CS341 Shell Assignment PDF

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CS 341 Assignment 1

Implementing a basic Shell

Due on 30 September 2017 (Saturday) 5:30 PM

No late submissions will be accepted. The assignment is group assignment. The groups that have
been made for CS 342 are valid for this assignment.

In the first week lectures, we have seen the system call interface that an Operating System provides to
the user programs to interact with the hardware resources. The objective of this assignment is to
familiarize you with the system calls and the interface.

In this assignment, you are required to implement a shell (or command line interpreter) in C. The shell
interface should provide the user a prompt after which he types in a command, and then the shell
creates a separate child process that executes the command. After execution, it prompts for more user
inputs until the user enters exit at the prompt. Your shell should be able to execute the following

Command Description
cd <directory_name> Changes current directory if user has appropriate permissions
ls Lists information about files I the current directory
rm Deletes indicated files. Supports options –r, -f, -v
history n Prints the most recent n commands issued by the numbers. If n is
omitted, prints all commands issued by the user.
issue n Issues the nth command in the history once again.
<program_name> Creates a child process to run <program_name>. Supports the
redirection operators > and < to redirect the input and ouput of the
program to indicated files.
exit Exits the shell

After implementing the basic shell that supports the above commands. You should add two advanced
features to the shell:

1. Design a new command that provides a useful facility. As an example, consider a command
rmexcept <list_of_files> which removes all files except those in <list_of_files> from
the current directory.

2. Support a command <program_name> m that creates a child process to execute

program_name, but aborts the process if it does not complete its operation in m seconds. (Hint: Use
an appropriate routine from the library to deliver a SIGALRM signal after m seconds, and use a signal
handler to perform appropriate actions.)
Grading related:

For this assignment you need to hand in the following:

 Your Source code and a Makefile for compiling your source code.

 A README file with documentation about your code. Give a brief overview on the overall
structure of your code and any other specific feature that you would like to highlight. Don’t miss
to mention the problems and bugs in your code (if any). It should also contain the details of the
team members in the beginning along with a brief description on the contribution of each of the
team member.
CS 341 Assignment 1

Pintos Project 2: User Programs

Due on 16 September 2016 (Friday)

No late submissions will be accepted. The assignment is group assignment.

Please go through the Pintos documentation and also visit CS 342 home page for installation guidelines.

Hand in the design document as per the Pintos documentation.

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