller et al., ’96a,b; Abucay et al., ’99) and sec-
ondary (autosomal) genetic factors (Mair et al., Production of genetically female fry
’91; Hussain et al., ’94; Sarder et al., ’99) can also Genetically female groups were produced by
influence sex determination. crosses between neomales and normal females.
O. niloticus is also a good model species in which Eggs were manually stripped from ovulated fe-
to study the function of aromatase in relation to males. Milt was collected into glass capillary tubes
the mechanism of sex determination. It is possible and either used directly for fertilization or trans-
to produce batches of XX fish, which should be all ferred to 1.5-ml plastic centrifuge tubes for short-
female, through gynogenesis (Penman et al., ’87) term storage. After fertilization, eggs were placed
or crosses between neomales (hormonally mascu- into a 1-litre incubation jar and the resultant fry
linized genetic females, XX) and normal females were used for each experiment following yolk sac
(Jalabert et al., ’74), although such groups do not resorption (11 ± 1 days post-fertilization, dpf = 7
always conform exactly to the expected 100% fe- ± 1 days post-hatch, dph).
male sex ratios (Mair et al., ’91; Hussain et al., ’94;
Baroiller, ’96; Sarder et al., ’99). The sex steroids Preparation of aromatase inhibitor and
profile during early development has been studied 17a–methyltestosterone-treated food
(Rothbard et al., ’87) and the period of sex differen- For all experimental treatments and controls,
tiation on the basis of histological observation has commercial trout pellets were mechanically
been proposed (Nakamura and Nagahama, ’85, ’89). ground and then passed through a 250-µm sieve.
Sex ratios can be assessed easily at the age of two The appropriate amount of aromatase inhibitor
or three months using a simple squash technique (AI: Fadrozole, CGS16949A, Novartis, Summit,
(Guerrero and Shelton, ’74). NJ) or 17 α-methyltestosterone (MT: Sigma-
In this study, a series of experiments was carried Aldrich Co. Ltd., Dorset, UK) was dissolved in 99%
out in which batches of genetically female (XX) O. ethanol and sprayed onto the powdered food (a
niloticus fry were treated with an aromatase in- total of 150 ml ethanol per kg of food). Food for
hibitor, Fadrozole, in the diet during the period control groups was prepared in the same way but
when sexual differentiation is known to occur. The using ethanol only. The food was then thoroughly
objectives were to determine if inhibition of aroma- mixed and left in a fume cupboard overnight to
tase activity could cause genetic females to develop allow the ethanol to evaporate.
as phenotypic males and to further our understand-
ing of sex determination and differentiation in this Experiment 1
species. Fadrozole is a potent, nonsteroidal, com- Two trials were carried out in which genetically
petitive inhibitor of aromatase that is relatively se- female fry were fed with different concentrations
lective in its effects (Brodie, ’91; Pérez and Borja, of AI per kg of food, for 30 days from 11 dpf. In
’92). It has previously been used in studies of trial 1A, fry were fed with 0 (control), 400 or 500
aromatase activity in sex determination in the mg · kg–1, while in trial 1B fry were fed with 0
chinook salmon (Piferrer et al., ’94) and has been (control), 40, 200, or 500 mg · kg–1. Trial 1A had
shown to inhibit estrogen synthesis in maturing fe- three partial replicates (same AI treatments but
male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in vivo different initial numbers of fry: 23–25, 40–41 or
(Afonso et al., ’99). 47–48), while trial 1B had two partial replicates
(33–34 or 45–46 fry). Feed was given ad libitum
MATERIALS AND METHODS twice per day. As a positive control in each trial,
groups of fry were fed with 40 mg of MT per kg of
Broodstock and broodstock maintenance food (MT40). This MT treatment is based on stan-
The stock of O. niloticus originally came from dard practice for producing monosex male tilapia
Lake Manzala, Egypt. Adult normal males (XY), for aquaculture. Each group of fish was kept in
normal females (XX) and neomales (genetically fe- an isolated aquarium (approximately 5-litre vol-

ume). A partial water change was carried out ev- Sperm from four males from AI-treated groups
ery day to remove faeces and uneaten food and to and a control male were used to fertilize aliquots
maintain water quality. The water temperature of eggs from a single female. These batches of fer-
during these trials fluctuated between 20–23°C. Af- tilized eggs were incubated separately and the fry
ter feeding for 30 days with treated food, fish were were reared until they could be sexed.
transferred into tanks in a recirculating system
(26–27°C) and grown until 10–12 weeks old when Statistical analysis
they were sexed by the aceto-carmine gonad-
squashing method (Guerrero and Shelton, ’74). All data are shown as mean ± S.E., although
where appropriate they were subjected to arcsine
Experiment 2 transformation before being analysed by one-way
Fish were fed with 500 mg · kg–1 AI for differ- ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple range test. A
ent periods within the first 4 weeks of exogenous probability level of P < 0.05 was used as the crite-
feeding, as follows: rion for significance of differences between groups.

