A) OB Content Based IA

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1. Write relevance and importance of organizational behavior for managers.

2. Discuss in detail about historical development of organizational behavior.
3. Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary field of study originated from the other
behavioral sciences such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, social anthropology
and political science. Based on this premise, discuss in detail the contributions from these
fields of studies for development of OB.
4. Summary nature, relevance and implications of a) perception and attribution, b) personality,
c) work attitude
5. Borufen frequently talks about the talent and persistence of Ali Birra, a famous Ethiopian
Artist. Borufen likes and admires the artist, as well as he dresses shirts having the artist’s
picture or name. identify
A. Cognitive component of attitude
B. Affective/evaluative component of attitude
C. Behavioral of attitude.
6. Discuss stages of group formation and properties of group.
7. Write importance of values and differentiate between instrumental and terminal values.
8. Compare and contrast reinforcement and punishment in terms of
a. Purpose
b. Their type
9. Differentiate between work team and work group. Which one is getting more attention
nowadays? Why?
10. Discuss how learning differs from the other behavioral changes, about theories of learning
and their managerial implications.
11. Define motivation in your own words; identify keys elements of motivation and discuss
managerial implications of motivation.
12. What do you organizational commitment and elaborate components/dimensions of
organizational behavior.

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