• Control group (no AI) RESULTS

• AI in first and second week (AI 1–2) Experiment 1
• AI in first, second and third week (AI 1–3)
• AI in first, second, third and fourth week (AI Percentage survival and initial number of fish
1–4) per tank in experiment I showed a significant cor-
• AI in second and third week (AI 2–3) relation (r = 0.475, P < 0.05), such that survival
• AI in second, third and fourth week (AI 2–4) increased with higher initial stocking density.
• AI in third and fourth week (AI 3–4). There were no consistent associations between ex-
perimental treatments and survival. The number
Each treatment had two replicates of 60 fish.
of fish per aquarium in subsequent experiments
The water temperature within each aquarium (ap-
(2 and 3—between 50 and 60), was based on the
proximately 5-L volume) was maintained at 26–
survival rates observed in experiment 1.
27°C by an aquarium heater. Fish were fed three
Figure 1 shows the sex ratios from feeding vari-
times a day. Procedures for aquarium mainte-
ous concentrations of AI in the diet (data from
nance, subsequent ongrowing and sexing of fish
trials 1A and 1B are shown together in this fig-
were as described for experiment 1.
Experiment 3
Three trials were carried out involving AI treat-
ments of 1 week duration within the first 4 weeks
of exogenous feeding, using different concentra-
tions and feeding regimes. Each treatment or con-
trol tank contained 50–57 fry at the start of the
experiment. In trial 3A, fish were fed four times
per day, with AI at 500 mg · kg–1 in the diet. In
trial 3B, fish were fed two times per day, with AI
at 500 mg · kg–1 in the diet. In trial 3C, fish were
fed two times per day, with AI at 100 mg · kg–1 in
the diet. Each trial contained three replicates each
of untreated controls, AI in week 1, AI in week 2,
AI in week 3, and AI in week 4. Additionally, tri-
als 3A and 3B had single positive controls (500
mg · kg–1 AI 1-4).
Water temperature was maintained at 26–27°C.
The other experimental procedures followed those
of experiments 1 and 2.
Progeny testing of AI-treated males
Fig. 1. Sex ratios in groups of genetically female O.
Five fish from each replicate of each treatment niloticus treated with different concentrations of AI over the
in trial 3C were retained for further studies. first 4 weeks of exogenous feeding (experiment 1).

ure, with overall means for the controls and 500 Experiment 3
mg · kg–1 groups, which gave sex ratios which did The survival rates were >80% in all but five
not differ significantly between the two trials). The groups: two replicates of the control (10.5, 38.6%)
untreated control groups contained 2.6 ± 2.6% in trial 3A; one replicate of the first week treat-
males. The sex ratio reached a plateau, at >90% ment (64.0%) in trial 3B; two replicates of the first
males, at around 200 mg · kg–1. None of the AI week treatment (71.7, 75.5%) and one replicate
treatments produced only males, but 400 and 500 of the fourth week treatment (0.0%) in trial 3C.
mg · kg–1 did produce 100% males in two out of There was no statistical association between mor-
three and three out of five replicates, respectively. tality and AI treatment. There were no signifi-
The positive control groups (MT 40) produced cant differences in growth between control groups
100% males. and AI-treated groups in this experiment (data
not shown: this was not assessed in experiments
Experiment 2 1 and 2).
The sex ratios from this experiment are shown
The survival rates were > 85% in all but three in Figure 3. The negative control groups (no AI
groups: untreated control, replicate 2 (0%); AI 1– treatment) from trials 3A, 3B and 3C gave means
3, replicate 2 (20.0%); AI 2–3, replicate 1 (73.3%). of 14.5 ± 6.1, 17.3 ± 0.8 and 12.3 ± 4.7% males
There was no statistical association between mor- respectively. The positive control groups (500 mg
tality and AI treatment. · kg–1 AI 1-4) contained 100% males. Treatment
The surviving control group contained only fe- during week 1 produced sex ratios that were sig-
males. Figure 2 shows the sex ratios of the AI- nificantly different from the negative controls in all
treated groups. The mean sex ratio in each three trials. The only other 1-week treatment which
treatment was above 80% male. There were no produced significantly more males than the nega-
statistically significant differences among the tive control was week 2 in Trial 3A (500 mg · kg–1).

Fig. 3. Sex ratios in groups of genetically female O.

niloticus treated with AI during the first, second, third or
fourth week following yolk sac resorption (experiment 3). Trial
A (500:4) = 500 mg · kg–1 AI, fed four times per day; trial B
Fig. 2. Sex ratios in groups of genetically female O. (500:2) = 500 mg · kg–1 AI, fed twice per day; trial C (100:2) =
niloticus treated with 500 mg · kg–1 AI for 2-, 3-, or 4-week 100 mg · kg–1, fed twice per day. Neg. cont. = negative con-
periods following yolk sac resorption (experiment 2). 1–2 = trol (no AI treatment); Pos. cont. = positive control (500 mg ·
AI treatment during first and second weeks; 1–3 = AI treat- kg–1 AI treatment during weeks 1–4). Treatments that gave
ment during first, second and third weeks; etc. Data shown sex ratios significantly different from negative control groups
is from two replicates per treatment. (P < 0.05) are indicated by an asterisk (*).

TABLE 1. Progeny sex ratios from males from AI-treated weight). For food containing AI at 500 mg · kg–1,
groups (trial 3C) , crossed to a control female the corresponding values would be 100 and 50 mg ·
No. of χ2 (against kg–1 · day–1 respectively (body weights from unpub-
progeny No. of No. of % 1:1 sex lished data and daily food intakes from Macintosh
Male sexed males females males ratio)1 and Little, ’95). These values are considerably
AI (week 1) 22 2 20 9.1 14.73** higher than the amounts given to human patients,
AI (week 1) 15 0 15 0.0 15.00** as described by Pérez and Borja, (’92) (16 mg per
AI (week 2) 34 11 23 32.4 4.24* day would be equivalent to 0.27 mg · kg–1 · day–1
AI (week 2) 25 0 25 0.0 25.00** assuming a body weight of 60 kg) but direct com-
Control 29 16 13 55.2 0.31 ns
parison may be relatively uninformative.
ns, not significant; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001. Four AI-treated males gave a mean of 10.38%
males in crosses to a control female. Although one
of these males gave a fairly high percentage of
Progeny-testing of AI-treated males males (32.4%), this was significantly different
Table 1 shows the progeny sex ratios from four from the sex ratio that would have been expected
AI-treated and one control male. The progeny from from an XY male and the sex ratios from these
the control male did not differ significantly from four males were similar to those obtained in com-
the expected 1:1 sex ratio, while progeny from all parable studies (e.g., Baroiller, ’96).
four of the AI-treated males contained a signifi- Sexual differentiation appears to be fixed be-
cant excess of females. The mean percentage of tween 23 and 26 dph in O. niloticus at 25 ± 1°C.
males from these four groups was 10.38 ± 7.65. Both ovarian differentiation, accompanied by the
Histological studies on the testes of AI-treated fish appearance of steroid producing cells (SPCs)
did not reveal any abnormalities. (Nakamura and Nagahama, ’85), and testicular
differentiation, accompanied by the appearance of
DISCUSSION Leydig cells (Nakamura and Nagahama, ’89) have
Treatment with AI resulted in masculinization of been observed at this time. Although the present
genetically female O. niloticus fry. The sensitivity experiments were carried out at slightly lower or
of the sex determination system to AI declined dur- higher temperatures (20–23°C for experiment 1 and
ing the first 4 weeks of exogenous feeding, with the 26–27°C for experiments 2 and 3), all of these are
first week being the most responsive. However, a well below the minimum threshold (34–35°C) for
cumulative effect was observed, such that treatment temperature effects on sex determination in this
in any continuous 2-week period within the first 4 species (Baroiller et al., ’96a,b; Abucay et al., ’99).
weeks was >85% effective in masculinization, with Androgen treatments for 25–60 days duration
no differences between such treatments. Fadrozole (mostly around 30 days) starting at first feeding
has been reported to have a short half-life in vivo (usually 7 dph) are routinely used to produce all
(10.5 hr in human patients given 8 mg twice daily: male populations (McAndrew, ’93). Shorter treat-
Pérez and Borja, ’92), so it is unlikely that persis- ments have, however, also been successful. Mac-
tence of the chemical complicated the results ob- Intosh and Little (’95) describe consistently high
tained here. Fadrozole has also been reported to be rates of sex reversal from MT treatments of 60
relatively selective in its action due to its high po- mg · kg–1 for 21 days from first feeding (i.e. 7–22
tency for aromatase (Brodie, ’91). dph) and feminization of YY male O. niloticus with
Actual AI intake by treated tilapia in the diethylstilbestrol can be accomplished by dietary
present experiments was not determined, partly treatment for 20 days starting at 7 dph (Mair et
because the fish were fed to excess and thus feed al., ’97). For successful masculinization of O.
intake could not be monitored accurately, but for niloticus fry by dietary MT treatment, treatment
treated food with an AI concentration of 200 mg · must begin before 17 dph (MacIntosh and Little,
kg–1 intake (the minimum effective concentration ’95). The timing of these steroid treatments is
for >90% masculinization) could be estimated to broadly in agreement with the histology-based
be approximately 40 mg of AI per kg body weight studies quoted above. Figure 4 summarizes the
per day for a 7 dph fish (assuming a body weight timings derived from these histological and ste-
of 10 mg and a daily food intake of 20% of body roid studies.
weight), declining to approximately 20 mg · kg–1 · The data presented here adds to the evidence
day–1 for a 35 dph fish (assuming a body weight for the role of sex steroids and aromatase in sex
of 75 mg and a daily food intake of 10% of body determination and differentiation in fish. Most

Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of chronology of ste- exogenous dietary steroids (MT = 17α-methyltestosterone;
roid levels (aRothbard et al., ’87—not to scale), visible go- DES = diethylstilbestrol; cMcAndrew, ’93; d,eMacintosh and
nadal differentiation at the histological level (bNakamura and Little, ’95; fMair et al., ’97) and AI treatment periods in ex-
Nagahama, ’85, ’89), effective periods for sex reversal using periments 2 and 3. See Discussion for further details.

previous studies on this in tilapia have focused while treatment in week 3 alone (which ends at
on the effects of a variety of steroids on this pro- 28 dph) did not significantly alter sex ratios. This
cess, as described in part above. Hines and Watts implies that the labile period for sex differentia-
(’95) showed that an anti-estrogen, Tamoxifen, tion, at least in terms of susceptibility to AI, ex-
could also cause masculinization in hybrid O. tends very close to or even beyond the end of the
niloticus × O. aureus fry. The effects of aromatase normal period of sexual differentiation as defined
inhibitors have not been studied before in O. by histological studies (Nakamura and Naga-
niloticus, but Fadrozole was shown to masculin- hama, ’85, ’89).
ize up to 22% of genetically female chinook It is still not clear what controls the start of
salmon, using immersion treatment (Piferrer et the process of sexual differentiation. Rothbard et
al., ’94). Lower concentrations of AI were shown al. (’87) demonstrated a continuous decline in sex
to interact with MT, in that a combined treatment steroid concentrations from the fertilized egg to
resulted in high rates of masculinization while fry at approximately 4 weeks post-fertilization,
separate AI or MT treatments at the same con- suggesting steroid metabolism in these stages. By
centrations did not. Piferrer et al. (’94) suggested the end of this period, the gonadal steroidogenic
that AI prevented aromatization of the MT. It cells are only just visible (Nakamura and Naga-
seems clear that aromatization of androgen in hama, ’85, ’89). It is thus likely that the andro-
early developmental stages plays a key role in sex gen which is normally aromatized during the first
determination in fish. week of exogenous feeding in genetic females (11–
Given that AI treatment in the third and fourth 17 dpf: Fig. 3) is of maternal origin.
weeks of exogenous feeding (21–35 dph) produced The membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum in
a mean of 93.6% males and that MT appears to steroidogenic cells in several tissues including
become ineffective when treatment is started later ovary, testis, and brain is known to be the major
than 17 dph (MacIntosh and Little, ’95), it seems aromatization site (Siberzahn et al., ’88; Pasmanik
unlikely that MT and AI treatment have equiva- and Callard, ’89). As aromatase activity appears
lent effects. MT treatment is likely to increase to be occurring in tilapia embryos before the de-
the androgen/estrogen ratio during sexual differ- velopment of gonadal steroidogenic cells, atten-
entiation but may also increase the actual estro- tion should be given to other tissues, such as the
gen concentration, as more substrate is being brain. In fact, it has been reported that the
supplied for the aromatase enzyme. AI treatment, aromatase activity in brain was 10 times higher
on the other hand, does not add any exogenous than that of ovary in adult goldfish, Carassius
steroids but may entirely block estrogen synthe- auratus (Pasmanik and Callard, ’88). Tchoudakova
sis during the treatment period and should re- and Callard (’98) identified different aromatases
sult in a higher androgen/estrogen ratio than MT in the brain and ovary of the goldfish. Francis
alone. AI treatment during weeks 3 and 4 had a (’92) suggested that, in fish, events in the brain
significant effect on sex ratio (mean 93.6% males), may determine the fate of the gonads. Accordingly,

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